Maritime Forces Atlantic

The navy has held a historic and strategically important presence in Halifax since the founding of the Royal Naval Dockyard by the British in the mid-18th century. The city would later become home to Her Majesty’s Canadian Dockyard, the hub of the Royal Canadian Navy’s Atlantic Fleet.

As Halifax grew from a small military garrison to a thriving centre of Maritime prosperity, the military has also become one of Halifax’s largest employers.

Today, Maritime Forces Atlantic is a key contributor to marine security through its strategic location in Halifax, astride the major trading routes to and from Europe, the United States, South America, and all points of the globe for that matter. Enabling the readiness of the navy’s surface and submarine forces are the approximately 10 700 trained and experienced military and civilian personnel who form the Maritime Forces Atlantic defence team.

Further complementing the Formation’s efforts is the exceptional support of community and government partners, who help to ensure that the Royal Canadian Navy will forever be a strong thread that is woven into the social fabric of our maritime and regional experience.

No matter the challenge, Canadians can rest assured that their navy is ‘Ready, Aye, Ready’ to meet changing demands, emergency situations, and evolving threats to our sovereignty and security.

Maritime Forces Atlantic

Maritime Forces Atlantic


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