Your Navy Today - Volume 5 Issue 5

Your Navy Today

Your Navy Today is a monthly newsletter highlighting your Royal Canadian Navy’s current operations, stories about our sailors and historic naval heroes, new equipment and technology and the top photos and videos. Click here to subscribe to the monthly email.

Vice-Admiral Angus Topshee assumes Command of Royal Canadian Navy


Vice-Admiral (VAdm) Angus Topshee

Vice-Admiral (VAdm) Angus Topshee assumed the duties of Commander of the Royal Canadian Navy (CRCN) from VAdm Craig Baines on May 30, 2022, in a change of command ceremony held at Her Majesty’s Canadian Dockyard, Halifax. The ceremony was also live streamed over Facebook. VAdm Baines is retiring from the RCN after 35 years of service.

VAdm Topshee is the 38th CRCN. He has served in a variety of command and staff roles throughout his career, most recently as Commander Maritime Forces Pacific and Joint Task Force Pacific.

On May 16, Rear-Admiral Christopher Robinson assumed command of Maritime Forces Pacific and Joint Task Force Pacific from VAdm Topshee at a ceremony held at Canadian Forces Base Esquimalt, B.C.


CPO1 Thomas Lizotte (left), VAdm Angus Topshee and CPO1 David Steeves (right)

Finally, on June 2, Chief Petty Officer 1st Class (CPO1) Thomas Lizotte assumed the role of Command Chief Petty Officer of the RCN from CPO1 David Steeves, who is retiring after 33 years of service.

Operations Update

HMC Ships Harry DeWolf, Yellowknife and Saskatoon return from productive Op Caribbe


An RCN sailor drives HMCS Harry DeWolf’s multi-role rescue boat with members of the U.S. Coast Guard Law Enforcement Detachment on board, during Operation Caribbe.

Her Majesty’s Canadian Ships (HMCS) Harry DeWolf, Yellowknife and Saskatoon have had successful Op Caribbe deployments, seizing a combined total of 1,247 kg of cocaine.

Harry DeWolf returned to its home port of Halifax on May 29 from the operation, which is Canada’s participation in U.S.-led enhanced counter-narcotics operations in the Caribbean Sea and Eastern Pacific Ocean. The ship’s crew conducted two successful seizures in which 375 kg of cocaine were seized and destroyed.

HMC Ships Saskatoon and Yellowknife returned to their home port of Esquimalt on May 19 after responding to 21 cases of potential illicit activity, which resulted in a total of approximately 872 kg of cocaine being seized and destroyed.

While deployed, Harry DeWolf also participated in Exercise Tradewinds 2022, a ground, air, sea and cyber exercise focused on strengthening safety and security in the Caribbean region, with a focus on humanitarian aid and disaster relief.

As part of Tradewinds 2022, Harry DeWolf joined a multinational naval group to share and improve tactics and procedures for detecting, tracking, intercepting and boarding suspect vessels. 

RCN ships continue to operate with NATO forces on Operation Reassurance


HMCS Halifax sails in concert with allied ships as part of NATO Standing Maritime Group 1.

As part of the RCN’s commitment to Operation Reassurance, HMC Ships Halifax and Montréal continue to operate alongside NATO allies at sea. Halifax is currently operating in the North Atlantic and Northern European waters with Standing NATO Maritime Group 1, while Montréal continues to patrol the Mediterranean Sea with Standing NATO Maritime Group 2. 

HMCS Margaret Brooke conducts warm weather trials


HMCS Margaret Brooke during a transit in the Atlantic Ocean in preparation for trials.

In preparation to reach its full operational capabilities, HMCS Margaret Brooke set sail for the southeast coast of the United States to complete warm weather trials. In addition to these trials, the ship also conducted force generation training, including small arms drills and rescue operations.

HMCS Brandon trains with Army and Air Force off Vancouver Island 


HMCS Brandon assists with delivering soldiers from 39 Canadian Brigade Group to shore during Exercise Cougar Gauntlet.

From May 6 to 13, approximately 350 RCN, Canadian Army Reserve and Royal Canadian Air Force personnel participated in the 39 Canadian Brigade Group training event named Exercise Cougar Gauntlet. The exercise took place at the RCN’s sea cadet training centre, HMCS Quadra, located in Comox, B.C., as well as at 19 Wing Comox.

Activities took place throughout the day and night, culminating in simulated beach assaults on the mornings of May 11 and 12 on Air Force Beach.

The exercise brought together Canadian Armed Forces’ land, maritime and air personnel and equipment to execute naval transport, beach landings, platoon raids and withdrawal by small boats. The activities were intended to practise littoral operations and to familiarize Army personnel with select Navy and Air Force capabilities to improve future co-operation.

Top stories

Do you have a story to tell or know a sailor who does? Send us your story idea.

CPO1 Lyne Edmondson finds courage to be her true self


Chief Petty Officer 1st Class Lyne Edmondson

Chief Petty Officer 1st Class Lyne Edmondson knows not everyone has had the same positive experience she has had coming out as a transgender woman in the Canadian Armed Forces. She knows the Department of National Defence is not always a positive space. “But I know that we're also getting better,” she says. “We've got some ways to go, but we have also come a long way.”

New Mentorship Program for all is launched


The RCN launched its new Mentorship Program on May 26.

RCN sailors – Regular and Reserve Force – at all ranks and civilian employees at all levels now have a mentorship program to call their own.

At this stage, the RCN Mentorship Program consists of group sessions led by a subject matter expert on topics of interest to RCN Team members. These sessions will be available to all on Microsoft Teams.

Over 300 people attended the first session at the end of May. Based on feedback from that session, the topic of the next event is networking and work-life balance.

These group sessions will be held monthly and everyone is encouraged to actively participate, share their insights and ask questions. For more information, visit the Mentorship Program’s intranet page.

You are invited to attend the next group session:

  • Date: June 28
  • Time: Noon to 1:30 p.m. EST
  • Location: Microsoft Teams

New RCN pin marks progress toward command of a ship


The new bronze, silver and gold naval warfare officer pins.

Naval warfare officers are now eligible for a new pin that marks their progress toward command of a warship.

The badge recognizes sea-going service and progression towards command, based upon successful completion of specific qualifications and positions held within HMC ships and submarines. The three tiers of the badge are:

  • Bronze: Given when a bridge watch keeping certificate on board a commissioned warship is received;
  • Silver: Given to Regular Force members who are operations room officer qualified (with command development course completion), to submariners who have received their equivalent operations room officer qualification, or to Primary Reservists who are Orca-class officer-in-charge qualified; and
  • Gold: Given for command of a commissioned warship.

Personnel can apply for the badges through their divisional system.

Vital tool for RCN leaders: Updated Guide to Divisional System released

Personnel across the RCN can now access the updated Guide to the Divisional System on the RCN Intranet, available on the internal Defence computer system (DWAN) only.

The guide is a vital tool for leaders at all levels as it provides overarching direction for the care and custody of subordinates. Additionally, it helps people understand the structure at the very heart of the RCN, the Divisional System, and their role in it.

Read more news:


2022 Great Lakes Deployment sets sail


HMCS Oriole

The RCN’s Great Lakes Deployment 2022 is underway with planned visits to communities along the St. Lawrence Seaway and the Great Lakes, with HMC Ships Oriole (May 14 to August 31) and Glace Bay (June 24 to July 29) being this year’s ambassadors.

The deployment provides Canadians with a unique opportunity to tour one of Canada’s naval ships and to learn about life in the RCN from our sailors. It also provides a learning opportunity about the different trades and occupations open in the RCN, and to hear stories directly from sailors who have chosen a career at sea.

You can follow along with the journey or check out the planned port visits.

HMC Ships Margaret Brooke and Max Bernays officially named


HMCS Margaret Brooke and the future HMCS Max Bernays were officially named in a ceremony on May 29 attended by co-sponsor Ms. Allyson Brooke (left) and Commander Nicole Robichaud (right).

The RCN celebrated the official naming of HMC Ships Margaret Brooke and the future HMCS Max Bernays, ships two and three of the Navy’s six Arctic and Offshore Patrol Ships. The ceremony took place at Irving Shipbuilding’s Halifax shipyard on May 29.

HMCS Margaret Brooke was named by one of its co-sponsors, Ms. Allyson Brooke. Ms. Brooke is the niece of Lieutenant-Commander (LCdr) Margaret Brooke, after whom the ship is named. Her sister, Ms. Margaret Elizabeth Brooke, is co-sponsor. LCdr Brooke was a Nursing Sister and Canadian hero who was decorated for gallantry during the Second World War.

The future HMCS Max Bernays was named by Ms. Shannon Bernays. Ms. Bernays is the granddaughter of Chief Petty Officer Max Bernays, a Canadian naval hero who served as the Coxswain of HMCS Assiniboine during the Second World War’s Battle of the Atlantic.

The appointment of the ship’s sponsor is a long and storied naval tradition. As part of the naming ceremony for both ships, the sponsors each broke a bottle of Canadian traditional method sparkling wine over the bow of their ship.

National Moose Hide Campaign Day 

May 12 was the National Moose Hide Campaign Day, an Indigenous-led grassroots movement of men, boys and Canadians – standing up to end violence against women, children and Two-Spirit people.

The event started 11 years ago with a small gathering of men and boys intent on raising awareness of the crisis of violence against Indigenous woman, children and Two-Spirit people, and has become a national ceremony inviting all Canadians to join together to support this campaign.

Members of the Defence community participated at events nation-wide, with the goal of reflecting and learning more about the Moose Hide Campaign.  

WRCNS 80th anniversary: Call for stories

With the 80th anniversary of the inception of the Women’s Royal Canadian Naval Service (WRCNS) approaching on July 31, Canadians are invited to share their stories about a friend or family member who served in the WRCNS. Submissions may be published on the RCN’s website and social media accounts. Please include high resolution, scanned photos if available, as well as your name and contact information.

2022 Navy Bike Ride – Riding Together as One Navy Strong

The 2022 Navy Bike Ride team is looking forward to another year of exciting rides and challenges. This year’s virtual event will take place from June 12 to August 7. Cyclists of any age and ability from across Canada are invited to register. Upon registering, you complete 28 rides with the option to join the premium Admiral’s Ride challenge.  Your rides support the recovery, rehabilitation and reintegration of members with physical and/or mental health illness or injury and contribute to building family resilience. Ready to ride? Head to our official Race Roster page and sign up now. 



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