Your Navy Today - Volume 3 Issue 6

Your Navy Today is a monthly newsletter highlighting your Royal Canadian Navy’s current Operations, stories about our sailors and historic naval heroes, new equipment and technology and the top photos and videos. Click here to subscribe to the monthly email.

HMCS Fredericton conducts a final sail-past at the close of DYNAMIC MONGOOSE 2020.
Her Majesty’s Canadian Ship (HMCS) Fredericton returned on July 28 to a virtual welcome home, after completing its six-month rotation overseas on Op REASSURANCE.
HMCS Fredericton began its deployment as a member of Standing NATO Maritime Group 2 (SNMG 2), supporting NATO assurance and deterrence measures in the Mediterranean region by conducting security patrols and participating in cooperative engagements such as DYNAMIC MANTA 20 aiming to improve interoperability with allies and increase proficiency in anti-submarine and anti-surface warfare skills.
On May 16, Fredericton chopped out of SNMG 2 and joined SNMG 1 and participated in BALTOPS 2020 from June 7 to 16. BALTOPS 2020 brought together NATO allies and partner nations to participate in a variety of training serials focused on air defence, anti-submarine warfare, maritime interdiction and mine countermeasure operations. Then, off the coast of Iceland, Fredericton participated in DYNAMIC MONGOOSE 2020, an anti-submarine and anti-surface warfare serial focused on improving interoperability within NATO forces.
Fredericton’s deployment was particularly impressive given the significant precautions that were required for COVID-19 prevention, and the resiliency they demonstrated while carrying on with their mission following the tragic loss of six shipmates in the crash of their Cyclone helicopter, call sign Stalker 22. We will not forget Master Corporal Matthew Cousins, Sub-Lieutenant Abbigail Cowbrough, Captain Kevin Hagen, Captain Brenden Ian MacDonald, Captain Maxime Miron-Morin, and Sub-Lieutenant Matthew Pyke.
In an outpouring of support, virtual welcome home messages were sent out on social media channels across Canada, greeting the sailors on their return to Halifax.

Friends and family wave Canadian flags as HMCS Toronto departs Halifax Harbour.
HMCS Toronto departed Halifax on July 25 to commence its six-month rotation overseas on Op REASSURANCE. Due to COVID-19 precautions and restrictions, a “virtual” departure ceremony was held, and the ship conducted a sail-past from the Bedford Basin and along the Halifax waterfront providing friends and families the opportunity to bid a farewell to their loved ones.
Toronto’s deployment is part of a range of activities undertaken by the Canadian Armed Forces to support NATO assurance and deterrence measures in Central and Eastern Europe. Canada has deployed a Halifax-class frigate on a persistent rotation since 2014 to conduct interoperability training and operational tasks including surveillance and monitoring.
This is the third time that HMCS Toronto has deployed on Op REASSURANCE.

Future HMCS Harry DeWolf during sea trials on July 10.
HMCS Harry DeWolf underwent sea trials in July in a lead up to a major milestone being met for the National Shipbuilding Strategy, the delivery of the first of six Arctic and Offshore Patrol Ships on July 31.
The Arctic and Offshore Patrol Ships will provide the Royal Canadian Navy (RCN) and the Canadian Armed Forces increased flexibility conducting presence and surveillance operations throughout Canada’s waters including in the Arctic and increases the RCN’s ability to provide humanitarian assistance and emergency response or disaster relief domestically and internationally.

HMCS Regina departs for RIMPAC 2020 from Esquimalt Harbour on July 31.
HMC Ships Regina and Winnipeg departed Esquimalt Harbour on July 31 and August 2 respectively to begin their journey to the Hawaiian coast. The ships, with an embarked Cyclone air detachment, will be Canada’s representatives this year at RIMPAC 2020, as the largest international and multi-environment exercise has been re-scaled in response to health and safety concerns posed by COVID-19. The exercise is scheduled to run from August 17 to 31.
The Asia-Pacific is a region of increasing importance to Canada in terms of our prosperity and security. Canada’s participation in RIMPAC is a strong example of the Canadian Armed Forces’ longstanding commitment to peace and stability in the region.

Throughout 2020 the Royal Canadian Navy will commemorate the 75th anniversary of the end of the Battle of the Atlantic.

OS Fraser McKee with family members.
I sailed one passage in a destroyer from Halifax to Cornwallis, N.S., in a February gale. I thought we were done for when the alarm bells went off due to a short circuit. My only feeling was “well, we’re all going to drown for sure, but that’s the chance you take. My poor mother – my father away for four years fighting in Italy and I’m drowned at sea!”

Capt(N) Seana Routledge becomes the first female Naval Technical Officer to reach the rank of Captain (Navy).
The first woman to achieve the rank of Captain (Navy) (Capt(N)) as a Naval Technical Officer in the RCN sees a bright future for those pursuing science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) careers in the service.
“Technology will continually evolve, providing never-ending opportunities for those in STEM for years to come, particularly in the area of shipbuilding and in-service support,” says Capt(N) Seana Routledge, Deputy Project Manager – Transition in the Canadian Surface Combatant Project Management Office.
“We need innovators as we move toward the future, and those in STEM can play a pivotal role in advancing innovation in the RCN.”
Capt(N) Routledge believes that strong solutions can be developed when there is a diverse group of people around the table collaboratively working on problems.

RCN sailors participating in the Naval Training System during Phase 1 of the four-phase re-opening plan.
Training for military members has started up with a gradual, phased re-opening of facilities across the country.
The RCN, through the Naval Personnel and Training Group (NPTG), has reactivated its Naval Training System in the first of a four-phase, conditions-based restart plan in accordance with public health guidelines.
“The restart of naval training is predicated on a set of deliberately selected and approved preconditions that places a premium on protecting the health of Defence Team members and civilian employees,” said Capt(N) Jason Boyd, Commander of NPTG.
The four-phase re-opening plan was announced following direction from the Chief of the Defence Staff on June 1. It was developed under the parameters of a COVID-19 persistent operating environment, coupled with the training system’s mandate to support fleet readiness and RCN force generation.

Casualty clearance team members aboard HMCS Whitehorse conduct emergency CPR training.
An increasing number of Naval Reservists are filling important roles employed both domestically and out-of-country, under training or on exercise. While injuries are infrequent, they can and do happen. Due to a higher ops tempo, NAVRES is now seeing a corresponding growth in the number of personnel who sustain injuries while in service.
NAVRES is also aware of a rise in reports concerning Naval Reservists encountering difficulties receiving post-injury treatment sustained from Class B or C service. Members returning to Class A service or to full civilian life needing medical follow-up can face challenges due to the change of the nature of their service from full to part-time. This article will help you navigate some of the common problems encountered by reservists when seeking medical care.

MS Robert Weston receives his Sailor of the Quarter certificate from Cmdre Richard Feltham (left), Commander Canadian Fleet Antlantic, and Fleet Chief CPO1 Darcy Burd.
Meet Master Seaman Robert Weston. He was Maritime Forces Atlantic’s Sailor of the Quarter for his hard work and dedication as the Information Systems Administrator aboard HMCS St. John’s during the uncertain period following the outbreak of COVID-19.

LS Cindy Veilleux
Meet Leading Seaman Cindy Veilleux. For the last year, she has travelled with a Calgary Flames jersey neatly folded in her duffle bag in memory of her friend and brother in arms, Private Steven Marshall.

There is still time to register and participate in this year’s Navy Bike Ride: Battle of the Atlantic Challenge. Until August 30, participants are invited to register and participate in the FREE virtual challenge.
With approximately 15,000 rides logged so far, our goal of 25,000 rides by the end of the challenge is within reach. Don’t miss out on your opportunity to participate in this fun charity event, raising money for the Royal Canadian Naval Benevolent Fund and Support Our Troops. Together we will make waves, together we will ride!
Registration is free and can be completed via our website.
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