Our Navy Today - Volume 6 Issue 4
Operations forecast
HMCS Edmonton makes drug bust before returning home

A sailor from His Majesty’s Canadian Ship Edmonton and two U.S. Coast Guard Law Enforcement Detachment members investigate suspected jettisoned contraband while HMCS Edmonton searches the jettison field on April 8, 2023, following a successful interdiction.
His Majesty's Canadian Ship (HMCS) Edmonton returned to Esquimalt, B.C., on April 28 after more than 10 weeks deployed on Operation Caribbe. Edmonton sailors worked closely with the United States and Mexico to strengthen the countries' security relationships through training and combined operations.
On April 8, HMCS Edmonton, in partnership with two United States Coast Guard Ships, intercepted a drug smuggling vessel, seizing large quantities of narcotics off the coast of Mexico. The seized narcotics are estimated to be 755 kilograms of cocaine, with an estimated Canadian street value of $49.5 million.
HMCS Montréal enroute to Indo-Pacific

Sailors aboard HMCS Montréal conduct a replenishment at sea.
After departing Halifax on March 26, HMCS Montréal is heading for Port Klang, Malaysia, as it makes its way to the Indo-Pacific region.
After entering the Mediterranean sea, the crew met up with HMCS Fredericton in Souda Bay, Greece, where they stretched their legs with a softball game.
During its deployment Montréal will be supported by Naval Replenishment Unit (NRU) Asterix.
The deployment delivers on Canada's commitment to increase its annual naval deployments in the region from two to three frigates.
HMCS Fredericton continues security patrols on Op Reassurance

Sailors aboard HMCS Fredericton inspect their Self-contained Breathing Apparatuses while on Op Reassurance.
After a logistics stop in Souda Bay, Greece, where HMCS Montréal and NRU Asterix were already alongside, HMCS Fredericton began patrols in the East Mediterranean on April 16th as part of Standing NATO Maritime Group Two, which is supporting NATO’s assurance and deterrence measures in Central and Eastern Europe.
Top stories
The Future HMCS William Hall named

Left to right Vice Admiral Angus Topshee, Commander of the Royal Canadian Navy, Three individuals, Honourable Anita Anand, Minister of National Defense, Superintendent Mr. Craig Gibson (ret’d) sponsor of the future HMCS William Hall, Mr. James K. Irving, Mr. Dirk Lesko, President of Irving Shipbuilding, and Commander Commander Scott Kelemen, gather for a photo infant of the newly named HMCS William Hall during the naming ceremony for the future HMCS William Hall, Irving Shipyard Halifax Nova Scotia, on April 28th 2023.
The official Naming Ceremony of the future HMCS William Hall, the fourth Arctic and Offshore Patrol Ship (AOPS) being built at the Halifax Shipyard for the Royal Canadian Navy (RCN), took place April 28.
The ship was officially named in a ceremony with the Ships Sponsor, Chief Superintendent Craig Gibson (Ret’d) of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, who was the first Black person to be promoted to the rank of Chief Superintendent as the Commanding Officer for “L” Division, Prince Edward Island. Gibson is also the first male to ever be appointed Sponsor for an HMC Ship. Gibson was raised in Gibson Woods, a small Black community where descendants of William Hall settled as Black Loyalists.
The son of former American slaves, William Hall was the first Black person, the first Nova Scotian and one of the first Canadians to receive the British Empire’s highest award for bravery, the Victoria Cross, for his bravery during the Seige of Lucknow during the Indian Rebellion of 1857.
“Conditions were harrowing,” said the Honourable Anita Anand, Minister of National Defence, at the ceremony. “Somehow managing to evade the barrage of enemy fire as their friends and shipmates fell all around them, in the end—of His Majesty’s Ship Shannon crew—only Hall and another officer were left standing.”
Volunteer Reserve sailors altered course of Battle of the Atlantic

Depth charges explode astern of HMCS Ottawa (H31) during trials.
Throughout the Second World War, the Royal Canadian Naval Volunteer Reserve (RCNVR) was the backbone of the RCN, providing recruits from across Canada, including those in land-locked communities far from its three oceans.
Its worth was demonstrated in 1939 at the onset of the Second World War, when it was used to recruit and build much of Canada’s wartime navy. By the end of the war, Canada had one of the largest navies in the world with nearly 100,000 serving members, most of whom were members of the RCNVR.
The Battle of the Atlantic, fought largely by reservists, was the longest continuous battle of the Second World War and one in which Canada and the RCNVR played a central role. The battle began on the opening day of the war in September 1939 and ended almost six years later with Germany’s surrender in May 1945.
After 43 years of service, it’s the people

CPO2 Jeffrey Gourlay
Joining the Reserves as a summer job in his teens, Chief Petty Officer 2nd Class (CPO2) Jeffrey Gourlay is proud of his contributions to the Navy across his four decades of service. Highlights include his time as Chief Engineer of then HMCS Moncton, serving as coxswain with HMCS Prevost and being a member of the commissioning crew for three different ships.
“Working with other people through challenges is a challenge in itself. I’ve had friends for over 40 years that are from the Navy. I’m still in touch with them,” he said. “A huge part of the job is the great people.”
Navy Bike Ride returns in-person this June

The Navy Bike Ride will be back in-person this year! Ride dates:
- Halifax: June 3
- Ottawa: June 17
- Québec City: June 3
- Colwood: June 3
Part II of RCN Mentorship Program session to discuss psychological safety
Join Commander Stephen Churm and CPO2 Susy Johnson, Naval Reserve Special Advisor Workplace Relations, for part two of an exploration in cognitive diversity, influencing culture change, promoting trauma informed person-centred approaches, and ally ship.
Sailors – Regular and Reserve Force – at all ranks and civilian employees at all levels are invited.
- Date: Wednesday, May 10th
- Time: Noon to 1:30 p.m. EST
- Location: Microsoft Teams
For more information, visit the Mentorship Program’s intranet page.
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