Canada supports a sustainable future through $20 million investment to advance sustainable forests internationally


On September 27, the Honourable Jonathan Wilkinson, Canada’s Minister of Energy and Natural Resources, announced an investment of over $20 million in support of initiatives that advance sustainable forest policy by sharing expertise and forest stewardship assistance globally. Through Canada’s Global Forest Leadership Program and International Model Forest Network, these investments will include support for forest-related actions that contribute to global climate and biodiversity goals, including as they relate to sustainable forest management, the bioeconomy, wildland fire management; and decreasing market barriers for sustainable forest products.   

Global Forest Leadership Program – Funded projects

Sourced from Budget 2023, this investment of $3,828,500 for 16 projects under Canada’s Global Forest Leadership Program supports activities that will help advance international forest policy, including on climate, biodiversity, sustainable forest management, the bioeconomy, and wildland fire management, and strengthening partnerships with like-minded organizations and countries by sharing expertise and forest stewardship assistance.

Project: Expanding Reliable Carbon Emissions Reporting Tools: Moja Global: Full Lands Integration Tool (FLINT) 
Recipient: FSC Investments & Partnerships (FSC I&P)
Location: Global
Funding: $1,200,000
Description: This project will support Moja Global in the development and scaling up of implementation of the new Full Lands Integration Tool (FLINT) software at the international level. FLINTs open-source software is based on new technology that is modular and flexible; allowing for spatially explicit analyses of land sector carbon dynamics informed by new remote sensing data products. Growing FLINT will also decrease barriers for access to more comprehensive and consistent projections of emissions and removals associated with a wide range of forest management practices, types, and events (natural disturbances). 

Project: Support to international emergency response on wildland fire management
Recipient: Canadian Interagency Forest Fire Centre (CIFFC)
Location: Global
Funding: $400,000
Description: The objectives of this project are to: pre-purchase firefighting equipment for rapid deployment abroad in international wildfire emergencies; facilitate assessment team deployments to other countries and to strengthen partnerships for efficient international response; and maintain a strategic inventory of firefighting equipment to address future international wildfire emergencies.

Project: Enabling implementation of the United Nations Strategic Plan for Forests: United Nations Forum on Forests (UNFF) Secretariat Trust Fund  
Recipient: United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs Programme  
Location: Global
Funding: $250,000
Description: This project will support UNFF Secretariat in carrying out its mandate to support promotion of sustainable forest management, including administration of the Forum trust fund consistent with guidance provided by the Forum, including regular reporting. The funding provided will support activities related to forest monitoring and reporting as well as communications about the activities and progress of the Forum in implementing the United Nations Strategic Plan for Forests.

Project: Contributing to the Sustainable Management and Trade of Tropical Forests:The International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO) – International Tropical Timber Agreement (ITTA)
Recipient: ITTO (International Tropical Timber Organization)
Location: Global
Funding: $180,000
Description: The International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO) is an international organization that provides a unique framework for cooperation between tropical timber producers and consumers. It promotes the sustainable management and conservation of tropical forests and the expansion and diversification of international trade in tropical timber from sustainably managed and legally harvested forests. Canada’s contribution through this project will support ITTO to develop policy guidelines and norms to encourage sustainable forest management (SFM) and sustainable tropical timber industries and trade; assists tropical member countries to adapt and implement such guidelines to local circumstances; collect, analyze and disseminate data on the production and trade of tropical timber; and promote sustainable tropical timber supply chains, conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity.

Project: Communicating the Value of Urban Tree Policy Action for Climate and SDGs
Recipient: United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE)
Location: UNECE Region
Funding: $40,000
Description: The objective of this project is to sstrengthen the implementation of the UNECE “Trees in Cities Challenge” and further support UNECE member States to integrate the urban trees and forests as nature-based solutions into their national and local plans.

Project: Increasing Knowledge about Northern Forests
United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE)  
Location: UNECE Region
Funding: $100,000
Description: The objective of the proposed project is to enhance data, knowledge and awareness of Northern Forests among policymakers in the UNECE region and global processes. Northern Forests under study will be boreal and temperate forests within the UNECE region including those in Canada.

Project:  Northern Europe Regional Network – Oborniki Model Forest
Recipient: Lasy Panstwowe Nadlesnictwo Oborniki - Oborniki Forest District
Location:  Dabrówka Lesna, Poland
Funding: $50,700
Description: Under this project, the organization will strengthen local and regional collaboration on knowledge exchange between model forests of the Northern Europe. The organization will also create space for local dialogue to assess implementation the current Oborniki Model Forest strategic plan and its renewal while amplifying local voices through both events and video production.

Project: Canadian Model Forest Network – Prince Albert Model Forest
Recipient: Prince Albert Model Forest Association Inc.
Location: Prince Albert, Saskatchewan
Funding: $60,000
Description: Under this project, the organization will participate in the Water -Energy -Food -Forest (WEFF) Nexus Forum, and under this new approach of natural resource management will evaluate sustainable forest management and policy implications for the Prince Albert Model Forest region. The organization will also increase collaboration between Canadian and Latin American model forests in Chile and Guatemala to promote the model forest approach and the International Model Forest Network.

Project: Northern Europe Regional Network- River Helge  – River Helge Å Model Forest
Recipient: Helge Å Model Forest Ideell Forening
Location: National (Sweden) via Dalby, Sweden
Funding: $30,000
Description: Under this project, the organization will document and promote model forest experiences in Sweden. The organization will also exchange experiences with Northern European Model Forests to raise awareness of international forest policy trends and promote forest management approaches that respond to changing expectations in the international marketplace.

Project: Canadian Model Forest Network  -  Canadian Institute of Forestry/Institut forestier du Canada – FY2023/2024
Recipient: Canadian Institute of Forestry/Institut forestier du Canada (CIF/IFC)
Location: National (Canada) via Mattawa, Ontario
Funding: $98,900
Description: Under this project, the organization will generate knowledge-sharing opportunities and develop educational and outreach resources, with a focus on best practices in sustainable forest management. The organization will also provide leadership in bringing together Model Forests in Canada, to offer an avenue for sharing knowledge and best practices in sustainable forest management on a pan-Canadian scale.

Project: Eastern Ontario Model Forest  -  Ontario Woodlot Association
Recipient: Ontario Woodlot Association (OWA)
Location: Global via Kemptville, Ontario
Funding: $400,000
Description: Under This project, the organization will plan and deliver the 2025 International Model Forest Network (IMFN) global forum and assembly at suitable venues and field sites within the Greater Ottawa Region's Eastern Ontario Model Forest. The organization will also enable extensive and diverse communications opportunities before, during and after the delivery of the forum and assembly.

Project: Canadian Model Forest Network – Fundy Model Forest
Recipient: Fundy Model Forest Inc.
Location: Lower Cove, New Brunswick
Funding: $120,000
Description: Under this project, the organization will strengthen governance, partnership and collaboration in the Acadian Forest Region, addressing climate change and sustainable forest management. The organization will also develop workshops and conferences while refreshing their website and social media presence to promote the Model Forest approach to sustainable natural resources management.

Project: Canadian Model Forest Network - Canadian Institute of Forestry/Institut forestier du Canada FY2024-2025
Recipient: Canadian Institute of Forestry/Institut forestier du Canada (CIF/IFC)
Location: Canada (national) via Mattawa, Ontario  
Funding: $200,000
Description: Under this project, the organization will share knowledge and best practices in sustainable forest management through the Model Forest approach and Canada’s Model Forests. The organization will also create awareness regarding Model Forests to audiences beyond the forest and natural resource sectors.

Project:  Northern Europe Model Forest Network – European Forest Institute
Recipient: European Forest Institute (EFI)
Location: European & Scandinavian regions via Joensuu, Finland
Funding: $98,900
Description: Under this project, the organization will foster policy and program collaboration on integrated forest management between the International Model Forest Network in Canada, the Model Forests of Northern Europe and the Proponent’s ongoing Integrate Network’s activities in Europe. The organization will also use exchange mechanisms, alignment of common networking platforms, workshops, and scoping activities to highlight approaches to integrate both management and biodiversity protection objectives in sustainable forest management strategies and practices.

Project:  Secrétariat du Réseau africain de Forêts Modèles (SRAFM)
Location: Africa region via Yaoundé, Cameroon
Funding: $100,000
Description: Under this project, the organization will revitalize the governance basis of the African Model Forest Network through networking and lessons learned development, communication, resource mobilization and through active regional extensions in other African countries. The organization will also promote eco-agriculture, with a focus on the use of biofertilizers to stimulate the green social economy of local communities.

Project: Mediterranean Model Forest Network Secretariat
Recipient: Regione Toscana
Location: Mediterranean region via Italy
Funding: $500,000
Description: Under this project, the organization will provide support for Mediterranean Model Forest members to participate in a series of international meetings with forestry as the main theme. The organization will also increase collaboration between official development assistance (ODA) eligible and non-ODA Model Forest countries through discussions of innovative forest approaches and future regional initiatives.

International Model Forest Network – IMFN Climate projects

Following Canada’s announcement at the COP15 (Conference of the Parties), today’s announcement identifies $16,743,923 for 15 climate finance projects, delivered through the International Model Forest Network in developing countries in Latin America, Africa and Asia.  This investment will support efforts to scale up forest and landscape restoration, which is an essential component to climate mitigation and adaptation. Projects will enable inclusive landscape governance and equip the next generation of forest leaders to address the twin crises of climate change and biodiversity loss.

Project:  International Model Forest Network – Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR)
Recipient: Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR)
Location: Global via Bogor, Indonesia
Funding: $2,000,000
Description: Under this project, the organization will harvest lessons learned on sustainable forest management (SFM) and mainstream the model forest approach into formal and informal curriculum design. The organization will also cultivate leadership in forestry students, practitioners and young professionals through landscape-level leadership and amplifying local and regional voices in global discourse.

Project: Latin American Model Forest Network - EcoAgriculture International Inc. (EcoAg)
Recipient: EcoAgriculture International Inc. (EcoAg)
Location: Latin America region via Oakton, United States
Funding: $1,403,637
Description: Under this project the organization will strengthen leaders’ capacities to improve forest landscape resilience through the practice of inclusive integrated landscape management and integrated landscape finance in Latin America. The organization will also collaborate with forest leaders in Model Forest networks to facilitate knowledge and information sharing.

Project:  International Model Forest Network – International Union of Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN)Recipient:  International Union of Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN)Location: Global via Gland, Switzerland
Funding: $1,499,658
Description: Under this project, the organization will enhance Model Forest experiences and impacts on restoration target-setting, planning, delivery and monitoring. The organization will also enhance visibility and amplify restoration impact through expertise sharing and ramping up the visibility of these efforts.

Project: Latin American Model Forest Network – World Resources Institute
Recipient: World Resources Institute (WRI)
Location: Latin America region via Washington, DC, United States
Funding: $1,328,800
Description: Under this project, the organization will increase the capacity of monitoring and track impacts of forest landscape restoration (FLR)-policies and activities to achieve international commitments of Latin American countries, under a gender and sensitive inclusive approach. The organization will also provide technical assistance and training in geospatial data and geographic information systems (GIS) to improve monitoring and reporting.

Project: Risaralda Model Forest - Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira
Recipient:  Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira (UTP)Location: Pereira, Colombia
Funding: $300,000
Description: Under this project the organization will strengthen the restoration, governance, leadership, and inclusion in degraded landscapes, and communities in the Risaralda Model Forest area. The organization will also facilitate participation in citizen science, landscape restoration and sustainable natural resources management activities, as well as knowledge exchange and development.

Project: Mediterranean Model Forest Network - Associazione Foresta Modello delle Montagne Fiorentine
Recipient:  Associazione Foresta Modello delle Montagne Fiorentine (AFMMF)Location: Mediterranean region via Londa, Italy
Funding: $250,000
Description: Under this project, the organization will implement forest landscape restoration (FLR) activities in the Model Forests of Morocco and other official development assistance eligible countries in the Mediterranean basin. The organization will also promote environmental education and knowledge exchange in implementing best management practices in landscape restoration and governance, working with accessibility, inclusion and digital education.

Project: Latin American Model Forest Network - Fundación para la Conservación del Bosque Chiquitano
Recipient: Fundación para la Conservación del Bosque Chiquitano (FCBC)
Location: Santa Cruz, Bolivia
Funding: $600,000
Description: Under this project, the organization will increase the capacities of indigenous women in forest landscape management of the Chiquitano Model Forest. The organization will also advance the sustainable use of agro-biodiversity to improve social-ecological resilience to the impacts of climate change.

Project: African Model Forest Network - Université Laval
Recipient: Université Laval
Location: Africa region via Quebec City, Quebec
Funding: $3,000,000
Description: Under this project, the organization will build the capacity of young Africans, particularly women, by training highly qualified individuals in forest landscape restoration and working with local African collaborating researchers to conduct research in the field of sustainable forest management and global forest governance. The organization will also develop and consolidate sustainable partnerships between model forests, universities and research centers in Canada and Africa, while promoting Canada's leadership in the forest sector at national and international forums and conferences.

Project: Regional Model Forest Network Asia– Regional Community Forestry Training Center for Asia and The Pacific
Recipient: Regional Community Forestry Training Center for Asia and The Pacific (RECOFTC)
Location: Asia region via Bangkok, Thailand
Funding: $1,974,000
Description: Under this project the organization will strengthen Asia’s regional Model Forest network and its Model Forests’ role to employ nature-based solutions for resilient landscapes and peoples. The organization will also apply innovative learning interventions to advance the Model Forest approach to build climate resilience and promote a fair share of benefits to local communities.

Project:  Latin American Model Forest Network – Centro Agronómico Tropical de Investigación y Enseñanza
Recipient: Centro Agronómico Tropical de Investigación y Enseñanza (CATIE)
Location: Latin America region via Turrialba, Costa Rica
Funding: $2,987,834
Description: Under this project, the organization will provide leadership training through master's scholarships at their institution with research theses for participants within the Latin American Model Forest Network. The organization will also provide technical assistance, training, development and publications while also establishing a demonstration area for the restoration of forest landscapes on the Proponent’s campus.

Project:  Latin American Model Forest Network - Cooperativa Agraria de Mujeres Productoras de Cafe-Pichanaki
Recipient: Cooperativa Agraria de Mujeres Productoras de Cafe-Pichanaki (CAMPC)
Location: Pichanaqui, Peru
Funding: $150,000
Description: Under this project, the organization will implement bamboo agroforestry systems in micro-watersheds of Peru’s Pichanaki Model Forest towards the restoration of degraded ecosystems. The organization will also strengthen capacities in ecosystem restoration within watershed management committees, women leaders and youth.

Project:  - Mediterranean Model Forest Network Secretariat  
Recipient: Regione Toscana  
Location: Mediterranean region via Italy
Approved funding: $500,000
Description: Under this project the organization will promote place-based forest restoration activities in multiple official development assistance eligible countries of the Mediterranean basin. The organization will provide restoration technical support, fellowships and develop a web-based platform to prioritize and monitor areas for restoration within the Mediterranean Model Forest Network.

Project:   Latin American Model Forest Network - ECOA
Recipient: ECOA - Ecologica e AçãoLocation: Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil
Funding: $299,996
Description: Under this project the organization will support the recovery of degraded landscapes, pasturelands and strengthen agroforestry initiatives in the Pantanal Model Forest. The organization will also develop an integrated fire management plan within the forested landscapes of the world’s largest tropical wetland, enabling people to use wildfire as a tool of landscape management and protection.

Project:  Latin American Model Forest Network - Instituto Rupestris de Inovação Ambiental em Recuperação, Conservação e Biotecnologias
Recipient:  Instituto Rupestris de Inovação Ambiental em Recuperação, Conservação e Biotecnologias (IRPS)
Location: Minas Gerais, Brazil
Funding: $150,000
Description: Under this project, the organization will promote environmental restoration, sustainable land use, alternative income generation and social inclusion, through the implementation of agroforestry systems in Brazil’s Mata Atlântica Model Forest. The organization will also establish a network of native and fruit seed and seedlings production as a replicable model of conservation networks and green production.

Project:  Latin American Model Forest Network - Fundação José Silveira
Recipient: Fundação José Silveira  (FJS)
Location: Salvador, Brazil
Funding: $299,998
Description: Under this project, the organization will undertake forest restoration, seed collection and sapling production training, socio-environmental education, and formation of forest leaders. The organization will also provide restoration and training, promote environmental sustainability and the development of local communities in Brazil’s Hileia Baiana Model Forest.

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