PS Serré to Announce Investments in Caribou Habitat Conservation

Media advisory

Ottawa — Marc G. Serré, Parliamentary Secretary to the Honourable Seamus O’Regan Jr., Minister of Natural Resources, will announce investments in caribou habitat conservation in Abitibi-Témiscamingue.

A media availability will follow.

Date:                   August 11, 2021

Time:                  11:15 a.m. EDT

Location:           Minawasi Community Centre

                             170 Tom Rankin Road

                             Amos, Quebec J9T 3A3

Accredited media are asked to pre-register to participate in person by contacting Natural Resources Canada media relations at

Notes: Those who wish to attend are asked to respect the social distancing practices outlined by the Public Health Agency of Canada. Keep two metres apart from others. Wearing a face mask is required.

As per current public health guidance, please do not attend the event if you are feeling unwell or experiencing any symptoms of COVID-19. 


Media Relations
Natural Resources Canada


Ian Cameron
Acting Director of Communications 
Office of the Minister of Natural Resources


Follow us on Twitter: @NRCan (

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