André Provencher

Member (Montreal, Quebec)

André Provencher

André Provencher is a veteran of media management, having held senior positions in television, publishing, radio, and digital media, primarily with major media groups such as TVA and Gesca, as well as Télé-Québec, Cogeco, Télémédia, and Coscient.

His distinguished career has included remarkable achievements in shaping corporate strategy and financial results. Under his stewardship, TVA gained its highest market share in 30 years and implemented a major brand repositioning. As a producer, he founded La Presse Télé and presided over the creation of multiple hit TV series, including Les Parent, which was sold to more than 20 countries. As a newspaper publisher, he orchestrated the transformation of the dailies Le Nouvelliste and Le Soleil and paved the way for their transition to digital.

An astute administrator and strategist, Provencher oversaw implementation of the Fonds Capital Culture Québec and was head of international development and creation at Quebecor Content. Since 2016, he’s worked as an expert consultant to the creative industries.

Certified as an Administrateur de Sociétés (corporate director), he has also completed postgraduate studies in public administration. He’s sat on several boards of directors, including those of the World Association of Newspapers, the Canada Television and Cable Production Fund, TV5 Québec-Canada, the Association des producteurs de films et de télévision du Québec, the Institut national de l’image et du son, the Fondation de la Place des Arts, the Domaine Forget, Horizon Charlevoix, and private companies Vivavision, Sarbakan, and Alliance Vivafilm.

André Provencher is the recipient of numerous awards and distinctions, among them the Queen’s Silver Jubilee Medal, the Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières Prize, and the Raphaël Prize from the Séminaire de Nicolet, along with multiple Gémeaux and CanPro awards.

Born in Baie-du-Febvre, Quebec, he lives in Montreal with his wife, Rachel Martinez, and their three children, Paul, Bruno, and François.

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