The Plains of Abraham in the heart of the Grand Prix Cycliste de Québec

News release

 September 5, 2018 – Québec – The National Battlefields Commission              

For a 9th consecutive year, the National Battlefields Commission (NBC) is pleased to welcome the Grand Prix Cycliste de Québec to the Plains of Abraham, Friday September 7. As a backdrop to this international calibre competition, this exceptional rallying site in Québec City is sure to delight elite cyclists, their supporters, and spectators from around the world!


" It is an honor to be a part of the host sites of this world-class competition. May this partnership between our two organizations be a long-lasting one. Welcome and good luck to all cyclists! "

– Michèle Gagné, Secretary-Director General of the National Battlefields Commission.

Quick facts

  • Following the example of the 4 million visitors welcomed annually at the park, the world of elite cycling converges on Québec City to race along a circuit that largely includes Canada’s first national historic park, the Battlefields Park.

  • The NBC invites families and sports enthusiasts to take advantage of their presence on the Plains to explore history at the Plains of Abraham Museum (835 Wilfrid-Laurier Avenue) and see the Battles | 1759-1760 and Identities | Artefacts that tell tales and reveal identities exhibitions.

  • Information: 418-649-6157 | 1-855-649-6157,

Associated links


Nathalie Allaire, Coordinator, Communication Services

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