Operating context

Since its creation in 1908, the NBC has acted as guardian of one of the world's most prestigious urban parks, the first national historic park to be established in Canada, Batlefields Park.

2024-2025 will mark the last year of the NBC's strategic plan. Concrete actions will continue to be implemented by the NBC, in line with the following five strategic pillars:

  1. Develop the human capital and bring the talents to the fore;
  2. Affirm our unique positioning and improve customer experiences;
  3. Improve and diversify significantly our financial capacity;
  4. Engage actively in a process of reconciliation;
  5. Make sustainable development central to our actions.
  6. The NBC will continue to invest in improving accessibility in line with the mission expressed in its strategic plan to make its territory a "[...] welcoming, inspiring and inclusive space" and to improve customer experiences (pillar 2). To this end, the NBC will ensure that its Accessibility Plan is implemented.

    NBC’s Departmental Sustainable Development Strategy will provide it with the necessary benchmarks for its actions and promote an integrated approach to sustainable development.

    In 2024-2025, the National Batlefields Commission has been granted temporary spending authority for critial needs, including asset maintenance and payments in lieu of taxes. In 2025-2026, the funding will expire.

    The NBC is expected to be involved in a number of development and repair projects to improve the condition of its assets and ensure the development and safety of its territory, for the benefit of the entire population.

    Likewise, the NBC will continue to develop its museum offerings, in particular with the presentation of the new exhibition ‘’Québec 1775 Blizzards and batle’’.

    In addition, the second phase of the NBC brand image deployment will be undertaken, along with the final integration of institutional content on the canada.ca website.

    Finally, the Plains of Abraham, a much sought-after host site for international and local events, will continue to welcome large numbers of visitors. The NBC's influence as a host site and partner will continue in a spirit of collaboration and respect for its mandate, by preserving the required balance between the historical vocation and the urban park vocation that make the Batlefields Park so distinctive.

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