# 2021-053 Pay and Benefits, Canadian Forces Integrated Relocation Program, Household Goods and Effects

Canadian Forces Integrated Relocation Program (CFIRP), Household Goods and Effects (HG&E)

Case summary

F&R Date: 2021-11-26

The grievor disagreed with a decision by the Director Compensation and Benefits Administration to refuse reimbursement for certain expenditures incurred due to a delay in the delivery of their household goods and effects during an overseas move.

The Director General Compensation and Benefits, acting as Initial Authority (IA), was unable to render a decision within the required timeframe. However, a summary was prepared, in which the IA recommended that the grievor be reimbursed for certain hotel expenses under paragraph 2.1.01 (Authorities) of the Canadian Forces Integrated Relocation Program (CFIRP) Directive.

The Committee agreed with the IA with respect to the hotel expenses. With regard to meal expenses, the Committee noted that beyond 45 days, these should be reimbursed from the personalized component. Unfortunately, the grievor had no money left in their personalized component.

Since the grievor's circumstances were explicitly set out in the CFIRP Directive, the Committee concluded that the Final Authority (FA) could not exercise their discretion. The grievor could not receive a meal benefit from the core component, for themselves or their family, for the period in question.

With respect to the other claims, the Committee concluded that the grievor's relevant circumstances, though they were similar to those set out, were different, and as such, it would be fair and in the spirit of section 2.1.01 of the CFIRP Directive, for the FA to approve the reimbursement of certain expenses.

The Committee recommended that the FA partially grant the grievor the redress requested.

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