# 2020-045 Careers, Class C Reserve Service, Termination Class B Reserve Service

Class C Reserve Service, Termination Class B Reserve Service

Case summary

F&R Date: 2021-07-23

The grievor, a Naval reservist, alleged that the Canadian Armed Forces prematurely terminated both his Class “C” and “B” service without notice or cause.

The Initial Authority, the Commanding Officer of the Personnel Coordination Center (Québec), disagreed, finding  that terminating the Class “C” service and placing the grievor on Class “B” service was justified because the grievor had been found guilty of service offences and there was no obligation to offer him full time Class “B” service. 

Considering the grievor was working at a location that did not require a reservist to perform Class "C" service, the Committee found that it was reasonable to assign him Class "B" service during the investigation of an alleged incident (i.e., he was allegedly absent without authorization). Furthermore, the Committee found that the grievor's subsequent termination of Class "B" service was justified because he was no longer working at the location where his services were originally required. Although the grievor had not received the notice of termination 30 days prior to the end of his service, as required by Canadian Forces Military Personnel Instructions 20/04, the Committee found that the grievor was not entitled to compensation for this lack of notice.

The Committee recommended that the Final Authority deny redress.

FA decision summary

The Commander Royal Canadian Navy, acting as Final Authority, agreed with the Committee's findings and recommendation not to afford the greivor redress.

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