Research funded in Quebec on mental health and substance use service standards for children, youth, and young adults


The Government of Canada, through the Canadian Institutes of Health Research’s (CIHR) Institute of Neurosciences, Mental Health and Addiction, is funding 25 research projects across the country to examine  standards for mental health and substance use services for children, youth and young adults.

The research projects will look at standards used in a variety of care settings, (e.g., primary care, juvenile justice or correctional settings, hospital emergency departments) for diverse populations, including Black, Indigenous, and racialized youth, among others.

Below is a list of the five funded grantees in the province of Quebec:

Project Title Principal Investigator Research Institution Project Amount
Contextual factors predicting feasibility and impact of preventive mental health interventions across Canada Conrod, Patricia Centre hospitalier universitaire Sainte-Justine $117,500.00
Engaging Stakeholders in the Development of Standards for a Canadian Rapid Learning Health System in Early Intervention Services for Psychosis Ferrari, Manuela CIUSSSS de l'Ouest-de-l'île-de-Montréal-Douglas Hospital $200,000.00
Améliorer l'accès aux services sociaux et de santé pour les jeunes ayant eu un parcours en justice des mineurs : données probantes et métissages des savoirs cliniques et expérientiels Goyette, Martin École nationale d'administration publique $199,761.00
Mental health services and child welfare: understanding the practices, principles, values, and needs of youth mental health and child welfare service systems to improve mental health service integration for children and youth in care in a pan-Canadian context Khoury, Emmanuelle Université de Montréal $199,956.00
Developing Standards for Implementing Stepped Care Models in Child and Youth Mental Health Service Systems Shah, Jai CIUSSSS de l'Ouest-de-l'île-de-Montréal-Douglas Hospital $199,997.00

For more information about the funding opportunity, please visit ResearchNet.

For more information about national research projects, please visit Backgrounder: Research on mental health and substance use service standards for children, youth, and young adults.

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