1.0 General policies

Effective date: December 4, 2024

These are the general policies of the Indigenous Services Canada (ISC) Non-Insured Health Benefits (NIHB) Medical Supplies and Equipment (MS&E) benefits for eligible First Nations and Inuit. Use the general policies in combination with specific policies found within the guide and benefit lists in sections 2.0 to 13.0.

Table of contents

1.1 Introduction

Indigenous Services Canada (ISC)'s Non-Insured Health Benefits (NIHB) program is a national program that provides eligible registered First Nations and recognized Inuit coverage for a range of medically necessary health benefits when these benefits are not otherwise covered through private or provincial or territorial health insurance plans or social programs.

The NIHB program benefits include prescription drugs and select over-the-counter (OTC) medications, dental and vision care, medical supplies and equipment (MS&E), mental health counselling and medical transportation to access medically required health services that are not available on the reserve or in the community of residence.

Items covered through the MS&E benefit are intended to address NIHB clients' medical needs in relation to basic activities of daily living (ADL) such as eating, bathing, dressing, toileting and transferring. MS&E benefits are covered for use at the client's place of primary residence.

The NIHB program provides coverage for cost-effective equipment and supplies that meet the client's medical needs. Cost-effective refers to the most economical equipment and supplies that are medically necessary to meet the client's essential needs. The program will request medical justification from the prescriber or provider, the most cost-effective equipment, for the client's specific functional needs.

Policies and guidelines are established in accordance with NIHB mandate and the mandate of the First Nations and Inuit Health Branch. NIHB benefit coverage is based on the recommendation of NIHB-recognized health professionals and is consistent with the best practices of health services delivery and evidence-based standards of care.

The guide and benefit lists contain policies related to NIHB's medical supplies and equipment benefits. Providers will be notified of changes through newsletters and bulletins, available on the Express Scripts Canada NIHB provider and client website. Clients will be notified of changes in the NIHB program update.

If you wish to enrol as an NIHB provider, refer to the provider enrolment webpage, found on the Express Scripts Canada NIHB provider and client website.

Providers and clients who do not have access to the internet can contact the NIHB Call Centre at Express Scripts Canada to request a copy of the documents mentioned above. All questions or comments regarding the MS&E Claims Submission Kit found on the Express Scripts Canada NIHB provider and client website, should also be directed to the NIHB Call Centre at Express Scripts Canada by calling their toll-free number at 1-888-511-4666.

1.2 Information for clients

Providers enrolled with NIHB are paid directly by the program so that clients do not have to pay out of pocket for eligible benefits. Should a client choose to purchase an item or pay for a service, they should confirm all of the following:

For information on client reimbursement, refer to section 1.17 Client reimbursement.

1.3 Client eligibility

The provider must verify that the individual is eligible for benefits under Indigenous Services Canada's NIHB program and identify any other benefit coverage available to the client, if applicable.

To be eligible, a client must be a resident of Canada, and 1 of the following:

Refer to the Who is eligible for the NIHB program webpage or contact the NIHB regional office for more information.

More detailed information about Client identification and Eligibility can be found in section 4 of the MS&E Claims Submission Kit, available on the Express Scripts Canada NIHB provider and client website.

1.4 Providers with MS&E specialties

Medical supplies and equipment specialty qualification information
Grouping Specialty Recognized practitioners
Audiology Audiology services and hearing devices
  • (AUD) Audiologist
  • (HIP) Hearing Instrument Practitioner or Audio-prosthetist or Hearing Aid Dispenser
Compression and burn garments Compression garments, hypertrophic scan (burn) garments, lymphedema compression devices
  • (CCGF) Certified compression garment fitter
  • (CBSGF) Certified burn scar garment fitter
Custom-made shoes and custom-made foot orthotics Custom-made shoes and custom-made foot orthotics
  • (CO(c)) Certified Orthotist by the Canadian Board for the Certification of Prosthetists and Orthotists (CBCPO)
  • (CPO(c)) Certified Prosthetist Orthotist by the CBCPO
  • (TOP) Technicien en orthèses et prothèses certified by the CBCPO or by l'Ordre des technologues professionnels du Québec (OTPQ) (Québec only)
  • (Podiatrist) Podiatrist registered with provincial or territorial regulatory bodies
  • (Chiropodist) Chiropodist registered with provincial or territorial regulatory bodies
  • (C.Ped(C)) Canadian-certified pedorthist
  • (C.Ped) Certified Pedorthist with the title C.Ped, BOCPD registered with the Pedorthic Footcare Association (PFA) Canadian Chapter
Limb and body orthotics Limb and body orthotics – Class 2 (custom-fit) and Class 3 (custom-made)
  • (CO(c)) Certified Orthotist by the Canadian Board for the Certification of Prosthetists and Orthotists (CBCPO)
  • (CPO(c)) Certified Prosthetist Orthotist by the CBCPO
  • (TOP) Technicien en orthèses et prothèses certified by the CBCPO or by l'Ordre des technologues professionnels du Québec (OTPQ) (Québec only)
  • (CHT) Registered occupational therapists and physiotherapists certified by the Hand Therapy Certification Commission, Inc. (HTCC) for upper limbs only
  • (Podiatrist) Podiatrist registered with provincial or territorial regulatory bodies
  • (Chiropodist) Chiropodist registered with provincial or territorial regulatory bodies
Prosthetics Breast prostheses
  • (CMF) Certified Mastectomy Fitter
Limb prostheses
  • (CP(c)) Certified Prosthetist by the Canadian Board for the Certification of Prosthetists and Orthotists (CBCPO)
  • (CPO(c)) Certified Prosthetist Orthotist by the CBCPO
  • (TOP) Technicien en orthèses et prothèses certified by the CBCPO or by l'Ordre des technologues professionnels du Québec (OTPQ) (Québec only)
Eye prostheses
  • (BCO) Board Certified Ocularist from the National Examining Board of Ocularists (NEBO)
Oxygen Oxygen supplies and equipment
  • (RRT) Registered Respiratory Therapist
  • (RN) Registered Nurse
  • (LPN/RPN) Licensed Practical Nurse or Registered Practical Nurse when within their scope of practice in their province or territory
Respiratory supplies and equipment Respiratory supplies and equipment
  • (RRT) Registered Respiratory Therapist
  • (RN) Registered Nurse
Low vision Low vision functional assessments and training programs
  • (LVS/CLVT) Low Vision Specialist or Certified Low Vision Therapist
  • (CVRT) Certified Vision Rehabilitation Therapist
  • (COMS) Certified Orientation & Mobility Specialist
  • (ATS) Assistive Technology Specialist

1.5 Terms and conditions of services

1.5.1 Advertising and promotion:

As an enrolled provider with the NIHB program, the following principles apply concerning advertising and promotion of MS&E:

  • the use of names, logos, symbols, service marks and trademarks of any department or branch of the government of Canada is prohibited
  • MS&E benefits are to be provided only upon request of the client. Promotional materials soliciting clients to obtain additional benefits are prohibited
  • NIHB MS&E benefit coverage policies will not be used in promotional materials
  • no reference should be made to NIHB coverage as free

1.5.2 Providers' responsibilities:

  • adhere to all criteria and policies as:
  • check the Express Scripts Canada NIHB provider and client website regularly for bulletins, newsletters and alerts
  • inform Express Scripts Canada immediately should any change of provider information occur by contacting the NIHB Call Centre at Express Scripts Canada
  • verify client is eligible for NIHB benefits and is not already covered by a public or private benefit plan
  • retain all applicable supporting documentation for benefit approval including:
    • prescription or written recommendation from an NIHB-recognized prescriber/recommender
    • medical assessments
    • order sheets
    • invoice from manufacturer
    • explanation of benefits
    • other documents as required by NIHB
  • assess client or review assessment provided by the prescriber to dispense the most cost-effective item to meet client's medical needs
  • submit prior approval forms, found on the Express Scripts Canada NIHB provider and client website, completed in full with required documentation and obtain prior approval when required before dispensing the item
  • dispense items only when requested by client or caregiver
  • dispense items at a maximum 3-month supply at a time
  • claim reimbursement only after item(s) or service(s) have been dispensed to the client, in person or through trackable delivery and it has been confirmed that the items have been received in complete functioning order, further instructions can be found in the MS&E Claims Submission Kit, on the Express Scripts Canada NIHB provider and client website
  • advise clients of claim status and direct clients to the Express Scripts Canada NIHB provider and client website or NIHB for First Nations and Inuit website for coverage information as needed
  • maintain liability insurance which is standard with industry or regulatory bodies
  • assist clients with appeal requests
  • participate and cooperate in all quality assurance programs and procedures established by Express Scripts Canada or required by Indigenous Services Canada (ISC) including but not limited to:
    • peer review
    • providing credentials or re-credentialing processes
    • complaint resolution procedures
  • abide by, comply with and carry out all determinations resulting from any quality assurance program or procedure
  • act in accordance with all applicable laws, and the standards of practice required by their professional regulatory authority
  • provide services to all clients who are eligible under the NIHB program unless, in the provider's reasonable professional judgment, such services should not be provided. In the event this occurs, the provider shall keep a record of the circumstances of the decision not to provide services to the applicable client
  • maintain records related to clients and their MS&E benefits coverage history for the period in accordance with all applicable laws, but not less than 5 years

1.6 Types of MS&E benefits

1.6.1 Open benefits

Open benefits are medical supplies and equipment that can be obtained without prior approval.

Client eligibility must be established before submitting a claim for any benefits. Providers can contact the Express Scripts Canada NIHB Call Centre at Express Scripts Canada toll-free at 1-888-511-4666 to confirm the client's eligibility. Once eligibility has been confirmed, claims may be submitted directly to Express Scripts Canada for payment. For instructions and forms to submit claims for reimbursement, refer to the NIHB Client Reimbursement webpage, found on the Express Scripts Canada NIHB provider and client website.

The following information must be kept on file:

  • prescription or written recommendation from an NIHB-recognized prescriber or recommender
  • manufacturer product code number, serial number, make and model of the MS&E item
  • assessment or written recommendation report from a health professional, if available

1.6.2 Limited use

Limited use (LU) benefits are MS&E items that require the client to meet specific criteria for coverage. To receive benefits in this category prior approval must be obtained from the NIHB regional office.

1.6.3 Exceptions

Exceptions are MS&E items that are not currently listed in the NIHB MS&E Guide and Benefit Lists for First Nations and Inuit. Coverage may be provided on a case-by-case basis for items not listed under exclusions. Prior approval must be sought with written medical justification from the NIHB regional office.

1.6.4 Exclusions

Exclusions are MS&E items that are not listed in the NIHB MS&E Guide and Benefit Lists for First Nations and Inuit and cannot be considered for coverage or appealed. Exclusions are items that do not fall within the NIHB mandate including but not limited to:

  • items used exclusively for sports, work or school
  • items for cosmetic purposes
  • experimental equipment or experimental therapy
  • therapy treatment, for example, occupational therapy, physiotherapy, speech therapy, chiropractic, massage therapy, etc.
  • therapy equipment, for example, treadmills, exercise balls, etc.
  • household items or products, for example, cleaning supplies, furniture, security systems, internet, etc.
  • home renovations, for example, ramps, stair lifts, etc.
  • medical treatment, for example, surgery, insured or not
  • repair of items under warranty
  • environmental controls

Examples listed under general headings are not exhaustive. If unsure of coverage contact the NIHB regional office. More specific, exclusions may also be found under each of the benefit lists.

1.7 Prescription requirements for MS&E items

Prescriptions and written recommendations from NIHB-recognized prescribers must:

Prescriptions and written recommendations must contain all of the following information:

Note that electronic signatures without a digital certificate or evidence that the signature was applied through a secure authentication process, for example, username and password required, will be deemed invalid. Typing a name in cursive or print or copy-pasting a digitized picture of a hand-written signature without any digital certificate or evidence that the signature was applied through an electronic medical recording system are not considered non-reproducible signatures and are therefore not accepted.

Refer to the appropriate section of the Medical Supplies and Equipment Guide and Benefit Lists for specific benefits that may have additional prescription requirements.

Faxed prescriptions or written recommendations must be sent directly from the health professional to the provider and require a fax header with the date sent and the sender's coordinates.

If the NIHB program discerns that a prescription or recommendation does not meet program requirements, the program can request additional information, including a new prescription or recommendation.

Prescriptions not meeting all requirements will be deemed invalid.

1.8 Prescriber or recommender requirements

Prescribers who write prescriptions and recommendations must meet the following criteria:

1.9 Prior approval process

To ensure clients are receiving appropriate supplies and equipment that will meet their medical needs, some MS&E items require prior approval for reimbursement. Items for eligible clients requiring prior approval must only be dispensed after the approval has been granted by the NIHB regional office.

1.9.1 Steps to obtain prior approval:

To receive prior approval, the provider must:

  • retrieve the benefit-specific prior approval form from the Express Scripts Canada NIHB provider and client website
  • complete the entire prior approval form
  • submit the completed prior approval form to the NIHB regional office, for the region in which the provider is located with the following attachments:
    • client's written prescription, recommendation or referral from a physician, nurse practitioner or an NIHB-recognized health professional for the benefit required
    • copy of any applicable third-party coverage, for example, motor vehicle insurance, workers' compensation board, private insurance, etc.
    • copy of any applicable tests and reports required as outlined in the guide and benefit lists or on the prior approval form
    • any additional supporting documents that will substantiate the client's need for the benefit item.

Incomplete prior approval forms and missing supporting information can cause delays in the review process.

Additional information may be requested as necessary to adjudicate a prior approval request. No fees will be paid to complete prior approval forms or documents to support prior approval.

1.9.2 Urgent prior approval requests

Certain prior approval forms will have an indicator box marked Urgent. Providers must check the urgent box and provide the nature of the urgency on the prior approval form only when necessary, for example, there is an urgent medical or safety need for the client to obtain an item.

1.10 Special authorization

A special authorization (SA) is a type of authorization that is client specific and allows providers to dispense and claim the approved MS&E items in accordance with the SA approval parameters and pricing policies. Once an item is approved via SA, providers may submit claims directly to Express Scripts Canada without an approval number.

Note that the special authorization (SA) does not require an approval number when claiming reimbursement from Express Scripts Canada as this will cause adjudication errors.

1.11 Coverage of supplies, maintenance and repairs of medical equipment covered by another benefit plan or purchased by the client

If medical equipment is funded by another benefit plan or purchased by the client, NIHB may cover associated supplies, maintenance or repairs when:

1.12 Recommended replacement guidelines

Recommended replacement guidelines indicate the quantity and frequency at which a benefit is eligible for coverage. Recommended replacement guidelines are based on a client's customary medical needs and the typical device's lifespan. These guidelines are listed within each benefit list.

1.12.1 Early replacement requirements

Coverage requests for any early replacement of items require prior approval and may be considered when one of the following has occurred:

  • there is a substantial change in a client's medical condition, for example, substantial change in weight or growth, change in hearing, etc. and the item no longer meets the client's needs
  • the item is no longer functioning properly or has deteriorated during typical use
    • in either of these instances, early replacement may be considered if the item is no longer under warranty and if the cost of the repair exceeds the cost of a new item
  • damaged or stolen items: Coverage for the cost of damaged or stolen items may be considered on a case-by-case basis only if justification and supporting documentation are provided, for example, an incident, insurance, or medical report citing the incident

Coverage for early replacement will not be considered for items that have been damaged as a result of misuse, or negligence.

1.13 Rentals

Rentals are used to support short-term or acute conditions. When an MS&E item is rented, the rental agreement must:

Note: reimbursement for rental equipment will not exceed the total purchase price of equivalent equipment.

1.14 Repairs

Repairs may only be paid when the following criteria are met:

A prescription or written recommendation is not required for repairs.

Note: Repairs will not be covered if items are damaged as a result of misuse and negligence.

1.15 Warranties

As a provider, you are expected to serve as the client's advocate to request that the manufacturer or manufacturer's service depot honour the warranty on the item.

Providers must agree that during the duration of the warranty:

1.16 MS&E claims submission and provider payment policies, effective February 11, 2025

When submitting a request for approval or a claim for payment, providers must follow the MS&E reimbursement model policies and the NIHB Price Policy. Together, these policies are known as the provider payment policies. The policies specify the:

There are documents available to help providers determine their ECA and understand how to submit claims. To be eligible for payment, providers must follow the NIHB program's terms and conditions outlined in their MS&E provider billing agreement, as well as:

1.16.1 Definitions: MS&E claims submission and provider payment policies

The MS&E claims submission and provider payment policies use specific terms that are defined in the table below.

Note: Terms are listed in alphabetical order and apply to all of section 1.16 MS&E claims submission and provider payment policies.

Term Definition
Actual acquisition cost (AAC)

The cost paid by a provider to obtain an MS&E item from a manufacturer or wholesaler, excluding other eligible costs (OEC), as listed on a purchase invoice, the actual amount paid by a provider.

The provider's AAC is not a retail price or a manufacturer's suggested retail price (MSRP).

Eligible claim amount (ECA)

The total dollar amount that can be submitted for approval or payment. The ECA must be calculated using the item's reimbursement model, and in consideration of the NIHB price, price type and the provider's UC price.

Item rationale

A documented rationale that explains why the specifically requested item is required to meet the client's need instead of other product options within the NIHB price.

Manufacturer's suggested retail price (MSRP)

The price that a product's manufacturer recommends it be sold for at point of retail sale on the date of service. Pricing information must be produced by the manufacturer in Canadian dollars to be deemed acceptable by the program.

Mark-up (MU)

The dollar amount accepted by the program as an MU, up to the program's maximum.

Mark-up rate (MUR)

The maximum percentage rate, established by the program used in the calculation of the eligible claim amount (ECA).

MUR is only applicable to MS&E benefits with the General Reimbursement Model (GRM).

MS&E price file

Published document that lists the program's eligible MS&E benefits and their item code, item name, NIHB price, price type and reimbursement model.

There is an MS&E price file for each region.

NIHB price

The dollar amount listed for an MS&E benefit in the MS&E price files.

Other eligible costs (OEC)

Provider costs associated with obtaining an MS&E item as listed on the purchase invoice.

The program considers the following as eligible OEC's:

  • freight, the cost associated with shipping an item from the manufacturer or wholesaler to the provider's place of business
  • environmental fees
  • recycling or eco fees

Other costs may be considered on a case-by-case basis, excluding taxes.

MU cannot be calculated for any OEC's.

Price justification

A document that supports the requested price (ECA) for a specific MS&E benefit. The type of document required is different depending on the specific MS&E reimbursement model.

For items with the General Reimbursement Model (GRM):

  • the purchase invoice identifying the provider's actual acquisition cost (AAC)
  • the following are not accepted as a price justification: retail prices, manufacturer's suggested retail price (MSRP), or provider invoices to NIHB clients

For items with the Manufacturer's Suggested Retail Price (MSRP) Reimbursement Model:

MSRP supporting documentation: documentation from the manufacturer or wholesaler identifying the MS&E items requested and their corresponding MSRP price. This may be an itemized order sheet with its corresponding MSRP or another form of supporting documentation from the manufacturer or wholesaler clearly stating the pricing and item information.

This is only applicable to MS&E benefits with the MSRP Reimbursement Model.

For items with the NIHB Fixed Price Reimbursement Model or the Subject to Approval Reimbursement Model:

An itemized cost-break down for all items, components, and services requested.

Purchase invoiceTable note 1

The provider's invoice from a manufacturer or wholesaler for the acquisition of MS&E items, including pricing details for all items sold as part of the transaction, for example, cost of item, freight, taxes, customs.

Usual and customary price (UC)

The lowest price of an MS&E item that is charged by a provider to any customer of its regular business. This includes any discounts or special promotions in place on the date of service.

Table note 1

For some MS&E benefits, a quote from the manufacturer or wholesaler to the provider that includes pricing details for all items, may be accepted.

Return to table note 1 referrer

1.16.2 MS&E Claims Submission Kit

The MS&E Claims Submission Kit outlines the roles, responsibilities and obligations of providers when submitting claims.

NIHB providers must read and retain a copy of the most current version of the MS&E Claims Submission Kit located on the Express Scripts Canada NIHB provider and client website. Updates to this document are announced in the MS&E newsletter. Notification of updates are posted 30 calendar days before the circulation date.

1.16.3 MS&E price files

The MS&E price files list eligible MS&E benefits. They are organized by region and are located on the Express Scripts Canada NIHB provider and client website.

The MS&E price files include the following information for each MS&E benefit:

  • item name and number
  • reimbursement model
  • NIHB price and price type when applicable

Providers must use this information when calculating their eligible claim amount (ECA) to submit for approval and payment.

1.16.4 Provider payment policies

MS&E benefits are listed under generic item names without specifying makes or models. This approach allows the program to provide national coverage for a wide range of items:

  • to accommodate different client needs
  • to allow for product availability
  • to offer a range of similar products under one benefit code

Provider payment policies are developed in consideration of these factors.

The provider payment policies include the MS&E reimbursement model policies and the NIHB Price Policy. These policies are used to determine the eligible claim amount (ECA) that can be submitted for approval or payment. These policies do not impact prior authorization requirements for program coverage criteria or client eligibility. Steps to determine the eligible claim amount (ECA):

The following steps provide a general overview of how to determine the ECA. For specific direction, refer to the MS&E reimbursement model policies and NIHB Price Policy.

Step 1: Consult the MS&E price files, found on the Express Scripts Canada NIHB provider and client website, to:
  • identify the item or service you want to submit for approval or claim for payment
  • identify the item's reimbursement model
Step 2: Determine the ECA using the item's reimbursement model.

Details can be found in section MS&E reimbursement model policies.

Step 3: Consult the MS&E price files to compare the ECA with the NIHB price and price type, if applicable. If your calculated ECA is:
  • below the NIHB price:
    • proceed with submitting for approval or claiming for payment at your calculated cost
    • submit a price justification or item rationale when requested by the program
  • above the NIHB price:
    • use the price type information to identify if a request exceeding the NIHB price will be considered
    • determine which supporting documents must be submitted with the request

Details can be found in section NIHB Price Policy. MS&E reimbursement model policies

The program specifies a reimbursement model for each MS&E benefit listed in the MS&E price files, found on the Express Scripts Canada NIHB provider and client website. Each reimbursement model policy details the instructions that providers must follow to calculate their eligible claim amount (ECA).

The reimbursement models are the:

  • General Reimbursement Model (GRM)
  • Manufacturer's Suggested Retail Price (MSRP) Reimbursement Model
  • NIHB Fixed Price Reimbursement Model
  • Subject To Approval Reimbursement Model

For exception benefits, the program will inform providers of the reimbursement model used to calculate their ECA. The program will also inform providers of the required supporting documentation that must be submitted.

Note: In situations where a prior approval (PA) is requested and granted, the dollar value on the PA confirmation letter is the maximum potential amount a provider may claim for payment. Providers must follow the provider payment policies when submitting for payment. General Reimbursement Model (GRM) Policy

This policy details the program's requirements that providers must follow to calculate their ECA for items with the GRM. The reimbursement model for each MS&E benefit is listed in the MS&E price files, found on the Express Scripts Canada NIHB provider and client website.

The General Reimbursement Model (GRM) bases payment on a provider's actual acquisition cost of an item, plus an NIHB specified mark-up rate. The model also considers payment for additional provider costs.

The GRM mark-up rate (MUR) is 45%. The maximum mark-up amount for each MS&E item is $4,500. The MUR is only applicable for items with the GRM.

When determining the ECA for an item with the GRM, providers must use the formula and instructions detailed below:

ECA = Actual acquisition cost (AAC) + Mark-up (MU) + Other eligible costs (OEC)

Step 1: Determine the AAC for the requested item, as noted on the purchase invoice.

Step 2: Calculate the MU, using the formula: MU = (AAC * MUR).

  • MU must not exceed $4,500 per item
  • MU must not be calculated for any OEC's

Step 3: Determine OEC per unit, if applicable.

Step 4: Calculate the ECA using the formula above by inputting the values from steps 1, 2 and 3.

Step 5: Compare the ECA with your UC price, including any applicable discounts or special promotions.

  • if the ECA is above the UC price, then the UC price becomes the ECA

Step 6: Compare the ECA with the NIHB price and price type, if applicable. For details, refer to section NIHB Price Policy.


  • providers may submit OEC's only when listed on a purchase invoice and must submit the purchase invoice when requested by the program
  • providers must submit a price justification or an item rationale when requested
    • when a price justification or an item rationale are not submitted when requested, the program will determine the price and may refer the client to an alternate provider The Manufacturer's Suggested Retail Price (MSRP) Reimbursement Model Policy

This policy details the program's requirements that providers must follow to calculate their ECA for items with the MSRP Reimbursement Model. The reimbursement model for each MS&E benefit is listed in the MS&E price files, found on the Express Scripts Canada NIHB provider and client website.

The MSRP Reimbursement Model bases provider payment on the manufacturer's suggested retail price. MSRPs are inclusive of mark-up and additional provider costs.

When determining the ECA for an item with an MSRP Reimbursement Model, providers must:

Step 1: Identify the item's MSRP.

Step 2: Use the item's MSRP as the ECA.

Step 3: Compare the item's ECA with your UC price (including any applicable discounts or special promotions).

  • if the MSRP is above the UC price, then the UC price becomes the ECA


  • additional MU or OEC must not be added to items with an MSRP Reimbursement Model
  • the MSRP must not exceed amounts funded by a provincial or territorial public health benefits plan for the specific MS&E benefit
  • providers must submit a price justification or an item rationale when requested by the program
    • when MSRP supporting documents are not submitted when requested, the program will apply the General Reimbursement Model (GRM) to determine the ECA Fixed Price Reimbursement Model Policy

This policy details the program's requirements that providers must follow to calculate their ECA for items with the Fixed Price Reimbursement Model. The reimbursement model for each MS&E benefit is listed in the MS&E price files, found on the Express Scripts Canada NIHB provider and client website.

The Fixed Price Reimbursement Model bases payment on a provider's usual and customary (UC) price, up to the NIHB price. Items under this model always have a set NIHB price that must not be exceeded.

When determining the ECA for an item with an NIHB Fixed Price Reimbursement Model, providers must:

  • use their UC price, including any applicable discounts or special promotions as the ECA, up to the NIHB price


  • the ECA must not exceed the NIHB price
  • providers must submit a price justification or item rationale when requested by the program Subject to Approval Reimbursement Model Policy

This policy details the program's requirements that providers must follow to calculate their ECA for items with the Subject to Approval Reimbursement Model. The reimbursement model for each MS&E benefit is listed in the MS&E price files, found on the Express Scripts Canada NIHB provider and client website.

The Subject To Approval Reimbursement Model bases payment on a provider's usual and customary (UC) costs for all items or services.

When determining the ECA for an item with a Subject To Approval Reimbursement Model, providers must:

  • use their UC price, including any applicable discounts or special promotions to submit for all items or services requested
  • submit a price justification or item rationale when requested by the program NIHB Price Policy

NIHB prices are the dollar amounts listed in the MS&E price files, found on the Express Scripts Canada NIHB provider and client website. They are established by the program in consideration of the program's generic item listing at amounts that allows a wide selection of products within each generic item code. Not every MS&E benefit has an NIHB price. The published amounts are inclusive of any applicable mark-ups.

When an item has an NIHB price, it must not be claimed by default. Instead, providers are required to calculate their eligible claim amount (ECA) for submission using the item's reimbursement model. Once the ECA is calculated, it is then compared to the NIHB price and price type. NIHB price types

When an NIHB price is established for an item, a price type is also assigned. The different price type specifies if an ECA above the NIHB price may be considered, and lists the documents providers must submit to support the requested price or item.

Each MS&E benefit with an NIHB price is categorized into one of the following price types:

  • Type I
  • Type II
  • Type III

MS&E benefits without an NIHB price do not have a price type. Type I

Price Type I are benchmark prices set by the program at a level that allows a wide range of available product options to be claimed within the NIHB price. When submitting a request for an item within a price type, additional documentation such as a price justification or an item rationale are not required, unless requested by the program.

For MS&E benefits where the NIHB price is listed as Type I, providers must:

Step 1: Calculate the ECA using the item's reimbursement model.

Step 2: Compare the calculated ECA to the NIHB price for the requested item.

  • if the ECA is below the NIHB price, providers must:
    • keep the price justification or item rationale on file and submit it upon request
  • if the ECA is above the NIHB price, providers:
    • can submit a prior approval request to claim above the NIHB price for consideration
    • must submit a price justification or an item rationale, if requested by the program

In situations where a prior approval (PA) is requested and granted, the dollar value on the PA confirmation letter is the maximum potential amount a provider may claim for payment. Providers must follow the provider payment policies when submitting for payment. Type II

Price Type II is a threshold price that is defined by the program which ensures the availability of a wide range of products for NIHB clients. Only in exceptional circumstances will the program consider requests where the ECA exceeds the NIHB price.

For MS&E benefits where the NIHB price is listed as Type II, providers must:

Step 1: Calculate the ECA using the item's reimbursement model.

Step 2: Compare the calculated ECA to the NIHB price for the requested item.

  • if the ECA is below the NIHB price, providers must:
    • keep the price justification or item rationale on file and submit it upon request
  • if the ECA is above the NIHB price, providers:
    • can submit a prior approval request to claim above the NIHB price for consideration
    • must submit a price justification or an item rationale

Note: Requests to exceed a Type II price are considered in exceptional circumstances only. When a request to exceed a Type II price is not approved, but otherwise meets the program's eligibility and coverage criteria, it may be approved up to the NIHB price.

In situations where a prior approval (PA) is requested and granted, the dollar value on the PA confirmation letter is the maximum potential amount a provider may claim for payment. Providers must follow the provider payment policies when submitting for payment. Type III

Price Type III are price maximums that are set by the program. Requests to exceed a Type III price will not be considered.

For MS&E benefits where the NIHB price is listed as Type III, providers must:

Step 1: Calculate the ECA using the item's reimbursement model.

Step 2: Compare the calculated ECA to the NIHB price for the requested item.

  • if the ECA is below the NIHB price, providers must:
    • keep the price justification or item rationale on file and submit it upon request
  • if the ECA is above the NIHB price:
    • request to exceed the NIHB price will not be considered

Note: When a request that meets the program's eligibility and coverage criteria, it may be approved up to the NIHB price. Providers are always required to submit a price justification or item rationale when requested.

In situations where a prior approval (PA) is requested and granted, the dollar value on the PA confirmation letter is the maximum potential amount a provider may claim for payment. Providers must follow the provider payment policies when submitting for payment. No NIHB price

Not all MS&E benefits have an NIHB price listed in the MS&E price files, found on the Express Scripts Canada NIHB provider and client website. MS&E benefits without an NIHB price do not have a price type.

For MS&E benefits with no NIHB price, providers must:

Step 1: Calculate the ECA using the item's reimbursement model.

Step 2: Submit a price justification or item rationale when requested by the program.

In situations where a prior approval (PA) is requested and granted, the dollar value on the PA confirmation letter is the maximum potential amount a provider may claim for payment. Providers must follow the provider payment policies when submitting for payment.

1.17 Client reimbursement

Registered NIHB providers are reimbursed directly by the program, so clients do not have to pay for eligible benefits. Before obtaining an item or service, the client should confirm that the:

A client who decides to pay the full cost of an item and request a reimbursement from the program should contact the NIHB Call Centre at Express Scripts Canada or their NIHB regional office before purchase to confirm eligibility of the item and the amount covered by the program.


The following documents must be submitted for reimbursement consideration:

Find additional information at NIHB Client Reimbursement.

1.18 Delivery

Delivery to the client is defined as the transportation of approved medical supplies and equipment from the provider's place of business to the client's place of residence. This can include provider deliveries as well as deliveries facilitated by the provider via a delivery service, courier or postal, such as Canada Post.

Delivery of low vision items are considered on a case-by-case basis for local or out-of-town delivery with a specific fee schedule.

1.18.1 Local Delivery

Defined as deliveries within 30 km of the provider's place of business. Will be considered for coverage only if local delivery is a customary charge to the provider's private clients.

Coverage criteria:

  • coverage will be considered for deliveries performed by the provider only
  • approval is on a case-by case basis if 1 of the following conditions apply:
    • the item is part of a select group of items listed in table 1 below
    • the client is unable to pick-up the item due to a health or medical condition, for example, client is bed-ridden, client has a neurological disorder, etc. Table 1: Benefits eligible for local delivery fee coverage

Benefit code Benefit name Listing status
99401129 Bariatric bed mattress Limited use
99401383 Bariatric electric hospital bed Limited use
99401126 Bariatric electric hospital bed with rails Limited use
99401131 Bariatric pressure relief mattress Limited use
99400953 Ceiling lift, accessories Limited use
99400952 Ceiling lift battery, replacement Limited use
99401382 Electric hospital bed Limited use
99401125 Electric hospital bed with rails Limited use
99400321 Floor to ceiling pole Limited use
99401384 Hospital bed rails, pair Limited use
99400817 Hydraulic lift, powered, recycled Limited use
99400816 Hydraulic lift, standard, recycled Limited use
99400314 Non-powered overlay Limited use
99401132 Powered overlay Limited use
99401130 Pressure relief mattress Limited use
99401128 Standard hospital bed mattress Limited use

1.18.2 Out-of-town delivery

Defined as deliveries of 30 kilometres or more from the provider's location of business. Coverage is provided for 1 way only from the provider's location of business to the client and only if out-of-town delivery is a customary charge to the provider's private clients.

Coverage criteria:

Will be considered on a case-by-case basis if all of the following conditions apply:

  • client lives out-of-town or in a remote location and is unable to pick up the item, for example, remote: client lives in an area that does not have road access or other transportation links or lives in an area that is a long distance, 30 kilometres or more, from a provider of the prescribed or recommended item, etc.
  • client resides in a location where items are not available locally
  • coverage will be considered for deliveries performed by the provider or a courier or delivery company

1.18.3 Delivery for repair

The Program will provide coverage of both local and out-of-town deliveries for the repair of equipment on a case-by-case basis.

Coverage criteria:

Coverage will be considered if all of the following apply:

  • it is more cost-effective than alternative approaches, for example, it is more cost-effective to cover the cost of delivering an item for repair versus the cost of medical transportation of a client with equipment that requires repair
  • item cannot be transported in a personal vehicle or by conventional transportation services available, for example, no accessible vehicle available to transport a power wheelchair and the provider is unable or unwilling to travel to perform repairs on site
  • the item cannot be repaired at the client's place of residence
  • coverage will be considered for deliveries performed by the provider

1.18.4 Delivery of rental equipment:

The program will provide coverage for rental equipment on a case-by-case basis only for a select group of items from the 3 categories listed below. Delivery of all other rental equipment will not be covered.

  • respiratory rental equipment: CPAP and BPAP, to start a treatment trial
  • oxygen equipment: Oxygen cylinders and concentrators
  • self-care equipment: Hospital beds and mattresses

Coverage will be considered for deliveries performed by the provider or a courier or delivery company, for local and out-of-town deliveries, and only if delivery is a customary charge to the provider's private clients.

1.18.5 Required information

The following information is required for deliveries by a delivery service, courier or postal:

  • a completed and signed prior approval (PA) form listing the item(s) to be delivered
  • the complete address of the location where the item will be delivered
  • details regarding the weight and dimensions of the package not required for low vision items
  • the estimated cost of the delivery
  • once the item is delivered, the provider must submit a waybill from the delivery company, for example, Canada Post, Purolator, etc. which must include:
    • client name, address and ID number
    • a detailed list of items delivered
    • final cost of delivery

The following information is required for deliveries performed by a provider:

  • a completed and signed prior approval (PA) form listing the item(s) to be delivered
  • the complete address of the location where the item will be delivered
  • the estimated cost of the delivery
  • once the item is delivered, the provider must submit an invoice for the delivery of the item to the client and it must include:
    • client name, address and ID number
    • a detailed list of items delivered
    • the distance travelled, most direct route from provider to client
    • final cost of delivery

The provider must confirm that the item(s) has been received by the client and is in complete functioning order prior to submitting a client, for example, client signature, health centre staff signature, note from the delivery company confirming that item has been delivered, etc.

1.19 Coupons and discounts

Eligible clients may not directly or indirectly benefit from special promotions or incentives offered by providers.

To the extent permitted by such promotions and applicable law, coupons, discounts or rebates should be applied to the NIHB claim. As a result, the eligible claim amount (ECA) is the residual amount after the application of the promotion.

1.20 Coordination of benefits

Clients who are covered by another public or private health care plan must first submit their claim to the other health care and benefits plan.

The NIHB program will:

If the client no longer has alternate health coverage, the client or the provider should contact the NIHB Call Centre at Express Scripts Canada or the NIHB regional office so that the client's file can be updated.

1.21 Balance billing

Items meeting eligibility criteria will be covered in full according to NIHB MS&E reimbursement policies. Coverage is not provided to upgrade a benefit.

For an item covered by the NIHB program, providers should not:

Certain situations may require a provider to charge a client upfront, such as a coordination of benefits claim or when an item is not covered by the NIHB program. Clients should be informed by the provider that if an item is not covered by the NIHB program, they will be responsible for paying for it without reimbursement from the program.

1.22 Unclaimed MS&E items

In cases where the client does not pick up the item, the provider should make a reasonable effort to contact the client. Attempts to contact the client should be documented in the client's file. If an approved item is not picked up after 30 days, it must be returned to the provider inventory. The provider can claim reimbursement only when the equipment or supply is dispensed to the client.

A partial reimbursement may be requested for custom-made or special-order items in situations where 1 of the following occurs:

In such cases, the custom-made item is dismantled and an invoice is submitted for the custom-made parts that cannot be reused, as well as for professional fees incurred for the creation of the item as per prior approval.

In cases, where the item is a special order:

Each submission will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. Contact the NIHB regional office to submit a claim for a restocking fee (code 99401097).

1.23 Privacy statement

The NIHB program has a responsibility to protect personal information under its control in accordance with the Privacy Act, related Treasury Board privacy policy and directives and is responsible for ensuring the personal information collected is limited to that which is necessary to administer the program.

For more information, contact Indigenous Services Canada's Access to Information and Privacy (ATIP) Coordinator at (819) 997-8277 or aadnc.atiprequest-airprpdemande.aandc@canada. You also have the right to file a complaint with the Privacy Commissioner of Canada if you think your personal information has been handled improperly.

1.24 Appeal process

NIHB clients can appeal the denial of a benefit except for items that are outside of the program mandate or identified as exclusions or insured services. More information is available on the Appealing a decision under the NIHB program webpage.

1.25 Provider Claim Verification Program (PCVP)

As part of the NIHB program's risk management activities, Indigenous Services Canada has mandated its claims processor to maintain a set of pre-payment and post-payment processes, including claim verification activities.

This function incorporates the review of claims against records to confirm compliance with the terms and conditions of the NIHB program. If under any circumstances it is found that a provider has inappropriately billed the program, claim payments will be recovered, either by direct payment from the provider or withheld from future provider claim statements.

Detailed information about the Provider Claims Verification Program and procedures can be found in section 6 of the MS&E Claims Submission Kit, available on the Express Scripts Canada NIHB provider and client website.

1.26 Contact information

To learn more on billing contact the NIHB Call Centre at Express Scripts Canada.

Provider Phone Number (toll-free):

Client Phone Number (toll-free):

To learn more on benefits and policies, contact the NIHB program at your applicable NIHB regional office.

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