Text version: Video 4: Find out what documents you need to submit – Tutorial: Submitting documents for an eTA application.
Narrator: Video 4 – Find out what documents you need to submit
An illustrated envelope appears with a number 1 on it followed by the Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada corporate signature.
Narrator: You’ve received an email from Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada, or IRCC, asking you to submit documents to support your application for an Electronic Travel Authorization, also known as an eTA.
An illustrated briefcase appears.
Text displays: “eTA – Electronic Travel Authorization”
Text displays: “Link your eTA application to your secure account”
Narrator: In Video 3, you learned how to link your eTA application to your secure IRCC account.
A laptop shows an IRCC web page with the heading “Application/profile details”
An image of a letter is overlaid on the laptop.
Narrator: Video 4 explains how to check the message section in your secure IRCC account to read the letter that lists the documents you need to submit for your eTA application. Make sure that you have first linked your eTA application to your secure IRCC account.
A screenshot of a web page with the heading, “Link an existing application to this account” is shown.
A screenshot of a web page with the heading, “Application Registration Successful” is shown.
A screenshot of a web page with the heading, “Jane Example’s account” is shown.
The web page scrolls until the highlighted text, “View my submitted applications or profiles”, is highlighted.
Other pieces of text on the page are highlighted as the narrator mentions them.
Narrator: Once you are signed in to your IRCC account, scroll down until you find the list of “View submitted applications or profile”.
You should see your eTA application in the list and the text “Your action is required”.
Click “Check status and messages”.
The text, “Check status and messages”, is highlighted and clicked.
Other pieces of text are highlighted as the narrator mentions them.
Narrator: Then, scroll down to “Application messages”, where you will see that you have a new message. Click the arrow beside the message, then click “View this message” to download the letter so you can open it.
An image of and IRCC letter is shown.
Pieces of text are highlighted as they are mentioned by the narrator.
Narrator: In the letter, there are instructions that tell you what documents you need to submit and by what date. For example, you may need to submit a police certificate.
Text displays beside an icon consisting of an exclamation mark in a yellow triangle: “All documents must be submitted through your secure IRCC account”.
Narrator: All documents must be submitted through your secure IRCC account. IRCC will not accept documents sent by mail, courier, email or fax.
Red text appears: “IRCC will not accept documents sent by mail, courier, email or fax”.
Narrator: Get your requested documents ready as soon as possible.
Text displays beside an icon consisting of an exclamation mark in a yellow triangle: “Documents must be in English or French or be accompanied by a certified translation”.
An illustrated stopwatch appears.
Narrator: Remember that your documents must be in English or French or be accompanied by a certified translation. Getting a certified translation can take time, so start this process as soon as you can.
Text displays beside an icon consisting of an exclamation mark in a yellow triangle: “If you can’t submit your documents by the date in the letter, you can ask for an extension, but only before the deadline passes.”
Narrator: If you can’t submit your documents by the date in the letter, you can ask for an extension, but only before the deadline passes. If you don’t submit your documents by the deadline, your eTA application could be refused.
Red text is added: “If you don’t submit your documents by the deadline, your eTA application could be refused”.
Text displays: “If you don’t need to request an extension, you can skip ahead to the next video”.
A laptop appears displaying the text, “Video 5: Upload and submit your documents - Tutorial: Submitting documents for an eTA application”.
Narrator: If you don’t need to request an extension, you can skip ahead to the next video: “Video 5: Upload and submit your documents”. If you do need to request an extension, follow the next steps.
Text displays: “If you do need to request an extension, follow the next steps”
Animation shows hands typing on a laptop.
Narrator: To ask for an extension, write a short letter in a document that explains why you require an extension to submit your documents. Save this document. It cannot be more than 4 MB in size.
Red text displays: “The document must be in PDF, DOC, DOCX, JPG or TIFF - It cannot be more than 4 MB in size”.
Narrator: To upload your letter requesting an extension, you need to be signed in to your secure IRCC account.
A screenshot of a web page with the heading, “Jane Example’s account” is shown.
The web page scrolls until the highlighted text, “View my submitted applications or profiles”, is highlighted.
Narrator: Scroll down to “View submitted applications or profile”.
Web page text, “Check status and messages”, is highlighted and clicked.
Narrator: Click “Check status and messages”.
Web page text, “View submitted application”, is highlighted and clicked.
Narrator: Click “View submitted applications”.
A web page with the heading, “Documents submitted by the client”, is shown.
Various pieces of text are highlighted as the narrator mentions them.
Narrator: There will be a list of documents that have been requested. Select “Upload File” next to the document for which you require an extension.
A web page with the heading, “Upload Your Documents”, is shown.
Various pieces of text are highlighted as the narrator mentions them.
Narrator: If you’re requesting an extension to get a police certificate, you will be asked to provide information that you won’t yet have. You will need to enter generic information to upload your letter requesting an extension. Note that you are doing this just to request an extension. Once you receive your police certificate, in order to upload and submit it to IRCC, you will need to enter the exact details found in the document.
Beside “Document Name”, enter “Request for an extension”. For the “Document Number”, enter “000000”. For the “Country of Issue”, choose your country of citizenship from the drop-down menu. For the “Issue Date”, select any date earlier than today, like last week. For the “Expiry Date”, select any date later than today, like next week. Then click “Next”.
A web page with the heading, “Upload a file”, is shown.
Various pieces of text are highlighted as the narrator mentions them.
Narrator: Select “Browse”, then choose the file in which you explain why you need an extension. Click “Upload File”.
The message “Success uploading file” will appear. Click “Return to your documents”.
A web page with the heading, “Documents submitted by client”, is shown.
Various pieces of text are highlighted as the narrator mentions them.
Narrator: Click “Next”.
A web page with the heading, “Your Declaration and Electronic Signature”, is shown.
Various pieces of text are highlighted as the narrator mentions them.
Narrator: Now that the document has been uploaded, you need to submit it.
To start this final part, scroll down. You’ll see the summary of fees from your original eTA application. Note that you will not be charged the $7 eTA fee again.
You need to give your electronic signature by typing your name. You will also have to answer one of the questions you created when you created your secure IRCC account.
Then click “Sign”.
Scroll down and click “Transmit”. Clicking “Transmit” sends your document requesting an extension to IRCC.
A web page with the heading, “Congratulations! You have successfully submitted your application or profile”, is shown.
Various pieces of text are highlighted as the narrator mentions them.
Narrator: The message “You have successfully submitted your additional or replacement document(s).” will appear on the screen.
A screenshot of a web page with the heading, “Jane Example’s account” is shown.
Various pieces of text are highlighted as the narrator mentions them.
Narrator: Click “Exit”. You will see “Submitted” next to your application, which confirms that your document has been submitted.
Now that you know which documents you have to provide to IRCC, get them ready as soon as possible. Remember that your documents must be in English or French or be accompanied by a certified translation.
Text displays beside an icon consisting of an exclamation mark in a yellow triangle: “Remember that your documents must be in English or French or be accompanied by a certified translation”.
A laptop displaying the text, “Video 5: Upload and submit your documents – Tutorial: Submitting documents for an eTA application”, is shown
Narrator: In the next video, Video 5, you’ll learn how to upload and submit your documents to IRCC through your secure account.
A web page with the heading, “Create an account to submit documents for your eTA application”, is shown.
The text, “Create an account to submit documents for your eTA application”, is highlighted.
Narrator: Remember, if you need to sign back into your secure IRCC account at any time, go back to the “Create an account” page that was linked to in the email you received from IRCC. We recommend you bookmark this page.
The web page scrolls to the highlighted text, “GCKey sign in page”, is shown and clicked.
Narrator: Scroll down and click “GCKey sign in page”, and sign in using your GCKey username and password.
A screenshot of a web page with the heading, “Welcome to GCKey” is shown.
The Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada corporate signature and the copyright message “Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada, represented by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada, 2016” are displayed followed by the Canada wordmark.