Get your language assessed

You need to have a certain level of English or French to apply for permanent residence. This level depends on the type of job offer you have. To prove your language skills, you must

Language tests we accept

You can take any of these approved language tests:


Minimum scores needed

You need a minimum score of CLB 5 in all 4 abilities to apply for the Francophone Community Immigration Pilot (FCIP).

How to find your language level based on your test results

Use your test results to find your CLB/NCLC level in the tables below:

CELPIP (General)
CLB level Reading Writing Listening Speaking
10 10 10 10 10
9 9 9 9 9
8 8 8 8 8
7 7 7 7 7
6 6 6 6 6
5 5 5 5 5
4 4 4 4 4
IELTS (General Training)
CLB level Reading Writing Listening Speaking
10 8.0 7.5 8.5 7.5
9 7.0 7.0 8.0 7.0
8 6.5 6.5 7.5 6.5
7 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0
6 5.0 5.5 5.5 5.5
5 4.0 5.0 5.0 5.0
4 3.5 4.0 4.5 4.0
PTE Core
CLB level Reading Writing Listening Speaking
10 88-90 90 89-90 89-90
9 78-87 88-89 82-88 84-88
8 69-77 79-87 71-81 76-83
7 60-68 69-78 60-70 68-75
6 51-59 60-68 50-59 59-67
5 42-50 51-59 39-49 51-58
4 33-41 41-50 28-38 42-50
3 24-32 32-40 18-27 34-41
TEF Canada

Note: For applications received through the Express Entry (EE) system, language level will be based on the “Équivalence ancien score” (previous score equivalency) which is the Test score equivalency chart for tests taken before September 30, 2019.

Applicants are instructed to only enter the scores for each language ability from that column into their EE electronic applications for permanent residence (e-APR) regardless of the date the test was taken. All other TEF Canada score equivalency charts are not compatible with our system at this time.

The attestation de résultats (statement of results) will also include test results in the column marked “Score / 699.” If these results were entered into the Express Entry profile, it may produce an incorrect NCLC equivalency.

If you took your test after December 10, 2023
NCLC level Reading Writing Listening Speaking
10 546-699 558-699 546-699 556-699
9 503-545 512-557 503-545 518-555
8 462-502 472-511 462-502 494-517
7 434-461 428-471 434-461 456-493
6 393-433 379-427 393-433 422-455
5 352-392 330-378 352-392 387-421
4 306-351 268-329 306-351 328-386
If you took your test between October 1, 2019 and December 10, 2023
NCLC level Reading Writing Listening Speaking
10 566-699 566-699 566-699 566-699
9 533-565 533-565 533-565 533-565
8 500-532 500-532 500-532 500-532
7 450-499 450-499 450-499 450-499
6 400-449 400-449 400-449 400-449
5 350-399 350-399 350-399 350-399
4 300-349 300-349 300-349 300-349
If you took your test before September 30, 2019
NCLC level Reading Writing Listening Speaking
10 263-300 393-450 316-360 393-450
9 248-262 371-392 298-315 371-392
8 233-247 349-370 280-297 349-370
7 207-232 310-348 249-279 310-348
6 181-206 271-309 217-248 271-309
5 151-180 226-270 181-216 226-270
4 121-150 181-225 145-180 181-225
TCF Canada
NCLC level Reading Writing Listening Speaking
10 549-699 16-20 549-699 16-20
9 524-548 14-15 523-548 14-15
8 499-523 12-13 503-522 12-13
7 453-498 10-11 458-502 10-11
6 406-452 7-9 398-457 7-9
5 375-405 6 369-397 6
4 342-374 4-5 331-368 4-5

What to include in your application

If you meet the minimum score in all 4 abilities, include a copy of the test results with your application.

These results must be less than 2 years old when you apply. Keep a copy of them for your records and future use.

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