How to apply

How you apply for an authorization to return to Canada (ARC) depends on whether

Get your documents ready

You must include the following documents when you submit your ARC application with or without a temporary or permanent residence application:

  1. a letter (in English or French) explaining in detail the reasons you should be allowed to return to Canada
    • The letter must be typed or written in print using black ink.
    • If your departure order became a deportation order because you didn’t leave Canada within the required 30 days, explain why you didn’t leave.
    • If you send documents in a language other than English or French, you must include a certified translation.
  2. proof you paid the processing fee for the ARC (CAN Error loading fee. Check the fee list.)

You can pay your fees online (opens in a new tab) .

Apply for an authorization to return to Canada

Find out how to apply for an ARC if you’re in 1 of the following situations:

You’re applying for an ARC and temporary residence

Before you apply, check if you need a visa to travel to Canada.

If you need a visa to travel to Canada

You can apply for an ARC at the same time as you do for temporary residence.

You must

  • send us your temporary residence application, including

You can apply online or mail your application to the nearest visa application centre.

If we determine that you’re eligible for temporary residence, we will then process your ARC application.

If you need an electronic travel authorization to travel to Canada

Follow the steps below.

  1. Apply for temporary residence

    Apply online for

  2. Submit the required documents for the ARC by mail

    Once we confirm that you’re eligible for temporary residence, we’ll ask you to a submit the required documents for your ARC application by mail to the nearest visa office.

If you’re visa and eTA-exempt

If you’re visa and eTA-exempt, contact the nearest visa office before coming to Canada.

You’re applying for an ARC and permanent residence

You can apply for an ARC at the same time as you do for permanent residence. You must include the required documents for the ARC application in your application for permanent residence.

After you apply for an ARC

We’ll notify you in writing if

We’ll return any incomplete or illegible applications without processing them.

There’s no guarantee we’ll issue you an ARC.

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