Check your score
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We no longer give points for job offers
As of March 25, 2025, we’re removing job offer points from the Comprehensive Ranking System for current and future candidates in the Express Entry pool. This includes job offers:
- classified under Major Group 00 of the National Occupation Classification (for example, senior management positions) (200 points)
- in any other skilled occupation (50 points)
It may take a few days for your score to show correctly, so you don’t need to contact us unless the problem continues more than a week.
What isn’t changing
If having a valid job offer is part of your eligibility criteria, this won’t change. This includes:
- the Federal Skilled Trades Program
- the Federal Skilled Worker Program
- some streams under provincial nominee programs
You should still include the details of any job offers in your Express Entry profile so you stay eligible for these programs.
CRS calculator
This tool will help you calculate your Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) score based on the answers you provide below.
Legal disclaimer
This tool is intended solely for general guidance and reference purposes.
In the event of any discrepancy between the results of this questionnaire and that provided by the Express Entry electronic system, the results provided by the system shall govern, in accordance with provisions of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act, the Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations, and Minister's Instructions issued under IRPA s.10.3.
This tool will be updated from time to time in accordance with changes to the Ministerial Instructions governing Express Entry.
Your results
All Express Entry candidates get a score out of 1,200, based on the four parts of the Comprehensive Ranking System formula.
We invite the highest-ranking candidates from the pool to apply as a permanent resident through regular “rounds of invitations.” See what minimum scores have been in the past.
What is a CRS score
The Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) is a points-based system that we use to assess and score your profile and rank it in the Express Entry pool. It’s used to assess your:
- skills
- education
- language ability
- work experience
- other factors
To get an invitation to apply, your CRS score must be above the minimum points score of your round of invitations. Cut-off scores may vary each round.
View the full CRS criteria and how points are calculated
When to use this tool
Use this tool if:
- you’re eligible for at least 1 Express Entry program and you have not filled out an Express Entry profile but you’d like to see what your CRS score might be if you do, or
- you were invited to apply for permanent residence, and you want to see if a change to your profile will affect your CRS score
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