Protect yourself from passport and other travel document fraud

Recently, there have been calls from people claiming to work for the Passport Program, asking for a social insurance number (SIN) to complete a passport application.

This is a scam. Hang up if you get a call like this. We will never ask for your SIN when you apply for a passport.

The term “travel document” includes all of the following:

  • passports
  • refugee travel documents
  • certificates of identity

On this page

How to avoid travel document fraud

Some people or businesses may offer to help you apply for a passport or other travel documents. They usually sell information kits that explain how to apply. Some may claim they can speed up the application process for a fee, but this is not true and not possible.

We aren’t associated with any people or businesses that offer these services.

  • Only use forms from

    • All passport and other travel document forms are available on our website for free.
    • Forms on third-party sites may not be official or up to date.
      • If you use unofficial or outdated forms, we may reject your application.
  • Passport service locations are the only places allowed to collect passport fees.

    • Passport service locations include
      • passport offices (including consolidated Service Canada Centres and passport offices)
      • Service Canada Centres
      • Government of Canada offices abroad
  • Protect your personal information, including the information in your travel documents.

    • We’ll never ask for your SIN to apply for a passport.
    • If you’re not sure if you’re talking to a real Government of Canada official, hang up and call us directly.
  • Store your travel document in a safe, dry and secure place, such as a

    • filing cabinet
    • personal safe
    • bank safety deposit box
  • No third party, whether they’re a person or a business, can speed up the processing of your application.

  • Never give a photocopy of or information from your travel document unless you’re sure it’s going to a trusted organization or individual.

    • If you do share information from your travel document with someone, you are responsible for anything they do with that information.
    • We’re not liable for anything they do with your information.

What to do if you think your information is lost, stolen or compromised

You may be at risk of fraud or theft if

  • you lose a photocopy of your travel document or someone steals one
  • you give a scan or photocopy of your travel document to a person or organization by mistake
  • you give information from your travel document to a person or organization by mistake

The chances of someone getting a travel document in your name are low as long as you still have your

  • travel document
  • proof of citizenship
  • supporting identity documents

Identity theft

If you think your travel document has been compromised, you can

  • contact us immediately if you think
    • you’ve been a victim of identity theft
    • someone used your identity to falsely apply for a travel document
  • apply to replace your travel document
    • You have to pay all the fees for new ones.
    • We can’t transfer the remaining validity period of your travel document to the new one.

More information

To learn more about identity theft, go to the

Page details

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