Document Checklist: Application for Canadian Citizenship – Canadian Armed Forces under Subsection 5(1.2) or 5(1.3) (CIT 0172)

Download the checklist

Help to download and save this checklist

  • Use your computer. The checklist may not open on tablets or mobile phones.
  • For most Internet browsers, clicking on the link above will ask you what you would like to do with the checklist.
    • You must save the checklist on your computer in a place you can remember.
    • If you try to open the checklist in your Internet browser’s PDF viewer, viewing or saving the checklist will not work.
  • You must open the checklist using Acrobat Reader.

How to open this checklist in Acrobat Reader

  1. Open Acrobat Reader
  2. Select “File” from the top menu
  3. Click "Open
  4. Find the location where you saved the checklist, click on the file and click “Open

Complete the checklist

How to use and submit this checklist

  • As you gather documents and complete forms, check the boxes beside each item.
  • When you put together your application package, place your documents and forms in the order shown on the checklist.
  • Place the completed checklist on top of your application package before mailing it.

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