Application for a Search of Citizenship Records (CIT 0058)

Download the form

How to download, save and open this form

  1. Use your computer. The form may not open on tablets or mobile phones.
  2. Save the form on your computer in a place you can remember.
    • For most Internet browsers, clicking on the link above will automatically download the form.
    • If the form doesn’t automatically download, right-click on the link and select “Save as.”
  3. After you download the form, open it using Adobe Acrobat Reader.

 Open this form in Acrobat Reader

  1. Open Acrobat Reader.
  2. Select “File” from the top menu.
  3. Click “Open.
  4. Find the location where you saved the form, click on the file, and click “Open.

Complete the form

Read the step by step instructions on how to complete the form.

Section 1 – Language of service

Would you like to receive service in English or in French? Please check one. Your correspondence will be in the language that you choose.

Section 2 – Information on the person whose record you’re asking for

  1. Please provide the surname/last name and given name(s) of the person whose record you want us to search for. If possible, write the name the same way it is written on the Record of Landing (IMM 1000), Permanent Resident Card (PRC), or Canadian Citizenship Certificate.
  2. If the person has used other names in the past, or are known by a name other than the one(s) you provided in the previous section of the application, please indicate them in the space provided. You can use a separate piece of paper if required.

    Note: Other names can include birth name, maiden names, nicknames, married names, call names, community name, etc.

    Please indicate the person’s date of birth.

  3. Please indicate the place and country where the person was born.

    Provide the date the person entered Canada as a permanent resident.

  4. If the person has ever had a Canadian citizenship certificate, if known, please indicate:
    • the name that was on that certificate,
    • when it was issued, and
    • the number on the certificate.
  5. If the person entered Canada before 1915, you’ll need to fill out the section on the person’s father. This is because citizenship records for persons who entered Canada before 1915 are usually based on the father’s record. Without the father’s information, we will not be able to find the person’s record. For this section, fill in as much detail as you know about the name of the town and province where the father lived, what his job was and the father’s birth date.

    If the person did not enter Canada before 1915, write N/A in the spaces provided.

Section 3 – Information on the person asking for the search

Whether you’re applying for information about yourself or about another person, you must fill in this section about yourself.

  • Write down your surname/last name and given name(s).
  • Provide your current mailing address, complete with postal code.
  • We may need to contact you by phone. List the telephone number(s) where you can be reached.
  • Indicate your e-mail address using this format (if applicable): We may contact you via e-mail.

Section 4 – Authorization for the release of information

We cannot release information about an individual unless the individual agrees.

The information contained in citizenship records is protected under the Privacy Act. The Act also states that information cannot be released without the written consent of the person concerned. This is why you must complete Section 4 of the application (Authorization for the release of information), if you want to release information about your application to an authorized individual. By signing Section 4, you’re agreeing to let us release the information to the individual or organization identified.

  1. If this Application for a Search of Citizenship Records is for information about you only, tick off “Yes” in the first box and go to the next section (Section 5).

    If the information you need is about a relative or another person, tick off “No” in the second box and complete all of section 4. You must have the permission of the person indicated, for the release of this personal information.

  2. Have the other person sign their name where it says “signature”, and have the person fill in the date that they signed the application.
  3. If the person whose record you’re asking for is deceased, you must provide proof of death. Proof of death may include a copy of an obituary notice, a death certificate, or a photograph of the person’s tombstone.

    Note: We cannot disclose personal information about an individual who has been deceased for less than 20 years. In some cases, an exception will be made if the executor or the estate or one having Power of Attorney requires the deceased’s personal information to administer his/her estate. In these cases, you must also provide proof of executorship or Power of Attorney.

  4. Please indicate what your relationship is to the person whose record you’re asking for (for example, husband, wife, child, brother, sister or parent). You must provide proof of this relationship with your application (for example, a birth certificate showing parentage).

Section 5 – Why do you need this information?

  • You must tell us why you need a letter. Use the space provided to indicate the reasons you need the letter.
  • Sign the application form with the signature you currently use on your other official documents. Indicate the date you signed the application and where.

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