Confirmation of Canadian Citizenship of the Adoptive Parent(s) (CIT 0010)
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Confirmation of Canadian Citizenship of the Adoptive Parent(s) [CIT 0010] (PDF, 2.6 MB)
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Complete the form
Read the step by step instructions on how to complete the form.
Be complete and accurate
Complete all sections of the application form. If a section does not apply to you, write “N/A” (“Not Applicable”). If your application form is incomplete, it may be returned to you and processing may be delayed.
Note: If you need more space for any section, print an additional page containing the applicable section, complete it and attach it to your application.
You must submit a separate application for each adopted person.
Section 1
- Question 1
Would you like to receive service (correspondence or interview) in English or in French? Check the applicable box to identify the official language in which you would like to receive service.
Section 2 – Applicant’s information
- Question 2A
Check the applicable box to identify who is applying on behalf of the adopted person:
- the adoptive parent, including a non-Canadian parent (for minors);
- the adopted person (if 18 years of age or older); or
- the legal guardian (for minors).
Note: A legal guardian or a non-Canadian parent may apply on behalf of an adopted person who is under 18 years of age if the adopted person had at least one Canadian citizen parent at the time of the adoption. If the adopted person is 18 years of age or older, they must complete and sign their own application.
- Question 2B
Write the last name (surname/family name) and given name(s) of the person applying for the adopted person’s Canadian citizenship.
- Question 2C
Write the complete residential address of the applicant, including the postal code and country.
- Question 2D
Write the complete mailing address, including the postal code and country, if different from the residential address in question 2C. If the mailing address is that of a representative, you must write their mailing address in this section and complete the Use of a Representative Form (IMM 5476) (opens in new tab) .
- Question 2E
Write the same address you entered in question 2D for your mailing address (or your residential address entered in question 2C if you have no mailing address) in the language of the country where you reside, if not in English or French (for example: Arabic, Cyrillic, Chinese, Korean, Japanese characters or Chinese commercial/telegraphic code).
- Question 2F
Write all of the applicable contact details for where you can be reached, including:
- a home telephone number,
- a business telephone number,
- a cellular telephone number,
- a facsimile (fax) number, and
- an e-mail address.
Note: By indicating your e-mail address, you are hereby authorizing us to transmit all correspondence, including your file and personal information to this specific e-mail address.
If the contact details are those of a representative, you must write them in this section and complete the Use of a Representative Form (IMM 5476) (opens in new tab) .
Section 3 – Details of adoptive parent(s)
- Question 3A
Write the following details of the adoptive parent(s):
- the last name (surname/family name);
- the given name(s);
- any other name(s) used (if applicable), including birth name, name(s) from previous marriage(s), aliases, nicknames, etc.; and
- the country and date of birth (year/month/day).
Note: If there are two adoptive parents, complete section 3 for both adoptive parents.
- Question 3B
Check the applicable box to indicate whether or not the adoptive parent(s) is a/are Canadian citizen(s). If they are, indicate how they obtained Canadian citizenship, such as:
- by birth in Canada;
- by a grant of Canadian citizenship (other than a grant of Canadian citizenship under the adoption provisions of the Citizenship Act);
- by birth outside Canada to a Canadian citizen parent;
- by a grant of Canadian citizenship under section 5.1, the adoption provisions of the Citizenship Act; or
- by naturalization in Canada as a British subject, etc.
Also check the applicable boxes to indicate whether or not one (or both) of the adoptive parents was employed as a Crown servant at the time of the adopted person’s adoption. If yes, provide details of their employment.
- Question 3C
Check the applicable box to indicate whether or not the adoptive parent(s) was/were ever issued (a) Canadian citizenship certificate(s).
If yes, write the certificate number(s), the last name(s) (surname/family name) and given name(s) as they appear on the certificate(s).
- Question 3D
Check the applicable box to indicate whether or not the adoptive parent(s) resided outside Canada for more than one year before 1977.
If yes, write the dates (year/month) and destination(s) outside Canada where the adoptive parent(s) resided.
- Question 3E
Check the applicable box to indicate whether or not the adoptive parent(s) is/are or was/were (a) citizen(s) of another country. If yes, write:
- the name of the country or countries;
- the date(s) the adoptive parent(s) became (a) citizen(s) of that country or those countries (year/month/day); and
- the means by which they obtained that citizenship or those citizenships (by birth in the country, through parentage, by naturalization, by marriage or other).
Attach a separate page if needed.
- Question 3F
Note: Do not answer this question if the adoptive parent(s) was/were born in Canada. Proceed directly to question 3G.
If the adoptive parent was born outside Canada, check the applicable box to indicate whether or not one of his/her parents was a Canadian citizen at the time of his/her birth.
If the adoptive parent was born outside Canada, check the applicable box to indicate whether or not one of his/her parents was employed outside Canada as a Crown servant (in or with the Canadian Armed Forces, the federal public administration or the public service of a province or territory other than as a locally engaged person) at the time of his/her birth or adoption.
If you answered yes to either question, provide the following information for the adoptive parent's parents:
- last name (surname/last name);
- other names used (name at birth, if applicable);
- given name(s);
- country of birth;
- date of birth;
- details on how the adoptive parent's parents obtained Canadian citizenship; and
- details on the Crown service.
Also check the applicable boxes and provide the same information for the other adoptive parent's parents.
- Question 3G
Check the applicable box to indicate whether or not one of the parents of the adoptive parent(s) was employed in Canada by a foreign government or international agency. If yes, write the name(s) of the employer(s) and the employment start date(s) (year/month/day).
Attach a separate page if needed.
Section 4 – Adoption details
- Question 4A
Check the applicable box to indicate whether or not the adoption has been completed.
If no, write:
- where it will be completed (place (city/town), region/province and country).
If yes, write:
- when it was completed (year/month/day);
- where the adoption order was issued (place (city/town), region/province and country); and
- the age of the adopted person at the time of adoption.
Note: If the adoption has been completed, enter the date and location of the adoption along with the age of the adopted person as they appear on the adoption order. Canadian citizenship cannot be granted until after the adoption has been finalized.
For more information. See: “Quebec adoptions” in the “Before you apply” section of the guide if the adopted person is destined to the province of Quebec.
- Question 4B
Check the applicable box to indicate whether or not the adopted person is a relative of one of the adoptive parents. If yes, indicate the relationship and to which adoptive parent.
Note: A relative is someone who has a relationship with another person either by blood or through marriage (for example: sibling, cousin, niece, nephew, grandchild, etc.).
- Question 4C
Write where the adopted person currently resides (if known).
- the place (city/town);
- the region/province; and
- the country.
- Question 4D
Check the applicable box to indicate whether or not the adopted person will come to Canada to live immediately after Canadian citizenship is granted.
If yes, write the name of the province or territory in which the adopted person will be living after their arrival in Canada.
Section 5 – Personal details of the adopted person
- Question 5A
Check the applicable box to indicate whether or not the personal details of the adopted person are known.
Note: The rest of section 5 below is to be completed only if the personal details of the adopted person are known. If they are not known, proceed directly to section 6.
- Question 5B
Write the last name (surname/family name) and given name(s) at birth of the adopted person.
- Question 5C
Enter the following information about the adopted person:
- their date of birth (year/month/day);
- their place of birth (city/town);
- their country of birth; and
- their country or countries of current citizenship.
- Question 5D
Check the appropriate box to indicate the gender of the adopted person.
- Question 5E
Check the applicable box to indicate whether or not you know where the adopted person currently resides.
If yes, write the complete address, including the postal code and country, along with the name of a contact person or organization where the adopted person currently resides.
Note: If the adopted person is completing this application form, check the box “I am the adopted person (skip this section)” in question 5E and proceed directly to question 5F.
- Question 5F
Check the applicable box to indicate whether or not you have previously submitted a sponsorship or a permanent residence application for the adopted person, or if you are the adopted person, whether or not one has been submitted on your behalf.
If yes, write the approximate date (year/month) the application was submitted.
Section 6 – Appointment of a representative
- Question 6
If you appoint an individual, firm or organization as your representative, you must complete the Use of a Representative Form (IMM 5476) (opens in new tab) . Note that once you appoint a representative, all correspondence from us regarding your application will be directed to them and not to you.
Section 7 – Declaration and signature
The parent, legal guardian or adopted person (if 18 years of age or older) must sign the application form and write the place (city/town) where the application form was signed along with the date (year/month/day). The application form should be signed and dated on the same day.
The application form must be signed and dated before it is mailed.
Your application will be returned to you if:
- You have appointed an individual, firm or organization as your representative and you did not submit the Use of a Representative Form (IMM 5476) (opens in new tab) with your application or this form was submitted incomplete.
- You appoint a compensated representative who is not a member of the following designated bodies:
- immigration consultants who are members in good standing of College of Immigration and Citizenship Consultants (CICC);
- lawyers and paralegals who are members in good standing of a Canadian provincial or territorial law society and students-at-law under their supervision; and
- notaries who are members in good standing of the Chambre des notaires du Québec and students-at-law under their supervision.
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