Infographic: Immigration and Canada’s economic recovery
Immigration and Canada’s economic recovery (PDF, 218 KB)

Text Version: Immigration and Canada’s economic recovery
- In 2021, we welcomed a record number of permanent residents, more than 405,000.
- Immigration accounts for almost 100% of Canada’s labour force growth and nearly 80% of our population growth.
- Canada regained many of the jobs lost during the pandemic, but there remain 960,000 unfilled positions across all sectors.
- This is a clear sign that we have a strong economic need for increased immigration.
- By 2030, 5 million Canadians are set to retire and the worker to retiree ratio will drop down to only 3:1.
- The 2022-2024 Immigration Levels Plan aims to welcome 431,645 permanent residents in 2022, 447,055 in 2023 and 451, 000 in 2024.
- By 2024, overall admissions will amount to 1.14% of the Canadian population with nearly 60of admissions in the Economic Class.
- Working to increase Francophone immigration to reach a target of 4.4% of French-speaking immigrants outside Quebec by 2023.
- Spreading the benefits of immigration to communities all across Canada.
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