SOCI - The Standing Committee on Canada's Temporary and Migrant Labour Force - September 28, 2023

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Table of Contents

Opening Statement

  1. Deputy Minister’s Opening Statement
  2. Narrative

Canada’s Temporary and Migrant Labour Force

  1. Temporary Residence to Permanent Residence Transitions
  2. Conditions and Vulnerabilities Faced by Temporary and Migrant Workers
    1. Annex - End of Mission Statement by United Nations Special Rapporteur
  3. Temporary Worker Programs’ Employer Compliance Regime
    1. Annex - Application of Administrative Monetary Penalties and bans for non-compliant employers
  4. Canada’s Temporary Foreign Worker Programming

Other Departmental Issues

  1. Inventories and Processing Times
  2. International Students
  3. Labour Shortages
  4. Immigration Levels Plan for 2023-2025
    1. Levels Cheat Sheet
  5. Housing Shortages

Reference Material

  1. Committee and Appearance Overview
  2. List of Parliamentary Returns and Undertakings
  3. Data Cheat Sheet
  4. IRCC Workforce Demographics

Page details

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