CIMM – Key Figures: Afghanistan – October 24, 2023

[Redacted] appears where sensitive information has been removed in accordance with the principles of the Access to Information Act and the Privacy Act.

Breakdown of Applications and Arrivals for Each Pathway and Sub Categories (as of October 12, 2023)

Overall Arrival Numbers

As of October 12, 2023, Canada welcomed 39,730 Afghans including the following (rounded to the nearest 5 to be consistent with public-facing numbers on the website):

Public Policy Referrals Commitment
Applications Received (Person) Applications Approved (Person) Landing Inventory or TRP approved (Person) Arrived in Canada (Person) Published on the website as of
Oct 17, 2023
Special Immigration Measures (SIM) GAC (includes LES) - 7,217 5,257 566 4,691 -
DND - 12,511 8,043 738 7,305 -
Other - [Redacted] [Redacted] [Redacted] [Redacted] -
Total 18,000 19,729 13,301 1,304 11,996 11,995
Language and Cultural Advisors (LCA) Total 380Footnote * 998 38 30 8 -
Extended Family Members of Formerly Resettled Interpreters (EFPP) Total 5,000 5,686 3,126 539 2,587 2,585
Economic Mobility Pathway Pilot (EMPP) Total 2,000 70 35 10 25 -
Humanitarian GAR Program [Redacted] US ReferralsFootnote ** 7,000 7,169 6,488 101 6,387 -
NATO 450 493 466 0 466 -
FLD/PD 900 919 860 76 784 -
UNHCR [Redacted] [Redacted] [Redacted] [Redacted] [Redacted] -
Other 3,048 2,869 1,847 316 1,531 -
Total 12,398 12,447 10,656 493 10,163 -
Humanitarian PSR Program (13 K)Footnote *** Afghan General Inventory 7,000 7,004 7,004 0 7,004 -
AF1 New PSR Commitment 3,000 2,997 2,424 554 1,870 -
G5 and CS RSD waiver 3000 3,025 2,224 1,109 1,115 -
Total PSR 13,000 13,026 11,652 1,663 9,989 -
Total Humanitarian GAR/PSR - - - - - 20,152Footnote **** 20,155Footnote ****
Total additional Afghan arrivals from regular processing (GAR, PSR) N/A N/A 20,269 7,106 2,142 4,964 4,965
Grand Total - - - - - 39,732Footnote **** 39,730Footnote ****

Settlement Data

Settlement Overall

The Department works with a network of over 550 settlement service provider organizations in at least 145 communities across Canada.

There are 42 RAP service provider organizations in 44 communities across Canada and at three ports of entry.

In 2022-2023, 607,795 of all IRCC clients (not just Afghans) accessed at least one settlement service, a 42% increase compared to 2021-2022.

Afghan-Specific Settlement Figures (as of October 14, 2023)

1,230 Afghan GARs in Temporary Accommodation.

Overall Destining by Province (as of October 12, 2023)

Province Number Resettled Percentage of Arrivals
Ontario 21,022 52.9%
Alberta 7,502 18.9.%
BC 4,997 12.6%
Newfoundland 1,201 3.0%
Saskatchewan 1,293 3.3%
Manitoba 810 2.0%
Nova Scotia 558 1.4%
New Brunswick 618 1.6%
Quebec 1,580 4.0%
PEI 65 0.1%
TBD 86 0.2%

Charters since October 2021

Departure country #PAX #charters
Pakistan 10,651 35
Tajikistan 4,714 16
Other 2,125 8
Total 17,490 59

International Comparison of Afghan Initiatives by Public Commitment Level

Canada United States European Union United Kingdom Australia New Zealand
At least 40,000 by end of 2023 No resettlement commitment was publicly announced, however funding was provided to support resettlement of up to 95,000

38,000 spaces pledged in 2021-2022, further 16,000 spaces pledged for resettlement in 2023 totalling 54,000

*See Germany below.

At least 20,000 in the next few years, including 5,000 in the first year 31,500 until 2026 No specific commitment announced

To date, Germany has granted approval to approximately [redacted] of whom have arrived in Germany. Of those approved for resettlement, [redacted] are former local employees while the remaining [redacted] consist of vulnerable Afghans, including eligible family members.

For more info: Questions and answers on the Federal Admission Programme for Afghanistan - Federal Foreign Office (

International Comparison of Number of Afghans Resettled

Canada United States European Union United Kingdom Australia New Zealand
39,732 (as of October 12, 2023) 94,000 (as of September 2023) 41,500 (as of May 2023) 24,600 (as of March 2023) 17,818 (as of June 2023) 1,700 (as of July 29, 2022)

* Data on other countries’ progress was gathered from a mix of publicly available sources, including country factsheets shared through the European Union Agency for Asylum (EUAA) for use with the Migration resource Centre, though they were all updated at different times. No factsheet received from New Zealand.

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