IRCC employs various methods to enforce program integrity and continuously seeks to improve the integrity of its programs through new initiatives.
The international student compliance regime (ISCR) is designed to uncover potential fraud, fraud trends, international student movement, non genuine students and questionable institutions. Data collected gives IRCC insight into whether or not international students are compliant with their study permit conditions, and actively pursue their studies.
Previously, the Department conducted ad-hoc Letter Of Acceptance (LOA) verifications on applications where there was suspected fraud identified by the processing officer. Therefore, less than one percent of the overall volume of study permit applications had LOA verifications completed on them.
To enhance the LOA verification process, and mitigate fraud at the front end, the Department developed an LOA verification tool which now requires all post-secondary study permit applicants to apply to study at a Designated Learning Institution (DLI) that will verify the authenticity of the LOA submitted with the application before the applicant is assessed. IRCC implemented the LOA verification solution on December 1, 2023, for all overseas applicants, and expanded it to in-Canada applicants on January 30, 2024.
The Department uses tools and processes, such as the Integrity Trend Analysis Tool (ITAT), biometrics, and admissibility screening, to identify risks and patterns in live caseloads. This includes coordinating medical and anti-fraud efforts in student cohorts through working groups and exchanges with originating countries on risk profiles. Some of these tools may use advanced analytics that incorporate historical data to generate historically adverse patterns and identify potentially high risk applications. For example, the Department launched the ITAT for broad use, beginning with the study permit caseload in January 2023.
IRCC provides information and resources on its website to help prospective applicants abroad from becoming a victim of fraud. IRCC also launches targeted campaigns when they are warranted, such as the 2023 advertising campaign launched in India to raise awareness among prospective applicants of recent fraud trends.
Global Affairs Canada also contributes to this effort as it is responsible for maintaining the website, which is the official Government of Canada website for international students seeking to study in Canada. The website contains information on warning signs of fraud when applying to be a student in Canada, and how students can protect themselves by taking certain precautions during the application process.
Supplementary Information
In light of our shared concerns for student well-being, IRCC has ongoing, close engagement with provinces and territories to explore measures to strengthen protections for students and authorize stronger action against bad actors at the provincial and federal levels.
Modernization of the International Student Program
Following extensive consultations with provinces and territories, as well as stakeholders, IRCC is implementing a suite of measures aimed at strengthening the integrity of the international student program; addressing student vulnerability; and ensuring genuine students receive the support they require for an enriching study experience in Canada.
We continue to work closely with provinces and territories and national educational associations to address ongoing challenges, including international student fraud.