Program delivery update: Student Direct Stream (SDS)

This section contains policy, procedures and guidance used by IRCC staff. It is posted on the department’s website as a courtesy to stakeholders.

August 30, 2023

This update is to advise that the Student Direct Stream (SDS) eligibility requirements regarding accepted language test results have been updated to align with the Ministerial Instructions effective August 10, 2023, and provide further clarity on the minimum proficiency thresholds for each language test result accepted for the SDS. In addition to the currently accepted tests, starting August 10, 2023, additional academic tests from designated organizations and another test by another non-designated organization will also be accepted.

These program delivery instructions (PDI) have also been updated to indicate that, after a bank’s initial guaranteed investment certificate (GIC) fund disbursement to the applicant upon their arrival in Canada, the bank may disburse the remaining funds of a GIC in any accepted arrangements made with an applicant. IRCC recommends that GIC funds be disbursed in monthly or bimonthly instalments. However, if the bank’s disbursement schedule differs from IRCC’s recommendation, this does not affect an applicant’s SDS eligibility regarding GIC requirements. A note has been added in the “Eligibility criteria” section.

Updated instructions

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