Program delivery update: Applicants with no other means of support [R206] and humanitarian reasons [R208]
This section contains policy, procedures and guidance used by IRCC staff. It is posted on the department’s website as a courtesy to stakeholders.
August 19, 2021
The instructions for applicants with no other means of support (refugee claimants and persons under an unenforceable removal order) have been updated to modernize the page and add guidance on fees, medical examinations, work permit duration and examples of applicants who may be under unenforceable removal orders.
To centralize the information, the instructions about work permits for refugee claimants have been removed from Processing in-Canada and port of entry claims: General requirements and administration, and the content has been added to Applicants with no other means of support [R206 – S61 and S62] – International Mobility Program .
In addition, the instructions for applicants with humanitarian reasons (destitute students and temporary resident permit holders) have been updated to modernize the page and add guidance on evidence that the applicant requires public support, evidence of circumstances beyond the control of destitute students and fees.
Updated instructions
Page details
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