All other classes - R175(1), R295(1)(c), R301(1)(b) and R307

This section contains policy, procedures and guidance used by IRCC staff. It is posted on the department’s website as a courtesy to stakeholders.

The fees are:

  • Principal applicant: $550;
  • Dependant 19 years or older or under 19 years and a spouse or common-law partner: $550;
  • Dependent under 19 and not a spouse or common-law partner: $150.

Protected persons under R175(1): federal skilled workers; Quebec skilled workers; provincial nominees; live-in caregivers; and applications to remain in Canada under A25 (In-Canada only.)

Example - Skilled worker (Federal or Quebec)

A foreign national submits an application to enter Canada as a skilled worker and is accompanied by his wife and two children, one of whom is 15 and the other 23. Both children are in school on a full-time basis and neither is a spouse nor common-law partner.
Fee Amount
Principal applicant) $ 550
Spouse $ 550
Family member under 19 and not a spouse or common-law partner $ 150
Family member 19 or older and not a spouse or common-law partner $ 550
Total fee $1,800

Special cost recovery instructions for Federal Skilled Workers

All FSW applications, including cost recovery fees, must be submitted to the CIO in Sydney, Nova Scotia. Applicants may pay by certified cheque, money order, bank draft or credit card.

In some instances, when an applicant has chosen to submit their cost recovery fee payment in the form of a certified financial instrument in Canadian dollars, financial institutions are returning to the CIO explaining that they have not cleared. The bank often notifies the CIO several weeks or even months later.

Financial instruments may fail to clear due to different banking regulations in the country of residence and financial institutions used by applicants. However, it is the applicant’s responsibility to ensure that their application is accompanied by a complete cost recovery fee payment.


Effective immediately, the CIO and visa offices should follow the scenario-based instructions outlined below to deal with cost recovery issues when processing FSW applications under the MI of November 28, 2008, and any subsequent MI, unless otherwise directed. In cases where the cost recovery issue appears to be outside of the applicant’s control, the applicant will be given only one opportunity to resolve the matter. Applicants who intentionally prevent making full payment (for example, the applicant closes their bank account(s) or cancels the credit card(s) used to make payment) will not be given the opportunity to submit a new cost recovery payment fee. Their application will be refused as incomplete.

Applications received between February 28, 2008 and June 25, 2010

Scenario 1:

  • File transferred to visa office by the CIO;
  • Cost recovery fee not cleared by bank and CIO notified by the bank;
  • The required forms and supporting documentation have not been received by the responsible visa office within the 120 day deadline.




CIO notifies responsible visa office the cost recovery fee is owing and the visa office should not continue processing the application in question until the fee payment has cleared. Visa office will note in GCMS that the CIO has advised that the applicant’s cost recovery fee payment in the amount of $xxxx has failed to clear the bank.


If a complete application is not received within the 120-day deadline, the visa office will cancel the application and record the following notes in GCMS:
“The CIO informed the applicant that he/she had 120 days to submit a complete application with supporting documents to this office. The CIO also informed the applicant that a final determination eligibility for processing according to the Ministerial Instructions of November 28, 2008, would be made at this office based on the information available as of the 120-day deadline. The applicant has not submitted a complete application and supporting documents. I have reviewed the available information and am not satisfied that there is sufficient evidence this application is eligible for processing. In addition, the CIO has advised this office that the applicant’s cost recovery fee payment in the amount of $xxxx has failed to clear the bank – see previous GCMS notes dated xxxx. NO cost recovery refund is owing to this applicant.”


Visa office will send a letter to the applicant informing them of the outcome and that no cost recovery fee refund will be processed. See sample letter.


Visa office will notify the CIO via CPC Sydney  of the action taken on the file.


CIO will contact CPC-Sydney Finance for reconciliation of their records.


CIO will update GCMS notes on the local MI file at the CIO.

Scenario 2:

  • File transferred to visa office by the CIO;
  • Cost recovery fee initially not cleared by bank and CIO notified by the bank;
  • The required forms and supporting documentation have been received by the responsible visa office within the 120 day deadline.
Step Action


CIO notifies the responsible visa office the cost recovery fee is owing and should not continue processing the application in question until the fee payment has cleared. The current processing stage of the file is not relevant. Visa office will note in GCMS that the CIO has advised that the applicant’s cost recovery fee payment in the amount of $xxxx has failed to clear the bank.


Visa office will contact the applicant to request that the cost recovery fee payment be submitted directly to the visa officewithin 60 days. See sample letter.


If the cost recovery fee payment is received within 60 days, the visa office will continue to process the application.


If the cost recovery fee payment is not received within 60 days, the application will be refused as incomplete and the applicant will be informed that no cost recovery fee refund will be issued. See sample letter.


Visa office will cancel the application and record the following notes in GCMS:

“The CIO has advised this office that the applicant’s cost recovery fee payment in the amount of $xxxx failed to clear the bank – see previous GCMS notes dated xxxx. The applicant was contacted and asked to pay the cost recovery fee in the amount of $xxxx within 60 days directly to this office or no further processing would occur. The applicant has NOT paid the cost recovery fee as requested. Therefore the application is incomplete and is not eligible for processing. NO cost recovery refund is owing to this applicant.”

Applications received on or after June 26, 2010

Scenario 3:

  • Final positive eligibility determination at CIO;
  • Cost recovery fee subsequently not cleared by bank and CIO notified by the bank;
  • File has not been transferred to visa office.
Step Action


The CIO should not continue processing the application in question until the fee payment has cleared. The CIO will note in GCMS that the applicant’s cost recovery fee payment in the amount of $xxxx has failed to clear the bank.


CIO transfers file to CPC-Sydney Finance to be held pending further instructions.


As the holder of the active GCMS and paper files, the CIO will contact the applicant with a request for cost recovery fee payment within 60 days. See sample letter.


If the cost recovery fee payment is received within 60 days as requested, the CIO will continue to process the application.


If the cost recovery fee payment is not received within 60 days as requested, the application will be refused as incomplete and the applicant will be informed that no cost recovery fee refund will be issued. See sample letter.


The CIO will cancel the application and record the following notes in GCMS:

“The CIO was notified that the applicant’s cost recovery fee payment in the amount of $xxxx failed to clear the bank – see previous GCMS notes dated xxxx. The applicant was contacted and was asked to pay the cost recovery fee in the amount of $xxxx within 60 days directly to this office or no further processing would occur. The applicant has NOT paid the cost recovery fee as requested. Therefore the application is incomplete and is not eligible for processing. NO cost recovery refund is owing to this applicant.”

Scenario 4:

  • Final positive determination of eligibility at CIO;
  • File has been transferred to visa office;
  • Cost recovery fee not cleared by bank and CIO notified by the bank.
Step Action


CIO advises the responsible visa office that the cost recovery fee is owing and the visa office should not continue processing the application in question until the fee payment has cleared. The current processing stage of the file is not relevant. Visa office will note in GCMS that the CIO has advised that the applicant’s cost recovery fee payment in the amount of $xxxx has failed to clear the bank.


As the holder of the active GCMS and paper files, the visa office will contact the applicant with a request for the cost recovery fee payment to be submitted within 60 days. See sample letter.


If the cost recovery fee payment is received within 60 days, the visa office will continue to process the application.


If the cost recovery fee payment is not received within 60 days, the application will be refused as incomplete and the applicant will be informed that no cost recovery fee refund will be issued. See sample letter.


Visa office will cancel the application and record the following notes in GCMS:

“The CIO has advised this office that the applicant’s cost recovery fee payment in the amount of $xxxx failed to clear the bank – see previous GCMS notes dated xxxx. The applicant was contacted and asked to pay the cost recovery fee in the amount of $xxxx within 60 days directly to this office or no further processing would occur. The applicant has NOT paid the cost recovery fee as requested. Therefore the application is incomplete and is not eligible for processing. NO cost recovery refund is owing to this applicant.”


Visa office will notify the CIO via CPC Sydney of the action taken on the file.


CIO will contact CPC-Sydney Finance for reconciliation of their records.

NOTE: In all cases, an applicant who subsequently contacts the CIO or the visa office requesting a refund after the 60 days have passed and no cost recovery payment fee was received, should be directed to contact the institution that issued their financial instrument for information on the reason the instrument has failed to clear.

Fee Exemptions

The following persons are not required to pay the Application for Permanent Residence fee:

  • a person who makes an application as a member of the Convention refugees abroad class and the family members included in the person’s application;
  • a person who makes an application as a member of one of the humanitarian-protected persons abroad classes and the family members included in the member’s application;
  • a person who is a member of the protected temporary residents class and the family members included in their application.

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