Updated temporary public policy for nationals of Iran in Canada as temporary residents

The Government of Canada recognizes that while the protests that erupted following the tragic killing on September 16, 2022 of Mahsa Amini have ended, the situation in Iran continues to be unstable due to a combination of factors, most notably Iran’s implication in the regional conflict that emerged as a result of Israel’s war in Gaza.

It is understood that Iranian national temporary residents in Canada may be unable to return to Iran at this time. The measures outlined in this public policy will facilitate continued access to study permits, open work permits and work permit extensions from within Canada for Iranian foreign nationals who arrived in Canada on or before February 28, 2025.

Therefore, I hereby establish that there are sufficient public policy considerations that justify the granting, pursuant to section 25.2 of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act, of exemptions from the requirements of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations (Regulations) listed below to foreign nationals who meet the conditions set out below.

Conditions (eligibility requirements)

Based on public policy considerations, delegated officers may grant an exemption from the requirements of the Act and Regulations identified below when a foreign national meets the following conditions:

Provisions of the Regulations for which an exemption may be granted, if applicable:

For foreign nationals who meet the conditions listed in 1)

For foreign nationals who meet the conditions listed in 2)

Other Admissibility and Selection Criteria

Foreign nationals eligible under this public policy are subject to all other legislative obligations and admissibility and selection requirements not exempted under this, or another, public policy.

Effective Date and Expiration

This public policy comes into effect on March 1, 2025 and expires on February 28, 2026, and may be revoked at any time without prior notice.

This public policy applies to applications received on or after the date it comes into effect, and before the expiry date or the revocation of the public policy.

Hon. Marc Miller, P.C., M.P.
Minister of Citizenship and Immigration
Dated at Ottawa, this 28 day of February 2025

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