#ImmigrationMatters in Vancouver, British Columbia - Teaching children for free during a pandemic

Teaching children for free during a pandemic

November 13, 2020


Immigration Matters to Canada’s COVID-19 response – Kavita Dau

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Transcript: “Immigration Matters to Canada’s COVID-19 response – Kavita Dau”

Video Length: 39 seconds

Fade-in of the city of Vancouver, showing the Vancouver skyline with skyscrapers.

Text on screen: Immigration Matters to Canada’s COVID-19 response

Kavita, standing, looks into the camera.

Text on screen: Kavita Dau, Founder & CEO, Dau Academy

kavita: I founded Dau Academy as a way to increase students’ exam results and their confidence in school. And during the pandemic, I decided to keep teaching for free, via Zoom, as a way to try to mitigate some of the effects of the pandemic on students’ learning.

A door sign reads: “The building is closed. School is being held online due to COVID-19”

Kavita is shown teaching, while looking into the camera. An animation in the top left of the screen draws a notebook.

Leah, standing, looks into the camera.

Text on screen: Leah Coss, Founder & CEO, Build a Biz Kids

leah: Kavita taught kids how to take control of their minds … she helped them to understand that memory is not a gifted thing that only certain people have.

A child with headphones is working on a laptop.

Manisha, standing, looks into the camera.

Text on screen: Manisha Narula, Director of Community, League of Innovators

manisha: Kavita is such a great entrepreneur. The pandemic has just furthered her cause, her motivation to continue helping kids, which has been so inspiring to witness.

The scene fades to black.

Text on screen: “#IMMIGRATIONMATTERS” and “Canada.ca/immigration-matters

The Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada corporate signature is shown along with the copyright message, “Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada, represented by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada, 2020.”

The Canada wordmark is shown on a black background.

Immigration profile: Vancouver, British Columbia (Census Metropolitan Area)

Quick Facts:

  • Immigrants in the Vancouver area make up 41% of the population.
  • Between 1980 and 2016, more than 58% of immigrants who came to the Vancouver area were economic immigrants, while 31% were sponsored by family and 9% were refugees.
  • Nearly 40% of immigrants aged 15 and older are volunteers. On average, these people will volunteer 162 hours each year.

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