Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada

The Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada (IRB) is Canada's largest independent administrative tribunal. It is responsible for making well-reasoned decisions on immigration and refugee matters, efficiently, fairly and in accordance with the law. The IRB decides, among other responsibilities, who needs refugee protection among the thousands of claimants who come to Canada annually.


Services and information

Make a claim for refugee protection

This involves making a claim; submitting the necessary documentation; attending a hearing; and finally, awaiting a decision

Detention reviews and admissibility hearings

Information concerning the procedures for Admissibility Hearings and Detention Reviews, as well as legal decisions and guidelines

Filing a refugee appeal or responding to a Minister's appeal

Learn about filing a Notice of Appeal and completing your Appellant's Record

Filing an immigration appeal

Information on filing a Notice of Appeal and preparing for your appeal hearing

Making a complaint to the IRB

Information on making a complaint about the conduct of a member, an unauthorized paid representative or an interpreter

Hearings at the IRB

Get ready for your virtual hearing with helpful tips and instructions on how to set up and use Microsoft Teams. Make a request for a hybrid or in-person hearing. Observe a virtual hearing

What we are doing

Corporate information

Roger Ermuth

Roger Ermuth

Executive Director

Hongchao Wang

Hongchao Wang

Head Corporate Services and Chief Financial Officer

Roula Eatrides

Roula Eatrides

Deputy Chairperson RPD

Greg Kipling

Greg Kipling

Deputy Chairperson ID

Suzanne Gilbert

Suzanne Gilbert

Deputy Chairperson RAD


Caroline Labranche

Deputy Chairperson of the IAD

Julie Wellington

Julie Wellington

Senior General Counsel

Stephanie Shatilla

Stephanie Shatilla



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