Backgrounder: The federal government is investing more than $17.3M for greener urban environments and improved mobility in Quebec


Backgrounder: The federal government is investing more than $17.3M for greener urban environments and improved mobility in Quebec

The federal government is investing $17,351,321 through the Active Transportation Fund to support 13 active transportation projects across Quebec.

Project Information:


Project Name

Project Details

Federal Funding

Municipal Funding

Acton Vale

Enhancement and renovation of rest stops, resting areas, and signage along the La Campagnard bike path.

Renovate and improve 17 rest stops and rest areas, and upgrade signage.




Multi-purpose trail on Route 139.

New multi-use trail between Horizon Street and Simonds N. Street.




Development of pedestrian and cycling trails.

A new 510-meter pedestrian and cycling section connecting the urban core to the businesses on Maple Street/Route 344, as well as the renovation of two existing sections totaling 280 meters.




Deployment of comfortable and user-friendly cycling links and the installation of physical separations.

Addition of separated cycling links from vehicle traffic (marked bike lanes with bollards, bus platforms, and elevated paths with landscaped benches).




Multi-purpose trail connecting the Maison des aînés and the Carrefour Santé Globale.

Feasibility study and design of a multi-use path dedicated to active transportation, connecting the current network to the Carrefour Santé Globale, along Route 112.




Cycling network - Père-Lamarche, St-Rédempteur, and William-Russell.

Complete several loops of the current urban bike path network and secure a major school zone.




Connection of the residential area to the school, recreational, cultural, and community zones of 3rd Avenue and Gauthier North Street.

Construction of a sidewalk and a bike lane on 3rd Avenue to connect active transportation from the main residential neighborhood to the school, recreational, cultural, and community areas of the city of Notre-Dame-des-Prairies.




Development of a trail connecting Thérèse B. Ferland Park, the Locavore Market, and the recreation area.

Development of a trail on municipal land leading to various infrastructures.


(The municipality of Racine is contributing $250,000 and the MRC of Val-Saint-François, $18,000)


Development of a green promenade.

Creation of a public promenade aimed at establishing a green link between several hubs in the area, numerous residential buildings, and existing pedestrian trails.




Construction of a sidewalk on Racette Road - Saint-Augustin-de-Desmaures.

Addition of a full sidewalk on the west side of Racette Road for 1.25 km and rebuild the sidewalk on the east side of Racette Road for 1.25 km.




Construction of a multi-purpose trail on the extension of Léo Street.

Addition of a multi-purpose trail, including greenery and new trees, to provide residents with a new connection between Route 132 and Boulevard Saint-Laurent.




Construction of a multi-purpose trail on Lamarche Street, between Boulevard Marie-Victorin and Parc de la Providence.

New multi-purpose trail between Route 132 and Boulevard Saint-Laurent.




Improvement of drainage and paving of the section of the Le P'tit Train du Nord linear park.

Building of a solid water-resistant foundation, pave, and mark 18.4 km of multi-purpose trail.


(The Regional County Municipality of the Laurentides contributes $1,115,062
Municipality of Mont-Blanc contributes $40,000)

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