Backgrounder: Federal and provincial governments invest in better community infrastructure throughout the province


Backgrounder: Federal and provincial governments invest in better community infrastructure throughout the province

The federal government is investing $18,259,013 through the Green Infrastructure Stream (GIS), the Community, Culture & Recreation Infrastructure Stream (CCRIS), and the COVID-19 Resilience Infrastructure Stream (CVRIS) of the Investing in Canada Infrastructure Plan (ICIP) to support six community infrastructure projects across Alberta.

Project Information:


Project Name

Project Details

Funding Stream

Federal Funding

Provincial Funding

Recipient Funding

Municipal District of Bighorn No. 8

Camp Chief Hector Refurbishment

Upgrading housing facilities, lodges, access roads, and the main gate, in addition to improving landscaping to comply with wildfire safety requirements.





Municipal District of Big Lakes

Modernizing Watercourse Crossing Structures on Highway 33

Replacing of up to four major culverts on Highway 33 north of Swan Hills.





Blood Tribe First Nation

Red Crow Community College New Trade Education Centre HVAC System Replacement

Replacing the old campus facility HVAC system to bring the building up to current code requirements and provide a more welcoming and safe atmosphere for students.





City of Calgary

Calgary Drop-in and Rehab Centre HVAC Replacement

Supporting the restoration of existing HVAC and AHU systems.





City of Lethbridge

Water Treatment Plant Berm Project

Managing flood risks for the City’s Water Treatment Plant in the Oldman River bottom to improve the security of the plant in the event of a large scale flood.





Town of Okotoks; Municipal District of Foothills No. 31

Okotoks-Foothills Raw Water Supply Pipeline

Constructing a sub-regional raw water supply system to maximize Okotoks’ existing water treatment plant capacity and supplying Foothills County with raw water through their economic corridor.





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