Governments of Canada and Manitoba renew the Canada Community-Building Fund agreement for ten years

News release

Winnipeg, Manitoba, August 29, 2024 — The Governments of Canada and Manitoba have signed a new ten-year agreement for the Canada Community-Building Fund (CCBF) to provide predictable, long-term, and stable funding to communities across the province. Over the first five years, Manitoba will receive more than $415 million to address local infrastructure priorities.

Since 2015, the CCBF has funded over 920 highway, road, and bridge projects across Manitoba totalling more than $322.6 million.

Some other major infrastructure projects include:

  • Replacing a mobility bus with an electric mobility van in Selkirk.
  • Replacing an arena chiller in The Pas.
  • Projects for pedestrians and cyclists in Winnipeg.
  • Improving potable water access and wastewater treatment in East Selkirk.
  • Roadwork on the Empress Street and overpass in Winnipeg.
  • Upgrading electrical and amenities at Norfolk Treherne’s Cottonwood Campground to accommodate more campers.

The renewal of this agreement also means that critical public infrastructure which supports housing will continue to be built, maintained, and expanded. It will also support the growth of communities by taking a holistic approach and tying infrastructures investments – such as public transit, recreation centres, water and wastewater systems – to housing needs where appropriate.

The federal government is investing $26.7 billion over the next ten years under the renewed CCBF agreements to fund infrastructure projects – especially ones that will aid the construction of new homes across the country.


“The renewed agreement is excellent news for Manitobans, and will help us provide communities across the province with stable and flexible funding to invest in strategic infrastructure projects that help address their local priorities. This funding is essential to building affordable and inclusive communities for residents to live, work, and raise families.”

The Honourable Dan Vandal, Minister of Northern Affairs, PrairiesCan and CanNor, on behalf of the Honourable Sean Fraser, Minister of Housing, Infrastructure and Communities

“Manitoba communities will benefit from these new funds allowing them to upgrade, innovate and create critical infrastructure to meet their specific needs. Our government’s partnership with the federal government will help to strengthen and build up communities throughout the province.”

The Honourable Lisa Naylor, Minister of Consumer Protection and Government Services 

The Association of Manitoba Municipalities (AMM) welcomes the signing of the renewed Canada Community-Building Fund (CCBF) agreement. This renewal underscores the importance of collaboration between all orders of government and reaffirms the role of municipal governments as essential partners. We commend the provincial government for working closely with our organization to ensure that this new agreement reflects municipal needs. The CCBF will enable municipalities to continue addressing critical local priorities, such as roads, bridges, and water and wastewater infrastructure, with the predictability and flexibility necessary to effectively support local communities. This essential infrastructure not only enhances quality of life but also lays the groundwork for building more housing, ensuring our communities can grow sustainably.” 

Kam Blight, President of the Association of Manitoba Municipalities

Quick facts

  • Across Canada, the federal government is renewing CCBF agreements and is investing $26.7 billion over the next ten years (2024-2034) to support core infrastructure projects. 

  • Between 2014-2024, the CCBF invested more than $2.4 billion a year across Canada to over 3600 communities through 19 different project categories that include public transit, highways, local roads and bridges, recreation, community energy systems and water infrastructure.

  • Since 2015, Manitoba has received more than $796 million dollars through the CCBF program.

  • Over the first five years of the agreement, Manitoba will receive more than $415 million, including $79 million in the 2024-2025 fiscal year.

  • After the first five years, funding levels will be reassessed to reflect the 2026 Census.

  • The CCBF supports infrastructure projects that help bolster housing supply. It is a permanent, indexed source of funding provided up front, twice a year, to provinces and territories, who in turn flow this funding to local governments and other entities to support local infrastructure priorities.

  • The renewed CCBF ties access to funding to actions by provinces, territories, and municipalities to increase Canada’s housing supply.

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For more information (media only), please contact:

Micaal Ahmed
Communications Manager
Office of the Minister of Housing, Infrastructure and Communities

Media Relations
Housing, Infrastructure and Communities Canada
Toll free: 1-877-250-7154
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Naline Rampersad
Press Secretary
Consumer Protection and Government Services  

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