Canada invests in expanding Edmonton’s active transportation network


Backgrounder: Canada invests in expanding Edmonton’s active transportation network

The Government of Canada is investing $8.9 million through the Active Transportation Fund to support five active transportation infrastructure projects in Edmonton.

Project information:


Project Name

Project Details

Federal Funding

Municipal      Funding

City of Edmonton Jasper Avenue Enhancements - 114 to 124 Street*

This project will support the re-construction and streetscaping of a 1.2km section of Jasper Avenue between 114 Street to 124 Street to include expanded sidewalks, crosswalks, landscaping, and lighting that enhances the pedestrian experience.

$8,700,000 $21,300,000
City of Edmonton Missing Connection Linkages in Open Space

This planning project will consist of a thorough analysis to develop a city-wide inventory of open space connections within and between neighbourhoods. This project will help highlight any missing linkages and identify areas that lack connections to amenities, and allow the City to assess what is needed to close these gaps.

$50,000 $0
City of Edmonton Missing Walkway Connection Links

This planning project will support the City of Edmonton in improving connectivity and in creating inclusive and safe passage for Edmontonians using active transportation. This initiative will support the designs for construction of missing walkway connections throughout the city.

$50,000 $0    
City of Edmonton Safe Crossings and Active Transportation Planning for 107 Avenue between 101 Street and 122 Street

This planning study will identify safe crossings and active transportation facilities for 107 Avenue (101 Street to 122 Street); this is a main street and arterial roadway in the Central McDougall and Queen Mary Park neighbourhoods of Edmonton.

$50,000 $450,000
City of Edmonton Active Transportation Improvements Planning Study

This project will support planning and concept designs for bike infrastructure throughout Edmonton and specifically in the neighbourhoods of Bonnie Doon, Strathearn, Holyrood, and Idylwylde.

$50,000 $60,000

* Federal funding is conditional on the signing of the funding agreements.


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