Canadian Heritage Information Network

The Canadian Heritage Information Network (CHIN), a Special Operating Agency within the Department of Canadian Heritage, offers valuable collections management resources to the Canadian museum community and online public access to millions of collections records. CHIN assists Canadian museums in documenting, managing, and sharing information about their collections, which in turn ensures that this information is accessible now and in the future.

Services and information

Collections management

Browse our inventory of resources to assist cultural heritage institutions in managing, documenting and cataloguing objects and collections.

Collections documentation standards

Browse the standards and resources needed to document your museum's collection.

Digital preservation

Browse resources for cultural heritage institutions on the preservation of digital collections.


Consult resources aimed at helping cultural heritage institutions manage the digitization of their collections.

Linked open data

Consult resources on sharing heritage collection using Linked Open Data principles and technologies

Learning activities

Get involved in learning activities that support cultural heritage institutions and professionals.

Heritage research tools

Discover Canadian and international research tools, including databases, directories and portals containing heritage, museum, archival, and bibliographical resources.

What we are doing

Corporate information

Minister of Canadian Culture and Identity, Parks Canada and Quebec Lieutenant, The Honourable Steven Guilbeault
The Honourable Steven Guilbeault

Minister of Canadian Culture and Identity, Parks Canada and Quebec Lieutenant


Who we are

Watch our corporate video to find out more about the Canadian Heritage Information Network.

Our history

Photo of an old computer

Learn about the creation of the Canadian Heritage Information Network and how it has evolved since its early days in 1972.


Thanks to a partnership agreement with Collections Trust, the Spectrum 5.0 standard is now available in French.

Page details

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