Water quality and health videos
Water quality affects everyone. Find out more about water pollution and your health.
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What the flood?
Raging waters flow around parked vehicles, over toppled trees, and swallow a roadway.
Narrator: Flooding ranks as one of the most damaging forms of natural disasters in the world, but it's also essential to a healthy natural environment. So, what the flood?
A flood occurs when a normally dry place is covered in water due to heavy or prolonged rainfall or severe storms...
A storm cloud pours and pools its water.
Narrator: Rapid snow melt.
A snowman melts under the scathing sun.
Narrator: Ice jams or river blockages.
Chunks of ice are carried down a river.
Narrator: Sea level rise and storm surges.
A large wave crests above sea-level.
Narrator: And climate change events like extreme rainfall, sea levels rising, or earlier snow melt. Flooding can have both short and long-term impacts on our health...
Triangular signs depict each hazard.
Narrator: ...like injuries, food contamination, poor indoor air quality due to mould growth, mental and physical health issues, diseases spread from water contamination, sewage backup, and an increased number of insects.
A wave washes away each sign.
Narrator: Flooding can cause water contamination without any perceptible change in taste, odour, or clarity. So, it's a good idea to have a certified well contractor inspect your well and its wiring before initial use and following flood events. You can also ensure your water is safe to drink by having it tested by a certified lab or by getting in touch with your local public health authority. With the right precautions and care, there's a lot we can do after a flood to avoid illness, reduce the risk of potential hazards, and stay safe and healthy!
Logo: Health Canada. Santé Canada.
Recreational water safety
A cartoon man with dark hair gives two thumbs up and wears an inflatable unicorn tube around his waist at the beach. Mountains border the horizon behind a conifer forest in the distance.
Narrator: Meet Doug. Doug cares a great deal about recreational water safety.
A smartphone appears in a thought bubble above him.
Narrator: Doug has a strict know before you go policy. So, before he goes, he knows to check with his beach or local public health unit for the latest water quality info.
Doug floats on his unicorn tube in the water.
Narrator: Once Doug hits the beach, he doesn't swim near obvious sources of pollution such as storm drains or runoff entry points. And we all know it's important not to swallow water while swimming.
He spits out a mouthful of water.
Narrator: Good job, Doug!
On the shore, Doug sits on a towel beside a packed lunch, then holds a snadwich.
Narrator: After an activity, it's nice to relax at the beach. So, Doug remembers to sit or lie down on a clean towel to lower his contact with the sand.
Hands wash in a thought bubble above his head.
Narrator: When it's time to enjoy his beach snack, Doug washes his hands before eating and remembers not to put any items that have been in contact with the sand in his mouth.
Doug carries a bag of trash and deposits it in the bin.
Narrator: After his snack, Doug properly disposes of his garbage to keep the space clean for his next visit.
A seagull flies overhead and gives a playful wink.
Narrator: This will also ensure he doesn't attract any unwanted wildlife. Knowing what risks to be mindful of helps ensure our recreational water areas remain open and safe for all Canadians to enjoy.
Doug waves a smiling goodbye.
Narrator: Keep calm and beach on!
Logo: Health Canada. Santé Canada.
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