It takes strength to ask for help with addiction

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Transcript - It takes strength to ask for help with addiction

In the mudroom of a house, a man with a gray goatee furrows his brow.

“It takes strength to pull on those boots every day”.

He sits on a bench as he pulls on a pair of steel-toed work boots.

In the locker room of a construction site, the man with the goatee, now wearing a high-visibility vest, strains as he straightens his back.

He rubs his shoulder with an irritable face.

Another man standing behind him dons a vest.

“To take on the long hours and the stress”.

On a mining site, a man wearing a helmet with a headlamp, stares into the distance with a tired face.

“It takes strength to grit through the pain, to do what it takes to get through the day”.

On a logging site in a forest, a bearded man wearing a hard hat, gazes upward.

He shuts his eyes and inhales deeply.

“It takes strength to ask for help”.

In the cabin of a parked transport truck, a man with a mustache looks down with a weary face as he grips the steering wheel.

“Substance use and addiction impact men more than others.

No one should have to face it alone”.

In a house, the man with the goatee sits at the kitchen table with a gray-haired woman.

She holds his hand comfortingly, and they gaze into each other's eyes.

Text on screen.

“See how you can help or get help at slash ease the burden.

A message from the Government of Canada”.

Logo for the Government of Canada.

A Canadian flag waves over the final A of the word Canada.

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