International Women’s Day 2023
Transcript - International Women's Day 2023
MINISTER BENNETT: March 8th is International Women's Day, a time to celebrate the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women world-wide, while acknowledging the work that remains in achieving true gender equality.
MINISTER BENNETT: The theme for International Women’s Day 2023 is Every Woman Counts, which reminds us that all women, from all ages and walks of life, have a place in Canadian society. Whether that’s in a hospital, in a school, or in the halls of Parliament – a women’s place is wherever she wants it to be.
MINISTER DUCLOS: Unfortunately, when it comes to their health, women around the world continue to face barriers, including access to care, discrimination, and gender bias in diagnosis and treatment.
MINISTER DUCLOS: Women's symptoms are often overlooked or misinterpreted, leading to a higher likelihood of misdiagnosis and delayed or inadequate treatment. And research has shown that women's pain is often dismissed or undertreated compared to men.
MINISTER BENNETT: Reproductive health concerns are also commonly ignored or minimized. It’s vital we continue to support sexual and reproductive health in order to foster women’s overall well-being. We must improve the care for endometriosis, advance gender affirming care and make birth control much more readily available.
MINISTER DUCLOS: Our government has and will always defend a woman’s right to choose, while protecting and improving access to reproductive health services, which includes access to safe and legal abortion services. That is why we are investing in community organizations to help expand access to reproductive health information and services across the country.
MINISTER BENNETT: We must also ensure that every woman has access to evidence -based medicine and optimal tailored care, –for all mental illnesses- depression and anxiety, disorders that are unique to women - perinatal mental illnesses, premenstrual dysphoric disorder, and perimenopause-related depression.
MINISTER DUCLOS: This International Women’s Day, let us celebrate the many accomplishments of women and girls in health, unite to embrace equity in women's healthcare and prioritize women's health issues to ensure women can lead longer and healthier lives.
MINISTER BENNETT: By addressing the unique health needs and challenges that women face, we can help ensure that every woman has the opportunity to thrive and live her best life. Today, and everyday, let us continue to advocate for gender equity in healthcare and support women in their pursuit of their best possible health and well being. Happy International Women’s Day!
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