The importance of the childhood vaccination schedule (described video)


The importance of the childhood vaccination schedule (Described video)

Narration: The Importance of the Childhood Vaccination Schedule.

Text on screen: The Importance of the Childhood Vaccination Schedule.

[A silhouette of a child surrounded by a circle appears on screen. A calendar and a vaccine vial appear beside it.]

Narration: It is really important for your child to receive vaccines according to the recommended schedule.

Text on screen: It is really important to follow the recommended vaccination schedule.

[The images disappear from the circle and three vaccine vials, a calendar, and a shield with a medical cross on it appear beside the circle.]

Narration: Here are some reasons why:

[A calendar inside a circle appears, showing the sun on one side, and the moon on the other side. The sun and moon rotate around the edge of the circle.]

Narration: Vaccines offer the best protection when they are given before children are exposed to the virus or bacteria that cause a vaccine-preventable disease.

Text on screen: Timing is important.

[The image zooms in on the calendar, showing a vaccine vial circled over a date. The vaccine vial zooms up close. The calendar is replaced in the circle by the silhouette of a child.]

Narration: Because many vaccines require more than one dose in order to provide the best protection…

Text on screen: Many vaccines require more than one dose.

[Viruses try to penetrate the circle but bounce off.]

Narration: …it is really important to receive them on time so that your child is more likely to be protected before they are exposed to the virus or bacteria.

Text on screen: Ensure they are protected before they’re exposed.

[The child is replaced in the circle by a calendar with a vaccine vial circled over a date.]

Narration: Vaccinations are usually given at: two months

Text on screen: Vaccines are given at: two months

[The calendar enclosed in a circle reappears. A date is circled in green.]

Narration: Four months.

Text on screen: Vaccines are given at: four months.

[Pages of the calendar flip away. Another date is circled in green.]

Narration: six months

Text on screen: Vaccines are given at: six months.

[Pages of the calendar flip away. Another date is circled in green.]

Narration: one year

Text on screen: Vaccines are given at: one year.

[Pages of the calendar flip away. Another date is circled in green. Balloons float across the screen.]

Narration: 18 months

Text on screen: Vaccines are given at: eighteen months.

[Another date is circled in green on the calendar.]

Narration: And when your child is between 4 and 6 years old. These schedules may be slightly different, depending on where you live in Canada.

Text on screen: Vaccines are given between: 4 and 6 years old.

[A red line with Age 4 written beside it appears. More red lines appear above it, representing a growth chart. The red lines appear until reaching one marked age 6.]

Narration: If you fall behind with your child’s routine vaccinations, they can still catch up. Let your health care provider know so you can work together to get back on schedule.

Text on screen: If you fall behind, your child can still catch up.

[The calendar reappears but is now enclosed in concentric, wavy, irregular circles. A vaccine vial appears on a date circled on the calendar. A cell phone appears with a medical cross on the screen. The phone vibrates. A calendar appears beside the phone, and a date is circled in green.]

Narration: To find out more, visit

Text on screen: Find out more:

[Canada wordmark appears, and fades to black.]

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