Healthy breakfasts using Canada’s food guide plate

With described video



The image of Canada's food guide plate appears on the right side of the screen. Half of the plate is vegetables and fruits, one quarter of the plate is whole grain foods, and the remaining quarter of the plate is protein foods.

TEXT ON SCREEN- Healthy breakfasts using Canada’s food guide plate

The Canada's food guide logo appears in the top left corner

A new screen with a purple wooden background slides in. A wooden circular board rolls onto the screen from the left. The circular board is divided into the proportions of the Canada’s food guide plate—one half on the left and two quarters on the right.

TEXT ON SCREEN- Make half your plate vegetables and fruits

The left half of the plate turns white before fading away.

Multiple food items slide into the screen from various directions and stop on the circular board. A tomato slides in from the bottom and stops on the left half of the board. A bowl with four eggs slides down from the top and stops on the top right quarter of the board. A green onion, a yellow pepper, an onion, and three mushrooms slide in and stop on the left half of the board.  Two slices of whole grain bread slide in from the bottom and stop on the bottom right quarter of the board.

TEXT ON SCREEN- Egg veggie scramble

A frying pan on top of a hot plate slides into the screen from the top and stops in the top right half of the screen. The pepper, onion, and mushrooms appear chopped in the frying pan and get mixed around. The eggs are cracked and added into the frying pan. The ingredients begin to mix around while cooking. The frying pan slides to the top leaving the screen. The remaining tomato, green onions, and slices of bread slide to the bottom off screen. The circular board rolls off the left of the screen.

A small dish filled with diced tomatoes and chopped green onion slides in from the bottom of the screen. Two plates slide in from the bottom followed by two cloth napkins that stop to the right of each plate. Two forks and two butter knives slide in from the bottom and stop on top of the napkins. The frying pan filled with the cooked scrambled eggs slides in from the top and stops above the place settings. A wooden spatula, whisk and green plant slide in beside the frying pan. Two glasses slide in from both sides of the sceen and stop above each plate.

The glasses fill with water. A slice of toast cut in half is placed on top of each plate, followed by the scambled eggs and the chopped tomatoes and onions.

The place setting and food disappear off screen.

TEXT ON SCREEN- Discover the food guide and recipes at

TEXT ON SCREEN- Canada wordmark with waving flag

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