The Tobacco Products Appearance, Packaging and Labelling Regulations (TPAPLR) mandate health-related messages for all tobacco products, as follows:
- Health warnings on packages covering at least 75% of the primary display area of most tobacco product packages
- Health warnings on cigarettes, little cigars with tipping paper, and tubes; health warnings extending from one end of the product on cigarettes without tipping paper
- Health information messages on the inside of cigarettes, little cigars, and cigarette tobacco packages
- Toxicity information on the exterior surface of all packages
The TPAPLR also include a rotation scheme that alternates all health-related messages every 24 to 36 months depending on the product. The health-related messages for rotation 1 are provided here as reference.
Note: Health Canada is the copyright owner of all health-related messages except for those marked with an asterisk (*). Reproducing any of these images without prior permission is prohibited. Permission to use the images owned by Health Canada can be requested by submitting this form to For those images whose copyright is not owned by Health Canada, i.e. those marked with an asterisk (*), please contact to obtain the owner's contact information.
Health Information Messages – Cigarettes, little cigars and cigarette tobacco
Description: Thinking about Quitting?
Find your reasons to quit smoking!
Your health
Family and friends
Your wallet
Quality of life
Be inspired to quit for good!
Health Canada
Description: "I quit to save money, but most of the positive effects were on my health."
"Food tastes better and my sense of smell is back. I have a lot more energy and I am a lot more productive."
Smoked for 20 years.
Quit at age 36.
Cigarettes are highly addictive.
Health Canada
Addiction facts
Description: Baby on the Way?
Quitting cigarettes improves your health and your chances of having a healthy baby.
Find support to help you quit.
Talk to a health care provider. They can help you find a way that works for you.
Health Canada
Pregnancy facts
Description: Quitting Cigarettes Improves Your Skin
Toxic chemicals in tobacco smoke can harm your skin.
When you quit, more oxygen gets to your skin. This makes it healthier and protects it from premature aging.
Health Canada
Visible effects facts
Description: When I quit, I will…
Have more money
Have fresher breath
Enjoy food more
Breathe easier
Live a longer, healthier life
Health Canada
Description: Control Cravings
Short sessions of physical activity can help you cut down the urge to smoke.
Quitting cigarettes improves lung health.
Health Canada
Description: Cigarettes cost a lot of money.
A person who smokes daily can save more than $200 a month when they quit.
The savings can help ease stress and anxiety.
Improve your physical and mental health by quitting.
Health Canada
Description: Quitting Cigarettes Reduces Risk of Cervical Cancer
The human papillomavirus (HPV) is the main cause of cervical cancer.
Cigarettes weaken the immune system and make it harder to fight off an HPV infection.
Health Canada
Cervical cancer facts
Description: Help Your Heart!
Quitting cigarettes reduces your risk of heart disease and heart attack.
Within minutes, your heart rate drops to normal.
Within days, your blood pressure begins to drop and circulation improves.
Health Canada
Heart disease facts
Description: Cigarettes are highly addictive but You Can Quit!
Improve your chances of quitting successfully:
Talk to a healthcare provider about quitting
Call the quit line for advice
Consider using nicotine replacement therapy
Find a way that works for you!
Health Canada
Addiction facts
Description: Expecting to be a Father?
Protect your loved ones and be a positive role model.
Support your partner by quitting cigarettes.
Smoke-free homes are healthier for children.
Health Canada
Second-hand Smoke and Pregnancy facts
Description: When I quit, I will…
Breathe easier
Live a longer, healthier life
Have fresher breath
Enjoy food more
Have more money
Health Canada
Description: Feeling breathless?
Quitting Cigarettes Makes Breathing Easier.
It reduces your risk of lung cancer and lung disease.
Physical activities, like walking and exercising, get easier.
Health Canada
Lung cancer facts