Raw pet food safety

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Organization: Public Health Agency of Canada

Date published: September 2024

Cat.: HP40-371/2024E-PDF

ISBN: 978-0-660-73314-2

Pub.: 240507

Raw pet food and treats can include uncooked:

They may be fresh, frozen, dehydrated or freeze-dried.

Raw pet food has not been cooked or heated to high temperatures that typically kill bacteria. It has a higher risk of containing harmful germs like Salmonella or E. coli that can make people and pets sick.

The Public Health Agency of Canada does not recommend feeding your pets raw food or treats.

If you give your pet raw food

Handle and store pet food and treats safely

Interact with your pet safely

Even if they appear healthy, pets can spread germs to people and animals that interact with them, their food or their environment. To help prevent this spread:

Know your risk

Some people are at higher risk for serious illness from germs like Salmonella and E. coli, and should not handle raw pet food or feeder rodents. These include:

Choose safer pet food options like:

Talk to your vet

Talk to your vet when deciding what to feed your pet. They can provide advice to keep you, your pet and your family healthy.

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