Using acetaminophen safely - Web banners

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See what Health Canada says about using acetaminophen safely

  • HTML code: <a href=""><img alt="See what Health Canada says about using acetaminophen safely" src="" width="654" height="194" /></a>

Acetaminophen safety:  700 Canadians were hospitialized last year due to accidental overdoses of acetaminophen. Learn why.

  • HTML code: <a href=""><img alt="Acetaminophen safety - 700 Canadians were hospitalized last year due to accidental overdoses of acetaminophen. Learn why." src="" width="654" height="194" /></a>

Acetaminophen safety: 700 Canadians were hospitialized last year due to accidental overdoses of acetaminophen. Learn why.

  • HTML code: <a href=""><img alt="Using acetaminophen safely" src="" width="728" height="90" /></a>

Acetaminophen safety: 700 Canadians were hospitialized last year due to accidental overdoses of acetaminophen. Learn why.

  • HTML code: <a href=""><img alt="See what Health Canada says about using acetaminophen safely" src="" width="300" height="250" /></a>

Acetaminophen safety:  700 Canadians were hospitialized last year due to accidental overdoses of acetaminophen. Learn why.

  • HTML code: <a href=""><img alt="Using acetaminophen safely - 700 Canadians were hospitalized last year due to accidental overdoses of acetaminophen. Learn why." src="" width="300" height="250" /></a>

Acetaminophen safety:  700 Canadians were hospitialized last year due to accidental overdoses of acetaminophen. Learn why.

  • HTML code: <a href=""><img alt="Using acetaminophen safely" src="" width="230" height="140" /></a>

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