Meeting between Health Canada and the Vaping Industry Trade Association – August 13, 2024


Vaping industry compliance


August 13, 2024


Health Canada

Vaping Industry Trade Association (VITA)


A meeting was held at the request of VITA to discuss vaping industry compliance.

The Chair started the meeting with introductions.

The Chair read the transparency and disclosure statement. She reminded participants that this meeting is subject to disclosure as per Health Canada's Openness and Transparency policies. The handling of information and privacy notice was outlined and acknowledged. Health Canada also referred to Article 5.3 of the World Health Organization Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (WHO FCTC), its international obligation to protect tobacco control policies from the vested interests of the tobacco industry. It was acknowledged by VITA participants.


VITA provided an overview of the environmental retail scan they conducted in Alberta, mainly in specialty vape shops. Issues included the lack of excise duty stamps on vaping products, nicotine concentration limits above 20 mg/mL, selling of unauthorized nicotine buccal pouches, and lack of knowledge of federal regulations.

VITA also advocated for increased penalties for retailers selling vaping products to youth to act as a deterrent, increased compliance and enforcement at retail locations and a licencing and registration process for retailers to assist with inspections. VITA expressed concern with a potential for increased non-compliance if enforcement efforts do not improve, resulting in compliant retailers closing their stores or becoming non-compliant in order to compete.

The Chair thanked VITA for their presentation and comments.


The meeting was then concluded.


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