List of Approved Cultivars for the 2012 Growing Season

Industrial Hemp Regulations
Cannabis sativa

Pursuant to Subsection 39(1) of the Industrial Hemp Regulations, the following industrial hemp varieties are approved for commercial cultivation under licence for the year 2012. The list may contain variety names that are synonyms for the same variety.

List of Approved Cultivars
Variety Country where Maintained Exempt from THC testing under subsection 16(1) of the Industrial Hemp Regulations Table 1 footnote *
Alyssa Canada Exempt in Manitoba only
Anka Canada Exempt in Ontario and
Quebec only
Canda Canada No
CanMa Canada No
Carmagnola Italy No
Carmen Canada No
CFX-1 Canada No
CFX-2 Canada No
Crag Canada Yes
CRS-1 Canada No
C S Italy No
Delores Canada No
Deni Canada No
ESTA-1 Canada No
Fasamo Germany No
Fedrina 74 France No
Felina 34 France No
Ferimon France No
Fibranova Italy No
Fibriko Hungary No
Fibrimon 24 France No
Fibrimon 56 France No
FinolaTable 1 footnote ** Canada (Finland) No
Joey Canada No
Jutta Canada No
Kompolti Hungary No
Kompolti Hibrid TC Hungary No
Kompolti Sargaszaru Hungary No
Lovrin 110 Romania No
Petera Canada No
Silesia Canada No
UC-RGM Canada No
Uniko B Hungary No
USO 14 Canada (Ukraine) Yes
USO 31 Canada (Ukraine) Yes
X59(Hemp Nut) Canada No
Yvonne Canada No
Zolotonosha 11 Canada (Ukraine) Exempt in MB only
Zolotonosha 15 Canada (Ukraine) No
Table 1 footnote 1

Samples will be taken by inspectors designated under the CDSA for routine variety monitoring.

Return to table 1 footnote * referrer

Table 1 footnote 2

Denotes variety under observation.

Return to table 1 footnote ** referrer

All cultivars may be grown in all regions, however requirements for THC testing under Subsection 16(1) of the IHR may vary from province to province, as indicated in the table above.

Amendments to the List of Approved Cultivars for 2012

  • Additions: One variety, Silesia was added to the list this year.
  • Deletions: No varieties were removed from the list this year.
  • Observation: The variety Finola, remains under observation. Sampling and monitoring of production, as well as, a thorough verification of eligible parent seed planted will continue in 2012.

Please Note

Subsection 14(3) of the Industrial Hemp Regulations (IHR) requires that all seed planted for the production of industrial hemp in Canada must be of pedigreed status (Certified or better). This means that seed cannot be imported directly from countries that are not recognized by one of the Seed Certification Schemes of which Canada is a member. Canada is a member of two schemes, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development Seed Scheme (OECD) and that administered by the Association of Official Seed Certifying Agencies (AOSCA). Farmer-saved seed cannot be planted, unless it is Certified seed. Official seed tags will be requested by an inspector as evidence of compliance.

Under Subsection 16(1) of the IHR, a person who holds a licence to cultivate industrial hemp is required by law to have their crop sampled by an authorized Crop Sampler, unless the variety is specifically exempted from this testing. Sampling by a designated inspector does not exempt a licence holder from this testing. The sample taken by the authorized Crop Sampler must be tested by a competent laboratory, licensed for testing industrial hemp. A list of licensed laboratories is available on our website. Test results must be reported to the Office of Controlled Substances, at the address below. Varieties which are found to consistently exceed 0.3% THC may be removed from the List of Approved Cultivars.

Three varieties, USO 14, USO 31 and Crag are exempted from annual testing as required under paragraph 16(1) of the IHR for all regions of Canada. The varieties Alyssa, Anka, and Zolotonosha 11 are only exempt in the provinces indicated in the table above. All varieties have been evaluated against the Policy on the Exemption of Industrial Hemp Varieties from THC Testing During the Growing Season. A copy of this policy can be found on our website at

The Office of Controlled Substances must be informed immediately in writing in the event of crop failure where samples cannot be drawn for testing.

Questions regarding the List of Approved Cultivars - 2012 may be submitted to:

  • Industrial Hemp Section
    Office of Controlled Substances
    Controlled Substances and Tobacco Directorate
    Healthy Environments and Consumer Safety Branch
    123 Slater Street A.L. 3502A
    Ottawa, ON K1A 1B9
    Phone: (613) 954-6524
    Fax: (613) 941-5360

Original signed by Johanne Beaulieu
Office of Controlled Substances


Results of THC Testing for 2011: All Varieties
Variety Name Number of Samples THC range (%) Average Number of samples over 0.3%
Alyssa 6 0.03-0.22 0.10 -
Anka 14 0.09-0.26 0.16 -
Canda 2 0.05-0.06 0.06 -
CanMa 6 0.06-0.15 0.09 1
Crag 1 0.08 0.08 -
CFX-1 59 0.02-0.45 0.11 2
CFX-2 14 0.03-0.19 0.09 -
CRS-1 66 0.03-0.26 0.09 -
Delores 16 0.02-0.12 0.06 -
Finola 53 0.06-0.47 0.17 5
Jutta 2 0.02-0.11 0.07 -
USO 14 3 0.02-0.07 0.04 -
USO 31 2 0.01 0.01 -
X-59 (Hemp Nut) 9 0.03-0.14 0.08 -
Results as of January 28, 2012 as reported to the Office of Controlled Substances by both Health Canada and private laboratories.

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