ARCHIVED - Update on Health Canada's Progress for Setting Sodium Reduction Targets and Questionnaire

Health Canada is chairing a Multi-stakeholder Working Group on Dietary Sodium Reduction (Sodium Working Group) tasked with developing and overseeing the implementation of a strategy that will lower the sodium content of the diets of Canadians to within the range recommended by the Institute of Medicine of the National Academies (Dietary Reference Intakes report for sodium). The strategy will be multi-staged and based on a three-pronged approach that will include education, voluntary reduction of sodium levels in processed food products and foods sold in food service establishments, and research.

In response to industry meetings, the following feedback questionnaire was developed to assist industry in providing Health Canada with information required to proceed with the development of sodium targets for the first set of food categories.

Please respond to the following questions as soon as possible so that we have data that is as comprehensive as possible in order to finalize the proposed targets for Group I and develop plans for next steps in the target setting process.

How to get Involved

This consultation is open for comment starting February 26 until March 15, 2010. Please select and read through the link below titled"Update on Health Canada's Progress for Setting Sodium Reduction Targets and Questionnaire". Once read please submit your comments via email or by fax to:

Fax: (613) 941-6636

Please return your feedback in response to the questions below on or before March 15th, 2010. 

Reporting to Canadians

Information from the questions will be shared with the Sodium Working Group as an aggregate and as a summary of responses, and will be used to help shape the final report and recommendations from the working group.

If you have any questions, contact us at

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