Meetings and correspondence on healthy eating

Find out about meetings and correspondence with stakeholders in regard to the healthy eating strategy.

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Meetings and correspondence on healthy eating
Date Topic Organization Type of interaction Purpose Health Canada office Document(s) shared Order a copy
2024-11-26 Restricting advertising of certain foods to children Heart & Stroke Foundation Stakeholder-initiated correspondence To inform Health Canada that it would continue an advertising campaign in several locations in downtown Ottawa. Bureau of Policy, Intergovernmental and International Affairs, Food and Nutrition Directorate
  1. Correspondence-English-Heart & Stroke Foundation-November 26, 2024
  2. Correspondence attachment-English-Heart & Stroke Foundation-November 26, 2024
2024-11-26 Restricting advertising of certain foods to children University of Ottawa Stakeholder-initiated correspondence To ask for immediate action on restricting the marketing of food high in sodium, sugars and saturated fat to children. Director General's Office, Food and Nutrition Directorate
  1. Correspondence-English- University of Ottawa-November 26, 2024
  2. Correspondence-English- Health Canada- December 11, 2024
  3. Correspondence-French- Health Canada- December 11, 2024
2024-11-08 Restricting advertising of certain foods to children BC Alliance for Healthy Living Society Stakeholder-initiated correspondence To ask for immediate action on restricting the marketing of food high in sodium, sugars and saturated fat to children. Director General's Office, Food and Nutrition Directorate
  1. Correspondence-English- BC Alliance for Healthy Living Society-November 8, 2024
  2. Correspondence-English- Health Canada- November 20, 2024
  3. Correspondence-French- Health Canada- November 20, 2024
2024-11-07 Restricting advertising of certain foods to children Food, Health & Consumer Products of Canada Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting Meet and greet with Health Canada's new Deputy Minister Deputy Minister's Office
  1. Meeting notes-English- Food, Health & Consumer Products of Canada-November 7, 2024
  2. Meeting notes-French-Food, Health & Consumer Products of Canada-November 7, 2024
2024-11-05 Restricting advertising of certain foods to children Food, Health & Consumer Products of Canada Stakeholder-initiated correspondence To notify that Food, Health & Consumer Products of Canada will be meeting with Deputy Minister to discuss advertising to children industry Code for the Responsible Advertising of Food and Beverage Products to Children and pending Health Canada draft regulations. Assistant Deputy Minister's Office
  1. Correspondence-English- Food, Health & Consumer Products of Canada-November 5, 2024
  2. Correspondence attachment 1-Food, Health & Consumer Products of Canada-August 26, 2024
  3. Correspondence attachment 2-Food, Health & Consumer Products of Canada- August 23, 2024
2024-10-09 Restricting advertising of certain foods to children Ad Standards Health Canada-initiated meeting To provide a general update on Health Canada's efforts to advance proposed regulations on prohibiting the advertising of certain foods to children and discuss any developments related to the implementation of the Code for the Responsible Advertising of Food and Beverage Products to Children.  Bureau of Policy, Intergovernmental and International Affairs, Food and Nutrition Directorate
  1. Correspondence-English-French-Health Canada-Ad Standards-September 2024
  2. Meeting notes-English-Ad Standards-October 9 2024
  3. Meeting notes-French-Ad Standards-October 9 2024
2024-08-19 Restricting advertising of certain foods to children Ordre des diététistes-nutritionnistes du Québec Stakeholder-initiated correspondence To ask that immediate action be taken to restrict the advertising of foods and drinks rich in sodium, sugars and saturated fats to children. Director General's Office, Food and Nutrition Directorate
  1. Correspondence- Ordre des diététistes-nutritionnistes du Québec - August 19 2024
  2. Correspondence-French-Health Canada- September 4 2024
  3. Correspondence-English-Health Canada-September 4 2024
2024-08-12 Restricting advertising of certain foods to children Association pour la santé publique du Québec Stakeholder-initiated correspondence To ask that immediate action be taken to restrict the advertising of foods and drinks rich in sodium, sugars and saturated fats to children. Director General's Office, Food and Nutrition Directorate
  1. Correspondence-French-Association pour la santé publique du Québec- August 12 2024
  2. Correspondence-French-Health Canada- September 4 2024
  3. Correspondence-English-Health Canada-September 4 2024
2024-08-09 Restricting advertising of certain foods to children Heart & Stroke Canada Stakeholder-initiated correspondence To share an op-ed that was published in La Presse. Bureau of Policy, Intergovernmental and International Affairs, Food and Nutrition Directorate

Correspondence-English-French-Heart & Stroke Canada-Health Canada-9 August 2024

2024-07-03 Restricting advertising of certain foods to children Gowling WLG Stakeholder-initiated meeting Gowling WLG requested a meeting on behalf of client Ferrero Canada to discuss the issue of restricting the advertising of certain foods to children. Follow-up correspondence included. Director General's Office, Food and Nutrition Directorate
  1. Meeting notes-English- Gowling WLG-July 3 2024
  2. Meeting notes-French- Gowling WLG -July 3 2024
  3. Correspondence-Gowling WLG-Health Canada-July 2024
2024-06-27 Front-of-package nutrition labelling Association des producteurs de canneberges du Québec Stakeholder-initiated correspondence To raise a concern on Health Canada's Front-of-package nutrition labelling regarding and requesting a Front-of-package exemption for sweetened dried cranberries. Director General's Office, Food Directorate
  1. Correspondence-French-Association des producteurs de canneberges du Québec-June 27 2024
  2. Correspondence-French-Health Canada-July 8 2024
  3. Correspondence-English-Health Canada-July 8 2024
2024-06-25 Front-of-package nutrition labelling Mayland Farms Ltd Stakeholder-initiated correspondence To raise a concern on Health Canada's Front-of-package nutrition labelling regarding and requesting a Front-of-package exemption for sweetened dried cranberries. Director General's Office, Food Directorate
  1. Correspondence-English-Mayland Farms Ltd-June 25 2024
  2. Correspondence-English-Health Canada -July 4 2024
  3. Correspondence-French-Health Canada – July 4 2024
2024-06-24 Front-of-Package Labelling Ocean Spray Cranberries Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting To discuss the impact of Health Canada's front-of-package nutrition labelling on dried cranberry products. Director General's Office, Food Directorate
  1. Meeting notes – English – Ocean Spray- June 24 2024
  2. Meeting notes – French – Ocean Spray- June 24 2024
2024-06-07 Front-of-package nutrition labelling AtOCAS Somerset Stakeholder-initiated correspondence To raise a concern on Health Canada's Front-of-package nutrition labelling regarding and requesting a Front-of-package exemption for sweetened dried cranberries. Director General's Office, Food Directorate
  1. Correspondence-French-AtOCAS Somerset-June 7 2024
  2. Correspondence-French-Health Canada-July 4 2024
  3. Correspondence-English-Health Canada-July 4 2024
2024-06-06 Restricting advertising of certain foods to children Heart & Stroke Canada Stakeholder-initiated correspondence To share open letters that were sent to the Prime Minister from the Stop Marketing to Kids Coalition and from the Canadian Hypertension Coalition urging that Health Canada's marketing to kids regulations (Canada Gazette, Part I) be introduced no later than June 2024 Bureau of Policy, Intergovernmental and International Affairs, Food Directorate
  1. Correspondence-English-Heart & Stroke Canada-June 6 2024
  2. Document-English-Stop Marketing to Kids Coalition-May 27 2024
  3. Document-English-Canadian Hypertension Advisory Committee-June 3 2024
2024-06-03 Front-of-package nutrition labelling A.R. Savage & Sons Stakeholder-initiated correspondence To raise a concern on Health Canada's Front-of-package nutrition labelling regarding and requesting a Front-of-package exemption for sweetened dried cranberries. Director General's Office, Food Directorate
  1. Correspondence-English-A.R. Savage & Sons-June 3 2024
  2. Correspondence-English-Health Canada-June 18 2024
  3. Correspondence-French-Health Canada-June 18 2024
2024-05-31 Front-of-package nutrition labelling Canneberges NB Cranberries Stakeholder-initiated correspondence To raise a concern on Health Canada's Front-of-package nutrition labelling regarding and requesting a Front-of-package exemption for sweetened dried cranberries. Director General's Office, Food Directorate
  1. Correspondence-English- Canneberges NB Cranberries-May 22 2024
  2. Correspondence-English- Health Canada-May 31 2024
  3. Correspondence-French- Health Canada-May 31 2024
2024-05-28 Front-of-package nutrition labelling Les atocas du Québec Stakeholder-initiated correspondence To raise a concern on Health Canada's Front-of-package nutrition labelling regarding and requesting a Front-of-package exemption for sweetened dried cranberries. Director General's Office, Food Directorate
  1. Correspondence-French-Les Atocas du Québec Ltée.-May 13 2024
  2. Correspondence-French- Health Canada-May 28 2024
  3. Correspondence-English- Health Canada-May 28 2024
2024-05-27 Front-of-package nutrition labelling Atocas de Bois Francs Inc Stakeholder-initiated correspondence To raise a concern on Health Canada's Front-of-package nutrition labelling regarding and requesting a Front-of-package exemption for sweetened dried cranberries. Director General's Office, Food Directorate
  1. Correspondence-French-Atocas de Bois Francs Inc-May 27 2024
  2. Correspondence-French-Health Canada-June 6 2024
  3. Correspondence-English-Health Canada-June 6 2024
2024-05-27 Front-of-package nutrition labelling Les Canneberges de Loudres Inc Stakeholder-initiated correspondence To raise a concern on Health Canada's Front-of-package nutrition labelling regarding and requesting a Front-of-package exemption for sweetened dried cranberries. Director General's Office, Food Directorate
  1. Correspondence-French-Les Canneberges de Loudres Inc-May 27 2024
  2. Correspondence-French-Health Canada-June 6 2024
  3. Correspondence-English-Health Canada-June 6 2024
2024-05-27 Front-of-package nutrition labelling Canneberges Schneider Inc Stakeholder-initiated correspondence To raise a concern on Health Canada's Front-of-package nutrition labelling regarding and requesting a Front-of-package exemption for sweetened dried cranberries. Director General's Office, Food Directorate
  1. Correspondence-French-Canneberges Schneider Inc-May 27 2024
  2. Correspondence-French-Health Canada-June 6 2024
  3. Correspondence-English-Health Canada-June 6 2024
2024-05-13 Front-of-package nutrition labelling Les entreprises Gillivert Stakeholder-initiated correspondence To raise a concern on Health Canada's Front-of-package nutrition labelling regarding and requesting a Front-of-package exemption for sweetened dried cranberries. Director General's Office, Food Directorate
  1. Correspondence-French-Les entreprise Gillivert-April 22 2024
  2. Correspondence-French- Health Canada-May 13 2024
  3. Correspondence-English-Health Canada-May 13 2024
2024-05-13 Front-of-package nutrition labelling Canneberges Bieler Stakeholder-initiated correspondence To raise a concern on Health Canada's Front-of-package nutrition labelling regarding and requesting a Front-of-package exemption for sweetened dried cranberries. Director General's Office, Food Directorate_
  1. Correspondence-French-Canneberges Bieler-April 22 2024
  2. Correspondence-French- Health Canada-May 13 2024
  3. Correspondence-English-Health Canada-May 13 2024
2024-05-13 Front-of-package nutrition labelling Canneberges Centre du Québec Stakeholder-initiated correspondence To raise a concern on Health Canada's Front-of-package nutrition labelling regarding and requesting a Front-of-package exemption for sweetened dried cranberries. Director General's Office, Food Directorate
  1. Correspondence-French-Canneberge Centre du Québec-April 29 2024
  2. Correspondence-French-Health Canada-May 13 2024
  3. Correspondence-English- Health Canada-May 13 2024
2024-05-13 Front-of-package nutrition labelling Canneberges Ataboica Stakeholder-initiated correspondence To raise a concern on Health Canada's Front-of-package nutrition labelling regarding and requesting a Front-of-package exemption for sweetened dried cranberries. Director General's Office, Food Directorate
  1. Correspondence-English-Canneberges Ataboica-April 22 2024
  2. Correspondence-English- Health Canada-May 13 2024
  3. Correspondence-French-Health Canada-May 13 2024
2024-05-10 Restricting advertising of certain foods to children Food, Health & Consumer Products of Canada Stakeholder-initiated meeting To gain an understanding of the status of the government's work to restrict advertising of certain foods to children and to provide information related to industry's Code and Guide for the Responsible Advertising of Food and Beverage Products to Children. Director General's Office, Food Directorate
  1. Meeting notes-English- Food, Health & Consumer Products of Canada-May 10 2024
  2. Meeting notes- French- Food, Health & Consumer Products of Canada-May 10 2024
2024-05-07 Front-of-package nutrition labelling Les Atocas de l'érable Stakeholder-initiated correspondence To raise a concern on Health Canada's Front-of-package nutrition labelling regarding and requesting a Front-of-package exemption for sweetened dried cranberries. Director General's Office, Food Directorate
  1. Correspondence-French-Les Atocas de l'érable-April 22 2024
  2. Correspondence-French-Health Canada-May 7 2024
  3. Correspondence-English-Health Canada-May 7 2024
2024-05-06 Front-of-package nutrition labelling Cranberry Fields Ltd Stakeholder-initiated correspondence To raise a concern on Health Canada's Front-of-package nutrition labelling regarding and requesting a Front-of-package exemption for sweetened dried cranberries. Director General's Office, Food Directorate
  1. Correspondence-English-Cranberry Fields Ltd-May 6 2024
  2. Correspondence-English-Health Canada-June 6 2024
  3. Correspondence-French-Health Canada-June 6 2024
2024-03-21 Restricting advertising of certain foods to children Crestview Strategy on behalf of the Association of Canadian Advertisers Stakeholder-initiated correspondence To request a meeting to discuss the Association of Canadian Advertisers' concerns about the potential unintended consequences of regulations restricting adverting of certain foods to children and its relation to Bill C-252 which did not include industry consultation. Bureau of Policy, Intergovernmental and International Affairs, Food Directorate
  1. Correspondence-Crestview Strategy-Health Canada-English-French-March 21 2024
2024-02-26 Restricting advertising of certain foods to children Heart & Stroke Foundation of Canada Stakeholder initiated meeting Opportunity for Heart and Stroke officials to share their perspective on Health Canada's proposed approach and gain an understanding of the project's status. Director General's Office, Food Directorate
  1. Correspondence-English-Heart & Stroke-January 12, 2024
  2. Meeting notes -English-Heart & Stroke-February 26, 2024
  3. Meeting notes-French-Heart & Stroke-February 26, 2024
2024-02-15 Restricting advertising of certain foods to children Ad Standards Health Canada-initiated meeting To discuss and better understand Ad Standards' advertising preclearance services Bureau of Policy, Intergovernmental and International Affairs, Food Directorate
  1. Meeting notes-English-Ad Standards-February 15 2024
  2. Meeting notes-French-Ad Standards-February 15 2024
2023-12-12 Restricting advertising of certain foods to children

Association of Canadian Advertisers

Ad Standards

Stakeholder-initiated meeting Discussion on the data and metrics related to the Code and Guide for the Responsible Advertising of Food and Beverage Products to Children Director General's Office, Policy, Planning and International Affairs Directorate
  1. Meeting notes-English-Association of Canadian Advertisers-December 12, 2023
  2. 1 Meeting notes-French-Association of Canadian Advertisers-December 12, 2023
2024-01-10 Front-of-package nutrition labelling Ocean Spray Cranberries Inc and Richberry group (Ocean Spray Grower-owner) Stakeholder-initiated correspondence To ask for an exemption from the front-of-package nutrition labelling regulations for sweetened dried cranberry products. Director General's Office, Food Directorate
  1. Letter from the stakeholders
  2. Response from Health Canada's Director General of the Food Directorate to stakeholders.
2024-01-08 Restricting advertising of certain foods to children Ad Standards Health Canada-initiated correspondence Seeking clarification from Ad Standards on how advertisements for individual non pre-packaged restaurant foods (not meals) would be addressed by the Industry Code. Bureau of Policy, Intergovernmental and International Affairs, Food Directorate
  1. Correspondence-English-Health Canada-Ad Standards-January 8, 2023
  2. Correspondence-French- Health Canada-Ad Standards-January 8, 2023
2023-12-14 Restricting advertising of certain foods to children Stop Marketing to Kids Coalition Stakeholder-initiated correspondence Letter to the president of the Treasury Board from the members of the Stop Marketing to Kids Coalition strongly supporting the expeditious adoption of regulations that restrict the marketing of certain foods to children. Deputy Minister's Office
  1. Email-English-Stop Marketing to Kids Coalition-December 14, 2023
  2. Correspondence-English-Stop Marketing to Kids Coalition-December 14, 2023
2023-12-05 Restricting advertising of certain foods to children Association of Canadian Advertisers Stakeholder-initiated correspondence Response to Health Canada's email on December 1 Assistant Deputy Minister's Office
  1. Email-English-Association of Canadian Advertisers- December 5 2023
  2. Document-English-Association of Canadian Advertisers-December 5 2023
2023-12-01 Front-of-package nutrition labelling Canadian Meat Council Stakeholder-initiated correspondence Request additional time for meat products to comply with the Front of Packaging labelling regulations Director General's Office, Food Directorate
  1. Incoming letter from the stakeholders – English
  2. Incoming letter from the stakeholders - French
  3. Response from Health Canada's Director General of the Food Directorate and Canadian Food Inspection Agency's Executive Director of the Food Safety and Consumer Protection Directorate - English
  4. Response from Health Canada's Director General of the Food Directorate and Canadian Food Inspection Agency's Executive Director of the Food Safety and Consumer Protection Directorate - French
2023-11-20 Front-of-Package Labelling Dairy processors of Canada (DPAC) Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting The Dairy Processors of Canada requested a meeting with Health Canada to discuss publication of the Marketing Authorization to expand the eligibility for the dairy-related exemption from front of package nutrition labelling and the compliance date for label changes Bureau of Nutritional Sciences, Food Directorate
  1. Meeting notes-English-Dairy Processors of Canada-November 20, 2023
  2. Meeting notes-French-Dairy Processors of Canada-November 20, 2023
  3. Email correspondence- Dairy Processors of Canada-English/French– November 21, 2023
2023-11-10 Restricting advertising of certain foods to children Association of Canadian Advertisers

Ad Standards

Health Canada-initiated meeting Seeking clarity on a few elements of the Industry Code, including further reflections on potential areas of exposure for children to advertising that might not be captured by the Industry Code, its administration and clarification on fees for review of an advertisement; and to answer any additional questions association might have on Health Canada's policy proposal. Director General's Office
  1. Email Correspondence-English-French-Health Canada-October 30, 2023
  2. Email Correspondence-English/French-Health Canada-November 8, 2023
  3. Email attachment-English-Health Canada-November 8, 2023
  4. Email attachment-French-Health Canada-November 8, 2023
  5. Meeting notes-English-Health Canada-November 10, 2023
  6. Meeting notes-French-Health Canada-November 10, 2023
  7. Email Correspondence-English/French-Health Canada-November 23,2023
  8. Email Correspondence-English-Association of Canadian Advertisers- November 24, 2023
  9. Email Correspondence-English-Ad Standards-November 24, 2023
  10. Email attachment-English-Ad Standards-November 24, 2023
  11. Email Correspondence-English-Association of Canadian Advertisers-November 26, 2023
  12. Email Correspondence- Association of Canadian Advertisers-November 26, 2023
  13. Email Correspondence-English/French-Health Canada-November 30, 2023
  14. Email Correspondence-English-French-Health Canada-December 1, 2023
2023-10-13 Restricting advertising of certain foods to children Association of Canadian Advertisers Food, Health and Consumer Products of Canada Ad Standards
PepsiCo Canada
Stakeholder-initiated meeting To discuss the merits of the Industry Code to address food advertising to children. Specifically, the Association of Canadian Advertisers wanted to discuss the nutrient criteria and preclearance mechanism that is outlined in the Industry Code. Assistant Deputy Minister's Office
  1. Meeting summary-English-Association of Canadian Advertisers-October 13, 2023
  2. Meeting summary-French-Association of Canadian Advertisers-October 13, 2023
  3. Correspondence-English- Association of Canadian Advertisers-October 18, 2023
  4. Email Correspondence Attachment-English- Association of Canadian Advertisers– October 13, 2023
  5. Email Correspondence Attachment- English-Ad Standards– October 13, 2023
  6. Email Correspondence-English-Health Canada-October 24, 2023
  7. Email Correspondence-French-Health Canada-October 24, 2023
2023-10-13 Restricting advertising of certain foods to children Heart & Stroke Foundation of Canada Stakeholder-initiated meeting For Heart and Stroke officials to discuss their current positioning regarding Health Canada's proposed approach and gain a better understanding of the status of potential timelines for Canada Gazette, Part I. Director General's Office, Food Directorate
  1. Email Correspondence-English-Heart&Stroke Foundation of Canada-July 18, 2023
  2. Email Correspondence Attachment-English- Heart&Stroke Foundation of Canada-October 13, 2023
  3. Meeting summary-English-Health Canada-October 13, 2023
  4. Meeting summary-French-Health Canada-October 13, 2023
2023-10-10 Restricting advertising of certain foods to children Stop Marketing to Kids Coalition Stakeholder-initiated correspondence Letter addressed to Minister Holland and departmental officials expressing position on the anticipated draft regulations for the advertising of foods to children and seeking an opportunity to meeting to discuss this issue. Director General's Office, Food Directorate
  1. Email Correspondence-English-Stop marketing to kids coalition-October 10, 2023
  2. Email Correspondence Attachment- English-Stop marketing to kids coalition-October 10, 2023
  3. Document Attachment- English-Stop marketing to kids coalition-October 10, 2023
2023-10-06 Restricting advertising of certain foods to children Heart & Stroke Foundation of Canada Stakeholder-initiated meeting A breakfast panel with over 60 invitees organized by the Heart & Stroke Policy and Advocacy team to discuss international research and implementing restrictions on marketing to kids. Bureau of Policy, Intergovernmental and International Affairs, Food Directorate
  1. Email Correspondence-English-Heart & Stroke Foundation of Canada-September 18, 2023
  2. Email Correspondence-English/French-Health Canada-October 6, 2023
2023-09-27 Sodium Food, Health & Consumer Products of Canada (FHCP) Stakeholder-initiated meeting To discuss sodium reduction and provide information on the plans for the interim sodium monitoring survey. Bureau of Nutritional Sciences, Food Directorate
  1. Meeting notes-English- Food, Health & Consumer Products of Canada-September 27, 2023
  2. Meeting notes-French- Food, Health & Consumer Products of Canada-September 27, 2023
2023-08-30 Restricting advertising of certain foods to children Association of Canadian Advertisers Stakeholder-initiated correspondence To address points raised in the April 18 correspondence between Health Canada and the Association of Canadian Advertisers regarding the Industry Code and Guide for the Responsible Advertising of Food and Beverage Products to Children and to request a meeting. Assistant Deputy Minister's Office
  1. Email correspondence-English-Association of Canadian Advertisers-August 30, 2023
  2. Email correspondence-English-Health Canada-September 8, 2023
  3. Email correspondence-French-Health Canada-September 8, 2023
  4. Email correspondence-English- Association of Canadian Advertisers-September 8, 2023
2023-07-28 Front-of-package nutrition labelling Ocean Spray Cranberries Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting To discuss the impact of Health Canada's front-of-package nutrition labelling on dried cranberry products. Director General's Office, Food Directorate
  1. Meeting notes- English –Ocean Spray- July 28, 2023
  2. Meeting notes– French –Ocean Spray- July 28, 2023
2023-07-26 Front-of-package nutrition labelling

Dairy Farmers of Canada and Dairy Processors Association of Canada, Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada, Collectif vital, Dietitians of Canada, Food Health Consumer Products, Canadian Cancer Society, Retail Council of Canada

Health Canada-Initiated Meeting

To present the proposed targeted regulatory amendments to address concerns regarding the vitamin D status of Canadians and the potential impact of the front-of-package (FOP) nutrition labelling on calcium intakes.

Bureau of Nutritional Sciences, Food Directorate
  1. Meeting notes-English-Various Stakeholders-July 26, 2023
  2. Meeting notes-French-Various Stakeholders-July 26, 2023
  3. Meeting Attachment-Health Canada– July 26, 2023
2023-07-06 Front-of-package nutrition labelling

Dairy Farmers of Canada

Health Canada-Initiated Correspondence Follow-up correspondence to confirm the departments commitment to follow-up with stakeholders about a regulatory change in a timely manner. Assistant Deputy Minister's Office
  1. Email correspondence-English -Health Canada-July 6, 2023
  2. Email correspondence– French –Health Canada -July 6, 2023
  3. Email correspondence– English –Dairy Processors of Canada –July 6, 2023
  4. Email Correspondence– English –Dairy Farmers of Canada –July 10, 2023
2023-06-27 Restricting advertising of certain foods to children Member of Parliament on behalf of Heart & Stroke Foundation of Canada Stakeholder-initiated correspondenc To share information learned from a meeting with Heart & Stroke Canada and express support for moving forward on introducing regulations to restrict the marketing of unhealthy food and beverages to children Deputy Minister's Office
  1. Email correspondence-English-Member of Parliament-June 27, 2023
2023-06-22 Front-of-package nutrition labelling Dairy Farmers of Canada Health Canada-Initiated Correspondence Follow-up correspondence to request confirmation of support for new regulatory proposal to address the impact of front-of-package regulations on different types of cheese. Director General's Office, Food Directorate
  1. Email correspondence– English/French-Health Canada– June 22, 2023
  2. Email correspondence– English– Dairy Farmers of Canada– June 23, 2023
2023-06-15 Front-of-package nutrition labelling Dairy Farmers of Canada Health Canada-Initiated Meeting To present a regulatory proposal to address concerns regarding the potential impact of front-of-package nutrition labelling on fine and fresh cheeses. Director General's Office, Food Directorate
  1. Meeting notes-English– Dairy Farmers of Canada– June 15, 2023
  2. Meeting notes– French- Dairy Farmers of Canada– June 15, 2023
  3. Document attachment –English– Health Canada– June 15, 2023
  4. Document attachment –French– Health Canada– June 15, 2023
2023-06-13 Front-of-package nutrition labelling Dairy Farmers of Canada Stakeholder-Initiated Correspondence Correspondence requesting additional information about Health Canada front-of-package nutrition labelling analysis on cheeses Director General's Office, Food Directorate
  1. Email correspondence– English-Dairy Farmers of Canada– June 13, 2023
  2. Email correspondence– English/French–Health Canada– June 13, 2023
2023-06-05 Restricting advertising of certain foods to children Various stakeholders (see document) Health Canada-initiated correspondence Summary of questions and responses, following Health Canada's May 11, 2023 webinars on the Policy Update: Restricting food advertising primarily directed at children. Bureau of Policy, Intergovernmental and International Affairs, Food Directorate
  1. Email correspondence-English/French-Health Canada-June 2, 2023
  2. Email correspondence-English/French-Health Canada-June 5, 2023
  3. Document-English/French-June 5, 2023
  4. Document attached-English-Health Canada-June 5, 2023
  5. Document attached-French-Health Canada-June 5, 2023
2023-06-09 Restricting advertising of certain foods to children Various stakeholders (see document) Health Canada-initiated correspondence To communicate that Health Canada's consultation on restricting food advertising primarily directed at children will be extended to June 19, 2023 Bureau of Policy, Intergovernmental and International Affairs, Food Directorate
  1. Email correspondence-English-French-Health Canada– June 9, 2023
  2. Document-English/French-June 9, 2023
2023-05-04 Restricting advertising of certain foods to children Heart and stroke foundation of Canada, other experts and advocates Stakeholder-initiated meeting Roundtable discussion with international experts, including Canadian experts/advocates on restricting advertising of certain foods to children. Assistant Deputy Minister's Office
  1. Meeting notes- English-Health Canada-May 4, 2023
  2. Meeting notes-French-Health Canada-May 4, 2023
  3. Agenda-English- Heart & Stroke-May 4, 2023
  4. Presentation- English-French-Health Canada-May 4, 2023
  5. Presentation-English-Health Canada-May 4, 2023
  6. Presentation-French-Health Canada-May 4, 2023
  7. Presentation-English-International experts-May 4, 2023
2023-05-12 Restricting advertising of certain foods to children Ferrero Canada (Gowling WLG) Stakeholder-initiated correspondence Request for discussion on Health Canada's policy update to impose restrictions on advertising of food and beverage products to children. Director General's Office, Food Directorate
  1. Email correspondence-English- Gowling- May 12, 2023
  2. Email correspondence–English/French–Health Canada– May 16, 2023
  3. Email correspondence–English–Gowling– May 16, 2023
2023-05-19 Front-of-package nutrition labelling Dairy Farmers of Canada

Health Canada-initiated meeting

To discuss the Dairy Farmers of Canada March 2023 proposal related to front-of-package nutrition labelling and cheese. Director General's Office, Food Directorate
  1. Meeting notes-English– Dairy Framers of Canada– May 19, 2023
  2. Meeting notes-French- Dairy Farmers of Canada– May 19, 2023
  3. Meeting notes-English– Dairy Farmers of Canada-May 19, 2023
  4. Meeting notes- French– Dairy farmers of Canada-May 19, 2023
2023-05-24 Front-of-package nutrition labelling Dairy Farmers of Canada Stakeholder-initiated correspondence Follow-up correspondence to share Dairy Famers of Canada's analysis of the WHO systematic review. Director General's Office, Food Directorate
  1. Email correspondence– English- Dairy Farmers of Canada– May 24, 2023
  2. Document attachment- English- Dairy Farmers of Canada– May 24, 2023
  3. Email correspondence– English/French-Health Canada– June 19, 2023
2023-05-26 Front-of-package nutrition labelling Dairy Farmers of Canada Health Canada-Initiated Correspondence Follow-up correspondence to share Health Canada's detailed analysis of the impact of front-of-package regulations on different types of cheese. Director General's Office, Food Directorate
  1. Email correspondence– English- Health Canada– May 26, 2023
  2. Email correspondence–French–Health Canada–May 26, 2023
  3. Document attachment– English–Health Canada-May 26, 2023
  4. Document attachment– French-Health Canada-May 26, 2023
  5. Document attachment-English– Health Canada-May 26, 2023
  6. Document attachment– French-Health Canada– May 26, 2023
  7. Document attachment– English– Health Canada-May 26, 2023
  8. Document attachment –French– Health Canada– May 26, 2023
2023-05-29 Restricting advertising of certain foods to children Ferrero Canada (Gowling WLG) Stakeholder-initiated meeting To discuss Health Canada's statutory authority under the Food and Drugs Act to impose restrictions on advertising of food and beverage products to children and how Health Canada's policy update and the Industry Code and Guide on the Responsible Advertising of Food and Beverage Products to Children ("Industry Code & Guide") share the same objective. Director General's Office, Food Directorate
  1. Meeting notes-English- Gowling-May 29, 2023
  2. Meeting notes–French– Gowling- May 29, 2023
2023-05-30 Restricting advertising of certain foods to children Ferrero Canada (Gowling WLG) Stakeholder-initiated correspondence Follow-up correspondence to the meeting on May 29, 2023. Director General's Office, Food Directorate
  1. Email Correspondence-English-Ferrero Canada (Gowling WLG)-May 30, 2023
2023-04-28 Restricting advertising of certain foods to children Health and industry stakeholders (see document) Health Canada-initiated correspondence Inform stakeholders that Health Canada is seeking feedback on the policy update and to invite them to the upcoming webinar Bureau of Policy, Intergovernmental and International Affairs, Food Directorate
  1. Email Correspondence-English/French-Health Canada-April 28, 2023
  2. Document Attached-English/French-List of stakeholders-April 28, 2023
  3. Presentation-English-Health Canada-May 11, 2022
  4. Presentation-French-Health Canada-May 11, 2023
2023-04-26 Restricting advertising of certain foods to children Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada Stakeholder-initiated meeting To advocate for initiatives focused on children's health issues. Assistant Deputy Minister's Office
  1. Meeting Notes-English-Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada-April 26, 2023
  2. Meeting Notes-French-Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada-April 26, 2023
  3. Meeting Document-English-Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada
2023-04-25 Restricting advertising of certain foods to children Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada Stakeholder-initiated meeting To advocate for initiatives focused on children's health issues. Deputy Minister's Office
  1. Meeting Notes-English-Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada-April 25, 2023
  2. Meeting Notes-French-Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada-April 25, 2023
  3. Meeting Document-English-Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada
2023-04-25 Front-of-package nutrition labelling Canadian Beverage Association Health Canada-initiated correspondence To follow-up on meeting commitments to provide language that the Canadian Beverage Association can use to inform their membership Bureau of Nutritional Sciences, Food Directorate
  1. Email correspondence- English/French-Health Canada-April 25, 2023
2023-04-20 Restricting advertising of certain foods to children Rudd centre for food policy & health, University of Connecticut Stakeholder-initiated correspondence Request for immediate action on healthy eating initiative restricting advertising of certain foods to children. Deputy Minister's Office
  1. Email correspondence-English-Rudd Centre for Food Policy & Health, University of Connecticut –April 20, 2023
  2. Email correspondence-English-Health Canada-May 23, 2023
  3. Email correspondence-French-Health Canada-May 23, 2023
2023-04-18 Restricting advertising of certain foods to children New Brunswick medical society Stakeholder-initiated correspondence Request for immediate action on healthy eating initiative restricting advertising of certain foods to children. Deputy Minister's Office
  1. Email correspondence-English- New Brunswick medical society-April 18, 2023
  2. Email correspondence-English-Health Canada-May 23, 2023
  3. Email correspondence-French-Health Canada-May 23, 2023

Restricting advertising of certain foods to children

Front-of-package nutrition labelling

Canadian Beverage Association Stakeholder-initiated meeting To speak about the Canadian Beverage Association's strategic plan and a few key issues such as labelling supplemented food ingredients and restricting marketing to children Assistant Deputy Minister's Office
  1. Meeting Notes-English-Canadian Beverage Association-April 18, 2023
  2. Meeting Notes-French-Canadian Beverage Association-April 18, 2023
  3. Email Correspondence-English-April 13, 2023
2023-04-14 Restricting advertising of certain foods to children Association of Canadian advertisers Stakeholder-initiated correspondence To correct the record as it relates to Bill C-252 study at the Standing Committee on Health and industry's positions on food and beverage marketing restrictions to children Assistant Deputy Minister's Office
  1. Email correspondence-English- Association of Canadian Advertisers–April 14, 2023
  2. Email correspondence-English-French- Health Canada-April 18, 2023
2023-04-12 Front-of-package nutrition labelling Canadian Beverage Association Stakeholder-initiated meeting To discuss flexibilities for supplemented foods that require a supplemented food caution identifier and a front of package nutrition symbol. Bureau of Nutritional Sciences, Food Directorate
  1. Meeting Notes-English- Canadian Beverage Association-April 12, 2023
  2. Meeting Notes-French- Association Canadienne des boissons-12 avril, 2023
2023-04-10 Restricting advertising of certain foods to children First call child and youth advocacy society Stakeholder-initiated correspondence Action on restricting the advertising of food high in sodium, sugars and saturated fat to kids Deputy Minister's Office
  1. Email correspondence–English- First call child and youth advocacy society–April 10, 2023
  2. Email correspondence–English- Health Canada-May 3, 2023
  3. Email correspondence-French-Health Canada-May 3, 2023
2023-03-29 Restricting advertising of certain foods to children Summa strategies on behalf of Convenience industry council of Canada Stakeholder-initiated correspondence Seeking insights on proposed plan for liability and enforcement violations for restricting advertising of certain foods to children and clarity on Bill C-252. Assistant Deputy Minister's Office
  1. Email correspondence-English- Summa strategies on behalf of Convenience industry council of Canada–March 29, 2023
  2. Email correspondence-English-Health Canada- April 18, 2023
  3. Email correspondence-French-Health Canada- April 18, 2023
2023-03-22 Front-of-package nutrition labelling Dairy Farmers of Canada Stakeholder -initiated correspondence Document sent to Health Canada regarding proposed amendments to cheese labelling regulations Assistant Deputy Minister's Office
  1. Email Correspondence-English- Dairy Farmers of Canada –March 22, 2023
  2. Email Attachment-English-Dairy Farmers of Canada- March 22, 2023
2023-03-08 Sodium Food Health and Consumer Products Stakeholder-initiated meeting Discuss Health Canada next steps on sodium reduction targets and Food Health and Consumer Product's position on sodium reduction Bureau of Nutritional Sciences, Food Directorate
  1. Meeting Notes-English-Food Health and Consumer Products-March 8, 2023
  2. Meeting Notes-French- Food Health and Consumer Products – March 8, 2023
  3. Meeting Attachment-Food Health and Consumer Products–March 8, 2023
2023-02-28 Restricting advertising of certain foods to children Stop Marketing to Kids Coalition Stakeholder-initiated meeting To discuss Health Canada's 2022-2024 forward regulatory plan commitment to introduce regulations to restrict the marketing of certain food and beverages to kids as well as the private member's Bill C-252, an Act to amend the Food and Drugs Act (prohibition of food and beverage marketing directed at children) Director General's Office, Food Directorate
  1. Meeting Notes-English- Stop Marketing to Kids Coalition -February 28, 2023
  2. Meeting Notes-French- Stop Marketing to Kids Coalition - February 28, 2023
2023-02-15 Front-of-package nutrition labelling Canadian Beverage Association Stakeholder -initiated correspondence Follow-up email to share evidence about public understanding and using labels Bureau of Nutritional Sciences, Food Directorate
  1. Email Correspondence and response-English/French-Canadian Beverage Association & Health Canada– February 15 & 17, 2023
2023-02-10 Restricting advertising of certain foods to children Stop Marketing to Kids Coalition Stakeholder-initiated meeting To discuss Health Canada's 2022-2024 forward regulatory plan commitment to introduce regulations to restrict the marketing of certain food and beverages to kids as well as the private member's Bill C-252, an Act to amend the Food and Drugs Act (prohibition of food and beverage marketing directed at children) Bureau of Policy, Intergovernmental and International Affairs, Food Directorate
  1. Meeting Notes-English- Stop Marketing to Kids Coalition -February 10, 2023
  2. Meeting Notes-French- Stop Marketing to Kids Coalition - February 10, 2023
2023-01-31 Restricting advertising of certain foods to children Canadian Beverage Association Stakeholder-initiated meeting To introduce the new President of the association and to discuss a joint front-of-package/ supplemented foods caution identifier proposal Assistant Deputy Minister's Office
  1. Meeting Notes-English-Canadian Beverage Association-January 31, 2023
  2. Meeting Notes-French-Canadian Beverage Association-January 31, 2023
  3. Meeting attachment 1-English-Canadian Beverage Association- January 31, 2023
  4. Meeting attachment 2-English- Canadian Beverage Association- January 31, 2023
2023-01-31 Restricting advertising of certain foods to children Canadian Beverage Association Stakeholder-initiated meeting To introduce the new President of the association and to discuss a joint front-of-package/ supplemented foods caution identifier proposal Assistant Deputy Minister's Office
  1. Meeting Notes-English-Canadian Beverage Association-January 31, 2023
  2. Meeting Notes-French-Canadian Beverage Association-January 31, 2023
  3. Meeting attachment 1-English-Canadian Beverage Association- January 31, 2023
  4. Meeting attachment 2-English- Canadian Beverage Association- January 31, 2023
2023-01-20 Front-of-package nutrition labelling Canadian Beverage Association Stakeholder-initiated meeting To present proposal on the combined front-of-package nutrition symbol and supplemented foods caution identifier symbol. Bureau of Nutritional Sciences, Food Directorate
  1. Meeting Notes-English-Canadian Beverage Association-January 20, 2023
  2. Meeting Notes-French-Canadian Beverage Association-January 20, 2023
  3. Meeting attachment-English-Canadian Beverage Association- January 20, 2023
  4. Meeting attachment-English- Canadian Beverage Association- January 20, 2023

Front-of-package nutrition labelling

Restricting advertising of certain foods to children

Food, Health & Consumer Products of Canada Stakeholder-initiated meeting To discuss front-of package nutritional labelling education and advertising to children industry code and guide Director General's Office, Food Directorate
  1. Meeting notes-English Food Health and Consumer Products Canada-January 19, 2023
  2. Meeting notes-French- Food Health and Consumer Products Canada -January 19, 2023
2023-01-18 Front-of-package nutrition labelling Dairy Farmers of Canada Stakeholder-initiated correspondence Follow-up on front-of-package nutrition labelling and cheese Assistant Deputy Minister's Office
  1. Email correspondence-English- Dairy Farmers of Canada-January 18, 2023
2023-01-11 Front-of-package nutrition labelling Dairy Farmers of Canada Health Canada-initiated meeting To discuss front-of-package nutrition labelling and cheese Assistant Deputy Minister's Office
  1. Meeting notes-English-Dairy Farmers of Canada-January 11, 2023
  2. Meeting notes-French- Dairy Farmers of Canada- January 11, 2023
2022-12-07 Front-of-package nutrition labelling Retail Council of Canada Stakeholder-initiated meeting On-site grocery store visit to discuss the challenges of retail scale labels to comply with the front-of-package nutrition labelling requirements Bureau of Nutritional Sciences, Food Directorate
  1. Meeting notes-English-Retail Council of Canada-December 7, 2022
  2. Meeting notes-French- Retail Council of Canada- December 7, 2022
  3. Meeting attachment-English-Retail Council of Canada-December 7, 2022
2022-11-21 Restricting advertising of certain foods to children Stop Marketing to Kids Coalition Stakeholder -initiated correspondence To capture follow-up action item from meeting Director General's Office, Food Directorate
  1. Email correspondence-English- Stop Marketing to Kids Coalition-November 21 2022
2022-11-17 Restricting advertising of certain foods to children Stop Marketing to Kids Coalition Stakeholder -initiated correspondence To share the release of a commissioned research Director General's Office, Food Directorate
  1. Email correspondence-English-Stop Marketing to Kids Coalition-November 17 2022
  2. Document attachment-English- Stop Marketing to Kids Coalition-November 17 2022
  3. Document attachment -French- Stop Marketing to Kids Coalition-November 17 2022
  4. Document attachment 2 -English- Stop Marketing to Kids Coalition-November 17 2022
2022-11-16 Restricting advertising of certain foods to children Stop marketing to kids coalition Stakeholder-initiated meeting To discuss Health Canada's forward regulatory plans related to the marketing to kids initiative, upcoming consultations and PMB C-252 Director General's Office, Food Directorate
  1. Meeting notes-English-Stop Marketing to kids coalition- November 16, 2022
  2. Meeting notes-French-Stop marketing to kids coalition-November 16, 2022
2022-11-08 Front-of-package nutrition labelling Retail Council of Canada Stakeholder-initiated correspondence To share concerns and recommendations about printing the Front-of-package nutrition symbol on retail scale labels Bureau of Nutritional Sciences, Food Directorate
  1. Email Correspondence-English/French-Retail Council of Canada/Health Canada-November 8, 2022 and November 18, 2022
  2. Email attachment-English-Retail Council of Canada-November 8, 2022

Front-of-package nutrition labelling

Restricting advertising of certain foods to children

The Canadian Beverage Association Stakeholder-initiated meeting To discuss various aspects of front-of-package nutrition labelling and restricting advertising of certain foods to children Director General's Office, Food Directorate
  1. Meeting notes-English-The Canadian Beverage Association-October 27, 2022
  2. Meeting notes-French-The Canadian Beverage Association-October 27, 2022
2022-10-26 Canada Food Guide Tea and Herbal Association of Canada Stakeholder-initiated meeting The Tea and Herbal Association of Canada requested a meeting to discuss having the government include flavanol-3s as part of its dietary requirements and having the government include tea in its dietary guidelines Office of Nutrition Policy and Promotion
  1. Meeting notes-English-Tea and Herbal Association of Canada-October 26, 2022
  2. Meeting notes-French-Tea and Herbal Association of Canada-October 26, 2022
  3. Email correspondence-English-Tea and Herbal Association of Canada-Health Canada-October 17, 2022
  4. Document attachment-English-Tea and Herbal Association of Canada-October 26, 2022
2022-10-21 Front-of-package nutrition labelling Dairy Farmers of Canada Stakeholder-initiated correspondence To share a review of the evidence supporting cheese exemptions from front-of-package Director General's Office, Food Directorate
  1. Correspondence-English-Dairy Farmers of Canada-October 21, 2022
  2. Correspondence attachment-English-Dairy Farmers of Canada-October 21, 2022
  3. Correspondence-English/French-Health Canada-October 24, 2022
2022-10-17 Front-of-package nutrition labelling Canadian Beverage association Stakeholder-initiated correspondence To propose their collaboration in the development of the front-of-package nutrition labelling educational campaign Bureau of Nutritional Sciences, Food Directorate
  1. Email Correspondence-English-Canadian Beverage Association-October 17, 2022
  2. Email Correspondence-English/French-Health Canada-October 21, 2022

Front-of-package nutrition labelling

Restricting advertising of certain foods to children

The Canadian Beverage Association Stakeholder-initiated meeting To provide updates on progress on various aspects of front-of-package labelling and restricting advertising of certain foods to children Director General's Office, Food Directorate
  1. Meeting notes-English-The Canadian Beverage Association-October 7, 2022
  2. Meeting notes-Fench-The Canadian Beverage Association-October 7, 2022
2022-10-03 Front-of-package nutrition labelling Dairy Farmers of Canada Stakeholder-initiated meeting To discuss concerns raised by the Dairy Farmers of Canada's regarding front-of-package nutrition labelling and cheese Assistant Deputy Minister's Office
  1. Meeting notes-English-Dairy Farmers of Canada-October 3, 2022
  2. Meeting notes-French-Dairy Farmers of Canada-October 3, 2022
  3. Email Correspondence-English-Dairy Farmers of Canada-September 8, 2022
  4. Document attachment-English-Dairy Farmers of Canada-September 2022
  5. Document attachment-English-Dairy Farmers of Canada-September 2022
2022-09-13 Front-of-package nutrition labelling Retail Council for Canada Stakeholder-initiated meeting Discuss concerns about front-of-package nutrition labelling (printing the front-of-package symbol on retail scale labels and education campaign) Bureau of Nutritional Sciences, Food Directorate
  1. Meeting notes-English-Retail Council for Canada-September 13, 2022
  2. Meeting notes-French-Retail council for Canada-September 13, 2022
2022-08-12 Front-of-package nutrition labelling Dairy Farmers of Canada Health Canada-initiated correspondence Follow up on recent discussions Assistant Deputy Minister's Office
  1. Correspondence-English/French-Health Canada-Aug 12, 2022
2022-07-29 Front-of-package nutrition labelling Dairy Farmers of Canada Stakeholder-initiated meeting Discuss the front-of-package nutrition labelling regulations and their potential impact on the dairy sector Assistant Deputy Minister's Office
  1. Meeting notes-English-Dairy Farmers of Canada-July 29, 2022
  2. Meeting notes-French-Dairy Farmers of Canada-July 29, 2022
2022-07-29 Front-of-package nutrition labelling Dairy Farmers of Canada Health Canada-initiated correspondence Provide cheese decision tree, as committed during the meeting (July 29 2022) Assistant Deputy Minister's Office
  1. Email Correspondence-English/French-Health Canada/Dairy Farmers of Canada-July 29, 2022
  2. Document-English-Health Canada-July 29, 2022
2022-07-21 Front-of-package nutrition labelling Tea and Herbal Association of Canada Stakeholder-initiated correspondence Express their concerns with Health Canada and the Canadian Food Inspection Agency's new front of package labelling requirements Deputy Minister's Office
  1. Correspondence-English-Tea and Herbal Association of Canada-July 21, 2022
  2. Correspondence-English-Health Canada-August 3, 2022
  3. Correspondence-French-Health Canada-August 3, 2022
2022-07-21 Front-of-package nutrition labelling Retail Council of Canada Stakeholder-initiated meeting To discuss the front-of-package nutrition labelling regulations and guidance document Bureau of Nutritional Sciences, Food Directorate
  1. Meeting notes-English- Retail Council of Canada -July 21, 2022
  2. Meeting notes-French- Retail Council of Canada -July 21, 2022
2022-07-21 Front-of-package nutrition labelling Juno Food Labs Stakeholder-initiated correspondence Concerns about the front-of-package nutrition labelling regulations related to ground meat Deputy Minister's Office
  1. Correspondence-English-Juno Food Labs-July 21, 2022
  2. Correspondence-English-Health Canada- September 9, 2022
  3. Correspondence-French-Health Canada- September 9, 2022
2022-07-20 Front-of-package nutrition labelling Dairy Farmers of Canada Stakeholder-initiated meeting Discuss the front-of-package nutrition labelling regulations and their potential impact on the dairy sector Assistant Deputy Minister's Office
  1. Meeting notes-English-Dairy Farmers of Canada-July 20, 2022
  2. Meeting notes-French-Dairy Farmers of Canada-July 20, 2022
2022-07-12 Front-of-package nutrition labelling Humane Society International/Canada Stakeholder-initiated correspondence Concerns about the front-of-package nutrition labelling regulations and exemptions related to ground meat Director General's Office, Food Directorate
  1. Email correspondence-English/French-Humane Society International/Canada-Health Canada-July 12, 2022
2022-06-25 Front-of-package nutrition labelling Farm & Food Care Saskatchewan Stakeholder-initiated correspondence To express concerns related to the implications of front-of-package nutrition labelling on ground meat products Director General's Office, Food Directorate
  1. Correspondence-English-Farm & Food Care Saskatchewan- June 25, 2022
  2. Correspondence-English-Health Canada-July 26 2022
  3. Correspondence-French-Health Canada-July 26 2022
2022-06-21 Front-of-package nutrition labelling Pork NB & PEI Pork Stakeholder-initiated correspondence To express concerns related to the implications of front-of-package nutrition labelling on ground pork products Director General's Office, Food Directorate
  1. Correspondence-English- Pork NB & PEI Pork-June 21 2022
  2. Correspondence-English-Health Canada-July 26 2022
  3. Correspondence-French-Health Canada-July 26 2022
2022-06-20 Front-of-package nutrition labelling Retail Council of Canada Stakeholder-initiated correspondence Concerns about the front-of-package nutrition labelling regulations related to ground meat Deputy Minister's Office
  1. Correspondence-English-Retail Council of Canada-June 20, 2022
  2. Correspondence attachment-English-Retail Council of Canada-June 20, 2022
  3. Correspondence-English-Health Canada-August 4, 2022
  4. Correspondence-French-Health Canada-August 4, 2022
2022-06-20 Front-of-package nutrition labelling United Farmers of Alberta Limited Stakeholder-initiated correspondence To express concerns related to the implications of front-of-package nutrition labelling on ground meat products Director General's Office, Food Directorate
  1. Correspondence-English- United Farmers of Alberta Limited-June 20 2022
  2. Correspondence-English-Health Canada-July 26 2022
  3. Correspondence-French-Health Canada-July 26 2022
2022-06-16 Restricting advertising of certain foods to children Carrefour Solidaire Stakeholder-initiated correspondence To provide support for Bill C-252 and the prohibition of food and beverage marketing directed at children Director General's Office, Food Directorate
  1. Correspondence-French-Carrefour Solidaire-June 16 2022
  2. Correspondence-English-Health Canada-July 6 2022
  3. Correspondence-French-Health Canada-July 6 2022
2022-06-16 Front-of-package nutrition labelling Agricultural Producers Association of Saskatchewan Stakeholder-initiated correspondence To express concerns related to the implications of front-of-package nutrition labelling on ground meat products Director General's Office, Food Directorate
  1. Correspondence-English- Agricultural Producers Association of Saskatchewan-June 16 2022
  2. Correspondence-English-Health Canada-July 27 2022
  3. Correspondence-French-Health Canada-July 27 2022
2022-06-14 Front-of-package nutrition labelling Canadian Pork Council Stakeholder-initiated correspondence To express concerns related to the implications of front-of-package nutrition labelling on ground pork products Director General's Office, Food Directorate
  1. Correspondence-English- Canadian Pork Council-June 14 2022
  2. Correspondence-English-Health Canada-July 26 2022
  3. Correspondence-French-Health Canada-July 26 2022
2022-06-14 Front-of-package nutrition labelling Saskatchewan Stock Growers Association Stakeholder-initiated correspondence Concerns about the front-of-package nutrition labelling regulations related to ground meat Deputy Minister's Office
  1. Correspondence-English-Saskatchewan Stock Growers Association-June 14, 2022
  2. Correspondence attachment-English-Saskatchewan Stock Growers Association-June 14 2022
  3. Correspondence-English-Health Canada-July 26, 2022
  4. Correspondence-French-Health Canada-July 26, 2022
2022-06-14 Front-of-package nutrition labelling Federation of Agriculture Stakeholder-initiated correspondence To express concerns related to the implications of front-of package nutrition labelling on ground meat products Director General's Office, Food Directorate
  1. Correspondence-English-Federation of Agriculture-June 14 2022
  2. Correspondence-English-Health Canada-July 25 2022
  3. Correspondence-French-Health Canada-July 25 2022
2022-06-07 Front-of-package nutrition labelling Canadian National Millers Association Stakeholder-initiated correspondence To express concerns related to the implications of front-of-package nutrition labelling on food affordability Director General's Office, Food Directorate
  1. Correspondence-English- Canadian National Millers Association-June 7 2022
  2. Correspondence Attachment- Canadian National Millers Association-June 7 2022
  3. Correspondence-English-Health Canada-July 29 2022
  4. Correspondence-French-Health Canada-July 29 2022

Front-of-package nutrition labelling

Restricting advertising of certain foods to children

Young Canadians Against Marketing to Children Stakeholder-initiated correspondence To urgently request immediate action and support for healthy eating initiatives, namely finalizing front-of-package nutrition labelling regulations and restricting the marketing of food high in sugars, saturated fats and sodium to kids Director General's Office, Food Directorate
  1. Correspondence-English-Young Canadians Against Marketing to Children-June 3 2022
  2. Correspondence-English-Health Canada-June 15 2022
  3. Correspondence French- Health Canada-June 15 2022
2022-05-26 Front-of-package nutrition labelling Saskatchewan Pork Development Board Stakeholder-initiated correspondence To express concerns related to the implications of front-of-package nutrition labelling on ground pork products Director General's Office, Food Directorate
  1. Correspondence-English- Saskatchewan Pork Development Board-May 26, 2022
  2. Correspondence-English-Health Canada-July 26 2022
  3. Correspondence-French-Health Canada-July 26 2022
2022-05-25 Front-of-package nutrition labelling Retail Council of Canada Stakeholder-initiated meeting Retail Council of Canada requested the meeting with Health Canada officials to share their members' perspectives regarding the proposed front-of-package nutrition labelling requirements Bureau of Nutritional Sciences, Food Directorate
  1. Meeting notes-English-Retail Council of Canada-May 25 2022
  2. Meeting Notes-French-Retail Council of Canada-May 25 2022
2022-05-25 Front-of-package nutrition labelling Alberta Pork Stakeholder-initiated correspondence To express concerns related to the implications of front-of-package nutrition labelling on ground pork products Director General's Office, Food Directorate
  1. Correspondence-English- Alberta Pork-May 25 2022
  2. Correspondence-English-Health Canada-June 7 2022
  3. Correspondence-French-Health Canada-June 7 2022
2022-05-25 Front-of-package nutrition labelling Ontario Pork Stakeholder-initiated correspondence To express concerns related to the implications of front-of-package nutrition labelling on ground pork products Director General's Office, Food Directorate
  1. Correspondence-English-Ontario Pork-May 25 2022
  2. Correspondence-English-Health Canada-June 7 2022
  3. Correspondence-French-Health Canada-June 7 2022

Front-of-package nutrition labelling

Restricting advertising of certain foods to children

Stop Marketing to Kids Coalition Stakeholder-initiated correspondence Request for immediate action on Healthy Eating Strategy: regulations on front-of-package nutrition labelling and restriction on marketing to kids. Deputy Minister's Office
  1. Correspondence-English-Stop M2K Coalition-May 24, 2022
  2. Correspondence-English-Health Canada-June 13, 2022
  3. Correspondence-French-Health Canada-June 13, 2022
2022-05-12 Front-of-package nutrition labelling Alberta Beef Producers Stakeholder-initiated correspondence To express concerns related to the implications of front-of-package nutrition labelling on ground meat products Director General's Office, Food Directorate
  1. Correspondence-English-Alberta Beef Producers-May 12 2022
  2. Correspondence-English-Health Canada-July 25 2022
  3. Correspondence-French-Health Canada-July 25 2022
2022-05-12 Front-of-package nutrition labelling Canadian Cattlemen's Association and signatories Stakeholder-initiated correspondence To express concerns related to the implications of front-of-package nutrition labelling on ground beef Director General's Office, Food Directorate
  1. Correspondence-English-Canadian Cattlemen's Association and signatories-May 12 2022
  2. Correspondence-French-Canadian Cattlemen's Association and signatories-May 12 2022
  3. Correspondence-English-Health Canada-July 26 2022
  4. Correspondence-French-Health Canada-July 26 2022
2022-05-11 Front-of-package nutrition labelling Beef Farmers of Ontario Stakeholder-initiated correspondence Concerns about the front-of-package nutrition labelling regulations related to ground meat Director General's Office, Food Directorate
  1. Correspondence-English-Beef Farmers of Ontario-May 11, 2022
  2. Correspondence-attachment-English-Beef Farmers of Ontario-May 11, 2022
  3. Email correspondence-English-Health Canada-July 28, 2022
  4. Email correspondence-French-Health Canada-July 28, 2022

Front-of-package nutrition labelling

Restricting advertising of certain foods to children

New Brunswick Medical Society Stakeholder-initiated correspondence Request for immediate action on the Healthy Eating Strategy initiatives, namely, front of package nutrition labelling and restricting advertising of certain foods to children Director General's Office, Food Directorate
  1. Correspondence-English- New Brunswick Medical Society-May 9 2022
  2. Correspondence-English-Health Canada-May 25 2022
  3. Correspondence-French-Health Canada-May 25 2022

Front-of-package nutrition labelling

Restricting advertising of certain foods to children

Dairy Farmers of Canada Stakeholder-initiated correspondence

To express concerns regarding implications of front-of- package nutrition labelling on cheeses.

To communicate that any announced changes and exemptions are reflected within both the front-of-package nutrition labelling and restricting advertising of certain foods to children initiatives

Assistant Deputy Minister's Office
  1. Correspondence-English- Dairy Farmers of Canada-May 3 2022
  2. Correspondence-English-Health Canada-May 12 2022
  3. Correspondence-French-Health Canada-May 12 2022
  4. Correspondence-English- Dairy Farmers of Canada-May 27 2022
  5. Correspondence-English-Health Canada-July 6 2022
  6. Correspondence-French-Health Canada-July 6 2022

Front-of-package nutrition labelling

Restricting advertising of certain foods to children

Childhood Obesity Foundation Stakeholder-initiated correspondence Writing to request the federal government's immediate action to finalize the front-of-package nutrition labelling regulations and to enact restrictions on the marketing of foods high in sugar, saturated fat and sodium to kids Deputy Minister's Office
  1. Correspondence-English-Childhood Obesity Foundation-April 29 2022
  2. Correspondence Attachment-English-Childhood Obesity Foundation-April 29 2022
2022-04-26 Front-of-package nutrition labelling Gowlings WLG Stakeholder-initiated correspondence Follow up correspondence from the April 2022 meeting discussing Ferrero Canada Ltd. concerns related to the proposed requirement to carry a front-of-package nutrition symbol Director General's Office, Food Directorate
  1. Correspondence-English-Gowlings WLG-April 26 2022
  2. Correspondence-English-Health Canada-May 11 2022
  3. Correspondence-French-Health Canada-May 11 2022

Front-of-package nutrition labelling

Restricting advertising of certain foods to children

Child Nutrition Council of Manitoba Stakeholder-initiated correspondence Request for immediate action on the Healthy Eating Strategy initiatives, namely, front-of-package nutrition labelling and restricting advertising of certain foods to children Director General's Office, Food Directorate
  1. Correspondence-English- Child Nutrition Council of Manitoba-April 25 2022
  2. Correspondence-English-Health Canada-May 6 2022
  3. Correspondence-French-Health Canada-May 6 2022

Front-of-package nutrition labelling

Restricting advertising of certain foods to children

Arthritis Society Stakeholder-initiated correspondence Writing to ask for immediate action on the federal government's long-standing commitment to support healthy eating initiatives, such as finalizing front-of-package nutrition regulations and restricting marketing of foods high in sugar, saturated fats and sodium Deputy Minister's Office
  1. Correspondence-English-Arthritis Society-April 22 2022
  2. Correspondence Attachment-English-Arthritis Society-April 22 2022
2022-04-22 Front-of-package nutrition labelling Dairy Processors Association of Canada Stakeholder-initiated correspondence Concerns about the front-of-package nutrition labelling regulations and exemptions related to cheese Director General's Office, Food Directorate
  1. Correspondence-English-Dairy Processors Association of Canada–April 22, 2022
  2. Email Correspondence-English/French-Health Canada-April 23, 2022
2022-04-21 Front-of-package nutrition labelling Dairy Processors Association of Canada Health Canada-initiated meeting Follow-up to the April 12 meeting. The purpose of this meeting was to discuss the proposed scope of the exemption for cheese from the requirement to carry a front-of-package nutrition symbol. Director General's Office, Food Directorate
  1. Meeting Notes-English-Dairy Processors Association of Canada-April 21 2022
  2. Meeting Notes-French-Dairy Processors Association of Canada-April 21 2022
2022-04-19 Front-of-package nutrition labelling Baking Association of Canada Stakeholder-initiated meeting The purpose of this meeting was to discuss the evidence for an exemption from the proposed requirement to carry a front-of-package nutrition symbol. Director General's Office, Food Directorate
  1. Meeting Notes-English-Baking Association Canada-April 19 2022
  2. Meeting Notes-French-Baking Association Canada-April 19 2022
2022-04-12 Front-of-package nutrition labelling Dairy Processors Association of Canada Stakeholder-initiated meeting The purpose of this meeting was to discuss the proposed scope of the exemption for cheese from the requirement to carry a front-of-package nutrition symbol Director General's Office, Food Directorate
  1. Meeting Notes-English-Dairy Processors Association of Canada-April 12 2022
  2. Meeting Notes-French-Dairy Processors Association of Canada-April 12 2022
2022-04-09 Front-of-package nutrition labelling Gowlings WLG Stakeholder-initiated correspondence Follow-up correspondence from Gowlings WLG for the meeting held on April 8th to discuss Ferrero Canada Ltd. concerns related to the proposed requirement to carry a front-of-package nutrition symbol Director General's Office, Food Directorate
  1. Correspondence-English-Gowlings WLG-April 9 2022
  2. Correspondence-English-Health Canada-April 20 2022
  3. Correspondence-French-Health Canada-April 20 2022
2022-04-08 Front-of-package nutrition labelling Gowlings WLG Stakeholder-initiated meeting The purpose of this meeting was to discuss Ferrero Canada Ltd. concerns related to the proposed requirement to carry a front-of-package nutrition symbol Director General's Office, Food Directorate
  1. Meeting Notes-English-Gowlings WLG-April 8 2022
  2. Meeting Notes-French-Gowlings WLG-April 8 2022
2022-04-08 Front-of-package nutrition labelling Canadian Pork Council and Canadian Cattlemen's Association Stakeholder-initiated meeting The purpose of this meeting was to discuss the evidence for an exemption on certain meat products from the proposed requirement to carry a front-of-package nutrition symbol Director General's Office, Food Directorate
  1. Meeting Notes-English-Canadian Pork Council and Canadian Cattlemen's Association-April 8 2022
  2. Meeting Notes-French-Canadian Pork Council and Canadian Cattlemen's Association-April 8 2022
2022-04-06 Healthy Eating Strategy Dietitians of Canada Stakeholder-initiated correspondence Introductory letter to express support for Healthy Eating Strategy including finalizing restrictions of food marketing to kids and front-of-package nutrition labelling Deputy Minister's Office
  1. Correspondence-English-Dietitians of Canada-April 6 2022
  2. Correspondence Attachment-Dietitians of Canada-April 6 2022
2022-03-30 Restricting advertising of certain foods to children Hill & Knowlton Strategies Stakeholder-initiated correspondence Requesting update on Health Canada's response to the advertising industry's commitment to a comprehensive food and beverage guide and code. Director General's Office, Food Directorate
  1. Correspondence-English-Hill & Knowlton Strategies-March 30 2022
  2. Correspondence-English-Health Canada-April 14 2022
  3. Correspondence-French-Health Canada-April 14 2022

Front-of-package nutrition labelling

Restricting advertising of certain foods to children

Health Stakeholder Signatories (see correspondence for details) Stakeholder-initiated correspondence Urgent request for immediate action on healthy eating initiatives - front-of-package nutrition labelling and restricting marketing of certain foods to kids Deputy Minister's Office
  1. Correspondence-English-Health Stakeholder Signatories-March 28 2022
  2. Correspondence-English-Health Canada-April 12 2022
  3. Correspondence-French-Health Canada-April 12 2022

Front-of-package nutrition labelling

Restricting advertising of certain foods to children

Sodium reduction

Hypertension Canada Stakeholder-initiated correspondence Request for immediate action on healthy eating initiatives including front-of-package nutrition labelling, restricting marketing of certain foods to kids and sodium reduction Director General's Office, Food Directorate
  1. Correspondence-English-Hypertension Canada-March 22 2022
  2. Correspondence-English-Health Canada-March 31 2022
  3. Correspondence-French-Health Canada-March 31 2022

Front-of-package nutrition labelling

Restricting advertising of certain foods to children

Dairy Farmers of Canada, Diabetes Canada and the Heart & Stroke Foundation of Canada Stakeholder-initiated correspondence To express support of the objectives and timely implementation of front-of-package nutrition labelling and restriction of marketing certain foods to kids, and to raise concerns of the unintentional consequences they might create for many nutritious dairy products Deputy Minister's Office
  1. Correspondence-English-Dairy Farmers of Canada, Diabetes Canada and The Heart & Stroke Foundation of Canada-March 22 2022

Restricting advertising of certain foods to children

Front-of-package nutrition labelling

Association of Local Public Health Agencies (alPHa) Stakeholder-initiated correspondence To ask for accelerated action on Canada's Healthy Eating Strategy - front-of-package nutrition labelling and restrictions on the commercial marketing of food and beverages to children - to improve population health by making it easier for Canadians to eat well. Deputy Minister's Office
  1. Correspondence- English - Association of Local Public Health Agencies - March 4 2022
  2. Correspondence attachment - English - Association of Local Public Health Agencies - March 4 2022
  3. Correspondence-English-Health Canada-May 12 2022
  4. Correspondence-French-Health Canada-May 12 2022
2021-08-03 Restricting advertising of certain foods to children Coalition québécoise sur la problématique du poids Stakeholder Initiated Correspondence To reiterate the importance of a federal law to regulate advertising of certain foods aimed at children Deputy Minister's Office
  1. Correspondence –French - Coalition québécoise sur la problématique du poids – 30 June 2021
  2. Correspondence-French-Health Canada-3 August 2021
  3. Correspondence-English-Health Canada-3 August 2021
2021-07-12 Restricting advertising of certain foods to children Stop Marketing to Kids Coalition Stakeholder Initiated Correspondence To provide feedback on the industry's proposed code to restrict the marketing of certain food and beverages to children Assistant Deputy Minister's Office
  1. Correspondence-English- Stop Marketing to Kids Coalition–June 28 2021
  2. Correspondence-English-Health Canada-July 12 2021
  3. Correspondence-French-Health Canada-July 12 2021
2021-08-03 Restricting advertising of certain foods to children Association of Canadian Advertisers Stakeholder Initiated Correspondence To announce publication of industry's new Code for the Responsible Advertising of Food and Beverage Products to Children and Guide for the Responsible Advertising of Food and Beverage Products to Children Assistant Deputy Minister's Office
  1. Correspondence-English-Association of Canadian Advertisers-June 28 2021
  2. Correspondence-English-Health Canada-August 3 2021
  3. Correspondence-French-Health Canada-August 3 2021
2021-06-01 Front-of-package nutrition labelling Ferrero Canada Stakeholder Initiated Correspondence The relay concerns regarding the publication of the final front-of-package nutrition labelling regulations Director General's Office, Food Directorate
  1. Correspondence-English-Ferrero Canada – June 15 2021
  2. Correspondence-English-Health Canada-June 30 2021
  3. Correspondence-French-Health Canada-June 30 2021

Front-of-package nutrition labelling

Nutrition labelling
Retail Council of Canada Stakeholder Initiated Meeting To discuss the March 8 2021 letter from Food, Health and Consumer Products of Canada, the Canadian Beverage Association and the Retail Council of Canada to the Minister of Health regarding the implementation/compliance timelines for the 2016 Nutrition Labelling Regulations Assistant Deputy Minister's Office
  1. Correspondence-English-Food, Health & Consumer Products of Canada, Canadian Beverage Association, Retail Council Canada- March 8 2021
  2. Meeting notes-English-Retail Council of Canada-March 24 2021
  3. Meeting notes-French-Retail Council of Canada-March 24 2021

Restricting advertising of certain foods to children

Front-of-package nutrition labelling
Coalition québécoise sur la problématique du poids Stakeholder Initiated Meeting To discuss report: "Portrait de la promotion des aliments québécois dans les circulaires des épiceries" (Available in French only), front-of-package nutrition labelling and restriction of advertising of certain foods to children Assistant Deputy Minister's Office
  1. Correspondence-French-Coalition québécoise sur la problématique du poids-March 10 2021
  2. Correspondence attachment 1-French-Coalition québécoise sur la problématique du poids-March 10 2021
  3. Correspondence attachment 2-French-Coalition québécoise sur la problématique du poids-March 10 2021
  4. Meeting Notes-English-Coalition québécoise sur la problématique du poids-March 23 2021
  5. Meeting Notes-French-Coalition québécoise sur la problématique du poid-March 23 2021

Nutrition labelling

Front-of-package nutrition labelling
Food, Health & Consumer Products of Canada Stakeholder Initiated Meeting Meeting with Food, Health & Consumer Products of Canada to discuss the March 8, 2021 letter from Food, Health and Consumer Products of Canada, the Canadian Beverage Association and the Retail Council of Canada to the Minister of Health regarding the implementation/compliance timelines for the 2016 Nutrition Labelling Regulations Assistant Deputy Minister's Office
  1. Correspondence-English-Food, Health & Consumer Products of Canada, Canadian Beverage Association, Retail Council Canada- March 8 2021
  2. Meeting Notes-English- Food, Health & Consumer Products of Canada-March 22 2021
  3. Meeting Notes-French- Food, Health & Consumer Products of Canada-March 22 2021

Front-of-package nutrition labelling

Nutrition labelling
Food, Health & Consumer Products of Canada Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting Follow-up to email sent to stakeholders regarding the implementation of the 2016 nutrition labelling regulatory amendments. Assistant Deputy Minister's Office
  1. Meeting Notes–English-Food, Health & Consumer Products of Canada - February 4 2021
  2. Meeting Notes-French-Food, Health & Consumer Products of Canada - February 4 2021
2021-02-02 Nutrition labelling Health and industry stakeholders Health Canada-Initiated Correspondence Joint Health Canada and Canadian Food Inspection Agency correspondence regarding the implementation of the 2016 Nutrition Labelling Regulatory Amendments. Assistant Deputy Minister's Office
  1. Correspondence - English and French-Health Canada - February 2 2021
  2. Correspondence attachment - English - Health Canada - February 2 2021
  3. Correspondence attachment - French - Health Canada - February 2 2021
2021-01-19 Restricting advertising of certain foods to children Front-of-package nutrition labelling Gowling WLG and Ferrero Canada Stakeholder-initiated meeting To discuss industry concerns over front-of-package nutrition labelling Assistant Deputy Minister's Office
  1. Meeting Notes - English - Gowling WLG-Ferrero - January 19 2021
  2. Meeting Notes - French - Gowling WLG-Ferrero - January 19 2021

Restricting advertising of certain foods to children

Front-of-Package Labelling

Food Secure Canada Stakeholder-initiated Correspondence To express concerns related to industry's call on government to put a pause on regulatory processes to implement front-of-package labelling and restrictions on the commercial marketing of food and beverages to children, and to support government in moving forward with these initiatives. Office of Nutrition Policy and Promotion
  1. Correspondence-English-Food Secure Canada-April 27, 2020
2020-03-13 Restricting advertising of certain foods to children Mars Wrigley Canada Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting The purpose of the meeting was to re-establish dialogue with the Food Directorate following the Fall 2019 election and to discuss plans to restrict marketing to children Bureau of Policy, Intergovernmental and International Affairs, Food Directorate
  1. Meeting notes - English - MARS Wrigley Canada - March 13, 2020
  2. Meeting Notes - French - MARS Wrigley Canada - March 13, 2020
2020-03-04 Canada Food Guide Nestlé Canada Stakeholder-Initiated Correspondence Nestlé Canada requested information on research done by Health Canada to inform the revision of Canada's Food Guide. Office of Nutrition Policy and Promotion
  1. Correspondence-English-Nestlé Canada-March 4, 2020
2020-02-11 Restricting advertising of certain foods to children Food and Consumer Products of Canada Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting To share highlights of the draft Food and Beverage Advertising Code. Director General's Office, Food Directorate
  1. Meeting notes-English-Food and Consumer Products of Canada-February 11, 2020
  2. Meeting notes-French-Food and Consumer Products of Canada-February 11, 2020
2020-01-24 Healthy Eating Strategy O'Brien Institute for Public Health Stakeholder-Initiated Correspondence To respond to the O'Brien Institute for Public Health's petition and letter to the Prime Minister of Canada and the Minister of Health regarding food policies to curb chronic disease and health equity. Director General's Office, Food Directorate
  1. Correspondence - English - O'Brien Institute - October 16, 2019
  2. Correspondence - English - Health Canada - January 24, 2020

Restricting advertising of certain foods to children

Canada's Food Guide

Front-of Package Labelling

BC Alliance for Healthy Eating Health Canada - Initiated Meeting Provide an overview of current effort underway to promote the new Food Guide as well as an update on the status of other Healthy Eating Strategy Files Office of Nutrition Policy and Promotion
  1. Meeting Notes - English - BC Alliance for Healthy Living - January 20, 2020.
  2. Meeting Notes - French - BC Alliance for Healthy Living - January 20, 2020
2020-01-10 Restricting advertising of certain foods to children Interactive Advertising Bureau Stakeholder-initiated Meeting To discuss the interactive advertising bureau's work and how it might apply to Health Canada's current mandate to implement restrictions on food advertising to children Director General's Office, Food Directorate
  1. Meeting Notes - English - Interactive Advertising Bureau - January 10, 2020
  2. Meeting Notes - French - Interactive Advertising Bureau - January 10, 2020

Front-of-Package labelling

Restricting advertising of certain foods to children

Coalition québécoise sur la problématique du poids (Coalitions Poids) Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting Discuss the Department's Healthy Eating Strategy and Coalition Poids' recommendations for tackling overweight and obesity. Deputy Minister's Office
  1. Correspondence -English-Coalition Poids- November 12, 2019
  2. Meeting Notes - English - Coalition Poids - December 18, 2020
  3. Meeting Notes - French - Coalition Poids - December 19, 2020

Front-of-Package labelling

Restricting advertising of certain foods to children

Stop Marketing to Kids Coalition Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting Discuss the Government's commitment to introduce federal restrictions on the advertising of certain food and beverages to children. Deputy Minister's Office
  1. Meeting notes-English-Stop Marketing to Kids Coalition-December 17, 2019
  2. Meeting notes-French-Stop Marketing to Kids Coalition-December 17, 2019
2019-10-07 Restricting advertising of certain foods to children Mars Incorporated Stakeholder-Initiated Correspondence Follow-up email to August 15, 2019 meeting with Mars Canada to provide additional documents for Health Canada's consideration Director General's Office, Food Directorate
  1. Correspondence - English-Mars Incorporated - October 7 2019
  2. Document - English - October 7, 2019
  3. Document - English - October 7, 2019
  4. Correspondence - English - Health Canada - Response October 21, 2019
2019-08-21 Restricting advertising of certain foods to children Restaurants Canada Stakeholder-Initiated Correspondence Follow-up correspondence to the August 19, 2019 meeting on version 1.0 of Health Canada's draft Guide to the Application of the Child Health Protection Act (Bill S-228). Director General's Office, Food Directorate
  1. Correspondence-English-Restaurants Canada-August 21, 2019
  2. Response-English-Health Canada-December 16, 2019
2019-08-19 Restricting advertising of certain foods to children Restaurants Canada Health Canada-Initiated Meeting To discuss version 1.0 of Health Canada's draft Guide to the Application of the Child Health Protection Act (Bill S-228). Director General's Office, Food Directorate
  1. Meeting notes-English-Restaurants Canada-August 19, 2019
  2. Meeting notes-French-Restaurants Canada-August 19, 2019
  3. Correspondence-English-Health Canada-June 6, 2019
2019-08-15 Restricting advertising of certain foods to children Mars Incorporated Health Canada-Initiated Meeting To discuss the 2018 Mars Marketing Code for Human Food Governance Report and Mars' proposed decision tree to determine if an advertisement is directed at children. Director General's Office, Food Directorate
  1. Meeting notes-English-Mars Incorporated-August 15 2019
  2. Meeting notes-French- Mars Incorporated-August 15 2019
  3. Document-English-Mars Incorporated Governance Report - August 15, 2019
  4. Document-English-Mars Incorporated Decision Tree - August 15, 2019
  5. Document-English-Mars Incorporated -August 15, 2019
  6. Document-English-August 15, 2019
2019-08-13 Front-of-package labelling Retail Council of Canada Stakeholder Initiated Correspondence To discuss letter received from Health Canada on July 4, 2019 regarding proposed labelling changes for food and beverages. Food Directorate,
Director General's Office
  1. Meeting Notes-English-Retail Council of Canada-August 13, 2019
2019-07-24 Front-of-package labelling Canadian Produce Marketing Association (CPMA) Stakeholder Initiated Correspondence To follow up on a discussion on salad kits and front-of-package labelling Food Directorate, Director General's Office
  1. Correspondence-English-Canadian Produce Marketing Association-July 24, 2019
  2. Correspondence-English-Health Canada-October 8, 2019
2019-07-16 Restricting advertising of certain foods to children Stop Marketing to Kids Coalition Stakeholder Initiated Correspondence To reaffirm commitment to front-of-package labelling and restricting advertising of certain foods to children Food Directorate, Director General's Office
  1. Correspondence-English-Stop Marketing to Kids Coalition- July 16, 2019
  2. Correspondence-English-Health Canada-September 16, 2019
2019-06-14 Canada's Food Guide Retail Council of Canada Stakeholder Initiated Correspondence To provide an update on developments related to the revision of Canada's Food Guide and discuss plans for dissemination and outreach for the new guide. Food Directorate,
Director General's Office
  1. Correspondence-English-Retail Council of Canada-June 14, 2019
  2. Correspondence-English-Health Canada-June 14, 2019
2019-06-14 Canada's Food Guide Dairy Farmers of Ontario Stakeholder Initiated Correspondence To provide an update on developments related to the revision of Canada's Food Guide and discuss plans for dissemination and outreach for the new guide. Food Directorate,
Director General's Office
  1. Correspondence-English-Dairy Farmers of Ontario-June 4, 2019
  2. Correspondence-English-Health Canada-June 14, 2019
2019-06-11 Canada's Food Guide Calorie Control Council Stakeholder Initiated Correspondence To provide comments on Canada's Dietary Guidelines for Health Professionals and Policy Makers Director General's Office, Food Directorate
  1. Correspondence-English-Calorie Control Council-June 11, 2019
  2. Correspondence-English-Health Canada-June 17, 2019
2019-06-07 Restricting advertising of certain foods to children Stakeholders Health Canada-Initiated Correspondence To share a report summarizing the comments received from stakeholders on this draft of the 'Guide' Director General's Office, Food Directorate
  1. Correspondence-English/French-Health Canada-June 7, 2019
  2. Document - English - Summary of Comments - June 7, 2019
  3. Document - French - Summary of Comments - June 7, 2019
2019-06-06 Restricting advertising of certain foods to children Mars Incorporated Health Canada-Initiated Correspondence To follow up on the discussion with Mars Incorporated on their comments on Health Canada's first draft of its Guide to the Application of the Child Health Protection Act (Bill S-228). Director General's Office, Food Directorate
  1. Correspondence-English-Health Canada-June 6, 2019
  2. Correspondence-English-Mars Incorporated-June 7, 2019
  3. Correspondence-English-Health Canada-June 12, 2019
  4. Presentation-English-Mars-Decision Tree-June 7, 2019
  5. Document- English-United Kingdom Advertising Standards Authority rulings related to marketing to children and child appeal-June, 2019
  6. Document English - Research Article - June 7, 2019
2019-06-06 Front-of-package labelling Chronic Disease Prevention Alliance of Canada Stakeholder-Initiated Correspondence A letter from the Chronic Disease Prevention Alliance of Canada (CDPAC) regarding the finalization of the regulation to implement and enforce front-of-package nutrition labelling Bureau of Nutritional Sciences, Food Directorate
  1. Correspondence-English- Chronic Disease Prevention Alliance of Canada -June 6, 2019
  2. Letter-English- Chronic Disease Prevention Alliance of Canada -June 6, 2019
  3. Letter-English- Heathy Eating Strategy Open Letter-Hill Times-October, 2018
  4. Correspondence-English-Stop Marketing to Kids Coalition-June 18, 2018

Canada's Food Guide

Front-of-package labelling

Dairy Farmers of Ontario Stakeholder-Initiated Correspondence Follow up questions from a presentation to the National School Milk group Director General's Office, Food Directorate
  1. Correspondence-English-Dairy Farmers of Ontario-June 4, 2019
  2. Correspondence-English-Health Canada-June 14, 2019
2019-06-03 Front-of-package labelling Food and Consumer Products of Canada Stakeholder-Initiated Correspondence A letter from Food and Consumer Products of Canada (FCPC) regarding implementation and compliance timelines for labelling changes on food and beverage packaging. Assistant Deputy Minister's Office
  1. Letter - English-Food and Consumer Products of Canada-June 3, 2019
2019-05-29 Healthy Eating Strategy Amalgamated Dairies Limited Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting To share information on the Healthy Eating Strategy Director General's Office, Food Directorate
  1. Meeting notes - English- Amalgamated Dairies Limited - May 29, 2019
  2. Meeting notes - French - Amalgamated Dairies Limited - May 29, 2019
  3. Presentation - English - Amalgamated Dairies Limited - May 29, 2019
2019-05-24 Front-of-Package Labelling Bioforce Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting To share updates on Front-of-Package Labelling Bureau of Nutritional Sciences, Food Directorate
  1. Meeting notes-English-Bioforce-May 24, 2019
  2. Meeting notes-French-Bioforce-May 24, 2019
  3. Agenda-English-May 24, 2019
2019-05-23 Healthy Eating Strategy Canadian Produce Marketing Association Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting To provide participants with an update on Health Canada's Healthy Eating Strategy. Bureau of Nutritional Sciences, Food Directorate
  1. Agenda-English-Canadian Produce Marketing Association-May 23, 2019
  2. Minutes-English-Canadian Produce Marketing Association-May 23, 2019
  3. Presentation- English -Health Canada - May 23, 2019
  4. Presentation- French -Health Canada - May 23, 2019
  5. Presentation- English -Canadian Food Inspection Agency-May 23, 2019
  6. Presentation- English -Canadian Food Inspection Agency-May 23, 2019
  7. Presentation- English -Canadian Food Inspection Agency-May 23, 2019
  8. Presentation- English -Canadian Food Inspection Agency-May 23, 2019
  9. Presentation- English -Canadian Food Inspection Agency-May 23, 2019
  10. Presentation- English -Canadian Food Inspection Agency-May 23, 2019
  11. Presentation- English -Canada Border Services Agency-May 23, 2019
  12. Presentation- French -Canada Border Services Agency-May 23, 2019
  13. Presentation- English -Canada Border Services Agency-May 23, 2019
  14. Presentation- English -Transport Canada-May 23, 2019
  15. Présentation-Français-Transport Canada-23 mai 2019
16. Presentation- English -Canadian Produce Marketing Association-May 23, 2019
2019-05-17 Sodium Canadian Association of Foodservice Professionals Health Canada- Initiated meeting Provide an update on the healthy eating strategy with an emphasis on reducing the sodium content of food sold in restaurants and food service establishments. Bureau of Nutritional Sciences, Food Directorate
  1. Meeting notes-English-Restaurants Canada-May 17, 2019
  2. Meeting notes-French-Restaurants Canada-May 17, 2019
  3. Presentation-English-Restaurants Canada-May 17, 2019
  4. Presentation-French-Restaurants Canada-May 17, 2019
2019-05-15 Sodium Baking Association of Canada Stakeholder-initiated meeting The purpose of this meeting was for Health Canada to provide an update on the sodium reduction strategy. Bureau of Nutritional Sciences, Food Directorate
  1. Meeting notes - English-Baking Association of Canada- May 15, 2019
  2. Meeting notes - French-Baking Association of Canada- May 15, 2019
  3. Presentation - English-Baking Association of Canada- May 15, 2019
  4. Presentation - French-Baking Association of Canada- May 15, 2019
2019-05-14 Restricting advertising of certain foods to children

Dairy Farmers of Ontario
Dairy Farmers of Manitoba
Dairy Farmers of Canada
Saskatchewan Milk
School Milk Foundation of Newfoundland and Labrador
Prince Edward Island School Milk Foundation
British Columbia Dairy Foundation

Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting To share an overview and update of Canada's new Food Guide, proposed regulations for front-of-package nutrition labelling, and restrictions on advertising to children of foods and beverages that meet certain nutrient criteria. Director General's Office, Food Directorate
  1. Meeting notes - English - Dairy Farmers of Ontario - May 14, 2019
  2. Meeting notes - French - Dairy Farmers of Ontario - May 14, 2019
  3. Presentation - Health Canada's Healthy Eating Strategy - Dairy Farmers of Ontario - English - May 14 2019
  4. Presentation - Health Canada's Healthy Eating Strategy - Dairy Farmers of Ontario - English - May 14 2019
  5. Document - English - Version 1.0 of the draft Guide to the Application of the Child Health Protection Act Health Canada - May 14 2019 (Bill S-228)
  6. Document - French - Version 1.0 of the draft Guide to the Application of the Child Health Protection Act - Health Canada - May 14 2019
  7. Correspondence - English - Dairy Farmers of Ontario - June 4, 2019
  8. Document - English - Health Canada - May 14, 2019
  9. Document - English - Dairy Farmers of Ontario - May 12, 2019
  10. Document - English - Health Canada - May 14, 2019
2019-05-08 Restricting advertising of certain foods to children Association of Canadian Advertisers Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting To discuss next steps related to restrictions on advertising of foods that contribute to excess intakes of nutrients of concern to children, including packaging and labelling, branding and compliance and enforcement. Assistant Deputy Minister's Office
  1. Meeting notes - English Association of Canadian Advertisers - May 8, 2019
  2. Meeting notes - French Association of Canadian Advertisers - May 8, 2019
2019-05-08 Sodium Food and Consumer Products of Canada Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting The purpose of this meeting was for Health Canada to provide an update on the sodium reduction strategy. Bureau of Nutritional Sciences, Food Directorate
  1. Presentation-English- Food and Consumer Products of Canada -May 8, 2019
2019-05-07 Healthy Eating Strategy Industry and Health Stakeholders (see full participant list) Health Canada-Initiated Meeting To discuss modernization of the federal regulatory framework for food. Assistant Deputy Minister's Office
  1. Document-English_French-Health Canada Agenda-May 7 2019
  2. Document-English_French-Questionnaire- May 7 2019
  3. Document-English-Health Canada- Participant List - May 7 2019
  4. Document-French-Health Canada- Participant List - May 7 2019
2019-04-29 Restricting advertising of certain foods to children Retail Council of Canada Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting To discuss the application of the proposed restrictions on advertising primarily directed at children of food and beverages that meet certain nutrient criteria. Director General's Office, Food Directorate
  1. Meeting notes - English - Retail Council of Canada - April 29, 2019
  2. Meeting notes - French - Retail Council of Canada - April 29, 2019
2019-04-03 Restricting advertising of certain foods to children Mars Inc. Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting To discuss Mars Incorporated's Global Marketing Code for Human Food and their comments on Health Canada's first draft of its Guide to the Application of the Child Health Protection Act (Bill S-228). Director General's Office, Food Directorate
  1. Meeting notes - English - Mars Incorporated - April 3, 2019
  2. Meeting notes - French - Mars Incorporated - April 3, 2019
  3. Document- English- Mars Incorporated-April 3, 2019
  4. Correspondence-English-Mars Incorporated- April 8, 2019
2019-04-02 Restricting advertising of certain foods to children

Canadian National Millers Association (CNMA)
Baking Association of Canada (BAC)
Canadian Federation of Agriculture (CFA)

Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting Follow up to February 14, 2019 meeting to further discuss questions and concerns with proposed restrictions on the advertising to children of foods that meet certain nutrient criteria. Director General's Office, Food Directorate
  1. Meeting notes - English - Cereal Grains Roundtable - April 2, 2019
  2. Meeting notes - French - Cereal Grains Roundtable - April 2, 2019
2019-03-27 Restricting advertising of certain foods to children Dairy Processors Association of Canada (DPAC) Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting

Meeting with the Board of Directors of the Dairy Processors Association of Canada (DPAC) to provide an overview of Health Canada's proposal for restricting the advertising to children of foods and beverages that meet certain nutrient criteria and to discuss questions and concerns about the proposed restrictions.

Director General's Office, Food Directorate
  1. Meeting notes - English - Dairy Processors Association of Canada - March 27, 2019
  2. Meeting notes - French - Canadian Beverage Association - March 27, 2019
  3. Presentation - English - Health Canada - March 27, 2019
  4. Presentation - French - Health Canada - March 27, 2019
2019-03-26 Restricting advertising of certain foods to children Canadian Beverage Association (CBA) Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting

To further discuss the Canadian Beverage Association's comments on Health Canada's first draft of its Guide to the Application of the Child Health Protection Act (Bill S-228).

Director General's Office, Food Directorate
  1. Meeting notes - English - Canadian Beverage Association - March 26, 2019
  2. Meeting notes - French - Canadian Beverage Association - March 26, 2019

Restricting advertising of certain foods to children


Canada Food Guide

Front-of-Package Labelling

Walmart Canada Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting Walmart Canada met with Health Canada to provide an overview of how Walmart Canada's business and philanthropy programs align with the government of Canada's priorities, including international trade, sustainable economic and social development. Assistant Deputy Minister's Office
  1. Meeting notes- English-Walmart-March 22 2019
  2. Meeting notes-French-Walmart-March 22 2019
  3. Presentation-English-Walmart-March 22 2019
  4. Document-English-Health Canada- Canada Food Guide-March 22 2019
  5. Document-French-Health Canada-Food Guide-March 22 2019
  6. Document-English-Health Canada Healthy Eating Strategy-March 22 2019
2019-03-18 Restricting advertising of certain foods to children Coalition québécoise sur la problématique du poids (Coalition Poids) Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting

To provide comments on Health Canada's first draft of its Guide to the Application of the Child Health Protection Act (Bill S-228).

DirectorGeneral's Office, Food Directorate
  1. Meeting notes - English - Coalition Poids - March 18, 2019
  2. Meeting notes - French - Coalition Poids - March 18, 2019
2019-03-15 Restricting advertising of certain foods to children Cineplex Entertainment Stakeholder-Initiated Correspondence Follow-up correspondence to February 20, 2019 meeting to discuss Cineplex Entertainment's questions and concerns with respect to the proposed restrictions to advertising to children under 13 of foods that meet certain nutrient criteria. Director General's Office, Food Directorate
  1. Correspondence - English - Cineplex - March 15, 2019
  2. Response - English - Health Canada - April 10, 2019
2019-03-07 Canada's Food Guide Coalition Poids Stakeholder-Initiated Correspondence Response to correspondence to the Minister of Health regarding the launch of the new Canada's Food Guide. Office of Nutrition Policy and Promotion
  1. Correspondence-English-Coalition Poids-March 7, 2019
  2. Correspondence-French- Coalition Poids-March 7, 2019
2019-02-21 Restricting advertising of certain foods to children Canadian Federation of Agriculture Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting To discuss the Canadian Federation of Agriculture's questions and concerns with proposed restrictions on the advertising to children of foods that meet certain nutrient criteria. Director General's Office, Food Directorate
  1. Meeting Notes- English-Canadian Federation of Agriculture-21 February 2019
  2. Meeting Notes- French-Canadian Federation of Agriculture-21 February 2019
  3. Correspondence-English-Health Canada-Canadian Federation of Agriculture- February 21, 2019
  4. Document-English-International Comparison-January 2018
2019-02-20 Sodium Dairy Processors Association of Canada Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting To provide an update on sodium reduction in foods. Bureau of Nutritional Sciences, Food Directorate
  1. Meeting Notes-English- Dairy Processors Association of Canada -February 20 2019
  2. Meeting Notes-French- Dairy Processors Association of Canada -February 20 2019
2019-02-20 Restricting advertising of certain foods to children Cineplex Entertainment Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting To discuss Cineplex Entertainment's questions and concerns with respect to the proposed restrictions to advertising to children under 13 of foods that meet certain nutrient criteria. Director General's Office, Food Directorate
  1. Meeting Notes- English- Cineplex Entertainment -20 February 2019
  2. Meeting Notes- French- Cineplex Entertainment -20 February 2019
2019-02-14 Restricting advertising of certain foods to children Canadian National Millers Association (CNMA) Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting To discuss Canadian National Millers Association's questions and concerns with proposed restrictions on the advertising to children of foods that meet certain nutrient criteria. Director General's Office, Food Directorate
  1. Meeting Notes- English- Canadian National Millers Association -14 February 2019
  2. Meeting Notes- French- Canadian National Millers Association -14 February 2019
  3. Correspondence- English-Canadian National Millers Association and Health Canada- February 11, 2019
  4. Letter to Senator- English-Canadian National Millers Association-February 8, 2019
  5. Appendix to Letter- English- Canadian National Millers Association- February 8, 2019
  6. Letter to Food Directorate- Canadian National Millers Association - February 8, 2019
  7. Correspondence-Canadian National Millers Association- February 26, 2019
2019-02-14 Healthy Eating Strategy Food Secure Canada Stakeholder-Initiated Correspondence Response to correspondence to the Right Honourable Justin Trudeau regarding the Healthy Eating Strategy and A Food Policy for Canada. Office of Nutrition Policy and Promotion
  1. Correspondence-English-Food Secure Canada-February 14 2019
  2. Correspondence-French-Food Secure Canada-February 14, 2019
2019-02-08 Restricting advertising of certain foods to children Association of Canadian Advertisers
Canadian Beverage Association
Food & Consumer Products of Canada
Restaurants Canada
Retail Council of Canada
Stakeholder-Initiated Correspondence To express concerns to Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat regarding Health Canada's Guide to the Application of the Child Health Protection Act (Bill S-228) Deputy Minister's Office
  1. Correspondence-English- Association of Canadian Advertisers-08 February 2019
  2. Letter-English- Association of Canadian Advertisers/Canadian Beverage Association/Food & Consumer Products of Canada/ Restaurants Canada/Retail Council of Canada-08 February 2019
  3. Correspondence-English - Health Canada-March 25, 2019
2019-02-06 Sodium Restaurants Canada Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting To provide an update on sodium reduction in foods. Bureau of Nutritional Sciences, Food Directorate
  1. Meeting notes-English-Restaurants Canada-February 06 2019
  2. Meeting notes-French- Restaurants Canada-February 06, 2019
2019-02-04 Restricting advertising of certain foods to children Food and Consumer Products of Canada Stakeholder-initiated meeting To discuss the Food and Consumer Products of Canada's questions and concerns with proposed restrictions on the advertising to children of foods that meet certain nutrient criteria. Director General's Office, Food Directorate
  1. Meeting Notes-English- Food and Consumer Products of Canada -04 February 2019
  2. Meeting Notes-French- Food and Consumer Products of Canada -04 February 2019
2019-01-30 Restricting advertising of certain foods to children Retail Council of Canada Health Canada-Initiated Meeting Discussion on Retail Council of Canada's questions shared with Health Canada on January 25, 2019 Assistant Deputy Minister's Office
  1. Meeting Notes- English- Retail Council of Canada-January 30 2019
  2. Meeting Notes- French- Retail Council of Canada- January 30 2019
  3. Document - English-Retail Council of Canada's list of questions-January 25 2019
2019-01-28 Canada's Food Guide Heart & Stroke Foundation of Canada Stakeholder-Initiated Correspondence A letter of support for the new Canada's food guide launch in January Deputy Minister's Office
  1. Correspondence - English- Heart & Stroke - January 25 2019
  2. Letter-English-Heart & Stroke- January 25 2019
2019-01-21 Canada's Food Guide English Non-Government Officials Health Canada-Initiated Meeting English webinar to provide health stakeholders with an overview of the new Food Guide, prior to its release on January 22, 2019, and to address questions. Office of Nutrition Policy and Promotion
  1. Meeting Notes-English- Non-Government Officials-January 21 2019
  2. Meeting Notes-French- Non-Government Officials-January 21 2019
  3. Presentation-English- Non-Government Officials-January 21 2019
  4. Presentation-French- Non-Government Officials-January 21 2019
2019-01-21 Canada's Food Guide French Non-Government Officials Health Canada-Initiated Meeting French webinar to provide health stakeholders with an overview of the new Food Guide, prior to its release on January 22, 2019, and to address questions. Office of Nutrition Policy and Promotion
  1. Meeting Notes-English- Non-Government Officials-January 21 2019
  2. Meeting Notes-French- Non-Government Officials-January 21 2019
  3. Presentation-English- Non-Government Officials-January 21 2019
  4. Presentation-French- Non-Government Officials-January 21 2019
2019-01-21 Canada's Food Guide Industry Health Canada-Initiated Meeting Webinar to provide industry stakeholders with an overview of the new Food Guide, prior to its release on January 22, 2019, and to address questions. Food Directorate, Bureau of Nutritional Sciences
  1. Meeting Notes-English- Industry-January 21 2019
  2. Meeting Notes-French-Industry-January 21 2019
  3. Presentation-Bilingual- Industry Officials-January 21 2019
2019-01-11 Restricting advertising of certain foods to children Association of Canadian Advertisers
Canadian Beverage Association
Food & Consumer Products of Canada
Restaurants Canada
Retail Council of Canada
Stakeholder-Initiated Correspondence Follow-up to previous correspondence (Dec 21-27) to raise concerns about the current consultation process and the draft Guidance document Assistant Deputy Minister's Office
  1. Correspondence-English- Association of Canadian Advertisers/Canadian Beverage Association/Food & Consumer Products of Canada/Restaurants Canada/Retail Council of Canada-11 January 2019
2018-12-28 Marketing to kids Industry stakeholders (See full list of recipients in correspondence Health Canada-initiated correspondence To obtain comments on the draft Guide to the Application of the Child Health Protection Act (Version 1.0), in order to inform the development of Health Canada's guidance. Director General's Office, Food Directorate
  1. Correspondence-English/French-Health Canada- December 28 2018
  2. Document-English-Draft Guidance-December 28 2018
  3. Document-French-Draft Guidance-December 28 2018
  4. Summary of comments-English-June 7, 2019
  5. Summary of comments-French-June 7, 2019
2018-12-28 Marketing to kids Health stakeholders (See full list of recipients in correspondence Health Canada-initiated correspondence To obtain comments on the draft Guide to the Application of the Child Health Protection Act (Version 1.0), in order to inform the development of Health Canada's guidance. Director General's Office, Food Directorate
  1. Correspondence-English/French-Health Canada- December 28 2018
  2. Document-English-Draft Guidance-December 28 2018
  3. Document-French-Draft Guidance-December 28 2018
2018-12-18 Marketing to kids Industry stakeholders (See full list of recipients in correspondence) Health Canada-initiated correspondence To obtain comments on the draft Guide to the Application of the Child Health Protection Act (Version 1.0), in order to inform the development of Health Canada's guidance. Director General's Office, Food Directorate
  1. Correspondence-English/French-Health Canada- December 18 2018
  2. Document-English-Draft Guidance-December 18 2018
  3. Document-French-Draft Guidance-December 18 2018
  4. Summary of comments-English-June 7, 2019
  5. Summary of comments-French-June 7, 2019
2018-12-21 Marketing to kids Association of Canadian Advertisers
Canadian Beverage Association
Food & Consumer Products of Canada
Restaurants Canada
Retail Council of Canada
Stakeholder-Initiated Correspondence To comment on the industry stakeholder meeting held December 13 2018. Assistant Deputy Minister's Office
  1. Correspondence-English- Association of Canadian Advertisers/Canadian Beverage Association/Food & Consumer Products of Canada/Restaurants Canada/Retail Council of Canada-21 December 2018
  2. Correspondence-English-Health Canada response to Association of Canadian Advertisers/Canadian Beverage Association/Food & Consumer Products of Canada/Restaurants Canada/Retail Council of Canada-27 December 2018
  3. Correspondence-French-Health Canada response to Association of Canadian Advertisers/Canadian Beverage Association/Food & Consumer Products of Canada/Restaurants Canada/Retail Council of Canada-27 December 2018
2018-12-14 Marketing to kids Health Stakeholders (see Meeting Notes for full list) Health Canada-Initiated Meeting Discuss Health Canada's proposed policy approach for restricting the advertising of certain food and beverages to children and the approach to the development of the cost-benefit analysis. Assistant Deputy Minister's Office
  1. Meeting Notes-English-Health stakeholders-14 December 2018
  2. Meeting Notes-French-Health stakeholders- 14 December 2018
  3. Document-EN_FR-Invitation- 14 December 2018
  4. Document-English-Draft Guidance- 14 December 2018
  5. Document-French-Draft Guidance-14 December 2018
  6. Presentation-English-Health Canada_Application S228-14 December 2018
  7. Presentation-French-Health Canada_Application S228-14 December 2018
  8. Presentation-English-Health Canada_Cost Benefit Analysis-14 December 2018
  9. Presentation-French-Health Canada_Cost Benefit Analysis-14 December 2018
2018-12-14 Marketing to kids Heart and Stroke Foundation
Childhood Obesity Foundation
Health Canada-Initiated Meeting Discuss the draft Guide to the Application of the Child Health Protection Act (Bill S-228). Director General's Office, Food Directorate
  1. Meeting Notes-English-Heart&Stroke Foundation, Childhood Obesity Foundation-14 December 2018
  2. Meeting Notes-French-Heart&Stroke Foundation, Childhood Obesity Foundation-14 December 2018
  3. Document-English-Draft Guidance- 14 December 2018
  4. Document-French-Draft Guidance-14 December 2018
2018-12-13 Marketing to kids Association of Canadian Advertisers
Canadian Beverage Association
Food and Consumer Products of Canada
Pierre Savoie, Legault, Joly, Thiffault Avocats
Restaurants Canada
Retail Council of Canada
Health Canada-Initiated Meeting To discuss Health Canada's draft Guide to the Application of the Child Health Protection Act (Bill S-228) and the proposed stakeholder engagement calendar. Assistant Deputy Minister's Office
  1. Meeting Notes-English-Industry stakeholders-December 13 2018
  2. Meeting Notes-French-Industry- December 13 2018
  3. Document-English_French-Invitation- December 13 2018
  4. Document-English_French-Agenda- December 13 2018
  5. Document-English-Draft Guidance- December 13 2018
  6. Document-French-Draft Guidance-December 13 2018
  7. Document-English-Proposed stakeholder engagement calendar-December 13 2018
  8. Document-French-Proposed stakeholder engagement calendar-December 13 2018
2018-12-12 Marketing to kids Movie Theatre Association of Canada
Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting To discuss the proposed regulations for Bill S-228 Director General's Office, Food Directorate
  1. Meeting notes-English- Movie Theatre Association of Canada/Cineplex-12 December 2018
  2. Meeting notes-French- Movie Theatre Association of Canada/Cineplex-12 December 2018
  3. Document-English-Draft Guidance- 12 December 2018
  4. Document-French-Draft Guidance-12 December 2018
2018-12-06 Sodium NuTek Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting To discuss the labelling of potassium chloride, a salt substitute, in the List of ingredients. Bureau of Nutritional Sciences, Food Directorate
  1. Meeting notes-English- NuTek -December 06 2018
  2. Meeting notes-French- NuTek -December 06 2018
  3. Email-English-Nutek-December 06 2018
  4. Document-English-Nutek- December 06 2018

Marketing to kids

Canada's Food Guide

Front-of-package labelling

Canadian Beverage Association members Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting Board members of the Canadian Beverage Association requested a meeting to discuss opportunities and challenges facing the industry. Assistant Deputy Minister's Office
  1. Meeting Notes-English-Canadian Beverage Association-28 November 2018
  2. Meeting Notes-French-Canadian Beverage Association-28 November 2018
  3. Presentation-English-Health Canada-November 28 2018
  4. Presentation-French-Health Canada-November 28 2018
  5. Document-Conference Board of Canada-November 28 2018
2018-11-22 Sodium Canadian Meat Council Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting To provide an update on sodium reduction in foods. Bureau of Nutritional Sciences, Food Directorate
  1. Meeting Notes-English-Canadian Meat Council-November 22 2018
  2. Meeting Notes-French- Canadian Meat Council-November 22 2018
  3. Presentation-English- Canadian Meat Council-November 22 2018
  4. Presentation-French- Canadian Meat Council-November 22 2018
2018-11-16 Sodium Canadian Meat Council Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting To provide an update on sodium reduction in foods. Bureau of Nutritional Sciences, Food Directorate
  1. Meeting Notes-English-Canadian Meat Council-November 16 2018
  2. Meeting Notes-French- Canadian Meat Council-November 16 2018
  3. Presentation-English- Canadian Meat Council-November 16 2018
  4. Presentation-French- Canadian Meat Council-November 16 2018
2018-11-22 Marketing to kids Association of Canadian Advertisers
Canadian Beverage Association
Food & Consumer Products of Canada
Restaurants Canada
Retail Council of Canada
Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting To discuss next steps following the November 5 engagement session with industry associations. The purpose of the engagement session was to discuss the cost benefit survey for the initiative to restrict marketing to children. Assistant Deputy Minister's Office
  1. Meeting Notes-English- Association of Canadian Advertisers/Canadian Beverage Association/Food & Consumer Products of Canada/Restaurants Canada/Retail Council of Canada-22 November 2018
  2. Meeting Notes-French- Association of Canadian Advertisers/Canadian Beverage Association/Food & Consumer Products of Canada/Restaurants Canada/Retail Council of Canada-22 November 2018
  3. Correspondence- English-Association of Canadian Advertisers-28 November 2018
  4. Correspondence-English-Health Canada response to Association of Canadian Advertisers- 10 December 2018
  5. Correspondence-French-Health Canada response to Association of Canadian Advertisers- 10 December 2018
2018-11-15 Healthy Eating Strategy Canadian Paediatric Society, Nutrition and Gastroenterology
Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting The purpose of the Canadian Paediatric Society Nutrition and Gastroenterology
Committee meeting is for the committee members to discuss their main projects, mainly Position Statements and Practice Points, which are published for advocacy and for guidance to paediatricians.
Office of Nutrition Policy and Promotion
  1. Meeting Notes-English-Canadian Paediatric Society-November 15 2018
  2. Meeting Notes-French-Canadian Paediatric Society-November 15 2018
  3. Document-English-Canadian Paediatric Society-November 15 2018
  4. Document-French-Canadian Paediatric Society-November 15 2018
2018-11-14 Marketing to kids Coalition québécoise sur la problématique du poids Health Canada-Initiated Meeting To learn about Coalition Poids' views and experience with Quebec's child-advertising restrictions as well as their role and experience in supporting compliance and enforcement in Quebec. Director General's Office, Food Directorate
  1. Meeting Notes-English-Coalition Poids-14 November 2018
  2. Meeting Notes-French-Coalition Poids-14 November 2018
2018-11-08 Healthy Eating Strategy Canadian Produce Marketing Association Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting To provide an update on Health Canada's Healthy Eating Strategy. Bureau of Nutritional Sciences, Food Directorate
  1. Meeting Notes -English- Canadian Produce Marketing Association -November 8 2018
  2. Meeting Notes -French- Canadian Produce Marketing Association -November 8 2018
  3. Presentation-English-Health Canada-November 8 2018
  4. Presentation-French-Health Canada- November 8 2018
2018-11-07 Healthy Eating Strategy Retail Council of Canada Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting To share thoughts and insights of the industry stakeholder meeting on restricting marketing of unhealthy foods and beverages to children that took place on November 5, 2018 and provide updates on Health Canada's Healthy Eating Strategy. Director General's Office, Food Directorate
  1. Meeting Notes -English- Retail Council of Canada -November 7 2018
  2. Meeting Notes -French- Retail Council of Canada -November 7 2018
  3. Presentation-English-Health Canada-November 7 2018
  4. Presentation-French-Health Canada- November 7 2018
2018-11-05 Marketing to Kids Industry associations and members Health Canada-Initiated Meeting The objective of the session is to discuss Health Canada's proposed regulatory approach on the restriction on the advertising of unhealthy food to children, and provide information on the methodology for the Cost-Benefit Analysis and preliminary results. The session will also provide an opportunity for industry members to share views on this approach. Office of the Deputy Minister
  1. Agenda-English/French-Health Canada -November 5 2018
  2. Alphabetized Registration List-English/French- Health Canada -November 5 2018
  3. Presentation-English-Canadian Association of Broadcasters-November 5 2018
  4. Presentation-English-Health Canada- Proposed approach-November 5 2018
  5. Presentation-French-Health Canada-Proposed approach-November 5 2018
  6. Presentation-English-Health Canada- Cost-Benefit Analysis-November 5 2018
  7. Presentation-French-Health Canada-Cost-Benefit Analysis-November 5 2018
  8. Presentation-English-Industry-November 5 2018
  9. Presentation-French-Industry-November 5 2018
  10. Broadcast Floor (as spoken)-English-November 5 2018
  11. Broadcast download-English-November 5 2018
  12. November 5, 2018 Industry Stakeholder Engagement Meeting Summary
2018-10-29 Front-of-package labelling Food and Beverage Canada Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting Meet and greet with new CEO of Food and Beverage Canada. Assistant Deputy Minister's Office
  1. Meeting Notes -English- Food & Beverage Canada -October 29 2018
  2. Meeting Notes -French- Food & Beverage Canada -October 29 2018
2018-10-24 Healthy Eating Strategy Canadian Cancer Society
Canadian Medical Association
Chronic Disease Prevention Alliance of Canada
Diabetes Canada
Dietitians of Canada
Heart & Stroke
Stakeholder-initiated correspondence Health organizations, charities and professional associations voice their support for the Healthy Eating Strategy Office of the Deputy Minister
  1. Correspondence-English-heartandstroke-October 24, 2018
  2. Letter-English-Health organizations-October 24, 2018
2018-10-17 Front-of-package labelling Food and Beverage Canada Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting Meet and greet with new CEO of Food and Beverage Canada. Director General's Office, Food Directorate
  1. Meeting Notes -English- Food & Beverage Canada -October 17 2018
  2. Meeting Notes -French- Food & Beverage Canada -October 17 2018
  3. Correspondence-English-Health Canada_Food&Beverage Canada-October 17 2018
2018-10-17 Marketing to kids Retail Council of Canada Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting To discuss issues related to the Marketing to kids initiative. Director General's Office, Food Directorate
  1. Meeting Notes -English- Retail Council of Canada -October 17 2018
  2. Meeting Notes -French- Retail Council of Canada -October 17 2018
2018-10-17 Trans Fat Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit Stakeholder-Initiated Correspondence To express concerns regarding Health Canada's prohibition on the use of partially hydrogenated oils in foods. Director General's Office, Food Directorate
  1. Correspondence-English-Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit-17 October 17 2018
  2. Correspondence-English- Response to Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit-16 November 2018
  3. Correspondence-French- Response to Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit-16 November 2018
2018-10-10 Canada's Food Guide Canadian Juice Council Stakeholder-Initiated Correspondence Highlighting the merits of 100% juice consumption in the revised Canada's Food Guide Deputy Minister's Office
  1. Correspondence- English-Canadian Juice Council-October 10 2018
  2. Correspondence-English-Health Canada response to Canadian Juice Council-November 28 2018
  3. Correspondence-French-Health Canada response to Canadian Juice Council-November 28 2018
2018-10-10 Healthy Eating Strategy Coalition québécoise sur la problématique du poids Stakeholder-Initiated Correspondence To share all the communications they have issued on the subject of the Canadian Healthy Eating strategy over the past two years. Assistant Deputy Minister's Office
  1. Correspondence-French-Coalition Poids-October 25 2018
  2. Document-French-Coalition Poids-25 Octobre 2018
  3. Document-French-Coalition Poids-14 September 2018
  4. Document-French-Coalition Poids-14 June 2018
2018-10-10 Trans fat Marketing to kids Canada Food Guide Sodium GS1 Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting To provide an update on Health Canada's Healthy Eating Strategy. Bureau of Nutritional Sciences, Food Directorate
  1. Meeting Notes-English-GS1-October 10 2018
  2. Meeting Notes-French-GS1-October 10 2018
  3. Presentation-English-GS1-October 10 2018
  4. Presentation-French-GS1-October 10 2018
2018-10-09 Healthy Eating Strategy Fisheries Council of Canada Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting To update Fisheries Council of Canada on Health Canada's Healthy Eating Strategy and discuss Front of Package Labelling Food Directorate, Office of the Director General
  1. Meeting Notes-English-Fisheries Council of Canada-October 9 2018
  2. Meeting Notes-French-Fisheries Council of Canada-October 9 2018
  3. Presentation-English-Health Canada-October 9 2018
  4. Presentation-French-Health Canada-October 9 2018
2018-10-04 Front-of-Package Labelling Food Processors of Canada Stakeholder-Initiated Correspondence To comment on response received by Health Canada August 15, 2018 Food Directorate, Office of the Director General
  1. Correspondence- English-Food Processors of Canada-October 4, 2018

Marketing to Kids

Front-of-Package labelling

Mars Wrigley Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting To provide Health Canada with an overview of the outcomes of Mars Wrigley's research to inform the development of regulations restricting the marketing of unhealthy food and beverages to children.
Mars Wrigley also asked for and update on the front-of-package labelling initiative.
Assistant Deputy Minister's Office
  1. Meeting notes-English-Mars Wrigley-October 1 2018
  2. Meeting notes-French-Mars Wrigley- October 1 2018
  3. Document-English-Marketing to children and the drivers of children's consumption a brief overview of academic literature- October 1 2018
  4. Document-English-Comparison between the Quebec and the proposed Canada Health guidelines- October 1 2018
  5. Document-English-Recommendation on digital marketing communications-October 1 2018
2018-10-01 Healthy Eating Strategy Dairy Processors Association of Canada Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting Health Canada officials presented an overview and updates on the Healthy Eating Strategy initiatives. Bureau of Nutritional Sciences, Food Directorate
  1. Meeting notes-English-Dairy Processors Association of Canada-October 1 2018
  2. Meeting notes-French-Dairy Processors Association of Canada-October 1 2018
  3. Presentation-English-Health Canada-October 1 2018
  4. Presentation-French-Health Canada-October 1 2018
2018-10-01 Front-of-Package Labelling Centre for Health Science and Law Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting To provide an update on Health Canada's proposed front-of-package labelling initiative. Bureau of Nutritional Sciences, Food Directorate
  1. Meeting Notes -English- Centre for Health Science and Law-October 1 2018
  2. Meeting Notes-French- Centre for Health Science and Law- October 1 2018
  3. Presentation-English-Health Canada-October 1 2018
  4. Presentation-French-Health Canada-October 1 2018
2018-09-27 Front-of-Package Labelling Food and Consumer Products Canada Stakeholder Initiated Correspondence To provide support for the reports released by the Agri-Food Economic Strategy Table and the Advanced Manufacturing Economic Strategy Table and comment on the front-of-package initiative. Office of the Deputy Minister
  1. Letter-English-Food and Consumer Products Canada-Sept 27, 2018
  2. Letter-English-Food and Consumer Products of Canada-Aug 3, 2018
2018-09-26 Front of Package Labelling British Columbia Old Age Pensioners' Organization Stakeholder-Initiated Correspondence To express concerns regarding Health Canada's Front-of-Package nutrition labelling. Food Directorate, Office of the Director General
  1. Correspondence-English-British Columbia Old Age Pensioners' Organization-September 26 2018
  2. Correspondence-English- Response to British Columbia Old Age Pensioners' Organization-November 2 2018
  3. Correspondence-French- Response to British Columbia Old Age Pensioners' Organization-November 2 2018


Canada Food Guide

Canadian Association of Professional Programs in Human Nutrition, University of anitoba

Health Canada-Initiated Meeting

To seek new partners in the post-secondary sector to help disseminate the revised dietary guidance into policies and programs at the university level.

Office of Nutrition Policy and Promotion

  1. Meeting notes-English-Canadian Association of Professional Programs in Human Nutrition, University of Manitoba-Sept 21, 2018
  2. Meeting notes-French-Canadian Association of Professional Programs in Human Nutrition, University of Manitoba-Sept 21, 2018
  3. Presentation-English- Canadian Association of Professional Programs in Human Nutrition -Sept 21, 2018
  4. Presentation-French- Canadian Association of Professional Programs in Human Nutrition -Sept 21, 2018


Healthy Eating Strategy

Canadian Beverage Association

Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting

To discuss the Healthy Eating Strategy, more specifically the revision to Canada's Food Guide, the proposed restrictions on the advertising of unhealthy food to children, and the front-of-package labelling regulatory proposal, and to share findings from a report from The Conference Board of Canada on Canadians' beverage consumption.

Food Directorate

  1. Meeting Notes-English-Canadian Beverage Association-Sept 20 2018
  2. Meeting Notes-French-Canadian Beverage Association-Sept 20 2018
  3. Documents-English-Canadian Beverage Association-Sept 20 2018
  4. Document-English-Report summary-Canadian Beverage Association-Sept 20 2018
  5. Documents-English-Briefing Note-Canadian Beverage Association-Sept 20 2018


Marketing to Kids

Heart and Stroke Foundation
Childhood Obesity Foundation

Stakeholder Initiated Correspondence

To show support for the
restrictions on the marketing of unhealthy food and beverages to children.

Office of the Assistant Deputy Minister

  1. Letter-English-Heart and Stroke-Childhood Obesity Foundation-Sept 17 2018


Marketing to Kids

Canadian Convenience Stores Association

Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting

Teleconference to discuss proposed restrictions on the advertising of unhealthy food to children and potential impact on the convenience store sector.

Food Directorate, Bureau of Policy, Intergovernmental and International Affairs

  1. Meeting notes - English - Canadian Convenience Stores Association -Sept 14, 2018
  2. Meeting notes - French - Canadian Convenience Stores Association -Sept 14, 2018


Canada Food Guide

College of Family Physicians of Canada

Health Canada-Initiated Meeting

To briefly present the revision of the Canada Food Guide. Discuss opportunities for dissemination and integration of the revised Canada Food Guide within the 'Prevention in Hand' website and application.

Office of Nutrition Policy and Promotion

  1. Meeting notes-English-College of Family Physicians of Canada-Sept 14, 2018
  2. Meeting notes-French-College of Family Physicians of Canada-Sept 14, 2018
  3. Presentation-English-College of Family Physicians of Canada-Sept 14, 2018
  4. Presentation-French-College of Family Physicians of Canada-Sept 14, 2018



Baking Association of Canada

Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting

Health Canada provided an update on sodium reduction in processed foods.

Food Directorate, Bureau of Nutritional Sciences

  1. Meeting notes - English - Baking Association of Canada -September 5, 2018
  2. Meeting notes - French - Baking Association of Canada -September 5, 2018


Canada Food Guide

Osteoporosis Canada

Health Canada-Initiated Meeting

The Office of Nutrition Policy and Promotion held a bilateral teleconference with representatives from the Osteoporosis Canada to provide them with an update on developments related the revision of Canada's Food Guide and discuss plans for dissemination and outreach for the new guide.

Office of Nutrition Policy and Promotion

  1. Meeting notes-English-Osteoporosis Canada-Sept 6, 2018
  2. Meeting notes-French-Osteoporosis Canada-Sept 6, 2018
  3. Agenda-English-Osteoporosis Canada-Sept 6, 2018
  4. Agenda-French-Osteoporosis Canada-Sept 6, 2018
  5. Presentation-English-Sept 6, 2018
  6. Presentation-French-Sept 6, 2018


Canada Food Guide


Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting

Dr. Hutchinson was invited to speak at the Food for Health Policy Workshop on the topic of bringing the new Food Guide to life in healthcare settings.

Office of Nutrition Policy and Promotion

  1. Meeting notes-English-Nourish-Sept 6-7, 2018
  2. Meeting notes-French-Nourish-Sept 6-7, 2018
  3. Presentation-English-Nourish-Sept 6-7, 2018
  4. Presentation-French-Nourish-Sept 6-7, 2018


Canada Food Guide

Coalition Poids

Health Canada-Initiated Meeting

To provide an update on developments related to the revision of Canada's Food Guide and discuss plans for dissemination and outreach for the new guide.

Office of Nutrition Policy and Promotion

  1. Meeting notes - English - Coalition Poids -August 9, 2018
  2. Meeting notes - French - Coalition Poids - August 9, 2018
  3. Agenda - English - Coalition Poids - August 9, 2018
  4. Agenda - French - Coalition Poids - August 9, 2018
  5. Presentation - English - Coalition Poids - August 9, 2018
  6. Presentation - French - Coalition Poids - August 9, 2018


Canada Food Guide

Osteoporosis Canada

Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting

To provide updates on developments related the revision of Canada's Food Guide

Office of Nutrition Policy and Promotion

  1. Meeting notes-English-Osteoporosis Canada-Aug 9, 2018
  2. Meeting notes-French-Osteoporosis Canada-Aug 9, 2018
  3. Agenda-English-Osteoporosis Canada-Aug 9, 2018
  4. Agenda-French-Osteoporosis Canada-Aug 9, 2018
  5. Presentation-English-Health Canada Osteoporosis Canada-August 9, 2018
  6. Presentation-French-Health Canada Osteoporosis Canada-August 9, 2018
  7. Presentation-English-Osteoporosis Canada-August 9, 2018


Canada Food Guide

L'Ordre professionnel des diététistes du Québec (OPDQ)

Health Canada-Initiated Meeting

To provide an update on developments related to the revision of Canada's Food Guide and discuss plans for dissemination and outreach for the new guide.

Office of Nutrition Policy and Promotion

  1. Meeting notes-English-L'Ordre professionnel des diététistes du Québec-August 8, 2018
  2. Meeting notes-French-L'Ordre professionnel des diététistes du Québec-August 8, 2018
  3. Agenda-English-L'Ordre professionnel des diététistes du Québec-August 8, 2018
  4. Agenda-French-L'Ordre professionnel des diététistes du Québec-August 8, 2018
  5. Presentation-English-L'Ordre professionnel des diététtits du Québec-August 8, 2018
  6. Presentation-French-L'Ordre professionnel des diététtits du Québec-August 8, 2018
2018-07-09 Front-of-Package Labelling Food Processors of Canada Stakeholder-Initiated Correspondence To express opinion that Health Canada's front-of-package labelling initiative should be ceased Deputy Ministers Office
  1. Letter-English-Food Processors of Canada-July 9, 2018
  2. Letter-English- Response to Food Processors of Canada-August 15, 2018
2018-07-03 Front-of-Package Labelling Food Processors of Canada Stakeholder-Initiated Correspondence To express opinion that omissions of relevant scientific findings paints a misleading picture for Health Canada's front-of-package labelling initiative Deputy Ministers Office
  1. Letter-English-Food Processors of Canada-July 3, 2018
  2. Letter-English- Response to Food Processors of Canada-August 15, 2019
2018-05-31 Canada Food Guide Non-Government Officials Health Canada-Initiated Meeting The Office of Nutrition Policy and Promotion held a teleconference for representatives from key national health organizations to provide them with an update on developments related the revision of Canada's Food Guide. Office of Nutrition Policy and Promotion
  1. Meeting notes-English-Non-Government Officials-May 31 2018
  2. Meeting notes-French-Non-Government Officials-May 31 2018
  3. Document-English-Non-Government Officials-May 31 2018
  4. Document-French-Non-Government Officials-May 31 2018
  5. Presentation-English-Non-Government Officials-May 31 2018
  6. Presentation-French-Non-Government Officials-May 31 2018

Front of Package Labelling

Maketing to kids

Ferrero Canada and Gowling WLG Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting To discuss front-of-package nutrition labelling and restricting marketing to kids. Assistant Deputy Minister's Office
  1. Meeting notes-English-Gowlings_Ferrero-May 30 2018
  2. Meeting notes-French-Gowlings_Ferrero-May 30 2018
  3. Letter-Gowling WLG-May 31 2018
  4. Document-Ferrero CG1 submission-May 24 2018
  5. Document-Sugars studies
2018-05-29 Sodium Industry and Health Stakeholders Health Canada-Initiated Meeting To generate feedback and ideas on tools, methods and approaches to reduce sodium in restaurants and foodservices; and to discuss challenges and opportunities for future approaches. Food Directorate, Bureau of Nutritional Sciences
  1. Meeting notes-English-Sodium reduction in foodservices workshop-May 29 2018
  2. Meeting notes-French-Sodium reduction in foodservices workshop-May 29 2018
  3. List of Attendees-May 29 2018
  4. Presentation-English-Sodium Reduction-May 29 2018
  5. Presentation-French-Sodium Reduction-May 29 2018
  6. Document-English-Background information-May 29 2018
  7. Document-French-Background information-May 29 2018
2018-05-29 Front-of-Package Labelling Dairy Processors Association of Canada Stakeholder-Initiated Correspondence To express concerns regarding the 'Chilean Example' in the Regulatory Impact Analysis Statement of the Proposed Regulations on Front-of-Package Nutrition Labelling. Deputy Minister's Office
  1. Letter - English - Dairy Processors Association of Canada-May 29, 2018
  2. Letter- French - Dairy Processors Association of Canada- May 29, 2018
2018-05-25 Marketing to Kids Canadian Association of Fairs and Exhibitions Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting To hear the Canadian Association of Fairs and Exhibitions' concerns regarding the potential impact of Marketing to Kids regulations on sponsorship of fairs and exhibitions as well as potential impact on small businesses. Assistant Deputy Minister's Office
  1. Meeting notes-English-Canadian Association of Fairs and Exhibitions-May 25 2018
  2. Meeting notes-French-Canadian Association of Fairs and Exhibitions-May 25 2018
  3. Document-Fair News-Canadian Association of Fairs and Exhibitions-Spring 2018
  4. Document-Child Health Protection Act Submission-Canadian Association of Fairs and Exhibitions-April 2018
2018-05-24 Healthy Eating Strategy Canadian Produce Marketing Association Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting To provide an update on the Healthy Eating Strategy. Food Directorate, Bureau of Nutritional Sciences
  1. Meeting notes-English-Canadian Produce Marketing Association-May 24 2018
  2. Meeting notes-French-Canadian Produce Marketing Association-May 24 2018
  3. Presentation-English-Health Canada-May 24 2018
  4. Presentation-French-Health Canada-May 24 2018
2018-05-24 Front-of-Package Labelling Canadian Beverage Association Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting This meeting was requested by the Canadian Beverage Association to discuss specific concerns related to the proposed amendments to Food and Drug Regulations pertaining to front-of-package (FOP) labelling, nutrient content claims, and sweetener labelling. Food Directorate, Bureau of Nutritional Sciences
  1. Meeting notes-English-Canadian Beverage Association-May 24 2018
  2. Meeting notes-French-Canadian Beverage Association-May 24 2018
  3. Document-English-Front-of-package labelling provided by Canadian Beverage Association-May 24 2018
  4. Letter- English-Canadian Beverage Association-May 30 2018
  5. Email- English-Canadian Beverage Association_Health Canada-May 31 2018
2018-05-23 Healthy Eating Strategy Poultry Sustainability Value Chain Roundtable Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting To provide an update on the Healthy Eating Strategy. Food Directorate, Bureau of Nutritional Sciences
  1. Meeting notes-English-Poultry-May 23 2018
  2. Meeting notes-French-Poultry-May 23 2018
  3. Presentation-English-Health Canada-May 23 2018
  4. Presentation-French-Health Canada-May 23 2018
2018-05-16 Canada Food Guide Physicians Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting To discuss the evidence underpinning the dietary guidance provided in the Food Guide. Office of Nutrition Policy and Promotion
  1. Meeting notes-English-Physicians-May 16 2018
  2. Meeting notes-French-Physicians-May 16 2018
  3. Agenda-English-Physicians-May 16 2018
  4. Agenda-French-Physicians-May 16 2018
  5. Presentation-English-Health Canada-May 16 2018
  6. Presentation-French-Health Canada-May 16 2018
  7. Presentation-Physicians-May 16 2018
  8. Letter to Health Canada-Physicians-May 25 2018
2018-05-14 Sodium Loblaw Companies Ltd Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting To learn about the success and challenges on sodium reduction by Loblaw Companies Ltd. and attend a site visit demonstration and taste test on sodium reduced products in the test kitchen at Loblaw Companies Ltd Head Office. Food Directorate, Bureau of Nutritional Sciences
  1. Meeting notes-English-Loblaw-May 14 2018
  2. Meeting notes-French-Loblaw-May 14 2018
2018-05-08 Healthy Eating Strategy Members of the Beef Value Chain Roundtable Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting To provide an update on the Healthy Eating Strategy. Food Directorate, Bureau of Nutritional Sciences
  1. Meeting notes-English-Beef-May 8 2018
  2. Meeting notes-French-Beef-May 8 2018
  3. Agenda-English-May 8 2018
  4. Agenda-French-May 8 2018
  5. Presentation-English-Health Canada-May 8 2018
  6. Presentation-French-Health Canada-May 8 2018
2018-05-07 Marketing to Kids Industry, Experts and Health Stakeholders Health Canada-Initiated Meeting To deliver an update on the proposed policy approach and regulatory model of the restrictions on the marketing of unhealthy food and beverages to children. Food Directorate, Bureau of Policy, Intergovernmental and International Affairs
  1. Meeting notes-English-Stakeholders-May 7 2018
  2. Meeting notes-French-Stakeholders-May 7 2018
2018-05-07 Sodium Hypertension Canada, Heart and Stroke Foundation Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting To discuss changes at Hypertension Canada, as well as to discuss Health Canada's efforts to address sodium reduction. Food Directorate, Bureau of Nutritional Sciences
Office of Nutrition Policy and Promotion
  1. Meeting notes-English-Hypertension_Heart and Stroke Foundation-May 7 2018
  2. Meeting notes-French-Hypertension_Heart and Stroke Foundation-May 7 2018
  3. Presentation-English-Health Canada-May 7 2018
  4. Presentation-French-Health Canada-May 7 2018
2018-05-02 Sodium Baking Association of Canada, Canadian Miller's Association Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting To provide an overview of the Sodium Reduction in Processed Foods in Canada: An Evaluation of Progress toward Voluntary Targets from 2012 to 2016 published on January 15, 2018, and more detailed results on bakery specific categories. The Technical Committee was also asked to provide input on the categories for foodservices targets. Food Directorate, Bureau of Nutritional Sciences
  1. Meeting notes-English-Baking Association of Canada_Canadian Miller's Association-May 2 2018
  2. Meeting notes-French-Baking Association of Canada_Canadian Miller's Association-May 2 2018
  3. Presentation-English-Health Canada-May 2 2018
  4. Presentation-French-Health Canada-May 2 2018
2018-06-29 Front-of-Package Labelling Canadian Beverage Association Stakeholder-Initiated Correspondence To provide a summary of the feedback provided during Health Canada's Technical Design Workshop held June 12 2018. Food Directorate, Bureau of Nutritional Sciences
  1. Email- response to the Canadian Beverage Association- June 30 2018
  2. Letter- English - Canadian Beverage Association-June 29 2018
2018-06-14 Front-of-Package Labelling Canadian Meat Council Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting To discuss the Canadian Meat Council's questions around HPFB's Cost-Benefit Analysis, particularly regarding the number of SKUs that were identified to be impacted by the Front of Package Labelling proposal. Food Directorate, Bureau of Nutritional Sciences
  1. Meeting notes-English-Canadian Meat Council-June 14 2018
  2. Meeting notes-French-Canadian Meat Council-June 14 2018
  3. Document-English- Canadian Meat Council Questions Cost-Benefit Analysis-June 14 2018
2018-06-07 Front-of-Package Labelling Ocean Spray Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting Health Canada met with Ocean Spray to discuss their concerns about the proposed Front of Package labelling regulations. Assistant Deputy Minister's Office
  1. Meeting notes-English-Ocean Spray-June 7 2018
  2. Meeting notes-French-Ocean Spray-June 7 2018
  3. Letter-Ocean Spray-June 7 2018
  4. Presentation-Ocean Spray-June 7 2018
2018-06-05 Marketing to Kids The Association of Canadian Advertisers
Canadian Beverage Association
Food & Consumer Products of Canada
Restaurants Canada
Stakeholder-Initiated Correspondence The food and beverage industry's response to Health Canada's request for input into a Cost-Benefit Analysis Survey for Restricting Marketing of Unhealthy Food and Beverages to Children in Canada. Deputy Minister's Office
  1. Letter-Industry to Treasury-Response to Health Canada's Cost-Benefit Analysis Survey-June 5 2018
  2. Letter-RIAS Inc.-Assessment of Cost-Benefit Analysis Survey-June 4 2018
2018-06-05 Canada's Food Guide Canadian Malnutrition Task Force Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting The purpose of the meeting was for the Canadian Malnutrition Task Force members to share their thoughts on the use of Canada's Food Guide within health care institutions in the development of institutional menus for inpatient populations. Office of Nutrition Policy and Promotion
  1. Meeting notes-English-Canadian Malnutrition Task Force-June 5 2018
  2. Meeting notes-French-Canadian Malnutrition Task Force- June 5 2018
2018-06-04 Front-of-Package Labelling Food and Consumer Products of Canada Stakeholder-Initiated Correspondence To provide feedback on the proposed regulations for front-of-package labelling Food Directorate, Bureau of Nutritional Sciences
  1. Letter-Food and Consumer Products of Canada letter-May 14 2018
  2. Letter-Response to Food and Consumer Products of Canada-June 4 2018
2018-06-01 Canada's Food Guide Non-Governmental Officials Health Canada-Initiated Meeting Teleconference for representatives from key French national health organizations to provide them with an update on developments related the revision of Canada's Food Guide. Office of Nutrition Policy and Promotion
  1. Meeting notes-English-Non-Government Officials-June 1, 2018
  2. Meeting notes-French-Non-Government Officials- Ju ne 1 2018
  3. Agenda-English-Non-Government Officials-June 1 2018
  4. Agenda-French-Non-Government Officals- Ju ne 1 2018
  5. Presentation-English-Non-Government Officials-June 1 2018
  6. Presentation-French-Non-Government Officials- June 1 2018
2018-04-26 Marketing to Kids Interactive Advertising Bureau of Canada Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting Follow up meeting from the meeting on April 16 with the Association of Canadian Broadcasters. The objective of the meeting is to update Health Canada on progress on a digital approach/tool to restricting marketing of unhealthy food to children. Assistant Deputy Minister's Office
  1. Meeting notes-English-Interactive Advertising Bureau of Canada-April 26 2018
  2. Meeting notes-French-Interactive Advertising Bureau of Canada-April 26 2018


Front of Package Labelling

General Mills Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting To discuss early feedback from General Mills on the adjustment to 50 grams as a basis for assessing the threshold levels for triggering a front of package nutrition symbol. Food Directorate, Bureau of Nutritional Sciences
  1. Meeting notes-English-General Mills-April 20 2018
  2. Meeting notes-French-General Mills-April 20 2018
  3. Presentation-English-Discussion on Health Canada's Front of Pack Requirements-General Mills-April 20 2018


Front of Package Labelling

  • Canadian Snack Food Association;
  • Old Dutch;
  • Nutek;
  • W.T Hawkins Ltd
Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting To discuss the results of Health Canada's January 2018 report on the assessment of the sodium reduction efforts by the food industry and to obtain an update on the front of package nutrition labelling proposal. Food Directorate, Bureau of Nutritional Sciences
  1. Meeting notes-English-Canadian Snack Food Association-April 18 2018
  2. Meeting notes-French-Canadian Snack Food Association-April 18 2018
  3. Presentation-English-Sodium Reduction in Processed Foods in Canada-Health Canada-April 18 2018
  4. Presentation-French-Sodium Reduction in Processed Foods in Canada-Health Canada-April 18 2018
2018-04-18 Healthy Eating
Heart and Stroke Foundation Health Canada-Initiated
To share information related to the Healthy
Eating Strategy
Assistant Deputy
Minister's Office
  1. Meeting notes-English- Heart and Stroke Foundation-April 18 2018
  2. Meeting notes-French- Heart and Stroke Foundation-April 18 2018
2018-04-16 Marketing to Kids
  • Association for Canadian Advertisers;
  • Advertising Standards Canada;
  • Google;
  • Interactive Advertising Bureau of Canada;
  • National Hockey League;
  • Nestlé Canada Inc.;
  • PepsiCo Canada;
  • Restaurants Canada;
  • Crestview Strategy;
  • Canadian Beverage Association;
  • Canadian Media Directors' Council;
  • Coca-Cola Ltd.;
  • Food and Consumer Products of Canada;
  • McDonald's Restaurants of Canada Ltd.;
  • ThinkTV Canada
Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting Meeting at the request of the Association of Canadian Advertisers, and food and beverage companies, to present a proposal for a mandatory and codified regulatory application of an enhanced Children's Advertising Initiative. Assistant Deputy Minister's Office
  1. Meeting notes-English-Association for Canadian Advertisers-April 16 2018
  2. Meeting notes-French-Association for Canadian Advertisers-April 16 2018
  3. Email-Invitation-Association for Canadian Advertisers-April 16 2018
2018-04-03 Front of Package Labelling Food and Consumer Products of Canada Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting To share concerns regarding Health Canada's proposed front-of-package nutrition labelling initiative. Food Directorate, Bureau of Policy, Intergovernmental and International Affairs
  1. Meeting notes-English-Food and Consumer Products of Canada-April 3 2018
  2. Meeting notes-French-Food and Consumer Products of Canada-April 3 2018
  3. Email with agenda-Food and Consumer Products of Canada-April 3 2018
  4. List of attendees-April 3 2018
2018-03-27 Sodium Public Health Ontario Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting To discuss sodium and its role in health and the results of Health Canada's January 2018 report on the assessment of the sodium reduction efforts by the food industry. Food Directorate, Bureau of Nutritional Sciences
  1. Meeting Minutes-English-Public Health Ontario-March 27, 2018
  2. Meeting Minutes-French-Public Health Ontario-March 27, 2018
  3. Presentation-English-Public Health Ontario-March 27, 2018
  4. Presentation-French-Public Health Ontario-March 27, 2018
2018-03-26 Sodium Baking Association of Canada Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting To discuss the results of Health Canada's January 2018 report on the assessment of the sodium reduction efforts by the food industry. Food Directorate, Bureau of Nutritional Sciences
  1. Meeting Minutes-English-Baking Association of Canada-March 26, 2018
  2. Meeting Minutes-French-Baking Association of Canada-March 26, 2018
  3. Presentation-English-Baking Association of Canada-March 26, 2018
  4. Presentation-French-Baking Association of Canada-March 26, 2018
  • Marketing to Kids;
  • Sodium;
  • Canada Food Guide;
  • Front of Package Labelling
Canadian Horticultural Council Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting To provide an overview of the Healthy Eating Strategy. Food Directorate, Bureau of Policy, Intergovernmental and International Affairs
  1. Meeting Minutes-English-Canadian Horticultural Council-March 16, 2018
  2. Meeting Minutes-French-Canadian Horticultural Council-March 16, 2018
  3. Brochure-Issue Brief-Canadian Horticultural Council-March 16, 2018
  4. Presentation-English-Healthy Eating Strategy-March 16, 2018
  5. Presentation-French-Healthy Eating Strategy-March 16, 2018
  6. Email-Social Media Kit to Canadian Horticultural Council-March 16, 2018
  7. Social Media Kit-Front of Package nutrition labelling-March 16, 2018
2018-03-15 Healthy Eating Strategy British Columbia Alliance for Healthy Living Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting To provide an update on Food Directorate related activities under the Healthy Eating Strategy. Food Directorate, Bureau of Policy, Intergovernmental and International Affairs
  1. Meeting Minutes-English-British Columbia Alliance for Healthy Living-March 15, 2018
  2. Meeting Minutes-French-British Columbia Alliance for Healthy Living-March 15, 2018
  3. Presentation-English-Healthy Eating Strategy-March 15, 2018
  4. Presentation-French-Healthy Eating Strategy-March 15, 2018
2018-03-09 Front of Package Labelling Food and Consumer Products of Canada Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting Review and provide clarifications on the technical elements of Regulations Amending the Food and Drug Regulations (Nutrition Symbols, Other Labelling Provisions, Partially Hydrogenated Oils and Vitamin D) posted in Canada Gazette Part 1 on February 10, 2018. Food Directorate, Bureau of Policy, Intergovernmental and International Affairs
  1. Meeting Minutes-English-Food and Consumer Products of Canada-March 9, 2018
  2. Meeting Minutes-French-Food and Consumer Products of Canada-March 9, 2018
  3. Agenda and List of Attendees-Food and Consumer Products of Canada-March 9, 2018
  4. Presentation-Food Consumer Products Canada-March 9, 2018
2018-03-09 Front of Package Labelling Dietitians of Canada Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting Discuss questions and concerns on and explore potential changes to the proposed FOP regulations in order to inform DC's draft responses before sharing them with members/colleagues for their feedback. Food Directorate, Bureau of Policy, Intergovernmental and International Affairs
  1. Meeting Minutes-English-Dietitians of Canada-March 9, 2018
  2. Meeting Minutes-French-Dietitians of Canada-March 9, 2018
  3. Agenda and Discussion Questions-Dietitians of Canada-March 9, 2018
  4. Email-Dietitians of Canada-March 20, 2018
  5. Health Canada Response to Dietitians of Canada-March 29, 2018
2018-03-09 Front of Package Labelling Unilever Stakeholder-Initiated Correspondence To provide feedback on the front-of-package symbol. Food Directorate, Bureau of Nutritional Sciences
  1. Document-Front of Package Labelling-Unilever-March 9, 2018
  2. Document-Front of Package Labelling examples-Unilever-March 9, 2018
2018-03-06 Marketing to Kids Interactive Advertising Bureau of Canada Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting To discuss how restricting unhealthy food and beverage marketing to children might impact the digital advertising industry and respond to Health Canada's questions Assistant Deputy Minister's Office
  1. Meeting Minutes-English-Interactive Advertising Bureau of Canada-March 6, 2018
  2. Meeting Minutes-French-Interactive Advertising Bureau of Canada-March 6, 2018
  3. Presentation-Ad Blocking II Study-Interactive Advertising Bureau of Canada-March 6, 2018
  4. Email-Follow Up Feb 20 2018-Interactive Advertising Bureau of Canada-March 6, 2018
2018-02-27 Sodium Dairy Processors Association of Canada Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting To provide an overview of the Sodium Reduction in Processed Foods in Canada: An Evaluation of Progress toward Voluntary Targets from 2012 to 2016 published on January 15, 2018. Food Directorate, Bureau of Nutritional Sciences
  1. Meeting Minutes-English-Dairy Processors Association of Canada
  2. Meeting Minutes-French-Dairy Processors Association of Canada
  3. Presentation-English-Dairy Processors Association of Canada
  4. Presentation-French-Dairy Processors Association of Canada
  5. Agenda-Dairy Processors Association of Canada
2018-02-22 Healthy Eating Strategy Canadian Health Food Association Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting To provide an update on supplemented foods and on the initiatives within Health Canada's Healthy Eating Strategy launched in October 2016. Food Directorate, Bureau of Nutritional Sciences
  1. Meeting Minutes-English-Canadian Health Food Association
  2. Meeting Minutes-French-Canadian Health Food Association
  3. Presentation-English-Canadian Health Food Association
  4. Presentation-French-Canadian Health Food Association
2018-02-21 Canada Food Guide
  • Canadian Hypertension Advisory Committee;
  • Childhood Obesity Foundation;
  • Canadian Public Health Association;
  • Canadian Cancer Society;
  • Dietitians of Canada;
  • Centre for Science and Law;
  • Heart and Stroke Foundation;
  • Canadian Medical Association;
  • Canadian Dental Assistants' Association
Health Canada-Initiated Meeting To provide health organizations details behind the proposed methodology to develop the healthy eating pattern for the revision of Canada's Food Guide. Office of Nutrition Policy and Promotion
  1. Meeting Minutes-English-Health Stakeholders
  2. Meeting Minutes-French-Health Stakeholders
  3. Presentation-English-Health Stakeholders
  4. Presentation-French-Health Stakeholders
2018-02-20 Canada Food Guide
  • Coalition québécoise sur la problématique du poids;
  • Ordre Professionnel des Diététistes du Québec;
  • Public Health Agency of Canada
Health Canada-Initiated Meeting To provide health organizations details behind the proposed methodology to develop the healthy eating pattern for the revision of Canada's Food Guide. Office of Nutrition Policy and Promotion
  1. Meeting Minutes-English-Health Stakeholders
  2. Meeting Minutes-French-Health Stakeholders
  3. Presentation-English-Health Stakeholders
  4. Presentation-French-Health Stakeholders
2018-02-14 Sodium Canadian Meat Council Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting To provide an overview of the Sodium Reduction in Processed Foods in Canada: An Evaluation of Progress toward Voluntary Targets from 2012 to 2016 published on January 15, 2018. Food Directorate, Bureau of Nutritional Sciences
  1. Meeting Minutes-English-Canadian Meat Council
  2. Meeting Minutes-French-Canadian Meat Council
  3. Presentation-English-Canadian Meat Council
  4. Presentation-French-Canadian Meat Council
2018-02-12 Front of Package Labelling Unilever Stakeholder-Initiated Correspondence To provide Health Canada with input on front-of-package labelling symbols. Food Directorate, Bureau of Nutritional Sciences
  1. Email-Unilever
2018-02-08 Marketing to Kids Interactive Advertising Bureau of Canada Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting To discuss how restricting unhealthy food and beverage marketing to children might impact the digital advertising industry. Food Directorate, Bureau of Policy, Intergovernmental and International Affairs
  1. Meeting Minutes-English-Interactive Advertising Bureau of Canada
  2. Meeting Minutes-French-Interactive Advertising Bureau of Canada
  3. Presentation-Digital Marketing and Children's Health-Interactive Advertising Bureau of Canada
2018-02-05 Health Eating Strategy Food Processors of Canada Stakeholder-Initiated Correspondence To request a full, balanced review of the science and study of the data used by Health Canada to design and develop the Healthy Eating Strategy and Canada's Food Guide. Food Directorate, Director General's Office
  1. Letter-Food Processors of Canada
2018-02-01 Sodium Food and Consumer Products Canada Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting To provide an overview of the results of the recently released report entitled: Sodium Reduction in Processed Foods in Canada: An Evaluation of Progress toward Voluntary Targets from 2012 to 2016. Food Directorate, Bureau of Nutritional Sciences
  1. Meeting Minutes-English-Food and Consumer Products Canada
  2. Meeting Minutes-French-Food and Consumer Products Canada
  3. Presentation-English-Food and Consumer Products Canada
  4. Presentation-French-Food and Consumer Products Canada
  5. Agenda-Food and Consumer Products Canada
2018-01-31 Sodium Canadian Association of Importers and Exporters Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting To provide an overview of the report entitled: Sodium Reduction in Processed Foods in Canada: An Evaluation of Progress toward Voluntary Targets from 2012 to 2016 Food Directorate, Bureau of Nutritional Sciences
  1. Presentation-English-Canadian Association of Importers and Exporters
  2. Presentation-French-Canadian Association of Importers and Exporters
  3. Meeting Minutes-English-Canadian Association of Importers and Exporters
  4. Meeting Minutes-French-Canadian Association of Importers and Exporters
2018-01-30 Canada Food Guide Union des producteurs agricoles Stakeholder-Initiated Correspondence To express their concerns with revisions to Canada's Food Guide. Assistant Deputy Minister's Office
  1. Letter-French-Incoming-Union des producteurs agricoles
  2. Letter-French-Response-HC
2018-01-22 Sodium Loblaw Companies Limited Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting To discuss Loblaw's innovation in sodium reduction Food Directorate, Bureau of Nutritional Sciences
  1. Meeting Minutes-English- Loblaw Companies Limited
  2. Meeting Minutes-French- Loblaw Companies Limited
2018-01-18 Healthy Eating Strategy Dairy Farmers of Manitoba Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting To discuss Health Canada's Healthy Eating Strategy, with a focus on Front of Package labelling and the revision of Canada's Food Guide Assistant Deputy Minister's Office
  1. Meeting Minutes-English-Dairy Farmers Manitoba
  2. Meeting Minutes-French-Dairy Farmers Manitoba
2018-01-17 Marketing to Kids Association of Canadian Advertisers Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting To discuss Health Canada's initiative to introduce restrictions on marketing to children. Deputy Minister's Office
  1. Meeting Minutes-English-Association of Canadian Advertisers
  2. Meeting Minutes-French-Association of Canadian Advertisers
2017-12-15 Front of Package Labelling Food & Consumer Products of Canada Stakeholder-Initiated Correspondence To discuss the next steps with respect to front-of package nutrition labelling initiative Food Directorate, Director General's Office
  1. Letter-English-Food and Consumer Products of Canada
2017-12-15 Marketing to Kids Stop Marketing to Kids Coalition Health Canada-Initiated Meeting To discuss the development of a monitoring framework and research agenda to support Parliamentary Review of marketing to children legislation and regulations. Office of Nutrition Policy and Promotion, Director General's Office
  1. Meeting Minutes-English-Stop Marketing to Kids Coalition
  2. Meeting Minutes-French-Stop Marketing to Kids Coalition
2017-12-14 Front of Package Labelling Food Processors of Canada Health Canada-Initiated Meeting Introductory meeting with new president of Food Processors of Canada Food Directorate, Director General's Office
  1. Meeting Minutes-English-Food Processors of Canada
  2. Meeting Minutes-French-Food Processors of Canada
2017-12-13 Healthy Eating Strategy Special Crops Value Chain Roundtable Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting To provide an update on the initiatives within Health Canada's Healthy Eating Strategy. Food Directorate, Bureau of Nutritional Sciences
  1. Meeting Minutes-English-Special Crops Value Chain Roundtable
  2. Meeting Minutes-French-Special Crops Value Chain Roundtable
  3. Presentation-English-Special Crops Value Chain Roundtable
  4. Presentation-French-Special Crops Value Chain Roundtable
2017-12-12 Canada Food Guide Ordre professionnel des diététistes du Québec and Coalition Poids Health Canada-Initiated Meeting To provide an overview of 'What we heard' and 'What we are doing' following the results of the second on-line public Canada's Food Guide consultation. Office of Nutrition Policy and Promotion, Director General's Office
  1. Meeting Minutes-English-Ordre professionnel des diététistes du Québec and Coalition Poids Meeting
  2. Meeting Minutes-French-Ordre professionnel des diététistes du Québec and Coalition Poids Meeting
  3. Document-English-Agenda-Ordre professionnel des diététistes du Québec and Coalition Poids Meeting
  4. Document-French-Agenda-Ordre professionnel des diététistes du Québec and Coalition Poids Meeting
  5. Document-English-Report-Ordre professionnel des diététistes du Québec and Coalition Poids Meeting
  6. Document-French-Report-Ordre professionnel des diététistes du Québec and Coalition Poids Meeting
  7. Presentation-English-Ordre professionnel des diététistes du Québec and Coalition Poids Meeting
  8. Presentation-French-Ordre professionnel des diététistes du Québec and Coalition Poids Meeting
2017-12-12 Sodium, Marketing to Kids, Front of Package Loblaw Companies Limited Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting To share information related to the sodium, marketing to kids, and front-of-package nutrition labelling initiatives. Assistant Deputy Minister's Office
  1. Meeting Minutes-English-Loblaw Companies Limited
  2. Meeting Minutes-French-Loblaw Companies Limited
  3. Report-Live Life Well-Loblaw Companies Limited
2017-12-12 Marketing to Kids Mars Canada Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting To discuss Health Canada's Marketing to Kids initiative Assistant Deputy Minister's Office
  1. Meeting Minutes-English-Mars Canada
  2. Meeting Minutes-French-Mars Canada
  3. Email-English-Mars Canada
  4. Document-English-Age Threshold: The Evidence -Mars Canada
2017-12-12 Front of Package Labelling Loblaw Companies Limited Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting To discuss front-of-package labelling timelines for implementation and provide an overview of sodium reduction efforts and technical challenges. Food Directorate, Bureau of Nutritional Sciences
  1. Meeting Minutes-English-Loblaw Companies Limited
  2. Meeting Minutes-French-Loblaw Companies Limited
2017-12-12 Front of Package Labelling Canadian Beverage Association Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting To discuss next steps with respect to front-of-package nutrition labelling initiative Food Directorate, Director General's Office
  1. Meeting Minutes-English-Canadian Beverage Association
  2. Meeting Minutes-French-Canadian Beverage Association
2017-12-11 Canada Food Guide Agricultural Alliance of New Brunswick Stakeholder-Initiated Correspondence To discuss concerns with the revision of Canada's Food Guide Assistant Deputy Minister's Office
  1. Letter-Incoming-Agricultural Alliance of New Brunswick
  2. Letter-Assistant Deputy Minister Response-Agricultural Alliance of New Brunswick
2017-12-11 Front of Package Labelling Canadian Public Health Association Stakeholder-Initiated Correspondence To discuss the next steps with respect to front-of package nutrition labelling initiative Food Directorate, Director General's Office
  1. Letter-Incoming-Canadian Public Health Association
2017-12-07 Sugar Health Action Lobby Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting To discuss Health Canada's initiatives to reduce sugar consumption. Office of Nutrition Policy and Promotion, Director General's Office
  1. Meeting Minutes-English-Health Action Lobby
  2. Meeting Minutes-French-Health Action Lobby
  3. Presentation-English-Health Action Lobby
  4. Presentation-French-Health Action Lobby
2017-12-07 Front of Package Labelling Food Processing Industry Roundtable Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting To provide an update on Healthy Eating Strategy Initiatives and answer questions from stakeholders Deputy Minister's Office
  1. Meeting Minutes-English-Food Processing Industry Roundtable
  2. Meeting Minutes-French-Food Processing Industry Roundtable
  3. Agenda-Bilingual-Food Processing Industry Roundtable
2017-12-06 Canada Food Guide Non-Governmental Officials Stakeholder Meeting Health Canada-Initiated Meeting To provide an overview of 'What we heard' and 'What we are doing' following the results of the second on-line public Canada's Food Guide consultation. Office of Nutrition Policy and Promotion, Director General's Office
  1. Meeting Minutes-English-Non-Governmental Officials Stakeholder Meeting
  2. Meeting Minutes-French-Non-Governmental Officials Stakeholder Meeting
  3. Document-English-Agenda-Non-Governmental Officials Stakeholder Meeting
  4. Document-French-Agenda-Non-Governmental Officials Stakeholder Meeting
  5. Document-English-Report-Non-Governmental Officials Stakeholder Meeting
  6. Document-French-Report-Non-Governmental Officials Stakeholder Meeting
  7. Presentation-English-Non-Governmental Officials Stakeholder Meeting
  8. Presentation-French-Non-Governmental Officials Stakeholder Meeting
2017-12-05 Front of Package Journées annuelles de santé publique Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting To provide an update on the initiatives within Health Canada's Healthy Eating Strategy with a focus on front of package labelling. Food Directorate, Bureau of Nutritional Sciences
  1. Meeting Minutes-English-Journées annuelles de santé publique
  2. Meeting Minutes-French-Journées annuelles de santé publique
  3. Presentation-English-Journées annuelles de santé publique
  4. Presentation-French-Journées annuelles de santé publique
2017-12-01 Canada Food Guide Perth County Federation of Agriculture Stakeholder-Initiated Correspondence To discuss concerns with the revision of Canada's Food Guide Assistant Deputy Minister's Office
  1. Letter-Incoming-Perth County Federation of Agriculture
  2. Letter-Assistant Deputy Minister Response-Perth County Federation of Agriculture
2017-11-29 Front of Package Labelling Conseil de la Transformation Alimentaire du Québec Stakeholder-Initiated Correspondence To identify the Conseil de la Transformation Alimenaire du Québec's position on the proposed Front of Package Labelling Symbols Food Directorate, Director General's Office
  1. Letter-French-Conseil de la Transformation Alimentaire du Québec
2017-11-28 Marketing to Kids National Hockey League Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting To discuss Health Canada's proposed marketing to kids regulations and to raise concerns over potential unintended consequences. Assistant Deputy Minister's Office
  1. Meeting-English-National Hockey League
  2. Meeting-French-National Hockey League
2017-11-27 Front of Package Heart and Stroke, Retail Council of Canada Stakeholder-Initiated Correspondence To discuss the organizations' position on the Front of Package Labelling Initiative. Food Directorate Director General's Office
  1. Letter-English-Heart and Stroke Retail Council of Canada Grocery Division
2017-11-27 Healthy Eating Strategy Chronic Disease Prevention Alliance of Canada Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting To present the policies and programs that Health Canada is considering and implementing with a view to reduce sugar consumption (i.e. Food Guide revision, Marketing to Children, Labelling, Sugary Drinks Reduction Campaign). Office of Nutrition Policy and Promotion, Director General's Office
  1. Meeting Minutes-English-Health Canada Initiatives to Reduce Sugar Consumption-Chronic Disease Prevention Alliance of Canada,
  2. Meeting Minutes-French-Health Canada Initiatives to Reduce Sugar Consumption-Chronic Disease Prevention Alliance of Canada
  3. Presentation-English-Health Canada Initiatives to Reduce Sugar Consumption-Chronic Disease Prevention Alliance of Canada
  4. Presentation-French-Health Canada Initiatives to Reduce Sugar Consumption-Chronic Disease Prevention Alliance of Canada
2017-11-23 Healthy Eating Strategy Retail Council of Canada Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting To provide an update on Health Canada's Heathy Eating Strategy initiatives. Food Directorate, Bureau of Nutritional Sciences
  1. Presentation-English-Retail Council of Canada
  2. Presentation-French-Retail Council of Canada
  3. Meeting Minutes-English-Retail Council of Canada
  4. Meeting Minutes-French-Retail Council of Canada
2017-11-21 Healthy Eating Strategy Beef Farmers of Ontario Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting To provide an update on Health Canada's Heathy Eating Strategy initiatives. Assistant Deputy Minister's Office
  1. Meeting Minutes-English-Beef Farmers of Ontario
  2. Meeting Minutes-French-Beef Farmers of Ontario
2017-11-16 Healthy Eating Strategy Canadian Paediatric Society Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting To provide an update on Health Canada's Heathy Eating Strategy initiatives. Food Directorate, Bureau of Nutritional Sciences
  1. Document-English-Canadian Paediatric Society
  2. Document-French-Canadian Paediatric Society
  3. Meeting Minutes-English-Canadian Paediatric Society
  4. Meeting Minutes-French-Canadian Paediatric Society
2017-11-10 Healthy Eating Strategy Food Secure Canada Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting To provide an update on Health Canada's Heathy Eating Strategy initiatives and the Food Policy for Canada. Office of Nutrition Policy and Promotion, Director General's Office
  1. Meeting Minutes-English-Feast of Ideas for Innovation in Food-Food Secure Canada
  2. Meeting Minutes-French-Feast of Ideas for Innovation in Food-Food Secure Canada
  3. Presentation-English-Feast of Ideas for Innovation in Food-Food Secure Canada
  4. Presentation-French-Feast of Ideas for Innovation in Food-Food Secure Canada
  5. Agenda-English-Feast of Ideas for Innovation in Food-Food Secure Canada
2017-11-08 Healthy Eating Strategy Canadian Produce Marketing Association Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting To provide an update on Health Canada's Heathy Eating Strategy initiatives. Assistant Deputy Minister's Office
  1. Meeting Minutes-English-Canadian Produce Marketing Association
  2. Meeting Minutes-French-Canadian Produce Marketing Association
  3. Brochure #1-English-Canadian Produce Marketing Association
  4. Brochure #2-English-Canadian Produce Marketing Association
  5. Brochure #3-English-Canadian Produce Marketing Association
  6. Brochure #4-English-Canadian Produce Marketing Association
  7. Letter-English-Canadian Produce Marketing Association
2017-11-08 Front of Package Labelling Unilever Stakeholder-Initiated Correspondence To discuss the symbols submitted by Unilever as per November 8, 2017 email and other elements of the front-of-package labelling proposal. Food Directorate, Bureau of Nutritional Sciences
  1. Meeting Minutes-English-Unilever
  2. Meeting Minutes-French-Unilever
  3. Email-English-Unilever
  4. Document-English-Unilever
2017-11-03 Healthy Eating Strategy Association of Canadian Advertisers Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting To provide an update on Health Canada's Heathy Eating Strategy initiatives. Assistant Deputy Minister's Office
  1. Meeting Minutes-English-Association of Canadian Advertisers
  2. Meeting Minutes-French-Association of Canadian Advertisers
  3. Publication (source not identified)-English-Association of Canadian Advertisers
2017-11-02 Canada Food Guide Laval University's International School on Food Security Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting To present the policies and programs that Health Canada is considering and implementing with a view to reduce sugar consumption (i.e. Food Guide revision, Marketing to Children, Labelling, Sugary Drinks Reduction Campaign). Office of Nutrition Policy and Promotion, Director General's Office
  1. Meeting Minutes-English-Laval University's International School on Food Security, Fall Session, Sugar Issues in Society and the World
  2. Meeting Minutes-French-Laval University's International School on Food Security, Fall Session, Sugar Issues in Society and the World
  3. Presentation-English-Laval University's International School on Food Security, Fall Session, Sugar Issues in Society and the World
  4. Presentation-French-Laval University's International School on Food Security, Fall Session, Sugar Issues in Society and the World
2017-11-07 Healthy Eating Strategy Industry and Health Stakeholders Health Canada-Initiated Meeting To discuss the Healthy Eating Strategy, food safety and Canada's Food Policy. Assistant Deputy Minister Office - Health Products and Food Branch
  1. Agenda-English-Stakeholder Engagement Session: A Better Food Environment
  2. Agenda-French-Stakeholder Engagement Session: A Better Food Environment
  3. Participant List-French and English-Stakeholder Engagement Session: A Better Food Environment
  4. Speaker Biographies-English- Stakeholder Engagement Session: A Better Food Environment
  5. Speaker Biographies-French- Stakeholder Engagement Session: A Better Food Environment
  6. Presentation-English-A Better Food Environment- Stakeholder Engagement Session: A Better Food Environment
  7. Presentation-French-A Better Food Environment- Stakeholder Engagement Session: A Better Food Environment
  8. Presentation-English -Healthy Eating Strategy: Front-of-Package Labelling-Stakeholder Engagement Session: A Better Food Environment
  9. Presentation-French-Healthy Eating Strategy: Front-of-Package Labelling-Stakeholder Engagement Session: A Better Food Environment
  10. Presentation-English-Health Canada's Healthy Eating Strategy- Stakeholder Engagement Session: A Better Food Environment
  11. Presentation-French-Health Canada's Healthy Eating Strategy- Stakeholder Engagement Session: A Better Food Environment
  12. Presentation-English-Health Products Food Branch Stakeholder Engagement Session - Food Safety: Protecting and Informing Canadians-English- Stakeholder Engagement Session: A Better Food Environment
  13. Presentation-French-Health Products Food Branch Stakeholder Engagement Session - Food Safety: Protecting and Informing Canadians-French- Stakeholder Engagement Session: A Better Food Environment
  14. Presentation-English-Canadian Food Inspection Agency-Food Safety: Protecting and Informing Canadians-Stakeholder Engagement Session: A Better Food Environment
  15. Presentation-French-Canadian Food Inspection Agency-Food Safety: Protecting and Informing Canadians-Stakeholder Engagement Session: A Better Food Environment
2017-10-26 Healthy Eating Strategy Heart and Stroke Foundation Health Canada-Initiated Meeting To discuss the Healthy Eating Strategy overall Assistant Deputy Minister's Office
  1. Meeting Minutes-English-Heart and Stroke Foundation
  2. Meeting Minutes-French-Heart and Stroke Foundation
2017-10-26 Front of Package Dietitians of Canada Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting To discuss front-of-package labelling timeline and scope of policy. Food Directorate, Bureau of Nutritional Sciences
  1. Email-English-Dietitians of Canada
  2. Meeting Minutes-English-Dietitians of Canada
  3. Meeting Minutes-French-Dietitians of Canada
2017-10-24 Healthy Eating Strategy Canadian Meat Council and the Canadian Poultry and Egg Processors Council Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting To provide an overview of Health Canada's Healthy Eating Strategy to symposium attendees during the French "Modernization of the Meat and Poultry Inspection System" industry workshop. Food Directorate, Bureau of Nutritional Sciences
  1. Presentation-English-Canadian Meat Council Technical Symposium
  2. Presentation-French-Canadian Meat Council Technical Symposium
  3. Meeting Minutes-English-Canadian Meat Council Technical Symposium
  4. Meeting Minutes-French-Canadian Meat Council Technical Symposium
2017-10-20 Sugar Health Stakeholders Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting To provide an update on Health Canada's initiatives to reduce sugar consumption. Office of Nutrition Policy and Promotion, Director General's Office
  1. Meeting Minutes-English-Canadian Dental Hygienists Association
  2. Meeting Minutes-French-Canadian Dental Hygienists Association
  3. Presentation-English-Canadian Dental Hygienists Association
  4. Presentation-French-Canadian Dental Hygienists
2017-10-18 Healthy Eating Strategy Food Regulations Canada Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting To provide information on high profile work currently underway under Health Canada's Healthy Eating Strategy at the 8th Annual Food Regulatory and Quality Assurance Summit Food Directorate, Bureau of Nutritional Sciences
  1. Presentation-English-Regulatory and Quality Assurance Summit
  2. Presentation-French-Regulatory and Quality Assurance Summit
  3. Meeting Minutes-English-Regulatory and Quality Assurance Summit
  4. Meeting Minutes-French-Regulatory and Quality Assurance Summit
2017-10-18 Healthy Eating Strategy Le Conseil de la transformation alimentataire du Québec (CTAQ) Sugar Symposium Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting To provide an overview of Health Canada's Healthy Eating Strategy to symposium attendees during the Sugar Symposium. Food Directorate, Bureau of Nutritional Sciences
  1. Presentation-English-Conseil de la transformation alimentataire du Québec Sugar Symposium
  2. Presentation-French-Conseil de la transformation alimentataire du Québec Sugar Symposium
  3. Meeting Minutes-English-Conseil de la transformation alimentataire du Québec Sugar Symposium
  4. Meeting Minutes-French-Conseil de la transformation alimentataire du Québec Sugar Symposium
2017-10-17 Healthy Eating Strategy Canadian Beverage Association Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting To discuss the Healthy Eating Strategy and the Canadian Beverage Association's concerns with the Front of Package labelling initiative Assistant Deputy Minister's Office
  1. Presentation Materials-English-Canadian Beverage Association
  2. Meeting Minutes-English-Canadian Beverage Association
  3. Meeting Minutes-French-Canadian Beverage Association
2017-10-17 Healthy Eating Strategy Canadian Meat Council and the Canadian Poultry and Egg Processors Council Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting To provide an overview of Health Canada's Healthy Eating Strategy to symposium attendees during the "Modernization of the Meat and Poultry Inspection System" industry workshop. Food Directorate, Bureau of Nutritional Sciences
  1. Presentation-English-Canadian Meat Council Technical Symposium
  2. Presentation-French-Canadian Meat Council Technical Symposium
  3. Meeting Minutes-English-Canadian Meat Council Technical Symposium
  4. Meeting Minutes-French-Canadian Meat Council Technical Symposium
2017-10-16 Healthy Eating Strategy Heart and Stroke Foundation Health Canada-Initiated Meeting   Assistant Deputy Minister's Office
  1. Meeting Minutes-English-Heart and Stroke Foundation
  2. Meeting Minutes-French-Heart and Stroke Foundation
2017-10-11 Front of Package Dairy Farmers of Canada Stakeholder-Initiated Correspondence To provide input on the Front of Package labelling initiative Assistant Deputy Minister's Office
  1. Letter-English-Dairy Farmers of Canada
  2. Email-English-Dairy Farmers of Canada
2017-10-11 Front of Package Canadian Beverage Association Stakeholder-Initiated Correspondence To provide input on the Front of Package labelling initiative Assistant Deputy Minister's Office
  1. Letter-English-Canadian Beverage Association
  2. Email-English-Canadian Beverage Association
2017-10-05 Front of Package Food & Consumer Products of Canada Stakeholder-Initiated Correspondence To provide input on the Front of Package labelling initiative Assistant Deputy Minister's Office
  1. Letter-English-Food & Consumer Products of Canada
  2. Email-English-Food & Consumer Products of Canada
  3. Report-English-Food & Consumer Products of Canada
  4. List of Logos-English-Food & Consumer Products of Canada
  5. Letter-English-Food & Consumer Products of Canada
  6. Letter-English-Health Canada
2017-10-05 Front of Package Food Processors of Canada Stakeholder-Initiated Correspondence To provide input on the Front of Package labelling initiative Assistant Deputy Minister's Office
  1. Letter-English-Food Processors of Canada
  2. Email-English-Food Processors of Canada
2017-10-05 Front of Package Retail Council of Canada Stakeholder-Initiated Correspondence To provide input on the Front of Package labelling initiative Assistant Deputy Minister's Office
  1. Letter-English-Retail Council of Canada
  2. Email-English-Retail Council of Canada
  3. Presentation-English-Retail Council of Canada
2017-10-05 Front of Package Health Stakeholders Stakeholder-Initiated Correspondence To provide input on the Front of Package labelling initiative Assistant Deputy Minister's Office
  1. Email-English-Health Stakeholders
  2. Document-English- Proposed Front-of-Package Symbols-Health Stakeholders
2017-10-04 Front of Package Mars Canada Stakeholder-Initiated Correspondence To discuss Mars Canada's position on front-of-package labelling. Food Directorate, Bureau of Nutritional Sciences
  1. Email-English-Mars Canada
  2. Presentation-English-Mars Canada
  3. Letter-English-Mars Canada
2017-10-04 Sodium Nestle Canada Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting To discuss Nestle's work towards reducing sodium in their products and understand Health Canada's next steps on the assessment of sodium reduction in processed foods. Food Directorate, Bureau of Nutritional Sciences
  1. Presentation-English-Nestle Canada
  2. Meeting Minutes-English-Nestle Canada
  3. Meeting Minutes-French-Nestle Canada
2017-10-04 Front of Package Gowling WLG Stakeholder-Initiated Correspondence To express concerns with the Front of Package labelling initiative and path forward. Assistant Deputy Minister's Office
  1. Letter-English-Gowlings
  2. Email-English-Gowlings
  3. Letter-English-Health Canada
2017-10-03 Front of Package Dietitians of Canada Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting To discuss front-of-package labelling symbol options. Food Directorate, Bureau of Nutritional Sciences
  1. Meeting Minutes-English-Dietitians of Canada
  2. Meeting Minutes-French-Dietitians of Canada
2017-10-03 Sodium Dairy Processors Association of Canada Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting To provide an update on front-of-package labelling and sodium reduction. Food Directorate, Bureau of Nutritional Sciences
  1. Meeting Minutes-English-Dairy Processors Association of Canada
  2. Meeting Minutes-French-Dairy Processors Association of Canada
2017-10-02 Canada Food Guide National Initiative for Eating Disorders Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting To raise awareness of eating disorders in Canada and discuss the Canada's Food Guide revision with an eating disorder lens. Office of Nutrition Policy and Promotion, Director General's Office
  1. Meeting Minutes-English-National Initiative for Eating Disorders
  2. Meeting Minutes-French-National Initiative for Eating Disorders
  3. Presentation-English-National Initiative for Eating Disorders
  4. Publication-English-National Initiative for Eating Disorders
2017-09-29 Healthy Eating Strategy Canadian Poultry and Egg Processors Council & Canadian Meat Council Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting To provide an overview of Health Canada's Healthy Eating Strategy at the Annual Technical Symposium

Food Directorate, Bureau of Nutritional Sciences

  1. Presentation-English-Canadian Meat Council
  2. Presentation-French-Canadian Meat Council
  3. Meeting Minutes-English-Canadian Meat Council
  4. Meeting Minutes-French-Canadian Meat Council
2017-09-27 Front of Package Labelling Health Stakeholders Health Canada-Initiated Correspondence To share concerns regarding Health Canada's proposed front-of-package nutrition labelling initiatives Assistant Deputy Minister's Office
  1. Letter-Thank you to Participants-Pierre Sabourin
2017-09-25 Front of Package Labelling Health Stakeholder Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting To provide an overview of the Stakeholder Engagement Meeting that took place on September 18, 2017. Food Directorate, Bureau of Nutritional Sciences
  1. Meeting Notes-English-Healthy Eating Strategy-Front of Package Labelling-Jeffery
  2. Meeting Notes-French-Healthy Eating Strategy-Front of Package Labelling-Jeffery
2017-09-22 Healthy Eating Strategy Canadian Snack Food Association Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting To provide an overview of Health Canada's Healthy Eating Strategy Food Directorate, Bureau of Nutritional Sciences
  1. Presentation-English-Canadian Snack Food Association
  2. Presentation-French-Canadian Snack Food Association
  3. Meeting Minutes-English-Canadian Snack Food Association
  4. Meeting Minutes-French-Canadian Snack Food Association
2017-09-18 Front of Package Labelling Nestle Canada Stakeholder-Initiated Correspondence To share concerns regarding Health Canada's proposed front-of-package nutrition labelling initiatives Assistant Deputy Minister's Office
  1. Letter-Nestle Canada
2017-09-18 Front of Package Labelling Industry, Experts and Health Stakeholders Health Canada-Initiated Meeting

To bring together experts, industry and health stakeholders to share and review evidence, and to explore additional options for FOP symbols for further public consultations.

PLEASE NOTE: The summary report capturing the discussions of this event is available.

Food Directorate, Bureau of Nutritional Sciences
  1. Stakeholder Meeting Record - English
  2. Stakeholder Meeting Record - French
  3. Agenda - English
  4. Agenda - French
  5. Presentation - "Healthy Eating Strategy: Front-of-Package Labelling", by Karen McIntyre, Director General, Food Directorate - English
  6. Presentation - "Healthy Eating Strategy: Front-of-Package Labelling", by Karen McIntyre, Director General, Food Directorate - French
  7. Presentation on "Front-of-Pack Labelling" by Michi Furuya Chang, Vice President, Scientific Affairs & Nutrition, Food and Consumer Products of Canada
  8. Presentation - "Check the NFt: An alternative Front-of-Pack Approach", by David Wilkes, Senior Vice-President, Government Relations and Grocery Division, Retail Council Canada
  9. Presentation - "Multi-stakeholder Meeting on Front-of-Pack Labelling", by Jim Goetz, President, Canadian Beverage Association's
  10. Presentation - "Canadian Attitudes on Food and Beverage Labelling", by Bruce Anderson, Chairman, Abacus Data.
  11. Presentation - "Front-of-Package Labelling as a Policy Tool for Chronic Disease Prevention: Essential Elements", by Dr. Kim Raine, Professor and Associate Dean of University of Alberta
  12. Presentation - "Evidence regarding consumer behaviour towards Front-of-Pack labelling" by Dr. Mary L'Abbé, Professor and Chair of the Department of Nutritional Sciences, University of Toronto
  13. Presentation - "Front of Package Labelling: Evidence and Effective Principles" by Dr. David Hammond, Professor, University of Waterloo
  14. Presentation - "Front-of-Package labeling system for improved nutrition: evidence, policy and action" by Dr. Fabio Da Silva Gomes, Regional Advisor on Nutrition, Pan American Health Organization and World Health Organization
  15. Presentation to guide FOP Symbol option discussion - English
  16. Presentation to guide FOP Symbol option discussion - French
2017-09-18 Front of Package Labelling Industry, Experts and Health Stakeholders Health Canada and Stakeholder-Initiated Correspondence To provide feedback following the Sept. 18th Front-of-Package Stakeholder Engagement Meeting Assistant Deputy Minister's Office
  1. Nestle Canada; Comments on Sept. 18 FOP Stakeholder Engagement Meeting; to Alfred Aziz and William Yan (Email)
  2. Food and Consumer Products of Canada; Feedback following Sept. 18 FOP Stakeholder Engagement Meeting; to Christine Donoghue and Karen McIntyre (Email)
  3. Health Canada; Thank you letter following Sept. 18 FOP Stakeholder Engagement Meeting; to meeting participants (Letter)
  4. Gowlings WLG; Feedback regarding the outcome of Sept. 18 FOP Stakeholder Engagement Meeting; to Pierre Sabourin (Letter)
  5. Canadian Cancer Society, Canadian Medical Association, Canadian Public Health Association, Diabetes Canada, Dietitians of Canada, and Heart & Stroke Foundation; Health Stakeholders' position on various elements that should be addressed within the proposed symbols; to Alfred Aziz and William Yan (Email)
  6. Canadian Cancer Society, Canadian Medical Association, Canadian Public Health Association, Diabetes Canada, Dietitians of Canada, and Heart & Stroke Foundation; Proposed FOP symbol options 1; to Alfred Aziz and William Yan (Document)
  7. Canadian Cancer Society, Canadian Medical Association, Canadian Public Health Association, Diabetes Canada, Dietitians of Canada, and Heart & Stroke Foundation; Proposed FOP symbol options 2; to Alfred Aziz and William Yan (Document)
  8. Retail Council of Canada; Feedback regarding the FOP symbol criteria; to Pierre Sabourin (Letter)
  9. Retail Council of Canada; Proposed symbol options responding to the feedback heard at the Sept. 18 FOP Stakeholder Engagement Meeting; to Pierre Sabourin(Presentation)
  10. Food Processors of Canada; Feedback regarding Health Canada's stakeholder engagement process and the FOP symbol criteria; to Pierre Sabourin (Letter)
  11. Canada Beverage Association; Feedback regarding Health Canada's consultation process and the FOP symbol discussion and criteria; to Christine Donoghue and Pierre Sabourin (Letter)
  12. Food and Consumer Products of Canada; Concerns and recommendations regarding Health Canada's consultation process and the FOP symbol criteria; to Christine Donoghue (Letter)
  13. Food and Consumer Products of Canada; "Canadian Attitudes on Food & Beverage Labelling"; to Christine Donoghue (Presentation)
  14. Food and Consumer Products of Canada; List of the Food and Consumer Products of Canada Members and Board of Directors; to Christine Donoghue (Document)
  15. Food and Consumer Products of Canada; Statement on Health Canada's Healthy Eating Strategy; to Christine Donoghue (Document)
  16. Health Canada; Thank you letter; to Ms. Michi Furuya Chang (Letter);
  17. Dairy Farmers of Canada; Feedback and proposed solutions regarding FOP labelling; to Pierre Sabourin (Letter)
2017-09-15 Healthy Eating Strategy Canadian Health Food Association East Expo Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting To provide an update on supplemented foods and an overview of Health Canada's Healthy Eating Strategy to conference attendees Food Directorate, Bureau of Nutritional Sciences
  1. Presentation-English-Canadian Health Food Association East
  2. Presentation-French-Canadian Health Food Association East
  3. Meeting Minutes-English-Canadian Health Food Association East
  4. Meeting Minutes-French-Canadian Health Food Association East
2017-09-12 Front of Package Labelling Health Stakeholders Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting To provide an update on the Healthy Eating Strategy, in particular on trans fat and front of package labelling. Food Directorate, Bureau of Nutritional Sciences
  1. Meeting Notes-English-Healthy Eating Strategy-Front of Package Labelling-Freedhoff Arango
  2. Meeting Notes-French-Healthy Eating Strategy-Front of Package Labelling-Freedhoff Arango
2017-09-11 Front of Package Labelling Maple Leaf Foods Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting To share information related to the dietary guidance and front-of-package nutrition labelling initiatives Assistant Deputy Minister's Office
  1. Meeting Notes-English-Healthy Eating Strategy-Maple Leaf Foods Update
  2. Meeting Notes-French-Healthy Eating Strategy-Maple Leaf Foods Update
  3. Report - Risk and Reward: Food Safety and North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) 2.0
2017-09-07 Front of Package Labelling Food and Consumer Products of Canada Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting To share information related to the dietary guidance and front-of-package nutrition labelling initiatives Deputy Minister's Office
  1. Meeting-English-Food and Consumer Products of Canada
  2. Meeting-French-Food and Consumer Products of Canada
2017-09-06 Front of Package Labelling Food and Consumer Products of Canada Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting To discuss Health Canada's Stakeholder Engagement Meeting on September 18, 2017 Food Directorate, Bureau of Nutritional Sciences
  1. Meeting Notes-English-Food and Consumer Products Canada
  2. Meeting Notes-French-Food and Consumer Products Canada
2017-08-31 Healthy Eating Strategy Dairy Farmers of Canada Stakeholder-initiated meeting To share information related to the front-of-package nutrition labelling, Canada's Food Guide, and marketing to kids initiatives. Assistant Deputy Minister's Office
  1. Meeting-English-Healthy Eating Strategy-Dairy Farmers of Canada
  2. Meeting-French-Healthy Eating Strategy-Dairy Farmers of Canada
  3. Presentation-Dairy Farmers of Canada
2017-08-29 Front of Package Labelling Nestle Canada Stakeholder-Initiated Correspondence To share translated consumer insight research from Chile Food Directorate, Bureau of Nutritional Sciences
  1. Email-Nestle Canada
2017-08-24 Healthy Eating Strategy Ferrero Canada Limited Stakeholder-initiated meeting To highlight efforts by Ferrero Canada Limited related to health eating initiatives. Deputy Minister's Office
  1. Meeting-English-Ferrero Canada Limited-Healthy Eating Strategy Update
  2. Meeting-French-Ferrero Canada Limited-Healthy Eating Strategy Update
  3. Email-Ferrero Canada Limited-Assistant Deputy Minister
  4. Email-Ferrero Canada-Deputy Minister
2017-08-23 Healthy Eating Strategy Mars Canada Stakeholder-initiated meeting To share information related to the front-of-package nutrition labelling and marketing to kids. Assistant Deputy Minister's Office
  1. Meeting-English-Front of Package Labelling-Mars Update
  2. Meeting-French-Front of Package Labelling-Mars Update
2017-08-11 Front of Package Labelling Coalition Poids Stakeholder-Initiated Correspondence To express support and further discuss the front-of-package labelling initiative. Food Directorate, Director General's Office
  1. Letter-Coalition Poids
  2. Letter-Reply from Coalition Poids
2017-08-11 Front of Package Labelling Nestle Canada Stakeholder-Initiated Correspondence To share information on the front-of-package pre-consultation Technical Document Food Directorate, Bureau of Nutritional Sciences
  1. Email-Nestle Canada
2017-08-10 Healthy Eating Strategy Heart and Stroke Foundation Health-Canada Initiated Meeting To share information related to the Healthy Eating Strategy Assistant Deputy Minister's Office
  1. Meeting Notes-English-Heart and Stroke Foundation
  2. Meeting Notes-French-Heart and Stroke Foundation
2017-08-09 Healthy Eating Strategy Health and Industry Stakeholders Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting To share information related to the Healthy Eating Strategy Office of Nutrition Policy and Promotion, Director General's Office
  1. Meeting Notes-English-Prince Edward Island-Agriculture and Agrifood Canada Food Policy for Canada
  2. Meeting-French-Prince Edward Island-Agriculture and Agrifood Canada Food Policy for Canada
  3. Presentation-English-Prince Edward Island-Agriculture and Agrifood Canada Food Policy for Canada
  4. Presentation-French-Prince Edward Island-Agriculture and Agrifood Canada Food Policy for Canada
2017-07-31 Healthy Eating Strategy Jamie Oliver Foundation Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting To share information related to the Healthy Eating Strategy Health Canada, Assistant Deputy Minister's Office
  1. Meeting Notes-English-Jamie Oliver Foundation
  2. Meeting Notes-French-Jamie Oliver Foundation
2017-07-26 Trans Fat Heart & Stroke Foundation Stakeholder-Initiated Correspondence To share a publication related to the Healthy Eating Strategy Office of Nutrition Policy and Promotion, Director General's Office
  1. Email-Heart & Stroke Foundation
  2. Article-Dietary Fats and Cardiovascular Disease
2017-07-20 Front of Package Labelling Nestle Canada Inc. Stakeholder-Initiated Correspondence Request for information on front of package database Food Directorate, Bureau of Nutritional Sciences
  1. Email-Nestle Canada Inc.
  2. Email-Health Canada Response
  3. Document-Food Consumption Database/Food List
  4. Document-Health Canada Consultation 2016
2017-07-20 Healthy Eating Strategy Dietitians of Canada Health-Canada Initiated Meeting To share information related to the Healthy Eating Strategy Health Canada, Deputy Minister's Office
  1. Meeting Notes-English-Dietitians of Canada
  2. Meeting Notes-French-Dietitians of Canada
  3. Email-Dietitians of Canada-Front of Package Labelling Consumer Research
2017-07-14 Front of Package Labelling Food & Consumer Products of Canada Stakeholder-Initiated Correspondence To discuss exemption of Division 24 products from front-of-package labelling Food Directorate, Bureau of Nutritional Sciences
  1. Email-Food & Consumer Products of Canada
  2. Letter-Food & Consumer Products of Canada
  3. Email-Health Canada Response to Food & Consumer Products of Canada
2017-07-13 Front of Package Labelling Nova Scotia Public Health Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting To provide an update on the Healthy Eating Strategy initiatives Food Directorate, Bureau of Policy, Intergovernmental and International Affairs
  1. Meeting Notes-English-Nova Scotia Public Health
  2. Meeting Notes-French-Nova Scotia Public Health
  3. Presentation-English-Nutrition Labelling-Nova Scotia Public Health
  4. Presentation-French-Nutrition Labelling-Nova Scotia Public Health
2017-07-13 Front of Package Labelling Unilever Canada Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting To discuss options for front of package labelling for stakeholders Food Directorate, Bureau of Nutritional Sciences
  1. Email-Meeting Request-Unilever
  2. Meeting Notes-English-Unilever
  3. Meeting Notes-French-Unilever
  4. Presentation-English-Unilever
  5. Email-Follow up-Unilever
2017-07-13 Front of Package Labelling Retail Council of Canada Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting To discuss enhanced Front of Package labelling Health Canada, Deputy Minister's Office
  1. Meeting Notes-English-Retail Council of Canada
  2. Meeting Notes-French-Retail Council of Canada
2017-07-10 Healthy Eating Strategy Coalition Poids Health-Canada Initiated Meeting To share information related to the Healthy Eating Strategy Health Canada, Assistant Deputy Minister's Office
  1. Meeting Notes-English-Coalition Poids
  2. Meeting Notes-French-Coalition Poids
2017-07-01 Front of Package Labelling Maple Leaf Foods Inc. Stakeholder-Initiated Correspondence To discuss an opportunity for Health Canada to develop/host a "stakeholder forum" or an "expert panel" on Healthy Eating Strategy initiatives Food Directorate, Bureau of Nutritional Sciences
  1. Email-Maple Leaf Foods Inc.
  2. Letter-Maple Leaf Foods Inc.
  3. Letter-HC Response-Maple Leaf Foods Inc.
2017-06-28 Healthy Eating Strategy Alberta Health Stakeholders Health Canada-Initiated Meeting To foster mutual understanding of priorities, promote networking and explore future collaborative opportunities Food Directorate, Bureau of Nutritional Sciences and Office of Nutrition Policy and Promotion, Director General's Office
  1. Meeting Notes-English-Canadian Public Health Association
  2. Meeting Notes-French-Canadian Public Health Association
  3. Presentation-English-Alberta Health Stakeholders
  4. Presentation-French-Alberta Health Stakeholders
  5. Agenda-English-Alberta Health Stakeholders
  6. Agenda-French-Alberta Health Stakeholders
2017-06-21 Canada Food Guide Manitoba Regional Health Stakeholders Health Canada-Initiated Meeting To provide an update on Canada's Food Guide and provide an overview of stakeholder engagement activities and address questions from stakeholders Office of Nutrition Policy and Promotion, Policy and Programs Division
  1. Meeting Notes-English-Manitoba-Canada Food Guide
  2. Meeting Notes-French-Manitoba-Canada Food Guide
  3. Presentation-English-Manitoba-Canada Food Guide
  4. Presentation-French-Manitoba-Canada Food Guide
2017-06-14 Healthy Eating Strategy Dairy Farmers of Canada Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting To share the Dairy of Farmers of Canada's concerns related to Health Canada's proposed front-of-package nutrition labelling initiative. Food Directorate, Bureau of Nutritional Sciences
  1. Meeting Notes-English-Dairy Farmers of Canada
  2. Meeting Notes-French-Dairy Farmers of Canada
  3. Overview-Dairy Sector-Dairy Farmers of Canada
2017-06-13 Healthy Eating Strategy British Columbia Food Forum Health Canada-Initiated Meeting To provide stakeholders with an information update on key initiatives and activities under the Healthy Eating Strategy Food Directorate, Bureau of Policy, Intergovernmental and International Affairs
  1. Meeting Notes-English-British Columbia Food Forum
  2. Meeting Notes-French-British Columbia Food Forum
  3. Presentation-English-Front of Package Update
  4. Presentation-French-Front of Package Update
  5. Presentation-English-Canada Food Guide & Marketing to Kids Update
  6. Presentation-French-Canada Food Guide & Marketing to Kids Update
2017-06-12 Front of Package Labelling Canadian Beverage Association Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting To discuss Health Canada's Front of Pack (FOP) labelling approach and consideration of other options. Food Directorate, Director General's
  1. Meeting Notes-English-Canadian Beverage Association
  2. Meeting Notes-French-Canadian Beverage Association
2017-06-09 Canada Food Guide Dietitians of Canada Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting To seek participant input and discuss the proposed approach to transforming Canada's Food Guide Office of Nutrition Policy and Promotion, Policy and Programs Division
  1. Meeting Notes-English-Conference workshop
  2. Meeting Notes-French-Conference Workshop
  3. Presentation-English-Conference Workshop
  4. Presentation-French-Conference Workshop
2017-06-08 Healthy Eating Strategy Health Stakeholders Health Canada-Initiated Meeting To share plans and awareness for upcoming consultations on Canada's Food Guide and Marketing to Kids Office of Nutrition Policy and Promotion, Director General's
  1. Meeting Notes-English-Consultation Pre-Launch
  2. Meeting Notes-French-Consultation Pre-Launch
  3. Presentation-English-Consultation Pre-Launch
  4. Presentation-French-Consultation Pre-Launch
  5. Policy Paper-English-Canada Food Guide
  6. Policy Paper-French-Canada Food Guide
  7. Policy Paper-English-Marketing to Kids
  8. Policy Paper-French-Marketing to Kids
  9. Agenda-English-Consultation Pre-Launch
  10. Agenda-French-Consultation Pre-Launch
2017-06-07-10 Healthy Eating Strategy Dietitians of Canada Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting To provide stakeholders with an information update on key initiatives and activities under the Healthy Eating Strategy Food Directorate, Bureau of Nutritional Sciences and Office of Nutrition Policy and Promotion, Director General's Office and FNIHB
  1. Presentation-English-Dietitians of Canada
  2. Presentation-French-Dietitians of Canada
  3. Meeting Notes-English-Dietitians of Canada
  4. Meeting Notes-French-Dietitians of Canada
2017-06-07 Canada Food Guide Newfoundland Regional Public Health Nutritionists Health Canada-Initiated Meeting To provide an opportunity for stakeholders to share their expertise and experience in implementing and communicating dietary guidance Office of Nutrition Policy and Promotion, Policy and Programs Division
  1. Meeting Notes-English-Newfoundland Regional Public Health Nutritionists-Canada Food Guide
  2. Meeting Notes-French-Newfoundland Regional Public Health Nutritionists-Canada Food Guide
  3. Presentation-English-Newfoundland Regional Public Health Nutritionists-Canada Food Guide
  4. Presentation-French-Newfoundland Regional Public Health Nutritionists-Canada Food Guide
2017-06-06 Healthy Eating Strategy Canadian Public Health Association Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting To provide stakeholders with an information update on key initiatives and activities under the Healthy Eating Strategy Food Directorate, Bureau of Nutritional Sciences and Office of Nutrition Policy and Promotion, Director General's Office
  1. Presentation-English-Canadian Public Health Association
  2. Presentation-French-Canadian Public Health Association
  3. Meeting Notes-English-Canadian Public Health Association
  4. Meeting Notes-French-Canadian Public Health Association
2017-06-05 Healthy Eating Strategy Jamie Oliver Food Foundation Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting To provide stakeholders with an information update on key initiatives and activities under the Healthy Eating Strategy Assistant Deputy Minister's Office
  1. Meeting Notes-English -Jamie Oliver Food Foundation
  2. Meeting Notes-French -Jamie Oliver Food Foundation
2017-06-05 Healthy Eating Strategy Canadian Federation of Agriculture Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting To present as part of a panel at the Canadian Federation of Agriculture Food Policy Meeting on the Health Eating Strategy Office of Nutrition Policy and Promotion, Director General's
  1. Meeting Notes-English-Canadian Federation of Agriculture
  2. Meeting Notes-French-Canadian Federation of Agriculture
  3. Presentation-English-Canadian Federation of Agriculture
  4. Presentation-French-Canadian Federation of Agriculture
2017-05-28 Healthy Eating Strategy Nestle Canada Stakeholder-Initiated Correspondence To discuss Health Canada's approach to Health Eating Strategy with regards to Front of Package decisions. Food Directorate, Bureau of Nutritional Sciences
  1. Email-English-Nestle Canada
2017-05-26 Front of Package Labelling Food Processing Industry Roundtable Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting To discuss potential impacts and mitigation options regarding Food Labelling Modernisation regulatory initiatives. Associate Deputy Minister's Office
  1. Meeting Notes-English-Food Processing Industry Roundtable
  2. Meeting Notes-French-Food Processing Industry Roundtable
  3. Agenda-English-Food Processing Industry Roundtable
  4. Agenda-French-Food Processing Industry Roundtable
  5. Presentation-English-Food Processing Industry Roundtable
  6. List of Participants-English-Food Processing Industry Roundtable
  7. List of Participants-French-Food Processing Industry Roundtable
  8. Table-Food Labelling Regulatory Initiatives
2017-05-25-27 Healthy Eating Strategy Canadian Nutrition Society Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting To provide an update on the revision of Canada's Food Guide and on the restriction of the commercial Marketing to Children Office of Nutrition Policy and Promotion, Director General's Office
  1. Meeting Notes-English-Canadian Nutrition Society
  2. Meeting Notes-French-Canadian Nutrition Society
  3. Presentation-English-Canadian Nutrition Society
  4. Presentation-French-Canadian Nutrition Society
2017-05-24-25 Healthy Eating Strategy Canadian Nutrition Society Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting To share updates about Health Canada's Healthy Eating Strategy with members of the Canadian Nutrition Society Food Directorate, Bureau of Nutritional Sciences and Office of Nutrition Policy and Promotion
  1. Presentation-English-Canadian Nutrition Society Healthy Eating Strategy Update
  2. Presentation-French-Canadian Nutrition Society Healthy Eating Strategy Update
  3. Meeting Notes-English-Canadian Nutrition Society-Healthy Eating Strategy Update
  4. Meeting Notes-French-Canadian Nutrition Society-Healthy Eating Strategy Update
  5. Presentation-English-Canadian Nutrition Society-Food For Health Workshop
  6. Presentation-French-Canadian Nutrition Society-Food For Health Workshop
  7. Meeting Notes-English-Canadian Nutrition Society-Food For Health Workshop
  8. Meeting Notes-French-Canadian Nutrition Society-Food For Health Workshop
2017-05-24 Healthy Eating Strategy Heart and Stroke Foundation Health Canada-Initiated Meeting To discuss the priorities and orientations of each participant, and Health Canada's Healthy Eating Strategy initiatives. Deputy Minister's Office
  1. Meeting Notes-English-Health Stakeholders (Québec)
  2. Meeting Notes-French-Health Stakeholders (Québec)
2017-05-24 Healthy Eating Strategy Quebec Public Health Stakeholders Health Canada-Initiated Meeting To provide an update of Health Canada's (HC) Healthy Eating Strategy (HES) to attendees. Food Directorate, Bureau of Policy, Intergovernmental and International Affairs
  1. Meeting Notes-English-Quebec Public Health Stakeholders
  2. Meeting Notes-French-Quebec Public Health Stakeholders
  3. Presentation-English-Quebec Public Health Stakeholders
  4. Presentation-French-Quebec Public Health Stakeholders
2017-05-15 Front of Package Labelling Food and Consumer Products Canada Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting To discuss front-of-package labelling, including some questions around cost. Food Directorate, Bureau of Nutritional Sciences
  1. Meeting Notes-English-Food and Consumer Products Canada
  2. Meeting Notes-French-Food and Consumer Products Canada
  3. Costing Template-Food and Consumer Products Canada
  4. Email-Food and Consumer Products Canada
2017-05-11 Front of Package Labelling Dietitians of Canada Stakeholder-Initiated Correspondence To share support and concerns regarding the FOP initiative and consultation Food Directorate, Bureau of Nutritional Sciences
  1. Letter-Incoming-Dietitians of Canada
  2. Letter-Health Canada Response-Dietitians of Canada
  3. Email- Health Canada to Dietitians of Canada
2017-05-09 Healthy Eating Strategy Natural Health Products Research Society of Canada (NHPRS) Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting To present an overview of supplemented foods and the Healthy Eating Strategy Food Directorate, Bureau of Nutritional Sciences
  1. Presentation-English-Natural Health Products Research Society of Canada
  2. Presentation-French-Natural Health Products Research Society of Canada
  3. Meeting Notes-English-Natural Health Products Research Society of Canada
  4. Meeting Notes-French-Natural Health Products Research Society of Canada
2017-05-08 Healthy Eating Strategy British Columbia Health Organizations Health Canada-Initiated Meeting To provide an opportunity for follow-up discussion as a continuation of the first forum held on April 7, 2017 Food Directorate, Bureau of Policy, Intergovernmental and International Affairs
  1. Meeting Notes-English-British Columbia Food Forum
  2. Meeting Notes-French-British Columbia Food Forum
  3. Presentation-English-Healthy Eating Strategy
  4. Presentation-French-Healthy Eating Strategy
2017-05-05 Canada Food Guide Canadian Beverage Association Stakeholder-Initiated Correspondence To share information and an infographic about fruit juices and role in Canada's Food Guide Food Directorate, Bureau of Nutritional Sciences
  1. Letter-Incoming from Canadian Beverage Assocation
  2. Letter-Health Canada Reply to Canadian Beverage Association
  3. Email-Health Canada to Canadian Beverage Association
2017-05-04 Canada Food Guide Ontario Society of Nutrition Professionals in Public Health Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting To provide an update on the plans for and progress of the revision of Canada's Food Guide. Office of Nutrition Policy and Promotion, Director General's Office
  1. Meeting Notes-English-Ontario Society of Nutrition Professionals in Public Health
  2. Meeting Notes-French-Ontario Society of Nutrition Professionals in Public Health
  3. Presentation-English-Ontario Society of Nutriton Professionals in Public Health
  4. Presentation-French-Ontario Society of Nutrition Professionals in Public Health
2017-05-04 Front of Package Labelling Saskatchewan Agri-Value Workshop Members Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting "To provide an overview of labelling modernization initiatives at Health Canada and Canadian Food Inspection Agency and to provide an overview of Health Canada's healthy eating initiatives." Food Directorate, Director General's Office
  1. Meeting Notes-English-Saskatchewan Agri-Value Workshop Members
  2. Meeting Notes-French-Saskatchewan Agri-Value Workshop Members
  3. Presentation-English-Saskatchewan Agri-Value Workshop Members
  4. Presentation-French-Saskatchewan Agri-Value Workshop Members
2017-04-30 Trans Fat American Oil Chemists Society (AOCS) Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting To provide an update on Health Canada's current and proposed work on partially hydrogenated oils Bureau of Nutritional Sciences
  1. Presentation-English-American Oil Chemists Society (AOCS)
  2. Presentation-French-American Oil Chemists Society (AOCS)
  3. Meeting Notes-English-American Oil Chemists Society (AOCS)- May 1, 2017
  4. Meeting Notes-French-American Oil Chemists Society (AOCS)- May 1, 2017
2017-04-29 Healthy Eating Strategy Canadian Obesity Summit Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting To share current understanding of the causes, complications, treatments and prevention approaches for obesity. Director General's Office
  1. Presentation-English-Canadian Obesity Summit
  2. Presentation-French-Canadian Obesity Summit
  3. Presentation-English-Canadian Obesity Summit-Food Guide Revision
  4. Presentation-French-Canadian Obesity Summit-Food Guide Revision
  5. Presentation-English-Canadian Obesity Summit-Simple, Complicated or Complex
  6. Presentation-French-Canadian Obesity Summit-Simple, Complicated or Complex
  7. Meeting Notes-English-Canadian Obesity Summit
  8. Meeting Notes-French-Canadian Obesity Summit
2017-04-28 Healthy Eating Strategy Jamie Oliver Food Foundation Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting To provide an update on Health Canada's Healthy Eating Strategy Assistant Deputy Minister's Office
  1. Meeting Notes-English-Jamie Oliver Food Foundation
  2. Meeting Notes-French-Jamie Oliver Food Foundation
2017-04-27 Healthy Eating Strategy Canadian Snack Food Association Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting To provide an update on Healthy Eating Strategy initiatives Bureau of Nutritional Sciences
  1. Presentation-English-Canadian Snack Food Association (CSFA)
  2. Presentation-French-Canadian Snack Food Association (CSFA)
  3. Meeting Notes-English-Canadian Snack Food Association (CSFA)
  4. Meeting Notes-French-Canadian Snack Food Association (CSFA)
2017-04-25 Healthy Eating Strategy Grocers and Manufacturers Collaborative Stakeholder-Initiated Correspondence To thank Minister for attending multi-stakeholder forum on healthy eating. Bureau of Nutritional Sciences
  1. Letter-Grocers and Manufacturers Collaborative (GMC)
  2. Letter-Director General Direct Reply-Grocers and Manufacturers Collaborative (GMC)
  3. Email-Food Directorate Outgoing Letter to Grocers and Manufacturers Collaborative (GMC)
2017-04-22-26 Canada Food Guide Experimental Biology Annual Conference Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting To share components of Health Canada's draft modelling methodology to inform food pattern modelling methodology Director General's Office
  1. Meeting Notes-English-Experimental Biology Annual Conference
  2. Meeting Notes-French-Experimental Biology Annual Conference
  3. Presentation-English-Experimental Biology Annual Conference
  4. Presentation-French-Experimental Biology Annual Conference
2017-04-20 Front of Package Labelling GS1 - Grocery Sector Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting To discuss front of package labelling and Healthy Eating Strategy with the GS1 Grocery Sector Bureau of Nutritional Sciences
  1. Meeting Notes-English-GS1 Grocery Sector
  2. Meeting Notes-French-GS1 Grocery Sector
  3. Email-GS1-Part 1
  4. Email-GS1-Part 2
  5. Email-GS1-Part 3
  6. Presentation-English-GS1 Grocery Sector Meeting 2
  7. Presentation-French-GS1 Grocery Section Meeting 2
2017-04-20 Healthy Eating Strategy Canadian Oral Health Roundtable Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting To provide an update on Health Canada's Healthy Eating Strategy Director General's Office
  1. Presentation-English-Canadian Oral Health Roundtable Meeting
  2. Presentation-French-Canadian Oral Health Roundtable Meeting
  3. Meeting Notes-English-Canadian Oral Health Roundtable Meeting
  4. Meeting Notes-French-Canadian Oral Health Roundtable Meeting
  5. List of Invitees-English-Canadian Oral Health Roundtable Meeting
2017-04-13 Healthy Eating Strategy Canadian Food Funder Collaborative Stakeholder-Initiated Correspondence To congratulate Health Canada on the Healthy Eating Strategy and provide officials with a copy of their report on Sustainable Food Systems. Bureau of Nutritional Sciences
  1. Letter-Canadian Food Funder Collaborative
  2. Letter-Response to Canadian Food Funder Collaborative
  3. Email-Response to Canadian Food Funder Collaborative
  4. Letter-Canadian Food Funder Collaborative Attachment
  5. Email-Cover Email to Minister Phipott-Canadian Food Funder Collaborative
2017-04-07 Healthy Eating Strategy BC Health Organizations Health Canada-Initiated Meeting To provide an information update on Food Directorate, key initiatives and activities, including the Healthy Eating Strategy Bureau of Policy, Intergovernmental and International Affairs
  1. Meeting Notes-English-British Columbia Region Food Forum
  2. Meeting Notes-French-British Columbia Region Food Forum
  3. Presentation-English-Healthy Eating Strategy-British Columbia Region Food Forum
  4. Presentation-French-Healthy Eating Strategy-British Columbia Region Food Forum
  5. Presentation-English-Healthy Eating Strategy-Food Directorate-British Columbia Region Food Forum #2
  6. Presentation-French-Healthy Eating Strategy-Food Directorate-British Columbia Region Food Forum #2
2017-04-06 Front of Package Labelling GS1 - Foodservice Board Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting To discuss front of package labelling and healthy eating strategy with the GS1 Foodservice Board Bureau of Nutritional Sciences
  1. Presentation-English-GS1 Meeting
  2. Presentation-French-GS1 Meeting
  3. Meeting Notes-English-GS1 Meeting
  4. Meeting Notes-French-GS1 Meeting
2017-04-06 Healthy Eating Strategy Canadian Health Food Association West Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting To provide an update about supplemented foods and provide an overview of Healthy Eating Strategy to Canadian Health Food Association (CHFA) West stakeholders Bureau of Nutritional Sciences
  1. Presentation-English-Canadian Health Food Association (CHFA) West
  2. Presentation-French-Canadian Health Food Association (CHFA) West
  3. Meeting Notes-English-Canadian Health Food Association (CHFA) West
  4. Meeting Notes-French-Canadian Health Food Association (CHFA) West
2017-04-04 Front of Package Labelling Unilever Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting To discuss front of package labelling and Sodium with Unilever representatives Bureau of Nutritional Sciences
  1. Meeting Notes-English-Unilever
  2. Meeting Notes-French-Unilever
2017-04-04 Front of Package Labelling Canadian Association of Importers and Exporters Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting To provide an overview of labelling modernization initiatives at HC and
CFIA and to provide an overview of Health Canada's healthy eating initiatives.
Director General's Office
  1. Meeting Notes-English-Canadian Association of Importers and Exporters
  2. Meeting Notes-French- Canadian Association of Importers and Exporters
  3. Presentation-English-IE Canada
  4. Presentation-French-IE Canada
2017-03-31 Nutrition Labelling Consumer Organizations Health Canada-Initiated Meeting To provide an update on Healthy Eating Strategy initiatives, in particular nutrition labelling Bureau of Nutritional Sciences
  1. Presentation-English-Consumer Groups
  2. Presentation-French-Consumer Groups
  3. Meeting Notes-English-Consumer Groups
  4. Meeting Notes-French-Consumers Groups
2017-03-31 Canada Food Guide Coalition Poids Health Canada-Initiated Meeting To provide an update on Canada's Food Guide revision Office of Nutrition Policy and Promotion, Director General's Office
  1. Presentation-English-Canada's Food Guide Revision Update
  2. Presentation-French-Compte rendu de la révision du Guide alimentaire canadien
  3. Meeting Notes-English-Canada's Food Guide Revision Update
  4. Meeting Notes-French-Canada's Food Guide Revision Update
2017-03-29 Canada Food Guide Ordre professionnel des diététistes du Québec Health Canada-Initiated Meeting To provide an update on Canada's Food Guide revision Office of Nutrition Policy and Promotion, Director General's Office
  1. Presentation-English-Canada's Food Guide Revision Update
  2. Presentation-French-Compte rendu de la révision du Guide alimentaire canadien
  3. Meeting Notes-English-Canada's Food Guide Revision Update
  4. Meeting Notes-French-Canada's Food Guide Revision Update
2017-03-28 Sodium Algonquin College Health Canada-Initiated Meeting To inform the culinary program at Algonquin College of Health Canada's activities on sodium reduction and nutrition. Bureau of Nutritional Sciences
  1. Meeting Notes-English-Algonquin College
  2. Meeting Notes-French-Algonquin College
  3. Email-Algonquin College
  4. Email-Algonquin College Request.pdf
2017-03-28 Front of Package Labelling Dietitians of Canada Health Canada-Initiated Meeting To follow up on the discussion that occurred with a group of health stakeholders and experts Bureau of Nutritional Sciences
  1. Meeting-Handwritten Notes-Dietitians of Canada
  2. Meeting Notes-English-Dietitians of Canada
  3. Meeting Notes-French-Dietitians of Canada
  4. Email-Dietitians of Canada-Healthy Eating Strategy
2017-03-28 Canada Food Guide Canadian Hypertension Advisory Committee Health Canada-Initiated Meeting To provide an update on Canada's Food Guide revision Office of Nutrition Policy and Promotion, Director General's Office
  1. Presentation-English-Canada's Food Guide Revision Update
  2. Presentation-French-Compte rendu de la révision du Guide alimentaire canadien
  3. Meeting Notes-English-Canada's Food Guide Revision Update
  4. Meeting Notes-French-Canada's Food Guide Revision Update
2017-03-27 Canada Food Guide Chronic Disease Prevention Alliance of Canada Health Canada-Initiated Meeting To provide an update on Canada's Food Guide revision Office of Nutrition Policy and Promotion, Director General's Office
  1. Presentation-English-Canada's Food Guide Revision Update
  2. Presentation-French-Compte rendu de la révision du Guide alimentaire canadien
  3. Meeting Notes-English-Canada's Food Guide Revision Update
  4. Meeting Notes-French-Canada's Food Guide Revision Update
2017-03-24 Canada Food Guide Bill Jeffery Health Canada-Initiated Meeting To provide an update on Canada's Food Guide revision Office of Nutrition Policy and Promotion, Director General's Office
  1. Presentation-English-Canada's Food Guide Revision Update
  2. Presentation-French-Compte rendu de la révision du Guide alimentaire canadien
  3. Meeting Notes-English-Canada's Food Guide Revision Update
  4. Meeting Notes-French-Canada's Food Guide Revision Update
2017-03-23 Canada Food Guide Childhood Obesity Foundation Health Canada-Initiated Meeting To provide an update on Canada's Food Guide revision Office of Nutrition Policy and Promotion, Director General's Office
  1. Presentation-English-Canada's Food Guide Revision Update
  2. Presentation-French-Compte rendu de la révision du Guide alimentaire canadien
  3. Meeting Notes-English-Canada's Food Guide Revision Update
  4. Meeting Notes-French-Canada's Food Guide Revision Update
2017-03-20 Canada Food Guide Diabetes Canada Health Canada-Initiated Meeting To provide an update on Canada's Food Guide revision Office of Nutrition Policy and Promotion, Director General's Office
  1. Presentation-English-Canada's Food Guide Revision Update
  2. Presentation-French-Compte rendu de la révision du Guide alimentaire canadien
  3. Meeting Notes-English-Canada's Food Guide Revision Update
  4. Meeting Notes-French-Canada's Food Guide Revision Update
2017-03-19 Front of Package Labelling Heart and Stroke Foundation Health Canada-Initiated Meeting To follow up on the discussion that occurred with a group of health stakeholders and experts Bureau of Nutritional Sciences
  1. Meeting-Handwritten Notes-Heart and Stroke Foundation
  2. Meeting Notes-English-Heart and Stroke Foundation
  3. Meeting Notes-French-Heart and Stroke Foundation
2017-03-16 Canada Food Guide Canadian Medical Association Health Canada-Initiated Meeting To provide an update on Canada's Food Guide revision Office of Nutrition Policy and Promotion, Director General's Office
  1. Presentation-English-Canada's Food Guide Revision Update
  2. Presentation-French-Compte rendu de la révision du Guide alimentaire canadien
  3. Meeting Notes-English-Canada's Food Guide Revision Update
  4. Meeting Notes-French-Canada's Food Guide Revision Update
2017-03-14 Canada Food Guide Canadian Cancer Society Health Canada-Initiated Meeting To provide an update on Canada's Food Guide revision Office of Nutrition Policy and Promotion, Director General's Office
  1. Presentation-English-Canada's Food Guide Revision Update
  2. Presentation-French-Compte rendu de la révision du Guide alimentaire canadien
  3. Meeting Notes-English-Canada's Food Guide Revision Update
  4. Meeting Notes-French-Canada's Food Guide Revision Update
2017-03-13 Canada Food Guide Canadian Public Health Association Health Canada-Initiated Meeting To provide an update on Canada's Food Guide revision Office of Nutrition Policy and Promotion, Director General's Office
  1. Presentation-English-Canada's Food Guide Revision Update
  2. Presentation-French-Compte rendu de la révision du Guide alimentaire canadien
  3. Meeting Notes-English-Canada's Food Guide Revision Update
  4. Meeting Notes-French-Canada's Food Guide Revision Update
2017-03-13 Canada Food Guide Food Secure Canada Health Canada-Initiated Meeting To provide an update on Canada's Food Guide revision Office of Nutrition Policy and Promotion, Director General's Office
  1. Presentation-English-Canada's Food Guide Revision Update
  2. Presentation-French-Compte rendu de la révision du Guide alimentaire canadien
  3. Meeting Notes-English-Canada's Food Guide Revision Update
  4. Meeting Notes-French-Canada's Food Guide Revision Update
2017-03-09 Nutrition Labelling Dr. Mary Alton Mackey Stakeholder-Initiated Correspondence To provide comments about changes to the nutrition labelling regulations and other HES initiatives Food Directorate, Director General's Office
  1. Letter-Alton Mackey and Associates to Minister
  2. Letter-Email and Response
  3. Letter-Response to Alton Mackey
2017-03-09 Canada Food Guide Heart and Stroke Foundation Health Canada-Initiated Meeting To provide an update on Canada's Food Guide revision Office of Nutrition Policy and Promotion, Director General's Office
  1. Presentation-English-Canada's Food Guide Revision Update
  2. Presentation-French-Compte rendu de la révision du Guide alimentaire canadien
  3. Meeting Notes-English-Canada's Food Guide Revision Update
  4. Meeting Notes-French-Canada's Food Guide Revision Update
2017-03-09 Front of Package Labelling Food and Consumer Products Canada and Canadian Federation of Agriculture Stakeholder-Initiated Correspondence To provide comments about the Front of Package labelling initiative Deputy Minister's Office
  1. Letter-Minister MacAulay, Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
2017-03-08 Front of Package Labelling Loblaws Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting To follow up on the February 23, 2017 discussion with health stakeholders and experts Bureau of Nutritional Sciences
  1. Meeting Notes-English-Loblaws
  2. Meeting Notes-French-Loblaws
  3. Emails-Loblaws
  4. Emails-Loblaws part 2
  5. Emails-Loblaws part 3
  6. Emails-Follow up to Loblaw Meeting
  7. Brochure-Loblaws
  8. Agenda-Loblaws
2017-03-03 Canada Food Guide Dietitians of Canada Health Canada-Initiated Meeting To provide an update on Canada's Food Guide revision Office of Nutrition Policy and Promotion, Director General's Office
  1. Presentation-English-Canada's Food Guide Revision Update
  2. Presentation-French-Compte rendu de la révision du Guide alimentaire canadien
  3. Meeting Notes-English-Canada's Food Guide Revision Update
  4. Meeting Notes-French-Canada's Food Guide Revision Update
2017-03-01 Healthy Eating Strategy Joint Food Supply Chain Health Canada-Initiated Meeting To provide industry with an overview and progress on various food-related initiatives within the Health Portfolio Bureau of Policy, Intergovernmental and International Affairs
  1. Presentation-English-Healthy Eating Strategy-Food Supply Chain Meeting
  2. Presentation-French-Healthy Eating Strategy-Food Supply Chain Meeting
  3. Meeting Notes-English-Healthy Eating Strategy-Food Supply Chain Meeting
  4. Meeting Notes-French-Healthy Eating Strategy-Food Supply Chain Meeting
2017-02-28 Canada Food Guide Canadian Beverage Association Stakeholder-Initiated Correspondence To provide comments/infographic about role of fruit juices in the Canadian diet. Assistant Deputy Minister's Office
  1. Letter-Canadian Beverage Foundation
  2. Infographic-Canadian Beverage Association-Fruits and Vegetable Facts
  3. Letter-Canadian Beverage Association to Associate Deputy Minister
  4. Letter-Canadian Beverage Association to Associate Deputy Minister
  5. Letter-Response to Canadian Beverage Association
2017-02-24 Nutrition Labelling Restaurants Canada Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting Provide members of Restaurants Canada with an overview of Healthy Eating-related initiatives Director General's Office
  1. Meeting Notes-English-Restaurants Canada
  2. Meeting Notes-French-Restaurants Canada
  3. Presentation-English-Healthy Eating Strategy
  4. Presentation-French-Healthy Eating Strategy Deck
2017-02-23 Front of Package Labelling Dietitians of Canada Health Canada-Initiated Meeting To provide more information on Health Canada's rationale for selecting the proposed FOP labelling approach Bureau of Nutritional Sciences
  1. Presentation-Dietitians of Canada
  2. Email-Dietitians of Canada-Health Canada Response-Front of Package Labelling
  3. Email-Dietitians of Canada-Health Canada Response-Front of Package Labelling
  4. Email-Dietitians of Canada-Front of Package Labelling
  5. Email-Dietitians of Canada-Front of Package Labelling
  6. Technical Discussion-Dietitians of Canada-Front of Package Labelling
  7. Meeting-Handwritten Notes-Dietitians of Canada-Front of Package Labelling
  8. Meeting Notes-English-Dietitians of Canada-Front of Package Labelling
  9. Meeting Notes-French-Dietitians of Canada-Front of Package Labelling
2017-02-20 Healthy Eating Strategy Food Secure Canada Stakeholder-Initiated Correspondence Discussion of the Healthy Eating Strategy and development of a national food policy Assistant Deputy Minister's Office
  1. Document-Food Secure Canada-Initial Feedback
  2. Letter-Food Secure Canada to Health Canada-Healthy Eating Strategy Follow-Up
  3. Letter-Health Canada Response to Food Secure Canada
2017-02-17 Front of Package Labelling Retail Council of Canada (RCC) Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting To discuss alternative to Health Canada's proposed front of package (FOP) labelling approach Bureau of Nutritional Sciences
  1. Email-Retail Council of Canada
  2. Mockup-Nutrition Facts Table-Retail Council of Canada
  3. Meeting-Handwritten Notes-Retail Council of Canada
  4. Meeting-English-Retail Council of Canada
  5. Meeting-French-Retail Council of Canada
2017-02-14 Front of Package Labelling Food and Consumer Products Canada (FCPC) Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting For Food and Consumer Products of Canada (FCPC) to discuss and provide additional feedback on the proposed FOP labelling approach. Director General's Office
  1. Meeting-Handwritten Notes-Food and Consumer Products Canada
  2. Meeting Notes-English-Food and Consumer Products Canada
  3. Meeting Notes-French-Food and Consumer Products Canada
  4. Presentation-English-Food and Consumer Products Canada
2017-02-10 Healthy Eating Strategy Jamie Oliver Food Foundation Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting To provide an update on Health Canada's Healthy Eating Strategy Assistant Deputy Minister's Office
  1. Consultation Document-English-Front of Package Labelling-Jamie Oliver Food Foundation
  2. Consultation Document-French-Front of Package Labelling-Jamie Oliver Food Foundation
  3. Meeting Notes-English-Jamie Oliver Food Foundation
  4. Meeting Notes-French-Jamie Oliver Food Foundation
2017-02-03 Front of Package National Initiatives for Eating Disorders (NIED) Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting To discuss Health Canada's new food lavelling proposal and share information relating to eating disorders Bureau of Nutritional Sciences
  1. Meeting-Handwritten Notes-National Initiatives for Eating Disorders
  2. Meeting Notes-English-National Initiatives for Eating Disorders
  3. Meeting Notes-French-National Initiatives for Eating Disorders
  4. Email-Health Canada Response-National Initiatives for Eating Disorders
  5. Email-Health Canada Response-National Initiatives for Eating Disorders
  6. Email-Health Canada Response-National Initiatives for Eating Disorders
  7. Document-Information on Health Canada Nutritional Standards-National Initiatives for Eating Disorders
  8. Article-Evaluation of a Voluntary Menu Labelling Program in Full-Service Restaurants
2017-02-01 Front of Pack Labelling and other food related concerns Maple Leaf Foods Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting To disccuss Health Canada's Front of Package Proposal and discussion on the International Agency for Research on Cancer. Deputy Minister's Office
  1. Meeting Notes-Handwritten Notes-Maple Leaf Foods
  2. Meeting Notes-English-Maple Leaf Foods
  3. Meeting Notes-French-Maple Leaf Foods
  4. Email-Maple Leaf Foods to Deputy Minister
2017-01-31 Healthy Eating Strategy British Columbia Food Protection Association Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting To provide an information update on Health Canada's initiatives on Nutrition Labelling and Healthy Eating Strategy. Food Directorate
  1. Meeting Notes-British Columbia Food Protection Association
  2. Notes de rencontre-British Columbia Food Protection Association
  3. Presentation-English-Healthy Eating Strategy Overview British Columbia Food Protection Association
  4. Presentation-French-Healthy Eating Strategy Overview British Columbia Food Protection Association
2017-01-26 Healthy Eating Strategy Canadian Institute of Food Science and Technology Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting To provide an overview of Health Canada's Healthy Eating Strategy/Initiative Food Directorate
  1. Meeting Notes-Canadian Institute of Food Science and Technology
  2. Notes de rencontre-Institut Canadien des Sciences et Technologies des Aliments
  3. Presentation-English-Healthy Eating Strategy Overview Canadian Institute of Food Science and Technology
  4. Presentation-French-Healthy Eating Strategy Overview Canadian Institute of Food Science and Technology
2017-01-25 Marketing to Kids Association for Canadian Advertisers Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting To provide information on the Marketing to Kids policy process. Office of Nutrition Policy and Promotion
  1. Email-HES-M2K Industry Contacts
  2. Meeting Notes-Association of Canadian Advertisers
  3. Notes de rencontre-Association of Canadian Advertisers
2017-01-18 Healthy Eating Strategy Food Secure Canada Health Canada-Initiated Meeting To discuss the priorities and orientations of each participant, and Health Canada's Healthy Eating Strategy initiatives. Assistant Deputy Minister's Office
  1. Meeting Notes-Food Secure Canada
  2. Notes de rencontre-Food Secure Canada
  3. Report-French-Evidence Review For Dietary Guidance
  4. Report-English-Evidence Review for Dietary Guidance
  5. Presentation-English-Healthy Eating Strategy Overview
  6. Presentation-French-Healthy Eating Strategy Overview
  7. Technical Report-French-Evidence Review For Dietary Guidance
  8. Technical Report-English-Evidence Review For Dietary Guidance
  9. Participant List-English-Food Secure Canada
  10. Participant List-French-Food Secure Canada
2017-01-18 Healthy Eating Strategy Health Stakeholders (QC) Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting To discuss the priorities and orientations of each participant, and Health Canada's Healthy Eating Strategy initiatives. Assistant Deputy Minister's Office
  1. Meeting Notes-Intervenants Québécois sur les Aliments
  2. Notes de rencontre-Intervenants Québécois sur les Aliments
  3. Presentation-English-Healthy Eating Strategy
  4. Présentation-French-Healthy Eating Strategy
2017-01-17 Healthy Eating Strategy CFIA/AAFC/HC Workshop
(80 Industry participants)
Health Canada-Initiated Meeting To inform participants on the Healthy Eating Strategy and changes to nutrition labelling regulations. Food Directorate
  1. Presentation-English-Nutrition Labelling-Healthy Eating Strategy
  2. Présentation-Health Canada Canadian Food Inspection Agency Consumer Sessions-Nutrition Labelling
  3. Meeting Notes-Dartmouth, Nova Scotia-Nutrition Labelling
  4. Notes de rencontre-Dartmouth, Nova Scotia-Nutrition Labelling
2017-01-16 Canada Food Guide Chicken Farmers of Canada Stakeholder-Initiated Correspondence To encourage a working relationship with Health Canada when updating the Food Guide. Food Directorate
  1. Letter-Chicken Farmers of Canada
  2. Letter-Response-Health Canada
2017-01-12 Healthy Eating Strategy Mars Canada Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting To provide an overview of Mars Canada, the projects they are working on, and to obtain information on Health Canada's Healthy Eating Strategy initiatives. Food Directorate
  1. Meeting Notes-Mars Canada
  2. Notes de rencontre-Mars Canada
  3. Meeting-Hand Written Notes-Mars Canada
  4. Presentation-English-Health Canada
  5. Présentation-French-Santé Canada
  6. Presentation-English-Mars Canada
  7. Email-Health Canada to Mars Canada
2017-01-09 Healthy Eating Strategy Canadian Beverage Association Health Canada-Initiated Correspondence To respond to questions from the December 1, 2016 meeting with the Canadian Beverage Association Assistant Deputy Minister's Office
  1. Email-Health Canada Email to Canadian Beverage Association
2016-12-21 Healthy Eating Strategy Ocean Spray Cranberries, Inc. Health Canada-Initiated Correspondence To provide acknowledgement of receipt of recently published studies on cranberry products Food Directorate
  1. Letter-English-Ocean Spray Cranberries, Inc.
  2. Letter-French-Ocean Spray Cranberries, Inc.
2016-12-08 Healthy Eating Strategy Canadian Meat Council (CMC) Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting To provide an overview of Health Canada's Healthy Eating Strategy/ Initiative Assistant Deputy Minister's Office
  1. Presentation-English-Canadian Meat Council (CMC)
  2. Presentation-French-Canadian Meat Council (CMC)
  3. Meeting Notes-Canadian Meat Council (CMC)
  4. Notes de rencontre-Conseil des viandes du Canada
  5. Meeting-Handwritten Notes-Canadian Meat Council (CMC)
  6. Letter-Canadian Meat Council (CMC)
  7. Email - Canadian Meet Council (CMC)
2016-12-01 Front of Pack Labelling Canadian Beverage Association (CBA) Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting To explain the voluntary measures beverage producers have taken to help Canadians make informed choices and reduce caloric intake; discussion of current regulatory environment and next steps. Assistant Deputy Minister's Office
  1. Presentation - Canadian Beverage Association
  2. Evidence Review for Dietary Guidance - Technical Report
  3. Meeting Notes-Canadian Beverage Association
  4. Notes de rencontre-Canadian Beverage Association
  5. Meeting- Handwrtitten Notes-Canadian Beverage Association
  6. Email-Follow Up-Associate Deputy Minister-Canadian Beverage-Association-Marketing to Children
  7. Letter-Canadian Beverage Association Marketing to Children
  8. Email-Follow Up-Assistant Deputy Minister-Canadian Beverage Association-Marketing to Children
  9. Email-Canadian Beverage Association-Marketing to Children
2016-11-30 Marketing to Kids Heart & Stroke Foundation Health Canada-Initiated Meeting To provide Health Canada research on Canadian children's exposure to digital marketing Office of Nutrition Policy and Promotion
  1. Meeting Notes-Heart & Stroke Foundation of Canada
  2. Notes de rencontre-Heart & Stroke Foundation
2016-11-29 Healthy Eating Strategy Dairy Regulatory/Technical Committee (DRTC) Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting To provide an overview of the Healthy Eating Strategy initiatives Food Directorate
  1. Presentation-French-Dairy Regulatory/Technical Committee (DRTC)
  2. Presentation-English-Dairy Regulatory/Technical Committee (DRTC)
  3. Meeting Notes-Dairy Regulatory/Technical Committee (DRTC)
  4. Notes de rencontre-Dairy Regulatory/Technical Committee (DRTC)
  5. Meeting-Handwritten Notes-Dairy Regulatory/Technical Committee (DRTC)
2016-11-28 Canada Food Guide Catholic Women's League Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting Discuss revisions of Canada's Food Guide and provide an overview of the Healthy Eating Strategy Office of Nutrition Policy and Promotion
  1. Presentation-Canada's Food Guide Revision
  2. Report-Evidence Review For Dietary Guidanace-Summary of Results and Implications for Canada's Food Guide
  3. Report-Evidence Review for Dietary Guidance Technical Report
2016-11-24 Healthy Eating Strategy Canadian Produce Marketing Association Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting To provide an overview of the Healthy Eating Strategy initiatives Food Directorate
  1. Presentation-French-Canadian Produce Marketing Association
  2. Presentation-English-Canadian Produce Marketing Association
  3. Meeting Notes-Canadian Produce Marketing Association
  4. Notes de rencontre-Canadian Produce Marketing Association
  5. Meeting-Handwritten Notes-Canadian Produce Marketing Association
2016-11-23 Healthy Eating Strategy Baking Association of Canada Stakeholder-Initiated Correspondence To provide general comments regarding the Healthy Eating Strategy and related efforts of the Baking Association Food Directorate
  1. Letter-Baking Association of Canada
  2. Letter-Response-Baking Association of Canada
2016-11-23 Healthy Eating Strategy 4 The Luv of Food Stakeholder-Initiated Correspondence To provide general comments regarding the Healthy Eating Strategy and information about their tool 4 the luv of food's Balance Point Food Directorate
  1. Letter-4 The Luv of Food
  2. Letter-Response-4 The Luv of Food
2016-11-22 Marketing to Kids Coalition Poids Stakeholder-Initiated Correspondence To provide supporting documents expressing different views and tactics used for marketing to children Food Directorate
  1. Email-Coalition Poids
  2. Research Article-Dovey Inefficiency of Healthy Food Ads
  3. Research Article-Schussler Ghrelin Levels Increase After Pictures Showing Food
  4. Research Article-Bernhardt Fast-Food Healthy Ads and Children
  5. Image-Kellogg's Froot Loops Cereal Box Cover
2016-11-22 Healthy Eating Strategy Food and Consumer Products Canada
Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting To meet and greet with new Chief Executive Officer, Food and Consumer Products Canada (FCPC) Assistant Deputy Minister's Office
  1. Report- Evidence Review for Dietary Guidance: Summary of Results and Implications for Canada's Food Guide
  2. Technical Report-Evidence Review Dietary Guidance
  3. Report-Developing and Evidence Review Cycle Model for Canadian Dietary Guidance
  4. Letter-Food and Consumer Products Canada (FCPC) -Standing Committee on Agriculture and Agrifood
  5. Letter-Food and Consumer Products Canada (FCPC) Statement on Minister Jane Philpott's Healthy Canada Announcement
  6. Letter-Food and Consumer Products Canada (FCPC) -Pierre Sabourin
  7. List of Board of Directors-Food and Consumer Products Canada (FCPC)
  8. List of Members-Food and Consumer Products Canada (FCPC)
  9. Fact Sheet-Food and Consumer Products Canada (FCPC)
  10. Meeting Notes-Food and Consumer Products Canada (FCPC)
  11. Notes de rencontre-Food and Consumer Products Canada (FCPC)
  12. Meeting Notes-Handwritten Notes-Food and Consumer Products Canada (FCPC)
2016-11-18 Front of Pack Labelling Canadian PKU (Phenylketonuria) and Allied Disorders Inc. Health Canada-Initiated Correspondence To seek views of the labelling of foods containing aspartame Food Directorate
  1. Letter-Canadian PKU (Phenylketonuria) and Allied Disorders Inc.
  2. Meeting Notes-Canadian PKU (Phenylketonuria) and Allied Disorders Inc-PKU and The Brain
  3. Notes de rencontre-Canadian OKU (Phenylketonuria) and Allied Disorders Inc-PKU and The Brain
  4. Email-Canadian PKU (Phenylketonuria) and Allied Disorders Inc. Follow Up
2016-11-18 Canada Food Guide PROOF Food Insecurity Policy Research Advancing Food Insecurity Research in Canada Conference Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting To provide an overview of insecurity measurement in Canada and the Healthy Eating Strategy Office of Nutrition Policy and Promotion
  1. Presentation-English-Hutchinson_Advancing Food Insecurity Research in Canada
  2. Presentation-French-Hutchinson_Advancing Food Insecurity Research in Canada
2016-11-17 Healthy Eating Strategy British Columbia Food Processors Association - Food Safety Peer Group Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting To provide an information update on key mandate commitments related to healthy eating and nutrition labelling Food Directorate
  1. Meeting Notes-British Columbia Food Processors Association - Food Safety Peer Group
2016-11-17 Elimination of Industrially Produced Trans Fat Unilever Stakeholder-Initiated Correspondence To provide comments on sources of partially hydrogenated oils in processing aids, colours and flavouring agents Food Directorate
  1. Email-Unilever
  2. Emaill-Unilever-Health Canada Reply
2016-11-17 Healthy Eating Strategy Conseil de la Transformation Alimentaire du Quebec (CTAQ) Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting To provide an overview of the Healthy Eating Strategy initiatives Food Directorate
  1. Presentation-French-Conseil de la Transformation Alimentaire du Québec (CTAQ)
  2. Presentation-English-Conseil de la Transformation Alimentaire du Québec (CTAQ)
  3. Meeting Notes-Conseil de la Transformation Alimentaire du Québec (CTAQ)
  4. Notes de rencontre-Conseil de la Transformation Alimentaire du Québec (CTAQ)
2016-11-17 Healthy Eating Strategy Les Intervenants Quebecois sur les Aliments (IQA) Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting To provide an overview of the Healthy Eating Strategy initiatives Food Directorate
  1. Presentation-French-Les Intervenants Québécois sur les Aliments (IQA)
  2. Presentation-English-Les Intervenants Québécois sur les Aliments (IQA)
  3. Meeting Notes-Les Intervenants Québécois sur les Aliments (IQA)
  4. Notes de rencontre-Les Intervenants Québécois sur les Aliments (IQA)
  5. Notes de rencontre-Handwritten Notes-Les Intervenants Québécois sur les Aliments
2016-11-08 Canada's Food Guide Maple Leaf Foods Stakeholder-Initiated Correspondence To provide comments on industry involvement with CFG consultation Food Directorate
  1. Letter-Maple Leaf Foods
  2. Letter-Response-Maple Leaf Foods
2016-11-04 Front of Pack Labelling Garrod Association Health Canada-Initiated Correspondence To seek views of the labelling of foods containing aspartame Food Directorate
  1. Email-Garrod Association Phenylketonuria Follow Up
  2. Email-Garrod Association-Sweetener Labelling
2016-11-01 Healthy Eating Strategy Retail Council of Canada Stakeholder-Initiated
To provide members of the Retail Council of Canada's Food Safety and Regulatory Committee with an overview of Healthy Eating-related initiatives Food Directorate
  1. Presentation-Retail Council of Canada
  2. Meeting Notes-Retail Council of Canada
  3. Notes de rencontre-Retail Council of Canada
  4. Meeting-Handwritten Notes-Retail Council of Canada
2016-10-29 Healthy Eating Strategy Food Processors of Canada Stakeholder-Initiated
To provide members of the food processing industry with an overview of Healthy Eating-related initiatives. Food Directorate
  1. Presentation-English-Food Processors of Canada
  2. Presentation-French-Food Processors of Canada
  3. Meeting Notes-Food Processors of Canada
  4. Notes de rencontre-Food Processors of Canada
2018-08-16 Front of Package Labelling Food and Consumer Products Canada Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting To hear updates from Health Canada and receive additional information on Front of Package Labelling Food directorate, Bureau of Nutritional Sciences
  1. Meeting notes-English-Food & Consumer Products of Canada-August 16, 2018
  2. Meeting notes-French-Food & Consumer Products of Canada-August 16, 2018
2018-08-14 Front of Package Labelling Canadian Beverage Association Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting To discuss Health Canada's front-of-package nutrition labelling policy Food directorate, Bureau of Nutritional Sciences
  1. Meeting notes-English-Canadian Beverage Association-August 14, 2018
  2. Meeting notes-French-Canadian Beverage Association-August 14, 2018
2018-08-13 Canada Food Guide Canadian Dental Assistants' Association Health Canada-Initiated Meeting To provide an update on developments related to the revision of Canada's Food Guide and discuss plans for dissemination and outreach for the new guide. Office of Nutrition Policy and Promotion
  1. Meeting notes-English-Canadian Dental Assistants' Association-August 13, 2018
  2. Meeting notes-French-Canadian Dental Assistants' Association-August 13, 2018
  3. Agenda-English-Canadian Dental Assistants' Association-August 13, 2018
  4. Agenda-French-Canadian Dental Assistants' Association-August 13, 2018
  5. Presentation-English-Canadian Dental Assistants' Association-August 13, 2018
  6. Presentation-French-Canadian Dental Assistants' Association-August 13, 2018
2018-08-09 Canada Food Guide Coalition Poids Health Canada-Initiated Meeting To provide an update on developments related to the revision of Canada's Food Guide and discuss plans for dissemination and outreach for the new guide. Office of Nutrition Policy and Promotion
  1. Meeting notes - English - Coalition Poids -August 9, 2018
  2. Meeting notes - French - Coalition Poids - August 9, 2018
  3. Agenda - English - Coalition Poids - August 9, 2018
  4. Agenda - French - Coalition Poids - August 9, 2018
  5. Presentation - English - Coalition Poids - August 9, 2018
  6. Presentation - French - Coalition Poids - August 9, 2018
2018-08-09 Canada Food Guide Osteoporosis Canada Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting To provide updates on developments related the revision of Canada's Food Guide Office of Nutrition Policy and Promotion
  1. Meeting notes-English-Osteoporosis Canada-Aug 9, 2018
  2. Meeting notes-French-Osteoporosis Canada-Aug 9, 2018
  3. Agenda-English-Osteoporosis Canada-Aug 9, 2018
  4. Agenda-French-Osteoporosis Canada-Aug 9, 2018
  5. Presentation-English-Health Canada Osteoporosis Canada-August 9, 2018
  6. Presentation-French-Health Canada Osteoporosis Canada-August 9, 2018
  7. Presentation-English-Osteoporosis Canada-August 9, 2018
2018-08-01 Marketing to Kids Retail Council of Canada
Impact Public Affairs
Loblaw Companies Ltd.
Sobeys Inc.
Walmart Canada
Jason Knights- Metro Inc.
Western Family
Federated Co-Operatives Ltd.
Farm Boy
Purdys Chocolatier
Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting To discuss Health Canada's Cost Benefit Survey, Marketing of Unhealthy Foods and Beverages to Children Food Directorate,
Director General's Office
  1. Meeting notes- English -Retail Council of Canada-Aug 1, 2018
  2. Meeting notes -French-Retail Council of Canada-August 1, 2018
  3. Agenda-English-Retail Council of Canada-August 1, 2018
  4. Presentation-English-Retail Council of Canada-August 1, 2018
2018-07-31 Front-of-Package Labelling Retail Council of Canada
Impact Public Affairs
Loblaw Companies Limited
Metro Inc.
Longo's Inc.
Shudan Liu- Western Family
Federated Co-Operatives Ltd.
Costco Wholesale Canada Ltd.
Farm Boy
Sobeys Inc.
Walmart Canada
Purdys Chocolatier
Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting To discuss food label implementation timelines and Front-of-Package nutrition labelling. Director General Office, Food Directorate
  1. Meeting notes-English-Retail Council of Canada-July 31, 2018
  2. Meeting notes-French-Retail Council of Canada-31 July 201
  3. Agenda-English-Retail Council of Canada-31 July 2018
2018-07-30 Canada's Food Guide Canadian Hypertension Advisory Committee Health Canada-Initiated Meeting To provide an update on developments related to the revision of Canada's Food Guide and discuss plans for dissemination and outreach for the new guide. Office of Nutrition Policy and Promotion
  1. Meeting notes-English-Canadian Hypertension Advisory Committee-July 30, 2018
  2. Meeting notes-French-Canadian Hypertension Advisory Committee-July 30, 2018
  3. Agenda-English-Canadian Hypertension Advisory Committee-July 30, 2018
  4. Agenda-French-Canadian Hypertension Advisory Committee-July 30, 2018
  5. Presentation-English-Canadian Hypertension Advisory Committee-July 30, 2018
  6. Presentation-French-Canadian Hypertension Advisory Committee-July 30, 2018
2018-07-26 Canada's Food Guide Heart and Stroke Foundation Health Canada-Initiated Meeting To provide an update on developments related to the revision of Canada's Food Guide and discuss plans for dissemination and outreach for the new guide. Office of Nutrition Policy and Promotion
  1. Meeting notes-English-Heart and Stroke Foundation-July 26, 2018
  2. Meeting notes-French-Heart and Stroke Foundation-July 26, 2018
  3. Agenda-English-Heart and Stroke Foundation-July 26, 2018
  4. Agenda-French-Heart and Stroke Foundation-July 26, 2018
  5. Presentation-English-Heart and Stroke Foundation-July 26, 2018
  6. Presentation-French-Heart and Stroke Foundation-July 26, 2018
2018-07-26 Canada's Food Guide Childhood Obesity Foundation Health Canada-Initiated Meeting To provide an update on developments related to the revision of Canada's Food Guide and discuss plans for dissemination and outreach for the new guide. Office of Nutrition Policy and Promotion
  1. Meeting notes-English-Childhood Obesity Foundation-July 26, 2018
  2. Meeting notes-French-Childhood Obesity Foundation-July 26, 2018
  3. Agenda-English-Childhood Obesity Foundation-July 26, 2018
  4. Agenda-French-Childhood Obesity Foundation-July 26, 2018
  5. Presentation-English-Childhood Obesity Foundation-July 26, 2018
  6. Presentation-French-Childhood Obesity Foundation-July 26, 2018
2018-07-25 Canada's Food Guide Canadian Dental Association Health Canada-Initiated Meeting To provide an update on developments related to the revision of Canada's Food Guide and discuss plans for dissemination and outreach for the new guide. Office of Nutrition Policy and Promotion
  1. Meeting notes-English-Canadian Dental Association-July 25, 2018
  2. Meeting notes-French-Canadian Dental Association-July 25, 2018
  3. Agenda-English-Canadian Dental Association-July 25, 2018
  4. Agenda-French-Canadian Dental Association-July 25, 2018
  5. Presentation-English-Canadian Dental Association-July 25, 2018
  6. Presentation-French-Canadian Dental Association-July 25, 2018
2018-07-24 Canada's Food Guide Diabetes Canada Health Canada-Initiated Meeting To provide an update on developments related to the revision of Canada's Food Guide and discuss plans for dissemination and outreach for the new guide. Office of Nutrition Policy and Promotion
  1. Meeting notes-English-Diabetes Canada-July 24, 2018
  2. Meeting notes-French-Diabetes Canada-July 24, 2018
  3. Agenda-English-Diabetes Canada-July 24, 2018
  4. Agenda-French-Diabetes Canada-July 24, 2018
  5. Presentation-English-Diabetes Canada-July 24, 2018
  6. Presentation-French-Diabetes Canada-July 24, 2018
2018-07-23 Canada's Food Guide Canadian Public Health Association Health Canada-Initiated Meeting To provide an update on developments related to the revision of Canada's Food Guide and discuss plans for dissemination and outreach for the new guide. Office of Nutrition Policy and Promotion
  1. Meeting notes-English-Canadian Public Health Association-July 23, 2018
  2. Meeting notes-French-Canadian Public Health Association-July 23, 2018
  3. Agenda-English-Canadian Public Health Association-July 23, 2018
  4. Agenda-French-Canadian Public Health Association-July 23, 2018
  5. Presentation-English-Canadian Public Health Association-July 23, 2018
  6. Presentation-French-Canadian Public Health Association-July 23, 2018
2018-07-19 Canada's Food Guide Canadian Medical Association Health Canada-Initiated Meeting To provide an update on developments related to the revision of Canada's Food Guide and discuss plans for dissemination and outreach for the new guide. Office of Nutrition Policy and Promotion
  1. Meeting notes-English-Canadian Medical Association-July 19, 2018
  2. Meeting notes-French-Canadian Medical Association-July 19, 2018
  3. Agenda-English-Canadian Medical Association-July 19, 2018
  4. Agenda-French-Canadian Medical Association-July 19, 2018
  5. Presentation-English-Canadian Medical Association-July 19, 2018
  6. Presentation-French-Canadian Medical Association-July 19, 2018
2018-07-19 Canada's Food Guide Food Secure Canada Health Canada-Initiated Meeting To provide an update on developments related to the revision of Canada's Food Guide and discuss plans for dissemination and outreach for the new guide. Office of Nutrition Policy and Promotion
  1. Meeting notes-English-Food Secure Canada-July 19, 2018
  2. Meeting notes-French-Food Secure Canada-July 19, 2018
  3. Agenda-English-Food Secure Canada-July 19, 2018
  4. Agenda-French-Food Secure Canada-July 19, 2018
  5. Presentation-English-Food Secure Canada-July 19, 2018
  6. Presentation-French-Food Secure Canada-July 19, 2018
2018-07-19 Canada's Food Guide Dietitians of Canada Health Canada-Initiated Meeting To provide an update on developments related to the revision of Canada's Food Guide and discuss plans for dissemination and outreach for the new guide. Office of Nutrition Policy and Promotion
  1. Meeting notes-English-Dietitians of Canada-July, 19, 2018
  2. Meeting notes-French-Dietitians of Canada-July, 19, 2018
  3. Agenda-English-Dietitians of Canada-July, 19, 2018
  4. Agenda-French-Dietitians of Canada-July, 19, 2018
  5. Presentation-English-Dietitians of Canada-July, 19, 2018
  6. Presentation-French-Dietitians of Canada-July, 19, 2018
2018-07-19 Canada's Food Guide Canadian Cancer Society Health Canada-Initiated Meeting To provide an update on developments related to the revision of Canada's Food Guide and discuss plans for dissemination and outreach for the new guide. Office of Nutrition Policy and Promotion
  1. Meeting notes-English-Canadian Cancer Society-July 19, 2018
  2. Meeting notes-French-Canadian Cancer Society-July 19, 2018
  3. Agenda-English-Canadian Cancer Society-July 19, 2018
  4. Agenda-French-Canadian Cancer Society-July 19, 2018
  5. Presentation-English-Canadian Cancer Society-July 19, 2018
  6. Presentation-French-Canadian Cancer Society-July 19, 2018
2018-07-18 Canada's Food Guide Canadian Nurses Association Health Canada-Initiated Meeting To provide an update on developments related to the revision of Canada's Food Guide and discuss plans for dissemination and outreach for the new guide. Office of Nutrition Policy and Promotion
  1. Meeting notes-English-Canadian Nurses Association-July 18, 2018
  2. Meeting notes-French-Canadian Nurses Association-July 18, 2018
  3. Agenda-English-Canadian Nurses Association-July 18, 2018
  4. Agenda-French-Canadian Nurses Association-July 18, 2018
  5. Presentation-English-Canadian Nurses Association-July 18, 2018
  6. Presentation-French-Canadian Nurses Association-July 18, 2018
2018-07-16 Marketing to Kids Ferrero Canada Ltd Stakeholder-Initiated Correspondence Comments on Health Canada's Cost-Benefit Analysis survey for Restricting Marketing of Unhealthy Food and Beverages to Children in Canada- Impact on Food Industry Deputy Minister's Office
  1. Letter-EN-Ferrero-July 16 2018
2018-07-13 Canada's Food Guide Canadian Dental Hygienists Association Health Canada-Initiated Meeting To provide an update on developments related to the revision of Canada's Food Guide and discuss plans for dissemination and outreach for the new guide. Office of Nutrition Policy and Promotion
  1. Meeting notes-English-Canadian Dental Hygienists Association-July 13, 2018
  2. Meeting notes-French-Canadian Dental Hygienists Association-July 13, 2018
  3. Agenda-English-Canadian Dental Hygienists Association-July 13, 2018
  4. Agenda-French-Canadian Dental Hygienists Association-July 13, 2018
  5. Presentation-English-Canadian Dental Hygienists Association-July 13, 2018
  6. Presentation-French-Canadian Dental Hygienists Association-July 13, 2018
2018-07-12 Marketing to Kids Restaurants Canada Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting To discuss concerns raised by Restaurants Canada regarding potential unintended consequences on foodservice marketing and sport sponsorship of proposed regulations for the marketing of unhealthy food and beverages to children. Food Directorate, Bureau of Policy, Intergovernmental and International Affairs
  1. Meting notes-English-Restaurants Canada-July 12, 2018
  2. Meeting notes-French-Restaurants Canada-July 12, 2018
  3. Documents-English- Restaurants Canada-July 12, 2018
  4. Documents-French-Restaurants Canada-July 12, 2018
2018-07-10 Marketing to Kids Sports Matters;
Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting To further discuss the sports sponsorship exemption in follow-up to a meeting with Minister's staff. Food Directorate, Bureau of Policy, Intergovernmental and International Affairs
  1. Meeting notes-English-Sports Matters-July 10, 2018
  2. Meeting notes-French-Sports Matters-July 10, 2018
2018-07-05 Front-of-Package Labelling Dairy Farmers of Canada Stakeholder-Initiated Correspondence To provide a summary of all the research submitted by the Dairy Farmers of Canada related to the Healthy Eating Strategy and to ask that this research be considered in the regulatory process. Food directorate, Bureau of Nutritional Sciences
  1. Letter-FR-Dairy Farmers of Canada-July 5 2018
  2. Letter-EN-Response to Dairy Farmers of Canada-Aug 14 2018
  3. Letter-FR-Response to Dairy Farmers- 14 aout 2018
2018-07-03 Marketing to Kids Canadian Parks and Recreation Association Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting To further discuss the sports sponsorship exemption in follow up to a meeting with Minister's staff. Food Directorate, Bureau of Policy, Intergovernmental and International Affairs
  1. Meeting notes-English-Canadian Parks and Recreation Association-July 3, 2018
  2. Meeting notes-French-Canadian Parks and Recreation Association-July 3, 2018
2018-04-16 Marketing to Kids Prospectus Associates Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting To share information related to Marketing to Kids and the Senate Bill S-228 Assistant Deputy Minister's Office
  1. Meeting notes-English-Prospectus Associates -April 16 2018
  2. Meeting notes-French-Prospectus Associates -April 16 2018
2020-11-20 Restricting advertising of certain foods to children

Food, Health and Consumer Products of Canada; Association of Canadian Advertisers;
Canadian Beverage Association;
Retail Council of Canada;
Restaurants Canada; Ad Standards Canada

Stakeholder-initiated meeting To provide Health Canada with an overview of an industry-led proposal to restrict the advertising of certain foods to children Director General's Office, Food Directorate
  1. Correspondence-English- Food, Health and Consumer Products of Canada –November 5 2020
  2. Document- English- Food industry- Food and beverage advertising code- November 5 2020
  3. Document-English- Food industry-Food and beverage advertising guide-November 5 2020
  4. Meeting Notes-English- Health Canada- November 20 2020
  5. Meeting Notes-French-Health Canada-November 20 2020
2020-09-18 Front-of-Package Labelling Food, Health and Consumer Products of Canada Stakeholder-initiated correspondence Follow-up to letter concerning the implementation/compliance timelines for labelling changes on food and beverage packaging Director General's Office, Food Directorate
  1. Correspondence-English- Food, Health and Consumer Products of Canada -September 18 2020
  2. Correspondence-English- Food, Health and Consumer Products of Canada -June 3 2019

Front-of-Package Labelling

Nutrition labelling

Diabetes Canada Stakeholder-initiated correspondence Letter to the Minister expressing concern regarding delay in implementation of both front-of-package nutrition labelling and nutrition labelling Director General's Office, Food Directorate
  1. Correspondence-English-Diabetes Canada-May 28 2020
  2. Correspondence-English-Diabetes Canada (attachment)-May 27 2020

Front-of-Package Labelling

Nutrition labelling

Coalition Poids Stakeholder-initiated correspondence Letter to the Minister of Health expressing that simplified nutrition labelling on the front of the package is necessary for the health of Canadians and commenting on industry compliance with the 2016 amendments to the nutrition labelling regulations Director General's Office, Food Directorate
  1. Correspondence-French-Coalition Poids-May 27 2020
  2. Correspondence-French-Coalition Poids (attachment)-May 27 2020

Front-of-Package Labelling

Nutrition labelling

Dietitians of Canada Stakeholder-initiated correspondence Call on Health Canada to facilitate the final passage of Front of Package Nutrition Labelling without further delay and to keep a the nutrition labelling transition period Assistant Deputy Minister's Office
  1. Correspondence-English-Dietitians of Canada-May 19 2020
  2. Correspondence-English-Dietitians of Canada (attachment)-May 19 2020
2020-05-08 Nutrition labelling Dietitians of Canada Health Canada - initiated meeting To discuss transition period for nutrition labelling requirements Director General's Office, Food Directorate
  1. Meeting Summary-English-Health Canada-May 8 2020
  2. Meeting Summary-French-Health Canada-May 8 2020
2020-05-08 Nutrition labelling Diabetes Canada Health Canada - initiated meeting To discuss transition period for nutrition labelling requirements Director General's Office, Food Directorate
  1. Meeting Summary-English-Health Canada-May 8 2020
  2. Meeting Summary-French-Health Canada-May 8 2020
2020-05-07 Nutrition labelling Heart & Stroke Foundation Health Canada - initiated meeting To discuss transition period for nutrition labelling requirements Director General's Office, Food Directorate
  1. Meeting Summary-EN-Health Canada-May 7 2020
  2. Meeting Summary-FR-Health Canada-May 7 2020
2020-04-03 Healthy Eating Strategy Health stakeholders Health Canada-initiated meeting As part of a broader COVID-19 discussion, health stakeholders encouraged Health Canada to continue to advance key Healthy Eating Strategy initiatives, namely front-of-package labelling and the restriction of marketing of certain foods to children. Assistant Deputy Minister's Office
  1. Agenda-English-French-Health Canada-April 3 2020
  2. Meeting notes-English-Health stakeholders- April 14 2020
  3. Meeting summary-French-Health Canada- April 14 2020

Nutrition labelling

Front-of-Package Labelling

Restricting advertising of certain foods to children

Industry stakeholders Health Canada-initiated meeting As part of a broader COVID-19 discussion, industry stakeholders expressed that Health Canada should consider extending the transition period for the amendments to nutrition labelling and pause all nutrition-labelling and marketing-related work. Assistant Deputy Minister's Office
  1. Agenda-English-French-Health Canada-March 31 2020
  2. Meeting notes-English-Health stakeholders-April 7 2020
  3. Meeting notes-French-Health stakeholders-April 7 2020

Front-of-Package Labelling

Restricting advertising of certain foods to children

Coalition Poids Stakeholder-initiated correspondence To express concerns related to the food industry's marketing strategies for foods targeting children and to call on the government to regulate the front-of-package, including the inclusion of a front-of-package nutrition symbol. Deputy Minister's Office
  1. Correspondence-French-Coalition Poids-September 4 2020
  2. Correspondence-French-Coalition Poids (attachment)-September 4 2020
2020-08-13 Restricting advertising of certain foods to children Food and Consumer Products of Canada Stakeholder-initiated meeting To provide Health Canada with a high-level overview of the Advertising to Children industry proposal Director General's Office, Food Directorate
  1. Meeting Notes-English-Food and Consumer Products of Canada-August 13 2020
  2. Meeting Notes-French-Food and Consumer Products of Canada-August 13 2020

Restricting advertising of certain foods to children

Front-of-Package Labelling

Heart and Stroke Foundation Stakeholder-initiated meeting To discuss status on healthy eating initiatives Assistant Deputy's Minister's Office
  1. Meeting notes-English-Heart and Stroke Foundation-June 9 2020
  2. Meeting notes-French-Heart and Stroke Foundation-June 9 2020

Restricting advertising of certain foods to children

Front-of-Package Labelling

Heart and Stroke Foundation Stakeholder-initiated meeting To discuss status of healthy eating initiatives Assistant Deputy Minister's Office
  1. Meeting notes-English-Heart and Stroke Foundation-March 11 2020
  2. Meeting notes-French-Heart and Stroke Foundation-March 11 2020

Restricting advertising of certain foods to child

Front-of-Package Labelling

Canada Food Guide

Diabetes Canada Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting To share information on healthy eating initiatives. Deputy Minister's Office
  1. Meeting notes-English-Diabetes Canada-February 24 2020
  2. Meeting notes-French-Diabetes Canada-February 24 2020

Restricting advertising of certain foods to child

Front-of-Package Labelling

Jamie Oliver Foundation Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting Call about work on restricting advertising of certain food to kids and front of package food labelling. Office of Nutrition Policy and Promotion
  1. Meeting notes-English- Jamie Oliver Foundation-February 21 2020
  2. Meeting notes-French-Jamie Oliver Foundation-February 21 2020
2020-02-20 Healthy Eating Strategy Hypertension Canada Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting To provide a short presentation followed by a discussion on updates to Sodium Reduction and Marketing to Kids initiatives Office of Nutrition Policy and Promotion
  1. Meeting notes-English- Hypertension Canada-February 20 2020
  2. Meeting notes-French-Hypertension Canada-February 20 2020

Restricting advertising of certain foods to child

Front-of-Package Labelling

Gowling WLG Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting To discuss Ferrero's concerns related to two healthy eating initiatives, front-of-package nutrition labelling and restrictions on the advertising of certain foods to children Assistant Deputy Minister's Office
  1. Meeting notes-English-Gowling WLG-February 19 2020
  2. Meeting notes-French-Gowling WLG-February 19 2020

Restricting advertising of certain foods to child

Canada Food Guide

Front-of-Package Labelling

Community Food Centres Canada Stakeholder-Initiated Meeting To talk about their work and how they can best support the Office of Nutrition Policy and Promotion's work - especially around marketing to kids and front of package labelling. Office of Nutrition Policy and Promotion
  1. Meeting notes-English- Community Food Centres Canada -February 19 2020
  2. Meeting notes-French- Community Food Centres Canada -February 19 2020

Front-of-Package labelling

Canada Food Guide

Canadian Cattlemen's Association Stakeholder-initiated meeting To discuss opportunities for collaboration related to food policy and to discuss the current status of front of package labelling and Canada's food guide. Deputy Minister's Office
  1. Meeting notes-English-Cattlemen's Association-December 20 2019
  2. Meeting notes-French-Cattlemen's Association-20 December 2020
2022-03-22 Front-of-package nutrition labelling Health and Industry Stakeholders (See meeting notes for full list) Health Canada Initiated Meeting The purpose of this meeting is to provide stakeholders with an overview of what was heard from the Canada Gazette, Part I consultation, the results of Health Canada's analysis, and provide stakeholders with an opportunity to ask questions and share concerns that may have emerged since the consultation. Assistant Deputy Minister's Office
  1. Agenda- English-Health Canada-March 22 2022
  2. Agenda-French-Health Canada-March 2022
  3. Meeting notes-English-Health & industry stakeholders-March 22 2022
  4. Meeting notes-French-Health & industry stakeholders-March 22 2022
  5. Presentation-English-Health Canada-March 22, 2022
  6. Presentation-French-Health Canada-March 22, 2022
2022-03-17 Front-of-package nutrition labelling Canadian Beverage Association Stakeholder Initiated Meeting The Canadian Beverage Association requested a meeting to discuss its plans on front-of-package nutrition labelling Director General's Office, Food Directorate
  1. Meeting notes- English-Canadian Beverage Association-March 17 2022
  2. Meeting notes-French-Canadian Beverage Association-March 17 2022
2022-03-14 Canada Food Guide Dietitians of Canada Health Canada-Initiated Meeting The purpose of the meeting was primarily a meet and greet with Dietitians of Canada's leadership. Health Canada also provided a high-level update on its current initiatives. Office of Nutrition Policy and Promotion
  1. Meeting notes-English-Dietitians of Canada-March 14 2022
  2. Meeting notes-French-Dietitians of Canada-March 14 2022

Restricting advertising of certain foods to children

Front-of-package nutrition labelling
Canadian Paediatric Society Stakeholder Initiated Correspondence To ask for immediate action on the federal government's long-standing commitments to support healthy eating initiatives, namely, finalizing front-of-package nutrition labelling regulations and restricting the marketing of food high in sugar, saturated fats and sodium to children. Deputy Minister's Office
  1. Correspondence- English-Canadian Paediatric Society-March 7 2022
  2. Correspondence attachment-English-Canadian Paediatric Society-March 7 2022
  3. Correspondence-English-Health Canada-March 31 2022
  4. Correspondence-French-Health Canada-March 31 2022

Restricting advertising of certain foods to children

Front-of-package nutrition labelling
Saskatchewan Oral Health Coalition Stakeholder Initiated Correspondence To ask for immediate action on the federal government's long-standing commitments to support healthy eating initiatives, namely, finalizing front-of-package nutrition labelling regulations and restricting the marketing of food high in sugar, saturated fats and sodium to kids. Deputy Minister's Office
  1. Correspondence- English- Saskatchewan Oral Health Coalition - March 12 2022
  2. Correspondence attachment-English- Saskatchewan Oral Health Coalition - March 3 2022
  3. Correspondence-English-Health Canada-March 29 2022
  4. Correspondence-French-Health Canada-March 29 2022

Restricting advertising of certain foods to children

Front-of-package nutrition labelling
Canadian Public Health Association Stakeholder Initiated Correspondence To urge Health Canada to take immediate action on the federal government's commitments to support healthy eating initiatives by finalizing front-of-package nutrition labelling regulations and restricting marketing to children of food high in sugar, saturated fats and sodium. Deputy Minister's Office
  1. Correspondence- English - Canadian Public Health Association - February 28 2022
  2. Correspondence attachment-English - Canadian Public Health Association – February 28 2022

Restricting advertising of certain foods to children

Front-of-package nutrition labelling
Food, Health & Consumer Products of Canada Stakeholder Initiated Meeting To introduce themselves to the new Assistant Deputy Minister of the Health Products and Food Branch as well as discuss key food files of interest to them. Assistant Deputy Minister's Office
  1. Meeting notes - English - Food, Health & Consumer Products of Canada-February 15 2022
  2. Meeting notes - French - Food, Health & Consumer Products of Canada-February 15 2022

Restricting advertising of certain foods to children

Front-of-package nutrition labelling
Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada Stakeholder Initiated Meeting The Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada requested a virtual meeting with the Deputy Minister and Health Canada to discuss their priorities in regards to nutrition- front-of-package nutrition labelling and restricting advertising of certain foods to children- vaping/tobacco and pharmacare. Deputy Minister's Office
  1. Presentation-English-Heart & Stroke Foundation of Canada-February 8 2022
  2. Meeting Notes-English- Heart & Stroke Foundation of Canada-February 8 2022
  3. Meeting Notes-French- Heart & Stroke Foundation of Canada-February 8 2022

Restricting advertising of certain foods to children

Front-of-package nutrition labelling
Canadian Beverage Association Stakeholder Initiated Meeting The Canadian Beverage Association want to introduce themselves to the new Assistant Deputy Minister of the Health Products and Food Branch as well as discuss various topics including Health Canada priorities, restricting advertising of certain foods and beverages to children, caffeinated drinks and supplemented foods and front of package nutrition labelling. Assistant Deputy Minister's Office
  1. Agenda - English - Canadian Beverage Association - January 31 2022
  2. Presentation - English-Canadian Beverage Association - January 31 2022
  3. Meeting notes - English-Canadian Beverage Association - January 31 2022
  4. Meeting Notes - French-Canadian Beverage Association - January 31 2022

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