ARCHIVED - Concentrations (ppb) of pesticide residues in foods from Total Diet Study in Toronto, 1996

Pesticide Food code Description MRL* (ppm) Concentration (ppb) % of MRL
Anilazine not detected in any foods      
Azinphos-methyl G22 Tomato juice, canned   1.45  
H01 Apple juice, canned   0.25  
H02 Applesauce, canned, sweetened   0.31  
H03 Apples, raw 2 2.28 0.1
H05 Blueberries 2 2.86 0.1
H10 Grape juice, bottled   1.20  
H13 Peaches 2 15.02 0.8
H14 Pears 2 23.13 1.2
H18 Raspberries 2 59.24 3.0
Bromopropylate G12 Mushrooms, canned   0.36  
G22 Tomato juice, canned   0.29  
G24 Tomatoes/sauce, canned and ketchup   0.28  
H08 Citrus juice, frozen   0.93  
Captan H05 Blueberries 5 21.89 0.4
H11 Grapes 5 5.15 0.1
H18 Raspberries 5 254.08 5.1
H19 Strawberries 5 107.94 2.2
Chlordane, α- not detected in any foods      
Chlordane, γ- not detected in any foods      
Chlorfenvinphos G21 Rutabagas or turnip   1.25  
Chlorothalonil G04 Broccoli 5 1.34 < 0.1
G08 Celery 15 6.69 < 0.1
G10 Cucumbers 5 1.58 < 0.1
G23 Tomatoes 5 3.52 < 0.1
Chlorpropham G02 Beans   0.33  
G04 Broccoli   0.70  
G07 Cauliflower   0.32  
G13 Onions   1.42  
G15 Peppers   0.48  
G16 Potatoes, raw 15 557.99 3.7
G17 Potatoes, baked 15 218.53 1.5
G18 Potatoes, boiled, skins on 15 306.43 2.0
G19 Potatoes, boiled, without skins 15 48.82 0.3
Chlorpyrifos G04 Broccoli   2.90  
G10 Cucumbers   0.25  
G15 Peppers 1 1.34 0.1
G22 Tomato juice, canned   1.32  
G23 Tomatoes   5.77  
G24 Tomatoes/sauce, canned and ketchup   0.87  
H11 Grapes   16.95  
H13 Peaches   0.88  
H16 Plums, dried prunes, and canned plums   0.46  
Coumaphos not detected in any foods      
Dacthal G04 Broccoli 1 14.62 1.5
G08 Celery   0.26  
G11 Lettuce 2 0.30 < 0.1
DDE, p,p'- G03 Beets   0.49  
G04 Broccoli 0.5 2.20 0.4
G08 Celery 0.5 0.64 0.1
G10 Cucumbers 0.5 0.35 < 0.1
G15 Peppers 0.5 0.41 < 0.1
G16 Potatoes, raw 0.5 0.40 < 0.1
G18 Potatoes, boiled, skins on   0.59  
H16 Plums, dried prunes, and canned plums   0.60  
DDT, p,p'- G16 Potatoes, raw 0.5 0.49 < 0.1
G18 Potatoes, boiled, skins on   0.54  
Diazinon G05 Cabbage 0.75 0.38 < 0.1
H12 Melons   0.41  
H13 Peaches 0.7 1.77 0.3
H14 Pears 0.75 0.56 < 0.1
Dicloran G02 Beans 20 18.94 < 0.1
G06 Carrots 5 0.32 < 0.1
G08 Celery 10 18.72 0.2
H12 Melons   0.26  
Dicofol H02 Applesauce, canned, sweetened   1.67  
H08 Citrus juice, frozen   1.95  
H11 Grapes 3 3.75 0.1
H14 Pears 3 22.80 0.8
H16 Plums, dried prunes, and canned plums 3 2.13 < 0.1
Dieldrin G10 Cucumbers   4.44  
G11 Lettuce   0.25  
G13 Onions   0.32  
H19 Strawberries   0.29  
Dimethoate G22 Tomato juice, canned   0.84  
Disulfoton not detected in any foods      
Endosulfan I G02 Beans 1 1.79 0.2
G04 Broccoli 2 1.27 < 0.1
G10 Cucumbers 1 27.09 2.7
G11 Lettuce 2 1.85 < 0.1
G15 Peppers 1 36.47 3.6
H12 Melons 1 1.39 0.1
H16 Plums, dried prunes, and canned plums 2 0.46 < 0.1
H19 Strawberries 1 14.99 1.5
Endosulfan II G02 Beans 1 0.52 < 0.1
G04 Broccoli 2 0.90 < 0.1
G10 Cucumbers 1 20.87 2.1
G11 Lettuce 2 0.74 < 0.1
G15 Peppers 1 70.92 7.1
G16 Potatoes, raw   0.28  
G22 Tomato juice, canned   0.32  
G23 Tomatoes 1 0.68 < 0.1
H02 Applesauce, canned, sweetened   0.26  
H03 Apples, raw 2 0.32 < 0.1
H12 Melons 1 2.09 0.2
H16 Plums, dried prunes, and canned plums 2 0.71 < 0.1
H19 Strawberries 1 39.30 3.9
Endosulfan sulfate G02 Beans 1 7.17 0.7
G04 Broccoli 2 1.53 < 0.1
G10 Cucumbers 1 40.08 4.0
G11 Lettuce 2 5.17 0.3
G15 Peppers 1 38.74 3.9
G16 Potatoes, raw   3.73  
G17 Potatoes, baked   2.04  
G18 Potatoes, boiled, skins on   3.78  
G19 Potatoes, boiled, without skins   3.93  
G21 Rutabagas or turnip   0.57  
G23 Tomatoes 1 2.46 0.2
H02 Applesauce, canned, sweetened   0.31  
H07 Citrus fruit, raw   0.36  
H12 Melons 1 35.87 3.6
H14 Pears 2 0.26 < 0.1
H16 Plums, dried prunes, and canned plums 2 6.05 0.3
H19 Strawberries 1 32.44 3.2
Endrin not detected in any foods      
Ethion G22 Tomato juice, canned   0.30  
H07 Citrus fruit, raw 2 1.69 < 0.1
H08 Citrus juice, frozen   0.45  
H09 Citrus juice, canned   0.49  
Fensulfothion G04 Broccoli   0.84  
G15 Peppers   1.03  
Fenthion not detected in any foods      
Fonofos not detected in any foods      
HCB not detected in any foods      
HCH, α- not detected in any foods      
HCH, β- not detected in any foods      
HCH, γ- G10 Cucumbers 3 7.02 0.2
Heptachlor not detected in any foods      
Heptachlor epoxide not detected in any foods      
Iprodione G06 Carrots 5 3.53 < 0.1
H06 Cherries 5 38.02 0.8
H11 Grapes 10 0.74 < 0.1
H13 Peaches 10 613.65 6.1
H16 Plums, dried prunes, and canned plums 2 139.96 7.0
H19 Strawberries 5 13.49 0.3
Linuron G06 Carrots   16.74  
Malathion G04 Broccoli 0.5 0.42 < 0.1
G22 Tomato juice, canned   0.99  
H06 Cherries 6 0.96 < 0.1
H18 Raspberries 8 0.29 < 0.1
Methidation G22 Tomato juice, canned   0.96  
H08 Citrus juice, frozen   1.12  
H14 Pears 0.5 3.12 0.6
Methoxychlor H06 Cherries 14 0.65 < 0.1
Methyl parathion H06 Cherries   0.26  
H19 Strawberries   0.57  
Monolinuron not detected in any foods      
Oxychlordane not detected in any foods      
Phorate not detected in any foods      
Phorate sulfone G22 Tomato juice, canned   0.91  
Phosalone G22 Tomato juice, canned   1.37  
H02 Applesauce, canned, sweetened   0.72  
H03 Apples, raw 5 66.02 1.3
Phosmet G22 Tomato juice, canned   2.17  
H03 Apples, raw 10 0.25 < 0.1
H05 Blueberries 5 0.80 < 0.1
H14 Pears 10 11.67 0.1
Procymidone G12 Mushrooms, canned   3.65  
Quintozene not detected in any foods      
Simazine G04 Broccoli   245.09  
G22 Tomato juice, canned   1.67  
H19 Strawberries   0.72  
TDE, o,p'- G10 Cucumbers   0.27  
TDE, p,p'- G10 Cucumbers   1.90  
Tecnazene not detected in any foods      
Terbuphos not detected in any foods      
Tetrachlorvinphos not detected in any foods      
Tetradifon not detected in any foods      
Triadimefon H16 Plums, dried prunes, and canned plums   0.32  
Trifluralin G06 Carrots 0.5 0.62 0.1
G21 Rutabagas or turnip   0.36  
Vinclozolin G11 Lettuce 5 0.46 < 0.1
H11 Grapes 5 0.37 < 0.1
H13 Peaches 2 0.46 < 0.1
H19 Strawberries 10 1.66 < 0.1

*MRL: Maximum Residue Limit, from Food and Drug Act and Regulations

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