VICH (International Cooperation on Harmonization of Technical Requirements for Registration of Veterinary Medicinal Products)
What is VICH?
VICH - a trilateral (EU-Japan-USA) program aimed at harmonizing technical requirements for veterinary product registration was officially launched in April 1996.
The initiative to begin the harmonization process came about in1983 when the first International Technical Consultation on Veterinary Drug Registration (ITCVDR) was held. Since then a series of government and industry initiatives have been developed, culminating in the formation of the VICH.
Fundamental to the existence of the VICH is the Steering Committee which is empowered to drive the harmonization process. In order to achieve harmonization on the selected topics of common interest, the VICH Steering Committee has appointed a number of working groups to develop draft recommendations and guidelines for public involvement and consultation. The Steering Committee adopts final guidelines for implementation.
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